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Real Ghost Stories

Dedicated Customer Service Rep


I'm used to seeing and experiencing ghosts and spirits but I'll start with this story first. I used to work for the BPO industry. This did not happen to me but it is the story of an officemate of mine. It happened somewhere between 2004 and 2006.

I think it is safe to mention the name of the company since it has changed names and business strategy plus it has downsized a lot since I've worked there (I'm doing this because it is a very verifiable story).

Okay going back, as my story goes I used to work for INFONXX and we used to take directory assistance calls. When there aren't that many calls, the company would offer VTO (voluntary time off) and this is usually offered during the wee hours of the night. Representatives would either go home or sleep at the rec area to pass the time.

On this particular night, one of the representatives that was given VTO decided to go home (it was between 1 am - 4 am). This particular rep always stayed at the rec area but not this night and instead of going home with her friends who urged her to join them, she bade them goodbye and rode a cab by herself.

As this was in the wee hours of the morning, the cab driver was driving quite fast along EDSA and lost control of the cab. The vehicle collided with a bus or was hit by a bus or slammed against the bus (sorry forgot this detail). The impact of the two vehicles was so hard that the rep got ejected from the vehicle. Her body was thrown real hard that she smashed against the dashboard window of the car and landed several feet away. She was rushed to the hospital but she was already dead on arrival.

Nine days after the fatal accident, her apparition was seen by several people in the office (including me). Some saw her smoking at the ground floor smoker's den while others, like me, noticed her going inside the comfort room.

During her 9th day, she made presence felt on the entire floor by freaking out the queue desk. Every hour the stats of each team was printed out to show the number of calls and processing time of each team member. When her manager approached the queue desk to get their team stats, she suddenly felt cold and experienced goosebumps when she saw the name of her department team member on the stats. The dead rep took 1 call with an AHT (call processing time) of 1 minute. It was clearly printed and registered by the system, it showed the terminal where the dead rep took the call.

After recovering from the shock, the team manager tried to investigate maybe someone accidentally logged in using the dead girl's ID. They approached the terminal where the call came from but it was empty, no representative was stationed. The manager then called the NOC department but was advised that the dead rep's ID had been deactivated days before so it was impossible that someone could log in with that ID. This realization sent chills to everyone on the floor.

I guess even through the afterlife that representative was very dedicated to her job, or she may not have been aware that she has passed on because her death was so sudden and traumatic.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, donna74ph, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MitoTakatori (49 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-06)
Nice story. Just wondering if the accident made it's way into any network? I happen to hail from the same country as you. Keep sharing stories and welcome to YGS!
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-17)
Another first for me; I've never heard of a ghost smoking a cigarette. But I guess it could happen, why not, I don't ghosts can get cancer or anything.
I've thought about this story and I think that if I had a job that I really enjoyed and I died, I would probably continue to my job and MAYBE try a couple funny things.
Hope to see more stories from you, this one was quite interesting. 😁
ramencoat (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-15)
Very creepy story. Actually, I worked at INFONXX from 2002-2003. I've heard tons of scary stories about the call center and the building that they are renting itself. Elevators, some specific floors to avoid, the parking lot, the pantry and the break room. I've heard it all. Although I didn't experience anything spooky there, I always thought there is something odd about the place. Anyway, I hope the soul of that poor girl will finally realize that she is not anymore a part of the living world. Maybe have the place blessed again or something. Thanks for sharing your story, it sure gave me goosebumps.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-15)
Hi donna74ph, a very traumatic end to that girl. Really sad. Well, you have stated in your reply comment that you are not so familiar with her. But what Val and lady-glow asked was different. Whether any one had seen her or tried to speak to her on that day or whether any one had seen her after that day.

Your customs and beliefs are quite similar to our Indian customs. In our customs and belief, the soul will roam for 9 days, actually 3 days above the fire, 3 days above water, 3 days in air and on the 10th day, they will be offered enormous food. 11th day, considering one person as body of the dead person, food will be offered in a dark room, on 12th day, the soul will be united with the forefathers. This is our custom. But for one year, every month, on a particular day, we should offer food to them. It is considered that after one year, they are safe with the forefathers.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.

donna74ph (2 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-14)
Thanks for liking guys, there are still several stories I can share about our building, I'll try to do that soon.

[at] bluemer04
Indeed quite dedicated to her work. You could verify the story if you have any friends that worked at INFONXX circa 2004-2006, it was the talk of the town so to speak. Yes, I think the 9 days is when the soul is still allowed to bid farewell to those it has left behind but I believe that the soul still roams the earth for 40 days. Based on experience I remember when my dad died before his 40th day, I dreamt of him and he told me that he will no longer be able to visit us.

[at] valkricry
Unfortunately, I only caught a glimpse of her and did not have the opportunity to ask if she had a message before moving on and we were also not acquainted with each other. My take on what had happened is that during life everything had been routine for her and since she may not have been aware that she had passed on, she was still doing the stuff she used to do in life.
SL_Girl (3 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-13)
That is sad... I feel the same, she might not have known that she has passed away... Poor girl!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-03-13)
donna, would you happen to remember (or know) if anyone had any actual interaction with her that day? I'm just wondering if maybe there was a message or a last good-bye she was trying to leave. I found the log-on totally creepy by the way. However you mentioned several had seen her, including yourself, so I was just wondering if anyone had tried to speak to her?
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-13)
Hello! Good story, and I agree she might not have know she passed away. Very sad how she went. Bless her soul 😢
selkay (6 stories) (40 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-13)
That's creepy! But such a hard and responsible worker. Hope she is at peace now.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-13)
Great story!
Was she seen or her presence felt after that day?

Thanks for sharing this interesting experience with us.
bluemer04 (1 stories) (58 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-13)
Hi this is really creepy since her ID has been deactivated so there is no reason someone might have accidentally used her ID. Here in the Philippines there is a belief that people who passed on still have 9 days to freely roam the earth, and their presence can be felt easily before they go to the light. I am quite familiar with that BPO company as I have friends who used to work there. Her cause of death is really traumatic, hope she is in peace now. She is one hell of a very dedicated rep I think.
Agnet201195 (1 stories) (26 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-13)
Wow! Creepy and spooky as hell. Your story is giving me goosebumps. Omg!

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