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Real Ghost Stories

No Vacancy


It was earlier this month, in October, that I saw something quite strange and find myself even today wondering what, or even who, it was that I actually saw. Here let me explain:

I'm a self-employed contractor, working mainly in what's oftentimes in the hot sun in the laborious field of construction. That said I consider myself lucky to have landed this otherwise relatively easy job, doing some inside renovation work for a local old folk's home here in the shadowed, peaceful suburbs of nearby San Antonio, Texas.

I had gone to work eager this one morning with a couple of assigned projects awaiting my attention, one of which was some general dry-wall repair in a bathroom in one of the many numbered rooms located along a narrow and dusty corridor in what is best described as a lonely and isolated section of the building. I say lonely and isolated because other than the lady that hired me, I saw no one while walking to this quiet and dimly-lighted work site.

Additionally, another commitment that waited was to remove and replace a section of old and musty and badly stained carpet in yet another room located also along that same hallway.

The kind of things I'm generally pretty good at doing, nothing complicated, and an excellent means of some easy cash as I've said.

Searching the numbered room signs above each door while walking down the hallway, I soon found myself facing the door to where I was to enter and perform the assigned dry-wall repairs. As I always do upon entering a new work area, I knocked briefly on the door before stepping inside.

The wooden door swung easily inwards and while standing there expecting time to allow my eyes to adjust to any changes in light, and while still holding to the door knob, I noticed it being little different from the dimly-lighted hallway. I observed the room was as I expected to find it, nondescript with little furnishings. Standing there longer I took note of how quiet it truly seemed to be here in this section of building.

Turning my head in the other direction it was unavoidable that my eyes could see the old, white-haired woman lying peacefully asleep on a bed there at the far end of the room, her arms held stiff across her chest. Out of reflex, I suppose it was, I apologized, nearly whispering the same, and without expecting answer backed quickly and quietly out the door to the hallway again where I quietly and carefully closed the door behind me. I decided it best not to disturb the sleeping occupant and in so doing went in search of the other room and carpet project. Finding that room to be located a few doors further down the hallway, I entered having every intention of returning later in the day to tackle the dry-wall.

A good hour into the carpet removal and replacement, the lady that hired me approached and asked how things were progressing? She was surprised seeing that I had moved on so quickly to the carpet and asked if all had gone well on the dry-wall project? I told her that I was going to take care of that next, when I was sure that the old lady there on the bed was awake. I didn't want to be a disturbance to her.

The lady standing there went silent. Becoming aware of this, I looked up into a questioning face, one that asked for clarification, saying there's no one living in this part of the building; they were all moved out to other rooms in other hallways months ago in preparation for major construction renovations. This had been deemed necessary for their comfort and safety.

Makes good sense them doing that, I thought to myself, moving the old folks I mean, but who then was that old, white-haired woman I clearly saw there on the bed? She looked asleep -- But as we discussed this matter further, it got me to seriously thinking:

Could it have been something entirely other than that? A woman asleep, I mean. I learned not only was this building an old folk's home, one badly in need of repairs, years earlier its former purpose had been that of a mortuary for the county. Hearing that, the short hairs stood up on the back of my neck.

I did return to the dry-wall project later that day but only after peaking first around the open door, a door I left open thank you very much. No old, white-haired lady lying there on the bed at that time, asleep or otherwise. I did what I had to do to earn my cash and then I got the hell out of that room as fast as I could.

I find myself still wondering what it was I saw that October morning, yet I know damn well there was a person lying there on that bed. All things being considered, I do believe in ghosts; now more so than ever.


Jerry Bridges

Spring Branch, Texas. 78070

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rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)

Indeed that theory is quite tidy.

It does however make one wonder 'why' partial manifestations occur. Would that be due to a weak telepathic link or perhaps not enough energy to project a 'full' image?

Also something to consider is this... Is this part of the conversation 'detracting' from the O/P's orignal experience AND preventing feed back focused solely on it?


Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
Jerry and Rook--On the subject of the clothes of apparitions, I recently read a nice theory in the Summary And Conclusion section of a book by Sir Ernest Bennett titled, Apparitions And Haunted Houses: A Survey O Evidence. He believed that apparitions are telepathic images transferred to the living from the dead. He states, "The popular crux of the clothing worn by ghosts need not, it is true, detain us long, when we once realize that the agent, alive or dead, who transfers the apparition does so obviously in order that it may be recognized by the recipient, and therefore the normal appearance of the figure is projected. The clothes are no more a difficulty than the limbs or features of the transferred hallucination."

It's a rather tidy theory and one I find quite satisfying. Of course if there are photos of a ghost nudist colony, YGS would be the perfect place to post the evidence 😆.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
A thought on Ghosts manifesting 'fully dressed'...

Ghosts attempt to manifest as they 'see themelves' because of this and do to 'long standing' social standards this means 'wearing clothes'. It may be one reason they find it so hard to manifest... Energy is being 'wasted' on 'generating the appearance' of clothes rather than 'just' their naked body.

