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Real Ghost Stories

Alabama Haunting


It was 2011, I was in fifth grade at the time. We had just moved to Alabama from North Carolina. We arrived in Phenix City, a small town right on the border of Alabama and Georgia next to Columbus. I walked into the house, it was beautiful with a nice fireplace, Jacuzzi bathtub, outback pool, open kitchen, and best of all, enough bedrooms for me to have my own, yay.

I always spent about an hour or more hooking my dog Hudson up on his leash and walking him around on our porch, which wrapped around the entire house.

That night, I remember waking up around midnight, to this day I still don't know what woke me. All I remember was being extremely scared. I got out of bed and slowly walked out to the hallway leading to the living room. All of a sudden, a weird feeling came over me; I felt like I was being watched- from all directions! I sprint to my mother's room and slept there for the night.

About a month or so later, I was sitting in my room writing a song, I was a very creative kid. And out of nowhere (and this may sound clichè), I heard a loud moaning sound coming from the ceiling. I stupidly looked around through my window thinking it was something outside, then it happened again- louder this time. I immediately ran out of the room.

For a full month after that, I slept on the couch in the living room. I was watching TV one day and I noticed a shadow come across the TV. I quickly turned around, it was my mother's boyfriend outside pacing as he was smoking. As you can imagine, I was extremely relieved. A week later the same thing happened, I turned around to see my mother's boyfriend outside again.

After about five times of this happening, I saw the shadow once more, I assumed it was my mother's boyfriend, but I still turned around anyway, but this time, there was no one, Jimmy (the boyfriend) had left earlier to go to Walmart and my mother was in the bathroom on the opposite side of the house.

The happenings didn't stop there. A week later, I was laying on the couch watching the upside down show on Nick Jr (which was a show that isn't aired anymore) and the couch shook. It had felt like something heavy had bumped into it, I assumed it was Hudson, he was a big dog, a Great Dane Catalouah hound mix, so he was pretty heavy. I reached my hand out on the other side of the sofa to pet him, when to my dismay and surprise, he wasn't there. I looked back to see only the back of the couch and the shaggy carpet.

Towards the end of 2011 in September, we moved to another part of Alabama about 30 minutes away from Phenix City. It is now December 2, 2015. And I have not had one paranormal happening happen to me since then.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AnotherZombie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-28)
Sorry I have to finish that last sentence. New tablet with a keyboard and I'm not used to it yet.
As I was saying you can't force a premonition. Same as you can't force a spirit to appear or communicate.
Be well. I hope that you had a nice Christmas. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-28)
I apologize if you think that I was making fun of you or bullying you with my fist comment. That was not my intent. I just goofing with val. The zombie that I was referring to was Quenton Tarentino because among other movies I believe he wrote at least one zombie movie. If I'm wrong about that you can laugh at me and I hope you do. I am showing my age.
You have to understand that it is frustrating when someone writes a story and says they will read the comments but not join in the conversation. I am a psychic/medium but I'm not THAT good, I would need a wee bit more information to say if you had a lot of ghosts coming or going or just 1 ghost or a few just standing in the corner. I found it odd that you slept in the living room for a full month after hearing moaning in your room even though you had previously had a scare, feeling as though you were being watched from everywhere.
This is why it is important that if you accidentally say that you won't join in the conversation you write a post saying you will join in as soon as you realize your mistake.
You only lived in the house for a short time and haven't had any experiences in your new place. I suggest that you meditate to keep your abilities sharp. Don't EVER "play" with a Ouija Board they are bad news. Keep a journal like others have suggested. If you have a premonition write it in the journal if it comes true put a check mark if it doesn't put an x next to it. Same thing goes if you have a dream that something is going to happen write that in your journal too. Dreaming that something is going to happen is called a precognitive dream. You can't force a premonit
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-27)
I am not going to take what you said personally. The days I get emotional are those that I am not feeling well with my back or neck and I am already to cry at the drop of a hat or get b itchy. I thought you knew that but it might have been granny that I explained that to. I need to quit smoking already and have the dang surgery. But I am petrified because in the case of my lower back it's not a simple surgery. But you don't want or need to hear my woes.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
Miracles, my first paranormal experience happened when I was around 8. I suspect there are many children and teens who are experiencing the paranormal but are afraid they won't be believed if they ask for help.

AnotherZombie, I'm glad you haven't had any more experiences. I hope it stays that way.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
I'm writing this in case my comments were ones that made you feel bullied, that was never ever my intention. If they were, then I'm dreadfully sorry. If it helps at all I do believe your story, which is why I found it so frustrating that you had said you wouldn't participate in the discussion.
Yes, what you say is true, there will always be someone who will shoot your story down, but there are also those who will believe. Not just on this site but anywhere the subject comes up. In general, most members on this site don't just label everything as paranormal, but try to debunk our experiences. It's almost like our primary unwritten rule. We don't do it to be 'mean' but I do know it can be easy to overlook the mundane when scared out of your wits. Especially at a tender age. I was even younger when it began for me, as in I don't even recall a 'beginning' it just always was, to one degree or another. So, I really don't see your age as an issue.
However, there are also those who make things up and see if they get posted so that they can laugh at us 'crazies' or practice their fictional writing skills, as Rook pointed out. You don't know him, but I can assure you he wouldn't have bothered with his suggestions if he didn't sense some truth. Our man, Rook, can be rather...blunt, but his heart is in the right place. He is one who would say flat out, 'not buying.' Stick around and read awhile, you bound to see it happen.
If your up for a question or two I do have some. Think you're game?
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
Greetings, Another Zombie.
As I read your narrative, I noticed a commonality among the kinds of experiences you had in that house: they seem to be designed to make you question your sanity. This is not a residual presence in the home, going about its business without regard for the passage of time, this is a presence which deliberately seeks to cause stress and to unnerve one inhabitant of the house. Every experience is the type of event which another person -even one who lives there- would dismiss as "just your imagination." There is no full-bodied manifestation, no poltergeist phenomena, no shared experience, just a spirit who bullies children with insubstantial sounds, shadows, and nudges. I think that you are very lucky to have moved away from that house in order to have a more normal life.
Take care,
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
AnotherZombie - I guess the only thing I want to say to you is you don't have to prove yourself or your story to anyone. You know whether or not you experienced what you did and that really is the only thing that matters. It's that way with all of us. I've had people on this site disbelieve my shared experiences because they, well I guess because they just didn't believe me. And that's okay. I didn't share them to try and convince anyone that my experiences are true. I know and that's what matters.

