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Real Ghost Stories

Harrisons Graveyard in Kinston, Alabama


One night, my uncle took me, my sister, my brother, my cousin, and my other uncle to an old church graveyard on a long skinny dirt road way back in the woods. There, I witnessed things that I will never forget. I was only 6 or 7 and it was a full moon, you could see everything real good on the dirt road. We arrived at the old church and graveyard between 12 and 1 am. My uncle told us the story that if you touched all 4 corners of Grady Harrison's grave, he would come out and give you his fiddle. My sister and cousin were a lot older than me and a lot braver, they decided to get out of the van and touch the 4 corners of his grave right when they got to the grave, the clouds covered the moon just like in the movies and we heard something calling all of our names.

We started to see orbs pop up and moving in the woods in all kinds of directions, we called for the girls to come back to the van but they didn't hear us, when I looked up I saw Grady Harrison right at them, it was like a white shadow or fog but real detailed, he was playing his fiddle and dancing a jig, finally they saw the ghost and ran back to the van.

But this story isn't over yet, the van wouldn't start, not only that, but at the old church, there was an old walking cane hanging out the window at least 5 eeft and turning all different ways, and the orbs started getting closer, and making strange noises. Finally the van started, it was a brand new van, and we are heading out of the graveyard.

All the kids are in the back of the van made crosses with of close pens, we looked out the window and there is a DEMON, yes I said demon, it had four legs a black body, a black and red face with a fire mane kind of like a lions mane, and fire eyes, it was running right beside the van. I looked right at it, and I felt something that literally made me sick. Once we made it to the paved road, it was gone.

I have seen ghost before, we visited all 13 alabama ghost but I never went looking for them after that. I believe in God but after witnessing what I did on that night, I also believe in the devil and all the bad things he produces.

So if you are ever around Opp, Alabama, just on the other side is Kinston, if you want to believe yourself just go visit Harrison's graveyard on a full moon night but don't say I didn't warn you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cil, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

emjayne (5 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-03)
are you sure you didn't just see a horse or something? Even a centaur would be more believable than a demon with a flaming mane LOL 😆
lisajohnsonsmith (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-08-03)
as for the old church yes it was a church my granny is 98 she should know and they aint none of that bs demons out there if you saw a demon then you must have been there to do no good
lisajohnsonsmith (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-08-03)
first of all this is my great great great great great granddaddy and all but one at that cemetary is my blood and all the misfits and crazies think that its funny to destroy my families graves and I say to all stay away from there at dark you aint got no buisness there and if you mean any harm to anything there don't go at all. Folks around don't like disrespect to a grave and you go out there messing up you might hear something alright you might just not like it at all. Grandaddy harrison was a real man and his spirit lives on just like everyone else there so show some respect folks.
BamaBoyJosh (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-28)
Okay, first I know this old, but just to clear up some things. I currently live and have always lived with 10 miles of the graveyard. First, it's GRANCER Harrison not Grady. 2nd, its not down a LONG dirt road at all, its probably 100 yards long. You can't see it from the road, like some have claimed thought and its not closed to the public. After dark it IS closed to the public though very rarely enforced. The grave has been busted into many times trying to steal his money which was an urban legend, he wasn't buried with it. The building that sits on the land which is NOT just some blocks like some have claimed, it IS a building is disputed. Some say it was just a dancehall others say it was a church and even others say it was both at times. Regardless, there has been rumors that I saw someone else bring up that some satanic rituals were done there and I have seen myself satanic drawings on the walls in there but it could have just been a kid messing around. The only experiences I've had there (and I've gone a dozen or so times) was hearing sounds which one time was that of what sounded like a woman laughing but never saw any demons or anything ridiculous like that. Probably the creepiest thing we ever saw was that of a dead baby deer that was lying in the middle of the cemetery that was just kind of freaky. The place does have a creepy feel to it especially if youre alone but that may be just do to all the stories most of us grow up hearing. Regardless its a cool place to go to and people that vandalize it just ruin it for everyone else and disrespect the families of those buried there.
Ravenwillow (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-29)
I grew up in Opp and have been to this cemetary more than once when I was in my late teens. It has beeen a long time ago and I do remember a building right at this cemetary however I don't remember any demons and never saw a ghost while visiting. I am a member of a paranormal group and we do a lot of investigations and I have learned that you hardly ever run across any demons while visiting places like this. While I lived in Opp, however, I did hear of satanic rituals that were said to take place in this cemetary but don't have evidence to back these stories up. If these were true then it could open up possibilities of demon activity. When I visited the cemetary, I never felt threatened by anything demonic, which I am sensitive and usually pick up on these things, while walking around in the cemetary. In fact it was quite peaceful. However I did feel a little uneasy around that building. Enough that I wouldn't go in. That was years ago and before I started doing investigations. I believe that this cemetary is part of the reason I got so interested in the paranormal. One part of the story I remember is that Grancer Harrison was buried in his bed and bricked up by Florida brick in an above ground tomb. It was also rumored that he was buried with his money. I know people have blown up his grave and remember being able to look inside of it and see what might have been a bed. I have also heard that people have destroyed this cemetary and now it is closed to the public. It is truly sad when people destroy places like this. How would they feel if someone destroyed their resting place. I do wish my team and I could investigate here. This place has always intrigued me and would love to revisit and see if any evidence of the rumors are true.
alexischerylbedsole (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-30)
and I don't no were you got the old church part at cause the only "church" there isn't even a church! Its just a lot of blocks! So that's even more proff that this is fake! ❤
alexischerylbedsole (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-30)
Ok so here is the thing he is my great great great great uncle and I am from kinston so I would think that I would no something like this because I have been dow to the grave site many many time and well over 3/4 of the grave yard is my family. I really really think you just wanted to scare someone with this supper dupper FAKE! Story! I really don't believe that the van didn't start! I'm sorry but I would have to say pretty much NONE of this STORY is true!
Sadi (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-31)
O, and btw, there is no "old church". However, there use to be a dance hall, but it has crumble to nothing now. Maybe a child would think of it as a church.

