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Motel 6 And Anna


In my early teens, I began seeing spirits. Maybe I had been seeing them before, and simply brushing them off as figments of my overactive imagination, but all I know is my early teens is when I remember them really becoming noticeable.

They started off as blurs barely distinguishable from the corners of my eyes, to shadowed figures that only appeared for seconds at a time, and eventually they took on the forms of full blown apparitions. I should probably add that originally, I only really saw them at night. Recently however, I've been noticing them in broad daylight. This experience is about a room with some of the most spiritual activity I've ever experienced, and a lost girl I call Anna.

Around December 2014, my family and I traveled from Kissimee, Florida to Vancouver, Washington. We were hoping for a fresh start after some family drama that had happened between my mother and her mother, and hopefully a better living space. My father had gotten an offer from an old employer of his that would pay handsomely, and after a few days' deliberation, we decided to go for it. It was a long trip, especially when you consider that fact that I live in a seven person family, but it was made easier by that fact that we had two vehicles at the time. I won't bore you with insignificant details, so I'll just start at when we finally got there.

Our first day there, we were broke. My mother called up my father's new employer, and he agreed to give us an advance on my father's pay in exchange for taking it from his next check. We agreed, and set out to look for a decent hotel to spend the next week or so while we look for a home to buy (my mom didn't want to buy a home without first being able to see it in person). Unfortunately, if you have ever been to Washington, you would know that it is crazy expensive. After about the fourth hotel that was trying to charge a hundred dollars a night, we settled on a Motel 6.

The room was fairly nice, and actually pretty spacey for a Motel 6. It had two double/full sized beds on the right (I'm sorry for not being able to be more specific, I don't know much about bed sizes), and on the left it had a large TV along with a dresser/stand it sat upon. Straight ahead was the sink area, with a wide mirror that stretched along the entire counter/sink vicinity. There was a microwave on the counter next to the sink, and a little nook in front of it which had the hanger area. Directly right to the sink was the bathroom. The bathroom was very small, with only a toilet and the standard shower/tub combination.

Before I go any further, I would like to mention that my mother and brother are sensitive to spirits as well. My mother can communicate with the deceased through photos of them in life, and has recently started to do readings; however, she doesn't actually see them like my brother and myself. While I actually seem to attract more female and child spirits, my brother seems to attract the more malicious ones. He actually has many spirits and stories of his own, but those are another story. Maybe I will get his permission to post them, however case in point; I'm not the only 'spiritually gifted' in my family.

Anyhow, the first few nights were pretty tame if I remember correctly. I am a firm believer in 'debunking' whatever can be debunked. I am a wimp of the highest degree, and I sure didn't want to scare myself over something that could be explained! So at first, most of the strange occurrences could be debunked by the neighbors. Footsteps, voices, strange bumping. All of it was put down to the people in the other rooms. In fact, most of it probably was. I was content until what was probably the fourth night. Please keep in mind that my family spent over a year in that motel room, so I may sometimes get the timelines crisscrossed. If you notice it, please don't be afraid to point it out.

Around the fourth night, I started noticing a man. I would only notice him at night, usually when everyone else was sleeping, and he would stand in the dark corner where our jackets hung and stare at everyone sleeping. I didn't get a bad vibe, more I felt like he was just watching over them? I would try to stealthily stare him down, though all I could make out was that he wore a leather jacket and a fedora. I will point out that at the moment, two of my siblings shared one of the beds (the one closer to the bathroom and therefore the man), while myself and two other siblings had cots on the floor. We used to rotate, but I felt more comfortable on the my cot, as I was hidden from view (my cot was next to my parents' bed, closest to the door and right next to a table that was in front of the window).

At first, I didn't tell anyone about the man. Despite the fact that my brother sees them as well, and my mom can communicate with them, it scares my siblings and my mom hadn't yet fully embraced her 'gifts'. If me or my brother tried to tell her about the strange people we would see in random places, she would listen, but not much else. Keep in mind that at the time, I myself was just coming to accept the fact that maybe the people I saw weren't just daydreams or figments of my imagination. So I kept it quiet for a long period of time.

Sometime around mid Spring of 2015, things had changed. My mom had decided to embrace her gifts, and I had finally told my family about the man with the fedora. Surprisingly, after I finally told my family about him, I stopped seeing him regularly. In fact, I only saw him two more times that I can recall after that. I kind of got the feeling that he didn't want them to know about him? All I know is that he pretty much disappeared after that. However, now that I've told you all the background you need to know, I can finally tell you about the spirit that made the most impact on me throughout my stay in Motel 6.

