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A Warning Saved My Life


This not a "things that go bump in the night" experience, but intriguing none-the-less. This experience took place in Melbourne, around 1991. I was about 20 years old on my O.E. I was working part-time as a cleaner at a boys High School in a suburb called Toorak. Not exactly glamorous work cleaning toilets used by hundreds of teenage boys, but it was job and it gave me enough money to my bills and with a bit left over for beer and drumsticks.

Being a young, semi-bum I didn't own a car so I cycled everywhere, including to and from my cleaning job. I had been working there for a good year so I had a very set and efficient routine; I took my bike outside, spun the pedal around to get the foot-thingy in the right place, jumped on, sped down the road about 150 meters to a very busy intersection. If the light was red, I would either do (or try to do) the balance thing where you remain stationary and then looking at the other traffic light changing, anticipate the green light and the second it changed, power off at a great rate of knots.

Anyway, one day, no different than any other, it was time to go to work. But this day seemed different. Something was just slowing me down. I wasn't feeling tired, depressed, ill or anything like that. But I got my bike from my room and took it outside, and something, like a voice in my mind, was saying "Slow down, take it easy, no rush, take your time". I clearly recall trying to get the pedal-thingy (what ARE those called?) and seeing it spin around and around almost in slow motion but I was not the least bit concerned and felt I had all the time in the world. There was NO rush.

I finally had my toe in it and I casually pushed off and rolled down the hill towards the intersection. I trundled up to the red light and put my foot down on the road. I still had a very strong sensation to not rush and to take my sweet time. I saw the other light turning orange, so I looked down at that pedal-thingy and tap-tap-tap around it went as I tried to put my foot in it.

Now usually at this point I would be starting to move off, both feet in the pedals, ready to rapidly accelerate down the road (remember being 20 years old?) usually level with the first car next to me or just behind it. Now the light turned green and the first car had already moved off, and I had casually begun cycling about even with the second car (unheard of for me).

Just then I suddenly heard the roaring of an engine from the left. I only had time to glance up to see a car come hurtling down the hill probably doing 80-90 kmph, no braking what-so-ever, shoot through the red light and attempt to pass between the first car and the second car that I was next to. Literally a couple of meters in front me, it smashed a glancing blow into the front of the second car and careered through the intersection before coming to a screeching halt about 50 meters down the road.

I remember I kept cycling and looking back, in a very detached way, at the car thinking "Holy Crap!" but wasn't shocked or having any "how close was that!?" thoughts. It was if the whole experience was playing out as if it should have. Only later on did the realization hit me of how prior to that incident, I had been somehow "slowed down" by someone / thing. I have no doubt that had I carried out my normal routines of powering through that intersection, I would have been hit by that car and the outcome would not have been good!

The next day I was back to my usual, fast speedy routine but I did tend to look to that left side hill for a few days after!

I now believe a guide was looking after me that day, as I was somehow able to "know" that a car was due to speed through that red light. How that knowledge came to my mind is one of those mysteries that keeps life interesting, and is reassuring that we are looked after.

I know I'm not alone with these kinds of warnings and it would be great to hear from others with their theories.



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DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-16)
Hi Mack, I just reread this story. I get chills every time I read it! I hope your are well.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Wow! So thankful you listened to the "inner voice,guides".I have had my share of mishaps when I decided not to listen. Not quite at shocking as that, but none the less could have been.
I have definitely learned to listen lol! I'm sure you have also. 😊
And the tree! Ahh I want to hug that tree! I love nature and all that's in it
Thanks for sharing this incredible experience Mack!

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Dandk, yeh, sounds familiar to me, you'd basically jumped into another parallel universe,it's like the doppelgΓ€nger phenomenon, it's where parallel universes mesh together long enough on the same frequency so that two people of the same identity, function physically in the same frequency on a different probabilistic future. Someone might see you walk to the toilet, whilst the other you is sleeping in their room. It will only last for a short time, until the atoms and electrons conform back to their original universe. The greater consciousness systems gives you multiple lives to exist in... Takes an each way bet to get you to the end of your journey, because of that big ole hound dog Murphy's law throwing a spanner in the works... People who do have vivid strange memories of something going wrong and then suddenly bob's your uncle at a party telling a joke, well it just may be. You'd probably just past away in one of these other universes. Quite amazing to comprehend.