Also,it isn't "way back in the woods". In fact, you can see it from the road, now. The farmer,who's land borders, has cut a few trees down; so you can actually see it from the road. But then again, to a child, it may have seemed to be way back in the woods.
Sadi (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-31)
you know, I live 5 miles from Harrison graveyard, been there many times, and never seen anything amiss... Sure wish Grancer would fiddle for me sometime!lol
alabamiebound (1 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-19)
Are you trying to tell the story of my grancer harrison? That is a first for me to hear about him turning into a devil. He has been known to play the fiddle and dance. Seems to me if you are going to tell a story you should know the first name of the person you are telling about. LOL
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-18)
This thing about recalling any memory from an early age seems to be of contention. My thoughts are that if a child can be a prodigy at a young age, why not a child who is not a prodigy, but one who can recall all the things that happened to them at an early age? Why is it so hard to assimilate or believe?

People easily dismiss children and the elderly. They argue that children can't remember, because they are too young, while the elderly are too old and next to senile. How degrading, as if people in the ages in between have all their memory and faculties.

I say one size does not fit all. For ghost sakes most of us on this site are here because we believe in ghosts! Did you all forget that and lost your memory?
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-18)
Hey Abby,

Your wisdom/maturity is showing again. ;P I couldn't and didn't put it into better words than that. You see that is why Martin and I liked having you around in the first place. You bring that little something extra to the discussion. That and when someone gets you going you stand your ground firm and with a witty come backs I might add. Wasn't too sure about your JW character though, still an enigma wrapped in a riddle. :D

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-18)
All I can say is,...where can I get an uncle like that? When I was a kid we just played board games.

These days would that be considered child abuse on the uncle's part for taking young children to a cemetary at night and scaring the stuffing out of them? Well, I suppose not, considering what the new technology provides and kids can watch and read (does anybody read?) almost anything. Ha! Ha! Certainly no board games. :)

The first part of the story was good, when the demon showed up, it started to lose its credibility. It became too theatrical for me. I don't know if it was a demon or not. It did not scare me. Just because it looked like a genetic experiment gone bad, doesn't mean it had to be a demon. I actually thought of Narnia when I read that part. I do have bizzare thought patterns though. Ha! It was well written though. I could see the story in my mind making all those turns right up to the book deal.
ErinT (9 stories) (7 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-17)
Im sorry but I don't believe this story at all. I'm always wary of stories starting with " I was 6/7 years old! I can't remember what I saw at 14 yearS old, let alone 6! Soon there will a story startin with "i was 8 months old". Plus the part about the demon! That blew any chances of me believing it!
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-05-16)
The author sent me this email:

"thank you for putting my story in, I know that you are a skeptic, but I assure you that is what happened, I am also a person that says if I don't see it with my own eyes I don't believe it that is why I put where the graveyard was at, just to answer some of the comments yes I have seen ghost of my family members I don't like it , I guess we was asking for it when we went to the graveyard in the first place disturbing their rest and all, but I have never seen or felt anything like I did when I saw that thing I'm assuming was a demon , yes I use to play with ouji boards but nothing like that has happened to me ever again but anyway thank you sir for at least allowing your readers a chance to decide for themselves, also if your ever in the area you might want to check it out for yourself thank you for your time may you be blessed"
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-16)
Nah, we know better than that Martin. It's good to have stories like this and the other one once in awhile it keeps us on our toes and our senses sharp. Only the authors of these two stories know if they are true or not. Some people exagerate just a little to make the story more interesting than it real is. Hey you could publish some of the more obvious fakes such as the zombies and werewolfs. Those could be used for entertainment purposes.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-05-16)
Well considering the users input on this one, if the author doesn't come and defend his story soon, I might just pull it off because there's nothing I'd hate more than people think I publish made up stories.
Janice (7 stories) (248 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-16)
Hey Cil, I have to agree with Martin and Shane, this does sound quite unbelievable especially the part about the demon. It sounded like you picked out your words and just sorted them into a way in which you wanted us to believe it. It's possible that these things could happen, but rarely, are you sure that you weren't dreaming, or something? Did you read this in a fictional book because it sounds like you read it in one of those folklore books and copied it. I don't mean to be rude at all, I'm sorry if I sounded rude but it looks like you really did quite exagerate...
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-05-16)
I would have said almost believable until the part about the demon came into play. After that well it kind of lost credibilty. I am also wondering just how much of a hand in this haunting your uncle/s had in it. Other than the fact the moon became covered with clouds the rest could have been staged. Sorry I guess I will just have to check this one out next time I am in Alabama.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-05-16)
The author has insisted that his story was real so I'm publishing it, but personally, I don't believe it, it sounds like a bad movie. Oh well... Up to your to decide.

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