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Glimpsing The Future


I originally posted this experience in the sister-site "Psychic Experiences" a few months ago now, but no one bothered to comment (gee) so I thought I'd share on this site. This isn't so much a ghost (or alien) story but it's (I think) fascinating and, if published, will hopefully create some robust discussions about fate, destiny and our concept of time.

My experience begins when I was on my O.E, living in Melbourne, Australia in the early '90's. I was working part-time in a cafe in the city. I had been working there for about 4-5 months when I had an extremely vivid dream. I can still recall every detail of this dream even today in absolute clarity, even though it was over 20 years ago.

In the dream I was standing on a tram, I looked over to my left and saw a young woman whom I worked with at the cafe running to catch the tram. I noticed she was in her work uniform.

I then looked down and saw that I was wearing what appeared to be a pink dress over top of my jeans. Then the dream finished.

I awoke next morning and didn't think too much of the dream other than it's incredible intensity, as I often have very clear dreams, and occasionally lucid dreams.

However, things started to make sense when I arrived at work. The owner approached me and handed me the new apron. I duly put it on then looked down. There I saw the pink "dress" over my jeans, just as I had dreamt. (I wasn't too impressed with the colour, but the entire cafe' was decorated in a hideous pink colour). That spun me out a bit as I tried to process what had just happened, but I had to continue working.

Then shortly after, the woman I had seen running to the tram in my dream arrived at work looking flustered. I noticed she was wearing her work uniform, as she usually arrived in her civilian clothes then got changed at work. I greeted her and she said that she had slept in, so she had to get into her work uniform at home and then run for the tram because she was running so late.

I found this intriguing, as it was exactly as I had dreamed the night before, coupled with the apron scene. (I have since wondered if the apron part was in fact simply a fashion warning!)

So my whole world view completely changed after that experience. I had read all about premonitions, so I knew what the involved but until I experienced it first-hand, it didn't really excite me. It really made me wonder just how mapped out our lives are and just how much free will we have and how we experience time.

I have had other premonition- type dreams but those weren't anywhere as vivid or absolutely 100% accurate as that one.

