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Real Ghost Stories

Mr. Fire Plug


Here's a story from when I was in the U.S. Military. My place of assignment was Baumholder, West Germany. The year was 1965:

The work day was over and I was in the Day Room in my civilian clothing sitting and speaking with a friend. As you may not be aware, a Day Room is a location designated specifically for watching television, playing cards, socializing, etcetera.

I went on to explain to my friend that earlier in the day I had been to the dentist, seeking relief from a persistent toothache. While in the dental chair the officer, most likely trying to scare me into better dental hygiene, brought attention to how badly my gums were receding behind my lower front teeth. "There's nothing that can reverse the damage," he stated, and that he was giving my teeth, "Last Rites." He then expressed what seemed to be a bubbly willingness to "... Pull every last one of them," if I was ready for the same?

I thanked him with, "No, Sir. Just the one that hurts, I'll try and brush more frequently, but thank you for your concern." I closed my eyes and leaned back in the chair; the throbbing pain awaiting the needle's pinch.

Finished with the single extraction, I got up out of that sweaty leather chair, my mind and body mourning its recent loss, and walked slowly back to work still thinking of what that eager dentist had said to me. "Last Rites, my ass. He wanted to use me for practice!" I shouted.

It was about this time I noticed my friend's attentiveness wandering. A stranger standing nearby, seemingly interested in something I had said, approached; leaned in closer, and nodding his agreement, said, "Last Rites, that's right, me too!"

The man suddenly in our personal space was about my age, but shorter, and of stockier build. And with those short arms, and round face with bulging eyes, and an extremely close haircut, standing there in his red shirt he reminded me of a fire hydrant. A creepy one, an uncle Fester, Addams Family kind of creepy one.

Through a tight-lipped smile, this odd little utility of a man, then asked me to follow him, saying he had "something to show me."

Blame it on curiosity, I felt compelled to oblige and we moved to a less occupied corner of the Day Room. 'Mr. Fire Plug' then opened his mouth and pointed to what appeared to be a plastic, skin colored mass adhered to the back of his lower front teeth, telling me this was "a permanent fix." That his dentist applied it, and problem solved forever.

It was about then my friend joined us. Expressing his own unique expletive curiosity, he asked Mr. Fire Plug to kindly show him too; which he did, again opening wide that thin-lipped mouth of his.

Seeing the skin colored mass once again myself, I questioned: "Where'd you say you got that? Who'd you say did that for you?"

"You need to know certain people," he replied.

Strange thing to say, I thought. But seeing was believing. Then Mr. Fire Plug said, "Here, look at this..." Unbuttoning his shirt he revealed a jagged puffy scar in the middle of his chest, a good five to six inches in length. Very Frankenstein-ish in its appearance.

This abrupt change of subject from plastic in the mouth -- to large ugly scar on the chest -- caught me by complete surprise. I recall saying something about open heart surgery; and asked how in the hell could he be in the U.S. Army with something like that? I'd known a soldier in basic who was in his final training week and discharged from further service because they'd detected a slight heart mummer in the poor bastard. But this was certainly nothing like that!

He smiled that tight-lipped grin of his and said he wasn't in the Army. That was reassuring, him not in the Army, but then who was he and what was he doing in our Day Room?

This got me to wondering more about his general appearance, that scar, and that stuff on his teeth. Never managed to form any of that into a solid enough question, however, because Mr. Fire Plug kept right on talking, saying things that really shocked me to my toes: tThat he had been a young man with an undiagnosed heart condition; one that resulted in his untimely death. He nodded again, saying yes he too had been given "Last Rites;" that he had died and gone to his grave.

He used words like "funeral parlor" "coffin" "dead and buried" repeating "rescued from the grave." Said his heart had been "fixed" and his "life restored" as a result of some advanced medical procedure.

"It's who you know, certain people, isn't it..." came squeaking excitedly louder through that smile.

And then looking past us, searching the room, a quieter nervousness in his voice, he offered reason for this bizarre rebirth. He claimed he was now a grateful Worker, indentured to those that had the power and the advanced knowledge to perform such amazing high tech operations. And then looking right at me whispered he wasn't the first, that untold thousands of others just as dead have also been resurrected by those that can. That it is all done routinely, sometimes right from the funeral home, that most deaths are correctable, that all become Workers.

He claimed his teeth had been fixed solely as a minor adjustment, a tune up, so to speak. And that these graveyard kidnappings have been going on for centuries on our planet without human awareness. Once out of sight -- and gone forever - a never ending supply of grateful Workers.

