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Night Attack


My experience (100% true) took place in Melbourne, around 1993. I hadn't experienced anything remotely close to this before and haven't since. I was living in a house in Orrong Road with around 4 flatmates at the time. I had been living in the house for about a year, with no strange / unexplainable events.

One night, in the early hours of the morning, I was awoken (and believe me I was wide awake) with the realisation that "something" had entered my room. The interesting part was, although I couldn't see what it was, I sensed it was part human / part animal. I don't know how I knew this but I did. In other words, human but more animal-like. And obviously, the feeling I got from this thing was not pleasant. I was also completely paralyzed. Now I have read about sleep paralysis etc, but I was wide awake, and not the kind of person to imagine things. I was not using drugs or have had any history of mental illness / delusions etc.

Anyway, as I lay there I sensed this "thing" walk into my room, around the foot of my bed and stood next to my bed for a moment. I was reasonably terrified to say the least! Next thing I knew this entity was on top of me. I felt an extreme pressure crushing down on me, as if it was trying to actually get into my body. I didn't know what to do as I was totally paralyzed, so all I could think to do was to recite some kind of prayer to try and repel whatever it was. Now I'm not religious but I prayed for the first time in my life! After about 5 seconds it seemed to just evaporate away and I could move again.

It took me along time, but eventually I fell asleep. In the morning I got up to have a shower and I noticed on my chest 6 red marks on my chest, 3 on each side spaced equally apart about the size of large fingerprints. These eventually faded away over the course of the day.

The last and equally disturbing aspect of this experience was after I had showered, I went into the kitchen where my flatmate was getting his breakfast. I said "Morning" and he said turned and said in a mischievous way, straight off the bat, "Did the Bogey man visit you last night?" I instantly said "no" and nothing more was said. My flatmate was a bit strange and was into his runes and apparently "dark magic", but the fact that he somehow knew about what happened to me just put such a weird twist on an already very weird experience.

I wish now I had said "No, but why do you ask?" and got into a conversation. I guess at the time I didn't want him to think he had the power to summon things and send them off to freak out / attack people. I often think about that experience and have shared it in case other people have had similar experiences.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Macknorton, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-25)
Tweed: tank you! I'm glad to know Macknorton is doing fine. ❤

Have a great weekend!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-25)
For anyone who might have been wondering MackNorton is absolutely fine! The earthquakes didn't hit where he is.

I didn't want what I said yesterday to be left hanging, hence this comment. He's just been taking a break from the site and been really busy.😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-18)
Mack, I hope everything at your end is okay. Or as okay as it can be. Thinking of you, and New Zealand in general, at this time.
I have a habit of not listening to the news, or taking the majority of 'news' with a pinch of salt, (it's mostly exaggerated). But that quake wasn't #%&*ing around.

I realise you probably only visit YGS once in a while. But you've been active on here again lately, and since the quake I haven't noticed you around.
So, without wanting to jump to any conclusions, I'm sending you some love, hugs and positivity. ❤ ❤

Hope to read you playing devil's advocate on here again real soon. 😉
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-07)
Thanks Randym for your kind words. I agree; My flat mates comment (and mischievous smirk) completely validated the experience for me, coupled with the unusual marks on my chest.

Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Rook, I think another reason people share the unpleasant experiences more is that they are looking for reassurance and some type of validation. The unpleasant experiences stick with people and can make them doubt themselves.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)

The good memories 'fade' the 'scary ones' become 'stories'.

Have a good look around this site... YGS is full of True Experiences and yet the majority that have been related fall into the 'it scared the POOP' out of me category rather than 'I was covered by this warm fuzzy feeling' type.

It's not that there are 'no bouts' of 'good' SP its that not many individuals share them because its easier to dismiss them as a 'dream'.

Just a guess on my part...however...


RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Sorry you had such an experience.
I suffer from sleep paralysis on a regular basis. The first time it happened I literally thought I was dying. Ready to cross the veil. I also felt that there we beings just off my line of vision rummaging about. I had never been as scared in my life.
It happens to me about once every 2 months now. Now that I know what it is it doesn't scare me and is really just an aggravation. Knowing how real it can be I too would say it was sleep paralysis until the part about what your flatmate said. Just way too coincidental. Perhaps he was "experimenting" and didn't realize that something would really show up.
People must be very very cautious when playing with the other side or they may get more than they bargained for. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Lol Mack,
I am now thoroughly enlightened after my Google. I see the whole phrase is almost a byword in Australia, even used by a Prime Minister in 2011.

I know I am horribly off-subject by now. I hope I don't get scolded by the mods for that. Seeing I am off-subject, I want to tell you that I visited your fair country in the not-so-distant past... What beauty! I also had an interesting (for me) experience there which I hope to submit in the near future.

BTW, I really enjoy your experiences... Keep them coming,please.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Fergie - good to know there's still people out there with a good sense of humour who don't take themselves too seriously!
I was educated about the lack of benefits of Bex by Rook after it was suggested by one member that I have a cup of tea, some Bex and a lie down after getting into rant mode about aliens etc...
Google it up, it's nasty stuff...
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Hi Mack,
I had a chuckle at your analogy of sleep paralysis. I am fortunate enough to have never experienced it, so I am not qualified to comment on it. My impressions are only of what I have read here on YGS; never heard of it before then!

Yeah! It would be quite something to hear of a nice experience/vision during sleep paralysis - have never heard of one.

BTW, never heard of 'Bex' in my country; must be an oversees thing. Bare in mind, S. Africa is about fifty years behind the rest of the world in some respects.