Thanks for reading.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Macknorton, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Caz (342 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
Hey Mack, lovely to hear from you. I really never expected any reply. 😊 Do I still get these dreams? No... I still dream of course, but nothing 'prophetic' since the helicopter crash. Both that and the Hong Kong bus accident were back in the '80s btw. I forgot to add that there were many casualties including some fatalities in that Hong Kong bus and I believe it was due to overcrowding. Maybe the bus was 'top heavy'! Yes... I was pretty freaked out when I saw those reports, because up until that time, they were just bad dreams. I still have that 'real time' experience to write up though if your interested. I'm off to bed now, but I'll try and do it tomorrow! 😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-11)
Hey Caz
Thanks for sharing those dreams. You must have freaked out! Are you still having these types of dreams?
Dreams such as these can be very unsettling, especially after you have one or more that actually play out in real life.
I pay A LOT of attention to my dreams now! 😊
Caz (342 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-10)
OK guys. I'm way too late to this party and only too aware that no one might ever read this, but I'll press ahead anyway, as I find it somewhat cathartic. I dreamed I was standing inside an old red London double decker bus. The kind with the platform and the pole at the back? Only this bus was on it's side and I was standing where the platform would have been, with my feet on the ground and the platform to my right, standing upright and the pole flat on the ground in front of me. Next to the pole, there was a pair of woman's legs, as though she had been outside when the bus fell on her. The legs weren't moving.
As I stood there, I could hear people crying and moans and groans. I remember feeling very sad, but funnily enough, I don't remember wondering why I was there. It was like I was somehow detached! Then I woke up.
Two weeks later, I spotted a very small paragraph in the newspaper, saying an old London bus had overturned in Hong Kong of all places! Sorry I can't remember any more detail, but this must've happened about 30 years ago. Around that same period, I dreamed a helicopter had crashed after hitting wires. Telephone or electricity wires, I can't remember, but all on board died. I can't remember how many, but it was at least two. I read about that one in the paper as well, but I never kept a journal, because I thought they were just dreams. πŸ˜•
Caz (342 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
Oh my!...How on earth did I miss this story... And such amazingly interesting comments from all of you!
I don't think I have a 'gift' such as you lot have, yet I too have had similar experiences since I was a wee girl. Suffice to say that lots of them were about plane crashes that may or may not have happened, but there are several that apparently did. The first one I ever had was a plane crash that I believe actually happened. I dreamt I was in a large city at night time when I heard the sound of a plane obviously in trouble. I looked up to see a large passenger plane coming down... Engines screaming and all lit up. I could even see the passenger's faces at the windows... And they were screaming too! 😒 I must've been about 12 to 14 years old at the time. The dream quite upset me and I remember telling my mum about my 'nightmare' the following morning. Of course she told me as all mothers do, to forget about it... It was only a dream. However... Sometime later... It may have been weeks or even months, I can't quite remember, I opened a magazine and there on a centre page spread was the exact image of this plane coming down in the city at night... All lit up, just as I saw it in my dream. I rushed to my mum and showed her... Telling her this is it. This is what I saw! This happened many, many years ago, so I may be mistaken, but I think the city was Chicago. I have never been to America btw. I'll post a few more of my most memorable ones that apparently came true soon. Also... A couple that happened in 'real time' when awake. One of my own... And one of my young sister who is extremely gifted, but for now...I'm off to bed. Goodnight all! PS... The magazine was called 'Weekend' by the way and they always had a 'True Life Drama' as the centre page spread!
LunarSage (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-01)
Iv had similar dreams, where what you see comes to pass. Some Native American Indians believe dreams can touch the spirit relm, thus granting small insight to future events. Dreams are odd in general, your brain processing information or you trying to solve a question subconsciously, so it's not far fetched to think they can hold grains of truth if interpreted correctly. Do you keep a dream journal by any chance? They can be handy sometimes.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-29)
Tweed, read up on intangible particles, you'll probably have a "WTF" is going on here moment, just as intriguing as the double slit experiment. Is our reality a physical dream that can last from 0 to 80 years? Do we wake up in 4d land just like we do each morning in 3D? Do some people forget about this joint whilst others can't get over their nightmare? That might explain why we don't have a few billion ghost running around the joint? Plenty to ponder on, I think it's possible from 4d land, we can vibrate our energy towards our loved ones or soul family, we " telepathically" create city's and homes to live in, pretty cool if it's correct... But just back to intangible particles for a moment. Scientist split a particle and then send it in opposite directions. No matter what they do to confuse one of the particles, the other half does exactly the same, as if they are link "telepathically". πŸ˜‰
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-29)
Tweed, that does sound like the shadow people! Very cool to think about, thanks for putting that out there!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-29)
aussiedaz--I do believe we are coming to very similar conclusions merely drawn from diverse theories. G.N.M. Tyrrell created his theory of apparitional dramas, created by a telepathic "production" by both the sender and percipient, back in the late 1940s. So many new discoveries (and theories) have blossomed since his death.

Still, he really did create a very satisfying (and unifying) theory of at least one type of apparition. Namely the apparition as a telepathic hallucination. Thanks for sharing your always intriguing thoughts Daz.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-29)
Oh em gee.

Daz, over the last few days you've inspired me to read about all kinds of stuff. Yesterday it was the double slit experiment today it's 4d land. I haven't even clicked the links left on another thread yet, but I'll get to them eventually. In fact I'm getting next to nothing done, but who cares this seems more important.
I just had to share this (lifted from Wikipedia article about four dimensional space.) I'll stick a few things in capslock to express how I perceived this info:

"If a light is shone on a three dimensional object, a two-dimensional shadow is cast. By dimensional analogy, light shone on a two-dimensional object in a two-dimensional world would cast a one-dimensional shadow, and light on a one-dimensional object in a one-dimensional world would cast a zero-dimensional shadow, that is, A POINT OF NON-LIGHT. Going the other way, one may infer that light shone on a FOUR-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT IN A FOUR-DIMENSIONAL world would cast a THREE-DIMENSIONAL SHADOW."

Dude, it's the freakin shadow people! 😲
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-29)
Mac, It was reassuring, I've also been fortunate enough to see and talk to my parents with in my home in a waking state...Yes,mate I've had some of those friday the 13th accounts on Elm street, the only thing I'll say about them, if you have the nerve to confront what ever it is chasing you and not show fear, they will dissolve, well mine did anyway... Not that I'm any hero, but I think we are the centre of our own universe and ultimately in control of our destiny... What ever brings on these accounts doesn't want you to know that.