Her name was Anna, and I noticed her first. It was awhile after fedora man had disappeared before I noticed that someone else had taken his spot. She would wait in the corner for hours at a time before I would finally hear the soft padding of her footsteps come across the room to my cot. Originally, she would only come about halfway, and sometimes she would even crawl! She scared the daylights out of me, as all I knew was that she was a spirit that would only come to me at night.

Eventually, I began to gather enough courage to actually look at her. The first thing I noticed was that her hair was long and dark in color, tangled beyond belief with what seemed to be twigs and leafs sticking out in various places. Her skin was streaked with dirt, and when she smiled at me I could see her teeth rotting. She wore nothing but a long whitish nightgown that was, like the rest of her, covered in dirt and tears in the fabric. Her feet were dirty and bare, and for the tiniest of moments, I thought of a person running though the woods. The person was desperate, all I knew was that they couldn't be caught by the bad man chasing them, they just couldn't. Branches whipped them in the face, and rocks and sticks tore at their feet but they kept running.

Just as quickly, I was back in the present, and Anna was still there, just smiling at me. I quickly hid beneath my blankets and tried to feign sleep. The next day, I told my brother about Anna, and was surprised to hear him say that he hadn't seen her yet. But then he told me that he had been dreaming about her. He said that she didn't like him, and was always glaring and angry whenever he saw her. He also said that he kept seeing what seemed to be the woods, and that was where he usually saw her in his dreams.

I was baffled. Why would Anna hate my brother, when she was so nice to me? This cycle continued for a long while. I would see Anna, and she would treat me almost gently; doing things such as humming and sitting by my head. She seemed to like me, and she gave off an almost maternal feel sometimes. Though at other times, she seemed to be not so happy to see me. She would stay far away in her corner, and not approach me for days. Eventually, I asked my mom for help.

Motel 6 And Anna

I wanted answers. Who was Anna? Why was she so attached and affectionate with me and only me, and why did she dislike my brother? What happened to her, and why does she look the way she does? So at my mothers request, I drew a picture of her, and my mom sent it to her psychic friends. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much. Boy was I wrong.

By the next day we already had three replies, with all of them saying the same thing. Her name was Anna or Hannah (for some reason, Anna just resonates with me, and it is what I have stuck to calling her), and she seemed to have been neglected in life. She died an awful death, and she seemed to like me because I remind her of a sister she once had. She's also jealous of me because I have the family she's always wanted, but could never have. My mind was blown. That was much more information than what I expected, and I was truly glad to finally know a little bit about Anna.

Soon after, I stopped seeing Anna. I could occasionally sense her, but for the most part she stopped appearing in front of me. I got the feeling she was ashamed? It was almost like she was afraid I would dislike her after learning a bit about her. But I also got this feeling of overwhelming relief, as if she was glad that I put her out there. Soon after I learned why.

Recently, my mother was contacted by a psychic detective. The detective claimed that Anna has shown up at her home, and she had some information we might find useful. What I am about to tell you might sound crazy, or even fictional, but I promise you that it is the truth.

According to the detective with the help of my mother, Anna seems to have been a child of incest, and died a sad death sometime in the early 1920's. They say that she was neglected, and possibly sexually abused by a relative (probably the father), and might have been killed off to keep it a secret. When prompted, we were all shocked to learn that Anna led the detective straight to my great grandmother's land, a woodsy area in Dahlonega, Georgia. My mother had told us stories of how way back when, my great uncle would tell her about how they have a pond in the woods somewhere, the perfect place to dump a body and have no one find it. I almost couldn't believe it. However, it explained so much. Why Anna attached to me, why she dislikes my brother (or rather men in general), and her affection and jealousy.

The detective is still looking for more information on Anna, and I eagerly await her answers. I will try to find the sketch I drew of Anna and post it here. Please tell me what you think, I would love to hear everyone's thoughts in the comments! If anyone needs something clarified as well, don't be afraid to ask. Thank you for reading my experience.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, WintersAzazel, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-06)
Allicatt -

I thank you very much for your well wishes! And I'm glad that you were able to envision Anna with such clarity; I was certainly hoping to at least vaguely get her appearance and mannerisms across. I agree, what happened to her was a tragedy, and I really do hope that I managed to help her just the tiniest bit.