Regards Daz
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Mack, your tree story made me pause also. I too have a thing for trees (and all plants). I actually studied plant physiology in grad school. Absolutely love everything about plant chemistry and photosynthesis.

Daz, I totally understand what your wife experienced! I guess I was fishing a bit when I asked Mack that question, since I've had that feeling, but hadn't heard of someone else having it. I think this has happened to me several times in my life, starting from when I choked on a piece of hard candy at a birthday party when I was six years old. I vividly remember choking and not breathing, and an adult smacking my back trying to get the candy out. Next thing I remember is being back at the table having cake. Very strange.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Thanks for sharing it Mack, I'm with Cosomogal on this one, I'm a big believer in these sorts of premonitions and that's what it was... You had a feeling something was going to happen and it almost did... But in your circumstances, something was guiding you to safety.

Dandk, I know the type of account you're referring to. I believe my wife my have jumped a parallel universe on one of her accounts?. She was driving along the road at a good clip, looking out the window to her left for a few seconds when suddenly she straighten her head back on the traffic and there was a car stationary right in front of her... No time to hit the brakes!... She had vivid memories of being loaded into an ambulance and was thinking about who was going to pick me up from a Christmas party, when suddenly she was back in her car, not behind the stationary car, but right along side it? No accident, no ambulance and no explanation to how she seemed to have avoided the collision, only a vivid memory of what just transpired.

It is my belief, through her own guides, my wife jumped a parallel universe because it wasn't her time. I don't believe this happened to Mack, I feel his guide got through to him prior to the accident.

Regards Daz
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Mack, sorry, I have nothing useful or informative to say; I said it all in a post on your previous narrative.

What I can say is, thank goodness you listened to that inner voice. I enjoyed this narrative too.

Be well, Mack. 😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Hi Dreamer - you were very lucky not to be hit then. Someone was looking after you. These experiences throws up the whole "free will" and fate argument / question. How much are guides / angels or whoever we like to name the spirits that look after us actually allowed to intervene?

I would assume that if we come to harm because of our own stupidity, then it's really our responsibility, but when the actions of others may "kill" us then I guess it's more allowable/ reasonable to intervene?

Hi Chapulin - yes, I agree; give cyclists room (except when they are four abreast across my lane and I'm forced to endure middle aged mens lycra-clad bottoms in my face, then I say plow straight through em!) I'm joking! πŸ˜†

Hi Cosmogal - another lucky escape! Cheers
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Mack - oh wow 😭 I've got this thing about trees ❀ I would have felt the same, as if it was telling you goodbye. Darn 😭
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Hi SDS - I've had others of varying degrees and kinds, but nothing that I was aware of that so obviously saved myself from harm / death. I have been made aware of friends / relatives passing via dreams.

I recall one oddly random premonition experience (it's not worth a full story so I'll quickly relay it here) I used to live in a house that was next door to a huge oak or elm tree. It was a really impressive tree and I used to regularly sit on my back porch with a herbal tea and admire it's sheer magnificence.

I had been admiring this particular tree for months, when one summery afternoon, I noticed the leaves were fluttering in the breeze and I instantly had the thought that the tree was waving goodbye to me. It was a very vivid and intense (and strange at the time) thought.

Anyway, I went to work, and forgot all about it. When I returned home about 6 hours later, the tree had been completely cut down. 😒
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Hi Mack - I am big believer of these types of things. There absolutely was something or someone looking our for you that day telling you Not to Rush. I am just glad you listened. It has happened to me a few times. I remember once I was at the beach with my friend and we had agreed to leave to beat the traffic. So we packed up and headed towards the boardwalk. As we passed one of the shops we decided to stop and have a drink on the boardwalk. When we got to the car and on the expressway we were met with a lot of traffic and a complete standstill. There was a 10 car pile up just ahead of us and a helicopter came and had to airlift people to the hospital. We looked at each other like OMG if we didn't decide to stop we would have been in that accident. Thanks for sharing your story. 😁
chapulin1234 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)

I have a 20 something boy... (sigh), young and reckless... Thank God he seems to have overcome that stage, mind you he is now 27, but you, young man, you were very lucky to avoid this accident, it seems like it could have been fatal, every time I see a cyclist I try to give them plenty of space, better safe than sorry. 😐
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Hello Macknorton, that was nicely written experience of yours. A twenty year old person would act exactly the same way as you were then. But, still it is good, as Miracles and Tweed said, that unlike the persons of that age-group, who usually act skeptical, you did listen to that voice.