Regards Daz
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-29)
Manafon, That's an interesting theory and quite plausible, my own thoughts on what might be happening are probably similar... String theory suggest our universe is basically a frequency wave of energy. The multi-verse theory tied in with string theory, suggest there may be countless number of parallel universes beyond our one, all with there own frequency field and dimension... Let me make this analogy using a TV set... A 2 dimensional TV unit, receives a frequency signal from a 3 dimensional realm and may have 100 channels each with there own 2 dimensional reality in play mode granted not physical, is it possible, just like changing a channel on a TV unit from 3d land via a frequency range, our loved ones in 4d can change our frequency fields through consciousness, which would be the obvious creator or remote viewing device to interact somewhere else, with physical surroundings?... Telepathic hallucination? Yeah maybe you can call it that also? I think many things in the spiritual realm are created telepathically.

Regards Daz.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-29)
Mack, please email away, I'm all ears, thanks! 😊

DandK wow I've never come across anyone else who had a sun allergy before, and yours cleared up which is great! I've wondered if it'll clear up on its own for me too, because I never had it as a kid. Haha close those curtains, yeup totally understand, allergy or no allergy. πŸ˜†
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-29)
DandK - awesome! Nature totally does it for me. That's the closest I ever come to seeing / understanding what my idea of a "Creator" might be. Life simply expressed in a multitude of forms, unstoppable in it's beauty and power, utterly in tune with itself.

Unfortunately, poor old Earth here has taken an extreme beating of late, due to our dis-harmony. I doubt if it will ever return to it's pristine state with us still on it, but it's hardly our fault. I mean honestly; how were we to know? We learn from our mistakes, but we've made so many now, that I feel the damage is already done.

Tweed - I found your dream really interesting. Actually, I have a fairly intense, but very disturbing interpretation of what I think it means, but after much deliberation, I feel it's probably not appropriate for this site...😊 Let me know if you want me to email you.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Mack, your comment about pure, untouched nature really resonated with me. I often envision a world in which we (humans) are 'with' the rest of the life on this planet, rather than controlling it. Everything in harmony. My perfect world.
(I've always known I was a total tree hugger. Wouldn't have it any other way.) When I try to envision my happy place, that's where I go.

With respect to your dream about questioning your life, and seeing your son on the beach, I've often wondered if creating new vessels for another soul to come to earth for a vacation/other is one of main purposes of life. Could be what your mind came to also.

Tweed, I can totally relate to your nightmare and your desire not to have kids, but that you love kids. I am the same. I chose not to have kids and had to put up with my mother constantly telling me how much I would regret it. I have no regrets. This was my path, and I know it was for a reason.

Another similarity we have is our feelings about the sun. I love cloudy, rainy days. My mood is the best at those times. I don't like sunny days, but I put up with them by closing the blinds and using blackout curtains on the days that the sun gets to be too much. When I was in my early 20's, I was diagnosed with a sun allergy that caused me to get hives on my skin where it was exposed, but only on my arms. They would itch like crazy. Doctor told me it was a type of allergy he studied when he was a resident, and that it would last a couple of years and eventually go away, and that they didn't understand it yet. He was right. Haven't had that problem since I was about 28.

Daz, I haven't had a dream like that. I also don't think I've had a lucid dream, as far as I understand what they are. I don't know I'm dreaming. Each dream is always my reality at the time. I've also had a regular habit of sleepwalking when I was young. In those, I'm talking, walking, and interacting with people in the 'real' world, but actually in a different world in my head. It's a strange feeling the next day because it's hard to sort out reality.

Manafon1, your dream sounds wonderful. The closest I can come to that feeling is a dream I had about my late husband about a year after he died. I saw him again and felt such profound happiness. I had missed him so much. But it was just a dream, and in the dream it was my reality. It is the first of only two dreams I can remember having with him since he died.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
lol Mack, I'm sure you're not the only tree hugger on here, I talk to trees in a round about way. Nothing wrong with hippy speak!πŸ˜†

I had a profoundly vivid and realistic nightmare in my early 20's which I believe was a reminder/kick up the pants to who I am.
(I've known from a very young age that I didn't want to be a parent)

At the time of the nightmare an acquaintance made a remark to me (after the usual 'No I don't have kids, no I'm not having kids' spiel one gives in in these moments)...Her remark was that I 'Just hadn't found the right man'. If ever you want to infuriate a nonparent, remember that sentence.

In the nightmare I was a new parent, the mood was nothing I ever want to feel again, intense inescapable foreboding. Imagine it was much the same mood as DandK's nightmare. I had this baby in a basket which I was attempting to dump (I know, horribly despicable!) The only way out of the nightmare was to scale a tall bluestone wall. As I climbed upwards sun rays from overcast clouds burned my skin making it difficult to climb fast. I reached the top, there was a dark forest on the other side. I jumped into the darkness and woke up.