Macknorton -

Oh no, I'm not offended at all! In fact, I'm rather glad that you came to request clarification for things that confused you, and I will do my best to do so!

So, first I'd like to say that I did leave some details out of that particular situation, as I felt that it wasn't too pertinent and it was a bit personal. But! If it'll help you understand, I have no problem shedding some light on it for you, and I hope this helps!

The truth is, the job offer came at a time when we were in the process of selling our house to avoid losing it, and my mother and her mother were having some drama between the two that was rather unsavory. And my parents were definitely torn between going for it or staying in Florida. The thing is, when I said that the job would paid handsomely, I wasn't kidding! It was a LOT of money, and it seemed fairly stable. But the problem was, we knew that if we went for it, we wouldn't have much money left over when we arrived. My parents were banking on the fact that my dad would have an extremely high pay, and therefore, we wouldn't be too financially troubled. And due to bad experiences in the past, my mother didn't want to pre-purchase a house without first seeing it. But when we arrived, Washington was a lot more expensive than what we thought, and turned out to have a very limited pool of vacancies in decent areas. So despite my dads good pay, we were stuck in the hotel in a vicious cycle. The hotel was draining money, and any place we happened to take a look at wanted a ridiculously high deposit fee that we just didn't have, and couldn't save up for.

I hope that clears things up a bit! If I happened to miss anything, please tell me and I'll do my best to clarify that as well. 😊

TheSkeptic -

I actually think I've heard of that before! And it sounds plausible, especially living in a damp place like Washington. And for the cellphone thing, I don't really know how to respond to that? My first instinct when seeing something otherworldly or strange generally isn't to take a photo or scream to see if it'll disappear; especially as late in the night as I usually saw Anna. I don't know if that's how other people would react though, so maybe you're right? In the end, I can't quite say I agree with you, but I certainly see where you're coming from, and hope that I didn't offend you! 😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-03)
Hi WintersAzaael

I appreciate your story is an old post, but comments are still recent, hence why I read your experience. Thanks for sharing.

Are you able to please clarify some points for me that don't seem to make sense to me?

"... My father had gotten an offer from an old employer of his that would pay handsomely, and after a few days' deliberation, we decided to go for it..."

To me this is perfectly reasonable, except when combined with the following:

"...Our first day there, we were broke. My mother called up my father's new employer, and he agreed to give us an advance on my father's pay in exchange for taking it from his next check. We agreed, and set out to look for a decent hotel to spend the next week or so while we look for a home to buy..."

Surely when relocating to a new city / job (I have done this myself with my young family about 9 years ago from Wellington to Christchurch, NZ) a LOT of planning takes place.

It seems odd that you all pack up and arrive "broke". THEN your Mother asks for some financial assistance upon arrival. But at the same time you say your parents were looking to buy a home. Where I come from that involves a deposit of some sort, usually a lot of money. Maybe it's different in your part of the world?

It also seems unusual that your parents did not organise ANY accommodation at all prior to arriving in a new city. That seems unheard of considering there are five children. To me, that smacks of massive stress, crying, tired and hungry children, (any other parents reading this know what I'm talking about) and the real possibility of finding NOWHERE to stay at such short notice considering your parents were under massive financial restrictions. It just seems so random!

In summary I'm struggling with what I see as a "premise" being created as to why you ended up in that Motel, which, for me does taint the remainder of your narrative somewhat.

I hope you are not offended by my questions, I just simply have an inquiring mind and if something "doesn't compute" for me, I need to dig a little deeper for clarification. 😊


TheSkeptic (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-03)
Curious why in the day of technology and smart phones you didn't try to snap a picture of these "spirits" or scream to see if they would disappear. Scientific studies have recently shown that mold can affect the brain to where one can see "ghosts" (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3022735/Seen-ghost-inhaled-toxic-mould-Poor-air-quality-old-buildings-lead-haunting-hallucinations.html)

Check with the health inspector of the city where that motel is to see if there are any health violations that could be causing these visions. Good luck to you
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-01)

Thank you for sharing this well written story, You described Anna so well. I could mentally picture her very easily, it broke my heart to hear how she died no child deserves that ever. It sounds like you were able to help her to a degree which is amazing. I hope Anna was able to find peace and pass on so she isn't stuck forever running from a fate that's bound to take place. How terrible that would be, wishing you the best.

WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-01)
Maelstrom -

That is indeed very interesting! I don't know if I'll be back in Georgia anytime soon, but that is certainly something I'd be willing to test out. Also, thank you very much for the helpful description of Dahlonega for anyone who doesn't happen to know it very well 😁
Maelstrom (23 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-31)
So, after posting earlier, I had an intuition or 2 on the demise of Anna. I know there is strong belief that she was murdered. Given that a spirit will present themselves to us as they appeared at the time of death, not always, but this time yes. Whether she fell into a ravine and died as a result of hitting her head or that she was struck in the head and then thrown into the ravine, that part is unclear. But she died after she landed near the bottom. Being buried was mentioned, but I do not think that the person responsible wanted to be caught so they disposed of her the easy way. A lot of the area is very hard to dig due to the amount of rocks present. Even small holes are a pain, from experience. Now, the wildlife. The area has bear, coyotes, wild dogs, bobcat, etc. And back in the 20's would have been more than today.

Azazel, another intuition that appeared is that maybe she will show herself if you were to visit the area and maybe show you where any of her remains night be.
Maelstrom (23 posts)
8 years ago (2016-07-31)
Hello all. After reading some of the comments about the look of the twigs and leaves and about the landscape of the area, I will give you the general idea of what Dahlonega is like.

The area consists of mountains, valleys, winding creeks and streams, crazy roads and highways, where there are no farms or structures, thickly wooded.

Hope this helps some.
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Biblio -

Thank YOU for that fast response. And let me just say that now, this is just getting downright strange! You stated that you feel the hit was to the back of her skull. That's not only exactly what my brother and I thought, but that was where the dream girl was hit. I didn't see her face, but I distinctly remember seeing her laying on the ground with her back to me and a large red bloody spot on the back of her head. Again, the dream could have nothing to do with it, but I figured a coincidence like that should be mentioned.

Certainly, my brother and I are going to have a talk soon. And you didn't sound like a lunatic at all! In fact, you helped me convince myself that I wasn't one! I have a nasty habit of brushing off my 'feelings' and second guessing myself, so anytime it gets confirmed I feel just the tiniest bit more confident. So again, thanks! I might be back again later to add on to this, as I am going to talk to my brother soon and there may be something he wants to add.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)

Thank you for your quick response! I've been fretting that I sounded like a lunatic in my last post! Usually, my intuition is more like a fragmentary thought or a line of inquiry no-one else has pursued, then I find a clue or hint & submit that. I'm "Bibliothecarius" because I'm (metaphorically) a man of books: an English Teacher and a Librarian. I research stuff, I remember weird facts, and I remember where I looked them up; I do research or make suggestions for other members follow up in their own inquiries.

The number of weird impressions, feelings, and images I got when reading your account were entirely unprecedented in my experience; even as I wrote "strangled," I knew it was wrong, but I left it there anyway [perhaps the pursuer had intended to "wring her neck," but I'm unsure]. I wasn't certain if someone had raised the rock and hit her from behind, or if she'd been grabbed by the neck (from behind) and fallen over onto the rock (which seems "off," too) but I didn't 'see' the rock hitting her in the face: more the back of the skull.

It has been a very long time since I got psychic impressions this strong, and in such detailed variety, too! When I had impressions this strong, this clear, I was in the location of the events, but they were somewhat disjointed, and it was over 2 decades ago! Usually, I'm the one who thinks, "I've tried to debunk this odd feeling, but I can't; I ought to ask a medium or psychic to explore it."

I appreciate your reassurance, and I agree that these events, almost a century ago and about a thousand miles south of my current address, are not going to be resolved in their entirety.

Chat with your brother, see what he thinks, then please let me (and all of us) know what you find out.

WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-29)
Biblio -

First off, let me just say: Wow.

The sensations and feelings you're describing are so familiar to me, and seem almost exactly like the vibes and just general feeling Anna gave off. I don't remember if I've said this before, but my brother and I actually had a theory. Before I asked my mom anything, we conferred with each other and this is what we came up with.

Anna was definitely murdered. It was someone close to her, and before she died she was hidden away (maybe the house? Basement? Cellar?). No one knew about her besides select family members, and those that did kept their mouths shut. Complete isolation. It was dark, and she was so lonely. She was hungry too, and dirty. Occasionally she was let out (of where? I don't know), and she cherished it. She knew she had siblings, but she never got to spend any time with them. Maybe they didn't know about her? Fear, loneliness, and anger were three feelings we agreed she seemed full of. I don't think she came to me with the intention of getting her murderer caught, or even to let me know the circumstances of her death. Rather, I feel like she just wanted someone to REMEMBER her. To know that she DID live, that she DID exist, and that she WAS real. She just wants SOMEONE, I think, to care that she was there.