Trying to absorb all this, my friend and I stood there silently with what must have been one dumbass look on our face. Thoughts of, hey is this guy telling me he's a zombie, some kind of living ghost..., or what?

It was about that time Mr. Fire Plug took notice of a tall man standing across the room speaking with some individuals seated on a couch there. I have no idea what they were discussing, it's not important here, what is important is the man was glaring in our direction; and I swear I heard him addressing Mr. Fire Plug (not heard with my ears, but hearing it loud and clear in my mind, nevertheless), as if reprimanding, demanding to know what exactly was he saying to us? Mr. Fire Plug, looking extremely on edge, briskly walked away without saying another word.

There's not much to add except to tell you that I have made it a point to ask dentists over the years about this plastic substance I saw once that might be poured behind my teeth to fix my receding gum line? They've all replied basically the same:

"No, sorry. Don't know of anything like that."

Now, in retrospect, if Mr. Fire Plug, him creepy or not, spilled more of the beans than he should have that day - and was admonished for doing it - I have a feeling if he's right we'll all come to know more about the secrets of this strange encounter soon enough.


Jerry Bridges

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JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-19)
-- kaykay3313 --
No, I never considered him to be a real ghost. Can real and ghost be used together like that do you think?

It didn't have a ghostly feel about it as there were other people moving about in the dayroom, the tv was on somewhere, and it just seem based on what he said (and how he said it, showing me his teeth for example, and how advanced technology kept coming up) and the tall thin man and them linked in some superior regard over him being a Worker -- just didn't feel that way to me.

Getting into the dayroom was easy. Even you might have just walked in and sat down. The army post had an entrance with a guard standing by for vehicles mainly seeking direction (and there were many, tanks and trucks, and this seemed to better manage the confusion at any time) while yet another street split off before that gate and sent you down a street lined with multiple three-story stone buildings, offices within, and some devoted to sleeping quarters. The ones with the offices had a guard on the first floor during the evening hours, for security, but nothing for the buildings where the soldiers lived. There were to be found individual rooms with locking doors. The dayroom was on the second floor of one of those living quarter buildings. Easy to get in and out without being questioned as to why you were there.
The place was intended to have a relaxed atmosphere for soldiers, a place to sit and chat and move about freely. Was that ever abused? Most likely it was.

Security can be super strict at places and lax at others. It was certainly more relaxed in many ways back then.
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-19)
I can see why you haven't forgotten it... It's more than strange, the medical procedures are unexplainable. I'm glad this story made the cut. Have you ever considered that he may have been a ghost? And his tall friend? It would definitely explain how he got into thr dayroom so easily.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-19)
-- kaykay3313 --
Now that's truly a horrible thing, putting all your hope in modern science hoping to continue life with technology stepping forward and then not survive the operation. I'm sure this has happened, waaaaytoo much. Sad your grandmother is this case. I'm old enough to remember how big a medical breakthrough it was when heart transplanting was first in the news. And they used animal parts, and maybe they still do today, I don't know.