Does anyone know of a Haunted Nudiest Colony so an investigation and picture... Video comparison conducted on any possible appritions captured?

Just a thought or two as to why spirits try to manifest 'with clothes on'.


JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
- db
And thank you for thanking me. You said something that I wish to comment upon, not to shed light on what it was I saw, for I've pretty much said all I feel I know about this happening. // but that clothing and equipment thing you mentioned.

That in itself is certainly an oddity isn't it.

I have also given some thought to this clothing and equipment oddity over the years, not that I ever reached a conclusion, I haven't. But if I should throw an old pair of boots away, I would think they should remain away -- I wouldn't think they, as do living beings, have a soul of their own and able to somehow manifest as a spiritual entity of their own or as part of a ghostly ensemble. Yet you are right in saying a ghost comes fully dressed, boots, trousers, etc... And the items of dress seemingly appropriate for all intents and purposes. There has got to be one heck of a lot more going on than meets the eye when it comes to ghost. Things we just don't understand. A lot more going on in this world, or the next, period.

And then I'm reminded of inanimate objects, how some have claimed same to have a life of their own. Somehow controlled from the world beyond. I know it's only a make believe story, but one where author Stephen King pretty much got my attention with his story of a an old car with a supernatural twist, i.e., "Christine". Maybe this isn't a good example since it was/is make believe, it just jumped into my head speaking of this subject.
db (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
Tweed et al have given some great explanations and in good humor topping anything else that can be added.
Since all of the ghost stories I have heard and read so far that describe 'solid' looking individuals describe them as fully clothed/clothed with equipment it makes me think that with both residual/recording type ghosts as well as sentient ghosts that somehow the clothing and equipment they wore in life always remains.
Why none are described as completely naked is something that is as curious as what you saw!
Thanks for sharing!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-23)
LOL! Caz, they'd wake up thinking a living person had spotted them and freak out accordingly!😆
Re ghost sightings we don't know about, my Mum believes this happens far more than we realise. I know of one paranormal investigator who feels the same. Have to admit I agree. 😊
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-23)
Tweed...I love your theory about ghosts asleep! Do you think they might sometimes suffer from sleep paralysis and wake up thinking there's a 'presence' in the room? 😜
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-23)
Otteer...funny you should say that... It's something I've often though of myself! After all... Not all ghosts are dressed in Victorian clothes or long white nightdresses and ghosts are not only seen in the hours of darkness! Plenty are seen during daylight hours too and if they're in modern dress... How would you possibly know they're ghosts? It could just as easily be the lady standing at the bus stop or the old guy waiting to cross the road!
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-23)
After reading your other story I'm not surprised you encountered this peaceful lady. Some people are just naturally blessed. After my glimpse at a residual (I think that is what it was) I often wonder how many solid apparitions we do encounter daily that we DO NOT KNOW ARE GHOSTS! KInd of a sobering thought lol!
Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-23)
Maybe it was a residual haunting; maybe it was just a trick of the light in that room, or maybe it was a flesh and blood old lady who came back to her room, thinking she would not be seen, to take a nap. I guess we'll never know.:)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-21)
Interesting experience!
Another possibility would be for one of the relocated residents wandering to her previous room to take a nap and going back to the other section of the building without been noticed by you and/or any of the staff members.

One way or another, it's a puzzling experience.

Thanks for sharing.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-21)
Ok, I'm going to get my crazy on and put another theory on the table. 😆

Based on multiple stories submitted to this site over time, and a few sightings of my own, I've come to conclude that ghosts sleep. Yeup, letting that freak flag fly.

I woke a ghost up once, didn't mean to, but she shook a cushion at me expressing her annoyance. Crapped myself I did.

If the old dear was a ghost and not a trick of the light, I think it makes sense some ghosts would want to 'sleep' in a place they feel at home. For some 'home' might be their old haunts. Pun intended. 😉
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-21)
Well folks, what do I say to that? I suppose the only real proof to what I say in this regard would be if you were with me at the time I opened that door. I honestly have no idea who or what I saw. Could it have been a trick to the mind's eye? Perhaps. The light was poor and the place certainly lended itself to such imiginations -- not that I am saying I imagined the old woman in that room. Just trying to make some sense out of it myself. I don't know about mortuaries or funeral homes and who or what may or may not haunt such places, just makes me feel less than comfortable being in such places even if the sun was shining and happy music was playing. But why it would be -- I have no idea.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-21)
Sounds to me like the old lady died in what used to be her room and you saw a residual playback! Another interesting story Jerry... Thanks for sharing!
mrmonty (8 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-21)
Sounds like you might have come across a residential haunting, maybe one of the people who use to live in the old folks home. I personally do not think after working for a funeral home for several years that anything haunts mortuaries, or funeral homes, once a person is there, they are usually quite dead-there is no connection fro them to that place.

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