Whew. That went dark really quick, but it feels nice to get it out. I have no experience in honing the 'feelings' I sometimes get, and am nowhere near your level, so I could be wrong. As for her death, I feel you're right on the money. When I mentioned what my great-uncle had said, I meant to use it more as something to showcase the mentality of that part of Georgia, though I will admit to entertaining the idea that she was dumped there. I think you're correct or at least close, and I think it was a hit to the head. Awhile after Anna showed up, both my brother and I had a dream about a girl getting her head bashed in. The girl didn't look like Anna (light brown/red hair, taller, different clothing) so we didn't connect it to her at all, but now that I think about it, it could've been a sign. Or it could be me looking too deep into something with no meaning. Who knows? To clarify, we didn't have the same dream. Rather, he saw her get her head bashed open, and I saw her laying on the ground afterwords. Needless to say, we were both shocked when we compared.

Case in point, I'd really like to tell you that you're 'feelings' are 'wrong' or 'incorrect', but I can't. You're describing the same feelings both me and my brother got. In fact, the dream mentioned in the story wasn't the only one my brother had about Anna. He had once dreamt (again, a short time after she manifested) about a house in the woods he had first seem her in. He said that there were a lot of ladies hanging around, and they each seemed to be from a different time period, but they also all seemed similar (related? Descended?). One of them was Anna. He said that he had also seen a man. I don't remember too much detail, and I'd have to ask again, but I remember he said that the man seemed tall and sinister. Again, it could have no connection, but my brother tends to dream about spirits a LOT. Generally, before either of us ever even actually see them. Food for thought, definitely.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-28)
Greetings, Azazel:

I know you submitted this narrative first, but I read your second story then this one before I responded to your second story. Now I've read the all comments on here, I'll respond to this story, too.

Like you, I read stories on YGS for years before joining; I think this is the first one that has really creeped me out.

I'm not a psychic, I'm more an intuitive; I don't understand about half the things that happen inside my head, but they usually lead me in the right direction. I had the strong feeling that (despite what your great-uncle said) she wasn't in the water. Your great-uncle was probably repeating a phrase he'd heard in his childhood/youth, possibly used by the relative responsible for Anna's death. She may well have been killed and/or buried in that location, but you really do have to do a lot of hard work to stop a body from floating during the decomposition process. Burying a body in a shallow grave, then letting wild animals and the weather take their course would be much more effective in hiding a body (ok, now the mystery shows I watch are beginning to sound really sinister). I just don't get the sense of water from your description of her; water would have had a very different effect upon her body, thus a different effect upon how she perceived her death. She's still running through the woods, hiding, and avoiding danger. She knows she died. She didn't include the water in the visual information she gave to you; just the branches, roots, dirt, rocks, pain, and panic.

(Really creepy question: her death was above the shoulders, wasn't it? Strangled, perhaps, or her skull was crushed from behind with a rock, something like that? I don't get the sense of a premeditated weapons, just an unleashing of brutal rage. He was much larger than she was: stocky, broad-shouldered, muscled like a someone who works with the land. Weird body proportions: long arms but bow-legged? This feels awful...)

NOTE: I'm getting a slew of weird sensations, so I'd love to be told I'm wrong, here. Please, please tell me I'm wrong. (Was she kept in the root cellar? Was that a punishment? Planned to escape but got confused in her panic? Yuck, yuck, feeling awful. 😨)

I agree with BlackCat's assessment of Anna's appearance; one is the girl she was, the other is how she felt she wanted to be in order to deal with her life. Now that she's dead, she knows she can be both as needed. (Was she crawling to avoid your brother's view?)

Weird feelings about this story. I'm putting it in "favorites," but I really don't think that's the right word.

Take care,
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-04)

Whoops, I mean gas stations! Also, your name reminds me of an elementary school buddy of mine. Just curiosity, have you ever been to Georgia? Don't have to answer if you feel it's to personal 😊
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-04)

Hi! I am so sorry for this late reply, I've been busy with college arrangements lately and have been putting off coming to the site for fear of getting sidetracked.

