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I Seriously Angered Something


My experience took place when I was about 10 years old. My brother, who was a couple of years older than I (and funnily enough, still is!), and I were sent to stay with our Uncle Ron who lived in a small town called Temuka, which is in the South Island of New Zealand.

Ron enjoyed his fishing and hunting and we often accompanied him on various outings. It was always great fun. Anyway, on this particular trip Ron decided we would go rabbit hunting up the Rangitata river, as rabbits seemed to love the sandy soil and there was plenty of trees and thickets along the river that they could hide in.

I don't really recall much of the hunt, other than it was beautiful sunny day and I had a small. 22 caliber rifle and was rationed out bullets by Ron because I was prone to unleashing a volley of (always inaccurate) shots (it had a 5 shot magazine). However, there was one aspect of the hunt that is still vividly clear in my mind.

After we had been walking up the braided river for a while, I remember seeing a rabbit, firing at it then chasing after it. I must have been following if for some time when I saw it dart into a small opening at the bottom stand of trees and shrubs. I ran closer to the opening, my heart filled with excitement at the prospect of getting my first rabbit when suddenly the atmosphere changed. The air went very still and quiet and I suddenly felt very alone.

That's when this voice just exploded into my head; "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" It was so very loud and really angry but it wasn't heard through my ears, it was in my mind but it wasn't coming from my mind. Not only did I "hear" the voice but I felt the rage and I could feel, with out any doubt, it was to do with me trying to kill little rabbit.

Well, I can assure you, I didn't hang around in that stand of trees pondering that experience! I sprinted as fast as my spindly 10 year old legs could carry me out of there. I remember seeing my feet stumbling over the river stones and my lungs burning as I ran, utterly terrified, back to the others. I remember with great relief finally reaching my brother and Ron, and Ron looking at me as if to say "Is everything ok?".

I have never told anyone about that experience as I didn't know what to make of it as a 10 year old, but now a bit older (possibly wiser?) it makes more sense to me now. I think it was probably a nature spirit who seemed to know that I should have known better.

Thanks for reading and I am interested in others opinions and experiences like this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Macknorton, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-12)
Hi sheld999, or should that be Kia-ora!
I honestly don't know what it was, but it was connected to the nature of that particular area and the rabbit. It appeared outraged that I was trying to shoot the bunny. I'm heading toward it being nature spirit / guardian.
I also got the feeling it knew that I should have known better!
sheld999 (14 stories) (74 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-12)
Is it possible you could of heard one of the fairy folk saying that?

(fairy people maori had seen. And told through stories / voices of the forest)
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-01)
Hi DandK - you're welcome 😊. I agree; it's great to read about all these other peoples "crazy" experiences and realize that you are not alone (or actually crazy!) laugh]

I look forward to reading your story!
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-01)
Mack, I had a voice yell at me in my head too! Before coming to this site, I'd never heard of anyone else having this experience. I submitted my story about this a couple of weeks ago, so I'll wait until it posts before talking more about it with you. I just couldn't wait to say something to you.

I feel so great that I'm connecting with people on this site with similar experiences, and with experiences unlike any I've heard of before. And I'm learning so much that is really making me think more deeply about everything.

Thanks for sharing that interesting and thought provoking experience!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-07)

You're correct in your description of people migrating around the planet; what used to take thousands of years can be accomplished in under a week. I agree with your observation; essentially, people are the most invasive species on this planet.

The course I taught *focused* upon the role of folktales and urban legends as cautionary narratives to prevent abuse of the environment by unthinking human beings. I thought that was more than Mack needed to read, as I was more interested in getting observations from YGS members who have had direct communication with such entities... In so far as communication is possible. The only factor I've ever read which caused nature spirits to react quickly was people (maliciously or accidentally) provoking their anger; however --as with the speed of migration and human influence-- what is accomplished quickly can take centuries to undo.

While I'm not going to become a vegetarian (Great Grandpa was a butcher!), I do think that the planet needs more people like Mack. I've taken to eating only organically-raised, cage-free meats; it's not much of a step in the right direction, I know, but everyone has to start somewhere.

Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-07)
Lol...Love it Mack! It may come in useful, so I'll have to bear it in mind!😁
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Lol! Thanks Caz!- lalalalalalalalal! Bippety-boppity-boo-wibbly-wibbly-woo (that's at least 50!)
rynne (69 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Macknorton, was just going to ask, but you posted already:) Glad to know you are not a bunny killer! Thanks for sharing this very interesting experience.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Biblio...I don't know much about nature spirits, but I'd always assumed they were there to protect the present and the future too, as far as possible anyway. Also, if we regard the rabbits as 'misplaced', then it's only fair to regard ourselves as misplaced too... Most of us anyway! Things as well as people migrate and have done since as far back as we know, so perhaps that's just the natural law of things! I mean no disrespect by the way! It's just my point of view!
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Lol Mack, well I sure am glad you found yourself again! 😁 lalalalala (dreaded 50 characters rule)
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Biblio - I think we are saying the same thing: I'm not a bunny killer now nor was I then and something knew it and reminded me.
I guess to sum up in the words of Thom Yorke: "for a minute there, I lost myself... I lost myself"
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Mack: I agree that it is more likely that the spirit was attached to the location; I was just wondering if it could foresee your imminent revulsion at having to skin a rabbit, followed by (I presume from your other comments) a lifetime of non-violent behavior.