After that nightmare I never felt angry at another silly parent remark again. Because I realised it doesn't matter what others think, or what others don't understand. I love kids, and I'm great with them. But parenthood is separate, it's simply not for me.

Here's the kicker. In my early 30's I was diagnosed with Solar Urticaria, an allergy to UV/sunlight. It gets progressively worse over time. These days I have to avoid sun exposure as much as possible or I get red blotches on my neck, nausea and vomiting. It feels like alcohol or food poisoning but all symptoms (including blotches) pass as quickly as they're brought on. Something to be thankful for.

According to a sleep doc I saw about ten years ago our dreams have the ability to inform us of underlying issues, both physical and emotional.
I don't believe in predetermined fate. But I do believe in a right and wrong path for each of us and that our paths are each unique, as we are.
To my way of thinking it makes sense we experience glimpses into the future. I think of it as our innate awareness reminding us what's best for us.
For me that nightmare was telling me "You've got to get over small minded opinions, and by the way stay out of the sun".
(Interestingly I never liked sunlight much anyway. Now I'm all for following my gut.πŸ˜‰)

By the way Manfon and Daz I agree with Mack. It sounds like you made contact with your loved ones, or maybe they made contact with you. Either way, very very cool! 😊
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
aussiedaz--I also don't believe my consciousness travelled elsewhere, only that it felt like it. Following the theories of G.N.M. Tyrrell, a visitation dream would be the same as a waking person witnessing a "ghost". Essentially the percipient's unconscious works in conjunction with the consciously sent messages of the "spirit" to, in essence, create an "apparitional drama".

Tyrrell postulates that a part of our subconscious (that he describes as the 'stage carpenter') puts together the "drama" in which we interact with the mind of the deceased person. This "telepathic hallucination" can be created in waking or sleeping states. I am massively simplifying his theory but it's a fascinating one. I highly recommend his important, watershed works "Apparitions" and "Science and Psychical Research".
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Daz - many years ago I had an extremely vivid nightmarish "dream" that was possibly in the 3D type that you mention?

I was flying around and being chased by these two entities in strange masks. They were kind of terrorizing me, and I was afraid of them. But the weird thing was that in my blind panic to escape, I was able to fly through the plain concrete type walls of these square buildings; I could actually FEEL the coldness of the material as I flew through the walls.

Zzsgranny: Look, at the end of the day I AM a tree hugging hippy but I was shocked at how obvious that was when I read my own ramblings! I guess my "air of sophistication" just isn't that convincing! Ha ha ha πŸ˜†

Manafon and Daz - that sounds like you totally met with your loved ones. Must have been incredibly reassuring.

I believe we all leave our bodies during sleep and have our adventures, most of which we can't properly recall. Maybe we can't remember many of the experiences because we are simply holding down jobs in spirit as well to get rid of an "astral" mortgage and it's as dull as dishwater!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Manafon, yes, your description sounds familiar to me, I speculate we don't actually leave our body, but what our higher self or own consciousness does, is meet with our loved ones in some reality elsewhere with in the greater consciousness system and I also speculate, that these accounts are what it feels like to cross over. I have left my body and walked around my home,it's entirely different to that.

Regards Daz
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
aussiedaz--I had one experience with what you describe as a "physical dream." It was two or three weeks after my mom had died. This part is difficult to describe but it felt like my consciousness was taken somewhere outside my physical body.

My mom and I talked, embraced, and then it was over. Nothing about this "dream" was remotely like any dream I have had before or since. It was as real as the world appears in waking life. Colors were vibrant, I could feel my mom's embrace as I feel a hug in "real" life and when I hugged her I felt her as a solid human body.

The really wild thing about this visitation dream was the feeling I was in a physical realm. The dream was also completely linear and had absolutely no "symbolism" or vagueness as most common dreams have. I have no doubt whatsoever that it was my mom paying me a comforting visit.