Thank you for the comment! Yes, the trip was very long, and in all totallity fairly boring, certainly not book worthy! It included a lot of sleeping and has stations, that much I can assure 😆
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-01)
Ok not a comment on anything paranormal and I haven't finished reading the story yet but I just had to pause after I read:
"It was a long trip, especially when you consider that fact that I live in a seven person family, but it was made easier by that fact that we had two vehicles at the time. I won't bore you with insignificant details,..."
And say WOW! What an epic journey that must have been! And with a family of seven no less! I bet you could write a book! 😲
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-28)

Whoops, just realized I missed a question.

I do not know if my mother knew the detective while we still lived in Florida.
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-28)

Hi and you're welcome! And you're always welcome to ask questions.

I, myself, am not certain as to why Anna only chose then to reach out to me. Maybe I had been subconsciously blocking her out, and it was only when I had moved into that room full of spiritual activity that she was able to maintain contact? As I was very adept at ignoring my 'gifts' before then, and was the master of the phrase: "It was just my imagination."

As for why I felt the need for another opinion, as I've stated, I am not very used to actually using my 'gifts' and tend to second guess myself. A LOT. Anna terrified me at first, and it took time for me to become as comfortable with her as I eventually did. So, as I didn't trust my own intuition, I reached out for help.

As for the sketch reading, I too think it was amazing! I didn't know if it would count as a photo reading, though I have a theory that maybe they were picking up on my energy when I drew it? Like, when I drew it Anna was at the forefront of my mind, her image was crystal clear in my head, and maybe they picked up on THAT when they did the reading? 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)
Hi Winters:

Thanks for answering my previous question about the detective, although, to tell you the truth, I came up with yet another question. 😐

Did your mother know the detective when still living in Florida or in Georgia?

I do not understand the reason for Anna to wait for almost a century and until your family moved from the southwest to the northwest part of the country to "tell" her story when she could have tried to contact you when you were living so close to her. After all, Florida is Georgia's backyard.
And why to go to the detective if her relationship to you was so close?

The way your mother's friends were able to read your sketch of Anna is fascinating. I didn't now something like that was possible... The only thing I can say is: WOW!
Do you know if this could be considered photo reading?

Oops, that's more then only one question! Hope you don't mind. 😊
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)

Hi! Your theory sounds interesting, as I believe I've heard that spirits can change their appearance for different people, and my brother did make it clear that she seemed to dislike him. When we spoke about it, we both concluded that her dislike wasn't as much directed at him, more like a general dislike for male's is the feeling we got. And seeing as how he was the only male in the room capable of seeing her, we're thinking he got the brunt of her aggression. That, and maybe she was a little jealous of how close we are, but I'm leaning more towards misdirected anger. I'm so interested in hearing what other theories people have!
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Wow. Your story is really fascinating. That is actually really strange that the details are different. Perhaps she makes herself appear a little older to him to intimidate him in his dreams? (she doesn't seem to like males very much). Hm. My beliefs about the paranormal was always the usual: spirits/ghosts/shadow people/etc. Only recently have I considered sprites/fairies/or other strange beings. That's really interesting that your brother brings that up. Wonder if anyone on here has some insight into that they'd want to share.

Then again, the benefits of being dead is that you can lie to people for better or worse. That's the freaky part about communicating with spirits is how deceiving they can be to the living as we are weaker in that sense:/
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)

Trust me, I am not as brave as my experience with Anna would lead you to believe! I actually was genuinely scared when it first happened, but eventually got used to it, and in turn Anna stopped crawling as often and instead walked which helped. As for why she crawled, Anna appeared to me as a slightly older child, so maybe she was just having a little childish fun?

I chuckled aloud at your comment with the cockroaches, as I am the oldest of five children and therefore often find myself as the 'official bugsquasher'. My siblings are all EXTREMELY squeamish when it comes to bugs aside from my brother, while on the contrary they've never bothered me too much. As you can guess, my childhood was full of me tormenting my siblings with bugs I would find around the house 😆

As for my brothers opinion on Anna, that is actually something that I had hoped for a little help on. I didn't mention this in the story, as it wasn't something that directly effected any of the events that happened, but I've been meaning to ask.