Rook: Thanks! The moment you mentioned Oracles, I remembered the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi having to breathe volcanic fumes to see the future... Mornings are not the time I am at my most capable!

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-05)
Hi Biblio - thanks for your feedback. I believe there's two fairly plausible options here.
One: a nature spirit was angry that I was trying to kill a living creature for what was essentially "sport".
I was not a farmer nor was I the slightest bit concerned at the environmental impact the rabbits were having on the area. I was simply a little kid running around with a gun trying to kill stuff. And that wasn't my thing as I now know.
The second is that it was a spirit or guide that knew me very well and let me know I was out of line. But I'm tending toward the first option.

You're dead right about the general safety issues of children let loose on a riverbed with guns, no high visibility gear. It's a miracle the first thing I shot wasn't my brother or uncle!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-05)

The closest thing I can think of is how 'Oracles' would etch characters into bones and shells so they could remain connected to 'nature spirits' as they 'cast' them for readings (Big with Chinese culture).

Various spirits have been sought out by individuals so that they may obtain information concerning the future... But are they considered 'nature spirits'? I'm not sure (The Graeae, whom Perseus sought information from come to mind).


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-05)
Greetings, Mack.

If I recall correctly, rabbits were introduced to New Zealand as an invasive species which proceeded to wreak havoc with the indigenous fauna, but whatever generated the psychic/telepathic message to terrify you seems to have been fond of the rabbits.

[A caveat: the next portion of the response is based upon research into myths, folklore, legends, and beliefs for literature classes I've taught, NOT from personal experience!]

Protective nature spirits, such as a genius loci, tend to operate on a vaster time scale than we do, and would -after two centuries- probably still trying to come to terms with the rabbits' displacement of the species which were a factor in generating/adapting/assimilating (?) the spirit of the place; smaller nature spirits are much more rapid in their actions, but -I suspect-would not be capable of generating the individualized powerful reprimand which you encountered. I hope that a human spirit would have cautioned you out of concern for your safety, as you were a child recklessly plunging through underbrush with a loaded rifle. I wonder if this voice had been less concerned for the individual rabbit, but was more aware of your future vegetarianism...

Does any YGS member know of nature spirits predicting the future as well as preserving the past? I'd research this, but I've got an appointment with my optician. (Tweed? Rook? Hecate?)

Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-05)
Yes Mack... Trees are indeed amazing and I wonder where we'd be without them! It's mostly they who provide us with the very oxygen we need to live, so if it weren't for them, we may not exist at all! Either that, or we'd have developed into something entirely different, maybe with a couple of tubes sticking out the top of our heads for breathing purposes, or perhaps we'd be hopping about on one huge leg with one giant foot! Nah... Strike the one leg! We could never have outrun the dinosaurs! Couldn't hop fast enough! Lol Seriously... I don't think I'd want to live in a world without trees! I'd take just one single tree over a garden full of roses any day of the week! 😁
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-04)
Lianakathryn- no, in terms of a voice like that in mind so clearly, nothing's happened to me again since that day.
I've had all kinds of other paranormal / weird / unexplainable things happen though.
lianakathryn (1 stories) (3 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-04)
has anything happened since? Like more voices or stuff like that.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-04)
Yesegrey15 - I was seriously traumatised. I wasn't aware that my brother realised I was upset, Ron looked at me strange (possibly thinking " great, another volley of shots and no rabbit. I bet he's out of ammo again!") but I didn't say anything as I think I suddenly felt really bad / guilty about trying to kill the rabbit. In many ways that voice was reminding me what I already knew. That's why I got the bollocking I think: I knew better than what I was doing.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-04)
Hi jerry. I agree we tend to disagree so in fact we agree to disagree. Agreed? Now I'm really confused...
Trees are amazing things, plants too. You know, I watched a documentary recently on this tree species that has evolved to attach its seeds into individual "gliders". Perfectly formed gliders that individually peel out of a coconut type she'll and sail through the air. How do these trees "know" how do do this stuff? Amazing.
Anyway, I digress, is there any way you could post your photo? I'd love to see it and see if I can see anything.
There's as aspect of our brains where we are programmed to see faces in all sorts of things. I'd Google the details but on my iPhone at my sons tennis game and I can't work out how to do it...
That may explain what you see in those trees. The power of the Human imagination is certainly something to behold.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-04)
Hi tweed- If I had to choose I would have to say the voice was male. At the time I think I thought it was God. You know the 10 year old version; Santa without the suit?
Honestly I have never been so scared! I'm pretty sure I was hyperventilating as I stumbled back to the others!
YeseGrey15 (20 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-04)
You must of been traumatized! You were just a baby What did you tell your brother when he asked you if you were ok?
JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-04)
Hi Macknorton. I feel compelled to tell you this, something Caz said earlier triggered this thought in me but at the time decided to not follow up with a comment -- after all you and I do seem to disagree more than agree, wouldn't you agree? Ha.