Loved your rant, lol.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Hi Fergie - sleep paralysis to me, seems to be a term created by boffins who can't explain spiritual matters because spirit can't be dissected or examined under a microscope or in a lab.
It is somewhat frustrating to hear these experiences being dismissed as "sleep paralysis". Which insinuates that I was hallucinating / dreaming / seeing things.
If they are simply hallucinations, why are they usually negative?
I would like to read or hear something like this: "...I awoke one night completely paralysed. Then suddenly my Granny who had passed away a year earlier came into my room, smiling lovingly and carrying a plate of freshly baked cookies and warm milk. She sat on my bed and I felt so much love and peace as she told me she loved me..."
Yeah right... Clearly there's something else at work by unenlightened spirits who seem to be able to tap into the fact our muscles are relaxed and take advantage of us.
If these vivid terrifying experiences are hallucinations, can we logically deduce that all other spirit sightings / interactions simply hallucinations caused by chemical reactions in the brain?
Should this website be called "Your Hallucination Story"? No it shouldn't because we are all aware there's another very real unseen, inhabited dimension that we are surrounded by.
Well I'm just starting to rant a bit now so I'll get off my soap box now, have a nice cup of Bex and a lie down...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Fergie
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-06)
Hi Mack,

I too, missed this one (thank you Rook for spotting it.) 😁

Mack, I found your account rather disturbing. I too, would have passed it off as sleep paralysis if it were not for the question by your flatmate. But, the impression I got, was that he may have been 'experimenting' with summoning something ungodly. His question was just to ascertain if his experiment had worked or not. I don't think he meant you any serious harm.
But then again, those are just MY thoughts.

Thanks for the creepy narrative.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-05)
Hi Rook. Thanks for your input and you make fair points. I'm like you; it's good to explore all possibilities before we decide "paranormal". However, there was NO question I was wide awake. After the experience, I lay in my bed still awake, freaked out trying to understand what had happened.
I've experienced lucid dreaming several times and this was not a dream. I know when I'm awake and when I'm not.
In terms your suggestion I somehow put the marks on my chest, well I couldn't imagine doing such an odd thing and if I did it would take massive concentration and conviction on my part that I would be marked somehow. I didn't consider for a moment I would be physically affected. The fact that there were six finger marks, not ten is not expected.
In terms of my flat mate, we had never had any discussion around paranormal / spiritual / ghost things. I didn't see much of him during the day and we would occasionally bump into each other in the flat.
In my recount I walked into the kitchen and instantly he asked about the bogeyman visiting me. I wasn't distressed at that point, more bemused.
His comment was no coincidence - what's the odds of a) experiencing something like that attack and then b) a flat mate asking you next morning in so many words: " how was that attack?"
He knew what happened. How?
In terms of me not "understanding what happened ". I understood perfectly well what happened, I was randomly assaulted by a lowly evolved spirit that attempted to get " inside me".
What I struggle with was my flat mates involvement / knowledge of the incident.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-22)

(Not sure why I did not see this when it was first published...but, well here we go...)

Many who experience Sleep Paralysis 'swear' they were wide awake during the entire event... And the marks on your body may have been 'manifested' by your own 'subconscious' due to how 'real' everything seemed...

It could be left at that except for one single fact... Your flat mate and your statement about him being into rune stones and 'dark magic'. It is possible that he was messing with you... Of course this could have been a total 'set up'...was there ever any talk about him being able to 'summon' an 'entity'? If not he may have simply noticed your distress and was yanking your chain... If however there was 'chatter' about being able to do such a thing... He either was able to due as he claimed OR he was taking advantage of your 'experience' and manipulating you into thinking he had 'done something'.

You obviously experienced something, something you did not understand. Thanks for sharing... Any more details about your roommate and his 'actions' or things he may have said or done in the... Lets say 2 wee... No make that 3 weeks leading up to this night?


Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-03)
To BadJuuJuu. Thanks for your thoughts.
I've often mulled over what happened to me that night. In my mind there's a couple of scenarios which I will list below in order of probability:
1. My flatmate somehow summoned the entity and sent it to me for his "amusement"
2. The entity was not conjured up and dispatched to my room by my flatmate, but it simply materialized and also visited him that night. I put this scenario as second only because of the way my flatmate asked if the bogeyman had visited me. He was kind of looking proud and mischievous. However I may have read that wrong at the time, but I'm 99% sure he was behind it. The fact that he didn't then go on to say "Holy crap, this thing attacked me last night etc etc etc!" suggests it didn't. If he had been attacked as I had, he looked pretty relaxed about it.
Again, I really regret not asking: "Why do you ask?"

I have no knowledge about how runes work, but he was using tarot cards and there was something a bit "off" about him. I don't think he "sensed" anything (he slept in a converted garage loft separate from the house - I never went in there to see what his set up was)

Interestingly when I told this experience to another flatmate shortly afterwards, she said once she heard footsteps come into the house but there was no one there.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2015-04-02)
He may have had nothing to do with the entity visiting you. It's possible he felt something off in the house the night before, and tried to make light of it instead of saying "Dude! There was some seriously weird stuff happening last night!"
I don't know the guy, obviously, but working with runes doesn't really add up to black magic. He may have been into both, but runes themselves don't indicate a dark interest. If you never felt he was spiteful, and he didn't seem to have a motive, he may have just sensed a dark presence and asked about it.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-02)
I think the only way that guy would have known, was if he had watched or if he was the one who summoned the entity, I would try to stay away from people like that.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-01)
To Lady-glow. Thanks. Funnily enough he never struck me as nasty, spiteful and we always seemed to get on well, as far as I thought. I have no idea what his motive was for that.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-01)
Welcome to YGS.
It seems to me like that flatmate of yours was a nasty person without respect for the people around him.
People like that deserve getting back their bad will by a three fold.

Thanks for sharing.

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