So, when my brother told me about seeing Anna in his dreams, he said that she was glaring and angry, and even chased him across the woodscape of his dreams. I of course was confused and asked him if maybe the girl he was seeing was another spirit, but he descibed Anna to a 'T'. The muddied, disheveled appearance, the long tangled hair, and even the dirty nightgown. He explained that she feels angry to him, and he was afraid that I was being tricked by a malevolent sprite disguising itself as a young girl. I took his words into consideration, but ultimately discarded them due to how gentle Anna seemed to me, and we dropped it. However, after my brother saw her crawling to my cot for the first time, he again brought up his doubts. We spoke at length, when a strange detail was realized. Whereas I saw Anna as a young girl shorter than myself (I am 5'3), my brother claimed that to him she appeared as a rather tall girl of about fourteen or fifteen years of age. All of his other details were spot on aside from that.

Anyone can comment on this with their own thoughts or theories, as I found this fairly curious and would like to see what anyone else thinks happened.
Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)

I feel you! If that happened to me, My reaction would be worse! I'd scream bloody murder even when I see a cockroach! D: but good thing you are *not that* frightened by Anna crawling. I wonder why Anna would crawl like that?! I haven't seen The Exorcist because exorcism movies haunts me for weeks O.O
What does your brother feel towards Anna?

Aaaaand I really feel sleepy in the afternoon then I'd wake up around 2am. My biological clock sucks.

Thank you (in advance) for providing details!

Take care,
Mhanne ❤
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)

Will do! Haha, I will indeed admit that seeing her crawl to my cot at four am was not the funnest experience for sure. It freaked out my brother as well when he finally saw it, and the next morning when he told me he saw what looked like the girl from The Exorcist crawl towards my cot, you can guess his surprise when I told him it was just Anna! And thank you for the compliment! Try not to keep yourself up too late however, take it from someone who's been there, done that, and got the t-shirt to prove it.
Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
I love your story! But the crawling part reminded me of a Japanese movie called "The Grudge" which is scary.
Even though my eyes hurt because my eyelids are heavy (I'm so sleepy) but I kept on reading.

Keep us updated!

Take care,
Mhanne ❤
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)

Hi! Yes, it was rough but we are doing much better now, and have in fact bought a nice home that fits us all nicely.

Your comment really struck me, especially where you said that you relate to my family dynamics. In my family, only my mother, brother, and myself have shown a strong sensitivity to spirits and the like, and only my brother and I actually SEE them. My father occasionally has experiences, though they are varied over long periods of time and are not at the level of my brother and I. As you can guess, it can quickly become stressful and overwhelming at times, especially when you have spirits that like to harass you continuously and no one understands. Thus, we often have casual discussions on what we've seen or experienced recently, and I think it really helps us unwind. The thought of the paranormal scares our other siblings, so we really only have each other to talk about it with, which is one reason I suppose that we're so close.

I also really resonated with what you said about different experiences. As I've said, I mostly see women or child spirits, while my brother happens to have more experience with menacing and unkind spirits. It's always interesting to hear us compare stories though!

As for the man in the fedora, I didn't get the vibe that they were related. They most certainly could be however, as I'm no expert in the paranormal and am far from being psychically adept 😊

I didn't mention this in the story, as I was trying to not get too erratic with the spirits, but I had actually had a name for him. I got the feeling that his name was David, but he preferred to be called Danny, and he was previously part of a gang or something of the sort? And he was killed by a gunshot? Once again, I am not very experienced in my gifts, and could most certainly be wrong, but I figured I'd drop in that little food for thought 😁
ulvenNixie (13 stories) (39 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
It sounds like you and your family had a rough year. I'm sorry to hear that and I hope it has gotten better since then.

First of all, I wanted to say that I could totally relate to what you said about your family dynamics when it comes to being sensitive. I have a lot of sensitive people in my family but I could directly relate to you and your brother. I grew up with my cousin like he was a brother. We're both sensitive. I have seen a lot of human and animal spirits but he has a lot more experience with scarier things. My cousin and I connect well and we like to discuss these sorts of things together but we usually have very different stories to tell. It made me pretty happy to see that you have that sort of relationship with someone too because I just haven't been able to relate to someone on that level in this sort of thing before.