Tying in with your thoughts, it really felt like my consciousness had travelled elsewhere to meet my mom. Unlike a traditional dream, this visitation dream remains as vivid and clear as if I am recalling a physical visit from a living human being.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Mack: Nothin' wrong with bein' a tree-huggin' hippie! Just ask me, I'll tell you. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Have any of you guys ever had a physical dream? It's probably the next step up from a lucid one. Your dream is basically 3 dimensional... I have had a few over many years, on this one occasion, I spoke with my father who had crossed over, I was clever enough to ask him a few questions to validate our meeting. Something that him and my mother only knew. Sure enough the next day, my mother validated the information he gave me... See it makes me wonder just how this works... If I'm correct in assuming our consciousness is outside our body, then our consciousness must be able to create three dimensional realities at will?...our physical self in this reality is just an avatar with a big ego?
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
DandK - very cool dream, (not the trapped in endless reincarnation cycles one! Ha ha that's Tweeds nightmare too! Don't fret Tweed, just help a few more old ladies across the streetπŸ˜‰)

That "we are one and everything happens because it's meant to and has to" dream / experience reflects often the message that we get and that many believe. That's how I tend to view it, and I think many, if not all the problems we humans have are created by free will / cause and effect, or simply something we have to experience for who-knows-what reasons.

Basically the natural, balanced laws of the Universe have been broken and we have upset the apple cart.

Check out pure, untouched nature. Amazingly coherent, working perfectly together in an expression of harmony. That's what it's about. Jeez, reading that back, I sound like such a freakin' HIPPY! πŸ˜†

Changing the subject and getting back to your post DandK (before I run outside and actually hug a tree) I had a vivid dream experience a bit like your one, whereby I was standing on a beach at the waters edge, asking an authoritative figure "Why do I have to be on Earth, and why can't I be in the spirit world?" It wasn't a whiny, poor me question, but more like what am I actually doing here? I wasn't unhappy, or struggling in life as far as I was aware. Then I was shown my eldest son who is now 14, playing leap frog on that beach (with some unknown people whom I couldn't actually see) and laughing and smiling.

That seemed to be the answer. Something to do with him? Now I don't know if that was a significant dream, or just cheese and broccoli playing havoc with my brain. But it was vivid.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Tweed, no worries mate, only too happy to help if I can, actually, I have a number of friends who are not on facebook, it has it's pro's and con's...it's just taking that first step. One good thing about it, your only a press of a button from terminating a bad friendship. πŸ˜†

Regards Daz
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Lol Tweed! I was feeling left out. I don't have facebook either. So that makes 4 on here. πŸ˜†
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
omg, so that makes 3 people in the world who don't have Facebook. I thought I was the only one! πŸ˜†
Daz, I'll send you an email or drop you a line on one of your stories some time. Got a couple points of oddness I'd love to get your opinion on at some point. 😊

DandK that nightmare really was the stuff of nightmares! 😭
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Mack, it's good to know that I'm in good company!

I wanted to comment on comprehending eternity and reincarnation also, given what you've all been discussing.

I feel my head start to spin when I think about eternity. But, I was fortunate enough to have a dream when I was about eighteen or nineteen that helped explain it to me and I've since taken comfort from it many times in my life.

In this dream, I found myself in a space with no size and nothing in the place. It seemed foggy, like a mist that you couldn't see. I looked around, confused, and wondered why I was there. As soon as I wondered that, I realized that I was dead. When I realized that I was dead, I found that I wasn't alone... There was a presence with me.

I felt like this presence was guiding me so I asked it what the point of life was, since it seemed so meaningless and I didn't know why I had been alive or why I had died. The presence granted me complete knowledge. I remember the feeling... I immediately knew that everything was good, and everything that happened was meant to happen. It was all the way it was supposed to be - the good things and the bad things.

As soon as that knowledge came to me, I ceased to exist. It was like I was no longer an individual life form, but joined in with the other energy, the mist, where there was no individual being, but we were one and everything.

I woke up from that dream right then gasping. My mother came running into my room because she heard me scream. I felt such complete peace, and while I couldn't remember any of the knowledge I was given, I remember knowing and feeling that it is all good and everything is ok.

When, I was a child, I had a recurring nightmare that could make you go crazy from fear. In this dream, I died. Then I came back as someone else. And it repeated forever. For eternity. I screamed after that one also, but for vastly different reasons. I will never forget that fear, that knowing I can't stop it and it will go on forever. I haven't had that nightmare in years and I hope I never do again.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
DandK - I don't have a FB account either, so there's actually two of us on Earth who don't have one... 😊
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-27)
Daz, got it! Thanks! I will get back to you in a bit. I don't currently have a Facebook account (probably the only person on the planet that doesn't).
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-27)
Dandk, I've put my facebook link up on my profile page for a while, you can contact me there if you like.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-27)
Hi Daz, I sent you an email, but it bounced at that address. I'd love to jump into this conversation!

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