So when this odd little guy, Mr. Plug, showed me his heart scar and we discussed it some, something like that back then was uncommon for sure. Not impossible not that but certainly not common either. Mix that in with the wild things he was saying to us, and, well, simply put, I've never forgot it, not completely.
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-18)
Oh I just read all the comments and I guess JerryB already brought this point up! Nice one Jerry 😁 Also I meant delusion's not dilution's in the previous comment. I hate auto correct. Lol.
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-18)
I know that a long time ago open heart surgery was very dangerous, my own grandmother died while having open heart surgery. So if this man had surgery and the scar wasn't from whoever "brought him back" he most likely wouldn't have been alive to discuss his dilution's. I'm not saying every person who has had open heart surgery has died I just know that when I was a little girl the chances of living through the surgery were 50/50 and I'm sure that long ago would have been even worse as far as safety is concerned. This little tid bit may help further validate that this man had undergone this procedure when he was already dead. I know it's a farfetched idea but who knows.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-11)
Jerry...I've been reading old stories from the UK on here today, when I came across one titled 'Possible UFO Sighting?' fingers crossed eh? 😊
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
Otteer...I'm glad you brought that up, as it seems people who see spirits are often the same people who see UFOs/Aliens! 😉
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
Just got to your story. Wow. What you experienced smacks of time/space travel to me. Who knows what the future, the far, far future can do, and possibly need from our time...workers? I'm starting to believe anything is possible. Just glad I didn't have to experience Quasimodo... If my niece, who can see dead people, also caught sight of an alien, it is possible her turned up frequency attracts more than just those that have "passed". You seem to have that frequency based on your other stories.
Thanks for sharing!
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
It may not happen Jerry, but if it does, please do let us know when and where you've redirected it to! I'd like to read it!
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
- db -
- RedWolf -
- Caz -
You three are fine examples of the people that 'haunt' this site that I have come to respect. Thank you for your continued comments and suggestions. Yes I will redirect my one Alien story just as soon as it comes bouncing back to me. Thank you guys.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
DB...that's a good site! Here's another...''! I recommend their documentaries and one in particular called 'Thrive', which everyone should watch! It's not all about aliens btw! It's all about 'truth'! Jerry... Do check it out!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
This is a very interesting story to say the least. As to the gentleman's claim that he had been buried and then brought back to life and it had been going on for a long time but you have to know somebody is funny. He couldn't have been in the service back then because of height requirements,correct?
db (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
Hi JerryB,
Since this site is for ghost stories I highly doubt that they will publish any alien/UFO stories unless it is a ghost alien. I actually know a few people who claim direct experience with alien species and with one there was direct military medical involved with his implants. They kept implanting him simply because they knew geographically where he could be found-had he moved to a completely different residence he probably would never have been implanted again. The other friend has seen 2 ghost aliens that match the description of the generally discussed gray type complete with the large eyes for what that's worth and he too has been in the military.
If you want to discuss aliens, probably one of the best places to go is the forums at my handle there is 'Alwayscurious' and you can certainly share your alien and UFO stories there.
The only UFO stories I have are 3 separate ones consisting of a traffic jam as all drivers witnessed a few UFOs that were on the side of the road that appeared to be mechanically sampling the soil. The others were a gigantic silent black triangle type that glided very slowly over the San Francisco East Bay Area neighborhood we lived in about 6 months after 9/11/01 and the other was a metallic cube type that had what looked like a camera eye on the rectangular face of it which swooped down lightning fast as if it could hit our windshield causing us to brake as we exited the freeway. No sooner had it swooped down it reversed course and shortly disappeared from view and this was in 2007.
Recently there was a siting of this type in Texas and on youtube there are photos that people took with their cell phones so a search for 'cube UFO' will help you to find those if you're interested.
It is said that there are many psychological effects from the aliens and their craft so I wouldn't put it past aliens to have the capability to cause many of the paranormal effects that include ghost stories.
Thanks again for sharing!
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Macknorton --
Peace to you too. What you said, I respect it. This site is clearly identified as Your GHOST Story... I see your point and to be completely honest with you I didn't think it would make it beyond the folks that monitor this site and give the initial blessing on publishing or rejecting stories. But it did didn't it.

It's a true happening that I personally witnessed and the contents are certainly strange but you're correct it really isn't your everyday run of the mill ghost story that I tell to those who might otherwise be interested in hearing about and investigating here at YGS. The story you published is only one of many type ghost that people report, and I have experienced something similar to our encounter only without red marks, but yes I agree my story here seems not to fit the mold of any acceptable known apparitions, but in my mind (my humble opinion) a person that claims to have died and there he or she stands talking to you -- well to me that's an example of a ghost, of sorts. Stretching it aren't I.

My story did not mention Aliens, not directly, although I did imply it (yes it came out as such in further comments with members); and as to Zombie, well yes that was one word that I stated in the story as it did come into my mind back then. There again, Zombies, like ghost, isn't dead involved in there somewhere to get qualified as such? But, I do understand your concerns and that zombies are not ghost.

Now, my friend, if this story offends you, I suppose I should tell you now, I've submitted another story that does directly address aliens. If it too should pass the judges herein (it may not for obvious reasons, but if it does) well... I'm not trying to upset the norm around here, just wishing to share some weird experiences to anyone that will listen and who might perhaps share their own similar experiences. Misery does love company.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Fair comment Jerry - however what I experienced persionally was a malevolent spiritual energy attacking me in the middle of the night, as I lay paralysed and that which left physical marks.

This type of attack has been documented down the ages and any search on this site will reveal many similar experiences. My experience fits quite easily (in my humble opinion) in a "ghost Story" site.