As for taking your story down, I'm sorry but we can't remove it. Once it's here, it's here to stay. Try and get past the negative comments and hope that there is someone else on our site (whether an active member or just someone who silently reads the stories) that needed to read this. Maybe someone has experienced the same thing you have and feel that they are crazy, that no one would believe them.

As for the other comments, I'm not going in any order here and I'm not trying to reprimand anyone. However, y'all wanted participation from the o/p and this is what s/he gets? I've said it before, it's no wonder some people don't want to participate in the conversation. And another (RedWolf, I know you're going to take this personally, but don't. I'd say this regardless who made the comment) the o/p's age when this happened truly is not a reason not to believe it. How many of us experienced things when we were younger? I was 13 the first experience I can clearly recall. We have members who can recall their paranormal events from a much earlier age.

AnotherZombie - one more thing before I go. Rook mentioned keeping a journal. If you have any additional experiences, where you currently live or anytime in your lifetime, a journal is a wonderful, and helpful, thing to keep. You've got a start here with this experience. Even though you know longer live there, it doesn't mean you shouldn't keep track. You could have had a once in a lifetime experience, as a lot of people do, or you could have more as time goes on. If you do, please don't let less than favorable comments keep you from sharing with us.
AnotherZombie (1 stories) (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
I have read your comments and now think very low of myself, why did I share this story with people. Becaue there will always be someone who will have it shotdown. And to an earlier comment, this really did happen to me, I do not take pleasure in watching heated discussions with "crazies". Or the 'red nosed zombie'. I do not appreciate your making fun of me just because you don't agree with my story.

However if your heart ever so desires, I will find a way to have my story taken off of this website to avoid further bullying.

Thank you
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-25)
What I find interesting is this O/P started sleeping in the living room that s/he felt like s/he was being watched from everywhere after hearing moaning in his/her bed room. My tablet keeps going to it's homepage so I can't write too much more. BUT I think that there is no real evidence of anything paranormal. The O/P was 11 years old when these "events" happened and we both know how 11 year old children blow things out of proportion then convince themselves it really happened.
Now before my tablet flips it's wig again.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-25)
Then again there is something called attention to detail... The O/P moved and has had no further activity...

Where's my coffee? 😉


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-25)

A great way to help determine if things you are experiencing may be paranormal or not is to start a Journal... As you keep track of the events happening around the house it gives you a chance to verify just what may be causing them.

Example: Odd banging sounds happening every Thursday around 1500 (3pm)...residual haunting OR the sanitation department picking up garbage in you neighborhood about 1500 (3pm) the noise from which... For some reason... Sounds as if it is coming from inside the house.

A Journal can also help you determine the 'hot spots' in the house... Do they happen in a certain corner of a single room, all over the house or if the house is a two story do they seem to happen in a 'stacked' manner, as in right above one another? This COULD mean something 'bad' happened in that spot OR those areas are near a badly shielded electrical source and High EMF's are causing 'issues'.

With a Journal the truth can be discovered.

However I do not know why I wasted my time... Without feedback from the O/P we will not even know if they take our suggestions seriously, if at all and that this may just be a 'false story' so the O/P can get a laugh at us 'crazies'...Oh well... Its the risk we take for wanting to help others (sigh).


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-25)
LOL val
Of course we can't forget. Quinton the red nose Zombie had a very shiny nose.
Merry Christmas
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-24)
AnotherZombie - thanks for your post, and Merry Xmas to all.

Here's my 10 cents worth which may help?

Waking up scared could be explained by a bad dream. Feeling like you are being watched is easily put down to an over active imagination, particularly after a bad dream / (or watching a bad horror movie the day before)?

The "moaning sound" may well be explained away by wind, animals, or some other source. Only because a noise is not identified doesn't instantly make it paranormal, supernatural, spiritual etc. That's a bit like a UFO (unidentified flying object), we don't know what it was; oh then it's an alien spaceship. That logic doesn't follow.

The couch moving; well that could be anything but again, because you don't have an explanation then it doesn't make it paranormal.

Then again, your house may well be infested with spirits trying to get your attention... I don't know, but based on your post, I would wait for an experience far more concrete. When you have a 100% genuine spirit encounter, you'll know.


valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-12-24)
Merry Christmas to you too, Red. Since I need more characters, how about a lil' Christmas song? In keeping with YGS's 'theme' I might suggest 'Up on the Hearse top' or "Deck the Halls with parts of Molly'.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-24)
I agree val. It stinks that we can't ask questions and get answers. Oh well.
Merry Christmas
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-12-24)
It's always so frustrating when the OP says they won't participate in the discussion...

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