As for Anna, I can see how she would have scared you at first. Her appearance sounded off-putting and it seemed like she was making a point to be close to you. Do you think that the man in the fedora has anything to do with her life or her death? I think it's interesting that they were hanging out in the same place and that she appeared so suddenly after he left. Have you told any of the psychics in your circle about him yet or asked them to try to deduce if there is some sort of connection?
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)

I just might try that! I remember at some point before my great grandmother passed, the historical society expressed interest in the land, especially the old grocery store. Mostly because apparently, my great great grandfather was the first man in the area to sell liquor with a license. I'll have to see if they ever did get anywhere with that. And as for Anna's nightgown, I'm sad to say that I don't remember all the details. All I can really recall is that it had a kind of high neck, and buttons in the front, I think. It was also long sleeved. I don't want to say too much just in case I'm remembering wrong, but I think the leaves in her hair looked kind of dead and brittle, same for the twigs.

I'm so glad to see so many people interested in this story enough to ask questions. Hopefully they'll all be answered someday! 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
Winters, you could contact some historical societies in that area and ask about land ownership records. They're probably open to public after a hundred years or so. Also the land itself might have been greater many years ago. As in portions have since been sold or divided.

Also think back to the way the girl's night gown appeared. All details you remember about that will help narrow down a time frame. Any leaves in her hair, how the dirt looked might give clues to the landscape, which you could hopefully verify with any photos on record.
WintersAzazel (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)

Hi again! Yes actually, we have delved fairly deep into the history of not only the land, but our family tree. My mom has always been REALLY interested in our ancestry, as I suppose you could say that we're kind of a mixed bag when it comes to genetics. I believe that so far she has traced back to my 5x greats, and it was a very interesting tale to hear. As for the certificates, the only ones I know of that she has is a death certificate from my great great grandfather, and I believe a marriage certificate for my indian 3x great grandmother and white 3x great grandfather, though I'm not totally sure.

As for the land, I am not totally sure, but I believe we've had it in the family for a pretty lengthy period of time. Also, the detective and my mother actually have a theory, if anyone is interested in hearing it.

And thanks! I'm that one person that can't let a text or email go unread without immediately feeling guilty. My family are always surprised by how quickly I reply to their texts 😆


Hello! As I told Tweed, we actually have delved fairly deep into the history, but maybe I'll go ahead and give it a try myself? My mom is the research savvy one in the family, but I'm not too shabby myself!

As for your joke, I think I got it? Sorry about that, I can be a bit slow on the uptake. My family occasionally call me Clueless Smurf 😆


First off, let me just say that I really like your username. I don't know what it is about it, but it just seems very pretty/pleasing to me.

Thank you for the compliment! Would you believe I rewrote it over three times to try and get the clear narrative? As I've said, the room was VERY spiritually active, and there were many spirits I encountered and wanted to relay, but I decided for the most part to try and keep the focus on Anna because most of the other experiences weren't as well...eyepopping? I remember most of them, but I didn't want to relay a story that just jumped all over the place, which is what happened when I tried to include the other spirits. Oh well, taking into account all of the positive feedback, I see a few more stories in my future 😊 Here's to hoping one of them is about the other Motel 6 spirits!

As for your questions, I am not sure if the detective refers to her as Anna as well. So far, everyone who has weighed in seems to think her name is either Anna or Hannah, but no one has been certain yet. I do not think the detective knows any last names, or where Anna lived for certain, though her and my mother have both come up with a theory for the time being. As for her age, to me Anna appeared to be under the age of thirteen, though I will be the first to say that I'm not the best when it comes to judging ages. And I agree with you with wanting more solid answers. When I first told my mom about Anna, I just about drove her batty with all my questions! I was just so very curious about Anna. Looks like she has that effect on people, huh?
flowersgrowback (5 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
I loved reading your story! It flowed very well. And it's refreshing to see someone so actively involved in the comment section of their story.:)

The detective seems to have a pretty decent knowledge of Anna's family and the circumstances surrounding her death. If she's referring to the girl as Anna, is it because she can verify through research that her name is indeed Anna or is it because she knows that's what everyone has been calling her? Does she know a last name or the names of any family members? Where she lived? How old she was? If she has those answers on hand, I'm sure they'll come in great handy in finding a definite connection to your family's property once you've researched the property's history a bit. I realize that the general assumption or perhaps psychically derived notion is that she was chased/ended/dumped there, but it would be nice to learn perhaps why she or her killer would've chosen that property- like perhaps being regular customers at the store belonging to your great great grandfather and knowing your family that way.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
As tweed says, research is always a good start. Often one funds that there are huge amounts of information available open source.

In Georgia "property lines between relatives can be a little blurred". I so refrained from making the obvious Georgia stereotype joke by removing the word "property":)

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