I'm fascinated by the underlying energies which animate all living things, and this site is an excellent vehicle for us to discuss and try to understand the greater (mostly) unseen (and essentially spiritual) world around us in a rational and logical way.

My point was that when we start talking zombies and aliens, I just think that's a different subject / site. That's all. Peace to you.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Macknorton --
I did it again. My apologies. I meant to write Macknorton (see below). I misspelled your name and hit the send key. Sorry about that.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Hi Macknoron --
Thanks for trying to clear his up, it's one of those things that might be classified as unbelievable until such time as it can be proven otherwise. And will that ever happen? I have my doubts. I'm agreeing with you somewhat but not completely... I think the story would rank right alongside an X Files episode that featured an invisible half human half beast that sits on one's chest at night and leaves 6 red marks. Now that would truly be an interesting Fox and Skully adventure, don't you agree.

Just messing with you, seriously thanks for responding. In my case the odd little guy was probably exactly as you call him, a nutter running around loose in a room without proper security. I've often heard that the simplest answer is often the right answer.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Thanks for sharing JerryB. Alien dentistry, post heart op zombies hanging out in mess halls?

Readers post: "...tall guy maybe he was from another dimension or from the future?"

I have to say, we are heading away from "Real Ghost Stories" and into Mulder & Scully and science fiction here with this one people.

My take on this interesting recount is he was simply a nutter who snuck his way into an army barracks and made a lasting impression on a young impressionable kid. Before we assume living dead, time travel, or alien visitation, let's just first thoroughly explore the rational and most likely explanations.

There's not a shred of evidence from the recount that this guy was dead / resurrected, nor an alien. However, the evidence does suggest a combination of mental illness and loose security.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Lol...yes I knew what you meant Jerry and I do hope your other story will be accepted, as ETs are classed as paranormal, just like the spirit world and I do believe they're connected anyway... In fact, my belief is that 'all things are connected'! As for your previous post, no... I don't believe we're enslaved, but I do believe for some ET races, that is part of the plan, but I don't think they'll have to dig us up to do it! (whistle)
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
-- Caz --
I wrote Hunan race (whatever that is?) // hopefully you understood my real spelling intent there. If not..., then what follows won't mean very much anyway:

That mental telepathy I claimed to have experiencerd in this recounting (the tall thin man across the room) I had, but previously to this even. An ET story I submitted but will most likely be rejected because NO GHOST, just something weird as hell to report on.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Hi Caz --
Good hearing from you this morning. Yes I agree with your ET reference, not that Mr. Plug was an ET but that the ones who possess this alleged amazing medical technology are the ET. Telling me that this has been happening on our PLANET (that was an otherwise strange choice of words he used, don't you think so?). That centuries is involved in all of this without HUMAN awareness, another odd choice of words.

Yes, I certainly got the impression that ET's were involved (because of the advanced technology seen -- the dental application I saw -- and advanced medical procedures as he claimed. I initially avoided bringing this ET possibility into my recollection for obvious reasons. Zombies is hard enough to believe without gumming up the works with extras terrestrials relegating HUMANS to Worker status; but that point of enslaving us as workers has certainly left me wondering what the heck is going on here? Has the Hunan race become enslaved and none of us are aware of it; nice of them, if that's the case, to wait until death do us part, don't you think so.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-09)
Hey Jerry... Sorry for not replying sooner! I just wanted to say that you haven't disappointed me yet either and I wanted to let you know that I 'do believe' you had this strange experience, just as you related it to us. What I 'don't' believe, is what Mr Fire Plug told you and I remain just as bamboozled as everyone else, though I did give it careful consideration rather than dismissing it out of hand. One of the things I considered was ETs, which I believe not only exist, but some of whom walk among us! I've spent decades learning everything I can about the subject, so feel I know a fair bit about the things they do to people, but I've yet to come across anything even remotely like this! Also, it just doesn't make any 'logical' sense to me, as there'd be sure to be cases where these Zombies would be recognised and we'd have heard of it! Glad my comment made you chuckle, as that was my sole intention! I've loved all your stories, so hoping you've got some more! 😊
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-07)
Mayamie --
This is surely going to be one of the boringness answers possible -- but no.

We, my friend and I, never discussed it, not to any length I can recall. Probably did some but I have no recollection of this happening going anywhere afterwards beyond the dayroom. I honestly don't recall ever telling this encounter to anyone back then. I'm sure we both just figured the guy to be a looney. But still something about it lingered in my mind beyond the looney consideration and that's why I brought up the teeth thing like I did with dentist on occasion over the years. That teeth thing has been the limit of my research but at the same time the string, something I've held onto for that part seems clearest to me, that, and the scar. And the wild things said to us, not clear now, but clear enough so I remember pieces of it. That's my story.