I feel that it could be some premonition you had about some impending danger and you are quite lucky that your mind has warned you to be slow. And it is but natural for all of us once certain experiences like that happen, we tend to be careful in those places. I refer to your seeing to the left side of the intersection for a few more days after the incident.

I want to ask, did you have any further premonitions or warnings of that sort, not anything such fatal warning like the one you narrated but general ones?

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Hi DandK - a CLEAT! Thank you! And really, I should thank those bloody cleats! They also helped to slow me down that day...

Ah, yup you just got super-freaky right there on meπŸ˜†! That's the whole parallel earth / dimension / universe thang going on there right? To be honest, that will hurt my little brain and I just can't go there with any confidence or knowledge! But it's a fascinating theory!

Glad you enjoyed my story. And listen up kids! Be safe on the roads!


DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-02)
Mack, that is quite an experience! I'm glad that something was slowing you down!

Not to get freaky on you, but do you ever wonder if maybe the truck did get you, but that your consciousness continued on in a another branch/path? Everyone that knew you back in that other path thinks you've passed, but your life continued seamlessly in this current path?

Ok - sorry about that!
(Side note about one of your asides: I just refer to it as the cleat - as in get the pedal's cleat in the right position. Or if it's a cage-type, I just say positioning the cage. By the way, I used to be a big biking fanatic. I rode everywhere too.)

Thanks for this great story!
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-01)
hi mack,
I read a lot of these types of stories, heard some and had many experiences myself.
In my book it is called intuiton, acting without conscious purpose to gain a result. I listen to this " voice " more and more. I suppose that it could be difficult to let go of control of something when the other option has no gaurante of working i.e. Going with a gut feeling instead of following the tried and true.
Infact I just did that 30 minutes ago looking for something where it ought to have been, it wasn,t, so I followed a hunch and went to another store room that I was not even aware of and hey presto, there it was.
I wish people would listen to this inner voice more often. They would learn that it is doing it, s thing for a good purpose, wether as a warning, or, a hunch that leads you to something good.
As for your story, maybe an angel was sitting on your handlebars slowing you down. I think I had one shove me out of the way of a car one dark night. Sometimes I still think that I was made transparent and it passed right through me.
So, I know how you feel. I too felt an inner peace, calm and just kept walking home. It didn, t really hit me until the next night when I went past there again and seriously started to ponder what really happened but, I still don, t really know for sure, that, s life!

😊 😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-01)
Miracles & Tweed, hi! I agree totally about warnings. I think often we get these "feelings" but possibly dismiss them because we assume it's our own mind just being paranoid or we are not being brave about something. However, that day I just went with it, it was such an overwhelming sensation.

Tweed: Ha! Yes I only had the sheer privilege of cycling THROUGH Toorak in the early 90's avoiding those Toorak tractors. I actually lived in Gray St, St Kilda when this happened, then North Caulfield, where I experienced my unfriendly nocturnal visitor my "Night Attack" story. The college was where I cleaned was St Kevins.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-01)
Mack, I used to hang around poshville Toorak in the early 90's! 😲
I often have the same thoughts as Miracles, wonder if people don't listen to the warnings. Your reaction after the collision is very intriguing. I wonder how much of it was inner calm and how much was untouchable 20something bravado.
All jokes aside though, thank GOODNESS you listened!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-03-01)
Mack - it's funny, in a not so haha way, how a "type" of story comes up on our site. Yours is the 2nd this afternoon about hearing a warning. Anyway, I am very glad you listened to that warning. I often wonder if some accidents happen because people get that warning and yet don't listen πŸ˜•

Thank you for sharing this with us 😊

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