Trees. The most amazing thing. I'm a painter, an artist who likes working these days mainly in oils from photographs I've taken. I'm working presently on an old and rusty and abandoned road building machine, a sort of catapiller/bobcat, if you're familiar with such things. But back to those trees and the photo I took about a year ago. The vehicle portion is just about finished, it's the trees in the background that are giving me difficulty. All that green, and shadow, not an easy thing to paint and have it come out looking even remotely like it should. I hadn't noticed at first, but I see it now each time without fail -- the faces of animals in the trees, in the leaves. Not distinct, but they are certainly there, dogs, cats, raccoons, etc., all starring out at me. This has given me an anchor, a place to build from as I try and capture what it is I am seeing. They don't move, it's nothing like that. They seem huddled together, captured at the time the photo was taken, some more distinct than others, but there, nevertheless. Kinda like seeing different things in cloud formations, maybe you and others may have played such games yourself and can understand what I am saying here. I seriously believe I am seeing the ghost of these animals, that they can be seen hiding in plain sight, not noticeable at first glance, not in your face, but there they are regardless. Now that ought to give you ground for comment. Have fun. Jerry.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-04)
Macknorton, I wondered if the trees and overall environment of the location had a hand in what was said to you too. As in, I guess, a collective consciousness breaking through the barriers of language to somehow send a succinct message that was successfully understood, in this case, by a human. Cosmic man.
Trees rule.
That, or some old timer farmer ghost maybe. Can you remember anything more about what the voice sounded like?

Btw, and this is probably a little rude of me, I couldn't help but lol-out-loud at one of your recent comments on Jerry's Halloween tale. I pretty much had the same thoughts.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-03)
Caz - trees are amazing aren't they? I believe they are animated by spirit, just as we are but they have completely different consciousness to us. I unashamedly admit I too have hugged a tree once. (It didn't hug back... Oh well...)
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-03)
Manafon - thanks for your thoughts. Yes, could well have been a random spirit (possibly a guide?) I'm really not sure who I annoyed, the impression I had at the time, and still do is that it was something to do with the trees, river, and wildlife there.

I have done other stupid things but never been "telepathically scolded" to the degree I was then. Maybe I had less filters on back then as young boy.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-03)
Hi Mack--I know most people who have commented about the voice yelling, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING", believe what you encountered was a nature spirit but it's just as possible it was an auditory haunting. Hauntings (and what you heard could be a spirit haunting the general area you were in) are just as likely to be auditory as visual (sometimes both at once of course).

That the voice was, "in your mind but not coming from your mind", does suggest a telepathic communication from a "spirit" accessing the mid-level constituents of your consciousness. As Professor H.H. Price has stated, "so far as these mid-level functions are concerned there is no sharp line between one personality and another." In other words, maybe a spirit (not a nature spirit) was simply communicating its displeasure with you hunting the rabbit. Either way, you had a unique experience.
Caz (342 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-03)
Mack...Loved your story and yep, I'd say nature spirit for sure! I'm so glad to hear that you gave up hunting, as though I'd kill with my bare hands if I had to if my kids were starving, I can't abide people who kill for pleasure or trophies! As I am, I try not to kill anything and get upset if I do so by accident! I'm a bit of a tree hugger and often talk to them!There's an old Hawthorn tree in the field where I play fetch with my dogs and on hot sunny days when they've finished their game, we all go and cool off under her shady branches! When we leave, I never forget to thank her for her shelter, but I've never had an answer in the 35 years I've been doing this...Lol...perhaps that's just as well, as if I ever do... I may just have a heart attack! 😜
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-02)
Hi Rook - as far as I was aware I didn't hit "Stew" the rabbit. I was a terrible shot. And I agree, whatever it was that was angry, I think was because I was trying to kill this innocent animal.

Hi Tweed - actually I am almost completely vegetarian at the moment, I still indulge in fish and seafood occasionally so I am a "pescetarian" apparently. Haven't eaten red meat, chicken or pig for about 19 years. However, I have become fond of grass clippings...

I won't kill anything now. Except fleas and mosquitoes. I went camping years ago and I was even gently pushing sandflies (these are very small bloodsucking / itchy bite NZ insects) out through the tiny holes in the ventilation material. Too much time on my hands...

Hi Jerry - yep seen that one too, I laughed.

JerryB (8 stories) (189 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-02)
Vegetarian. I saw a sign once that said: 'Vegetarian. Indian for bad hunter'.
Just sharing.

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