As to that tall man who seemed to be in control of the odd little guy, I can only add that anything I add about him seems vague and unreal. I do recall him, that's clear, yeah about as clear as mud? That was a joke attempt. There was no up close interaction that I remember yet I at the same time seem to (vaguely) recall it was planted in our minds to forget anything in discussion we had with Mr Plug. I guess we did.

Did that part really happen, the mind implant part, the mental telepathy part? I have strong feeling it did. But how I was able to retain or recall any of it seems impossible. Almost like it happened to someone else. But I know it happened to me; and I've always considered my memory pretty reliable. The fact Is -- I seem to remember more of these weird type events as the years progress; you'd think with passage of time it would be the opposite wouldn't you. Well, some of it has certainly and sadly gotten lost in memory thanks to passage of time. Hard to put into words or make it clearer beyond what I've said. Makes me certainly question my own sanity but seems as real as anything else in my life when I sit down and think about it.

Heck of it is this kind of mental block has presented itself to me in a couple of non-related situations, and in every case precise memory (vague in coming) has not happened and has left me with similar recollection, cloudy, the farther away from the event, the more I seem to remember. Yes that's odd. It's the vague part that seems constant in all cases almost to the edge of me questioning the validity of any of the happenings involving what seems to involve mental telepathy. That said, still a small part, unbelievable as it seems and is, remains. Now why I was suppose to forget but haven't completely, I have no idea. Kind of thing that could drive a person nuts for sure. I don't think I am... But I wouldn't get too clos if I were you. Another joke there, sorry.
mayamie (12 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-07)
Did you ever find out what type of "Worker" that guy was? Ever discuss with the other army buddy/guy who also saw this Mr Fire Plug guy, about the strange "message" you seemed to receive from the tall guy from the couch? You know, compare notes afterwards?
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-07)
LynxKatt73 -- sorry for the earlier name typo. I seriously need to pay better attention to spell check.
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)
Hi Lynxcatt73 aa

Did you truly give my story to your dentist to read? If you really did that, I'm flabbergasted but honored.

I need you to verify his statement to you again, just so I fully understand. Is he agreeing with my finding as to that plastic mass that no such dental fix exist? I am confused what you say about false teeth, it certainly didn't appear to be false teeth, a full or partial appliance, but poured // but a part of the actual real teeth in the guy's mouth. The only thing that appeared false in a sense was the skin colored plastic, that looked false and not something grown. Thanks for trying to make more sense out of this for me, I seriously appreciate it. Even if the word 'false' was used somehow in context.
LynxKatt73 (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)
Just thinking because this little guy was seemingly frightened of the tall guy maybe he was from another dimension or from the future? Weird I know but I've also asked dentists on what you've described. Even got mine to read your story when I went for a check up today. He has been a dentist for nearly 20yrs and he's lost for words. Similar things are Avaidable yes with false teeth. But not exactly what you described.
Thanks for the interesting story,
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)
Jerry--I was just throwing a couple of possibilities your way. Of course neither of my theories about the tooth covering or chest scar explains the, seemingly, telepathic message the tall man was sending (and that you seemed to intercept) to the fire plug man.

As I stated in an earlier comment, what you experienced would have had a profound impact on me if I was there!
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)
Manafon1 -- you're like a walking encyclopedia. Appreciate you looking into this. Sincerely.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-06)
Hi Jerry--Quickly checking Wikipedia, there were some early, experimental, types of tooth coverings that were used. C.F. Bodecker, in 1929, used dental cement, which incorporated resin, to seal the pits and fissures in decayed teeth.

In 1966, E.I. Cueto worked with methyl cyanoacrylate, a "family of of adhesives with industrial, medical and household uses." This is what is now known as "Super Glue". Cueto apparently did use this on molars of patients, " however it was susceptible to bacterial breakdown over time."

Maybe this guy was an early patient of Cueto or another dentist who worked under him. It would explain why modern dentists that you have asked are not familiar with this outdated and, in a long term sense, ineffective treatment.

As for the hideous chest scar the man showed you, maybe he was in an accident of some kind--a car or industrial accident would leave a scar that would be far removed from the scar of a surgeons scalpel.

These are a couple of possibilities to consider.

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