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Real Ghost Stories

The Block House


First, let me start off by giving you a little history. I grew up on a fairly good sized family farm. Several of the children built homes surrounding the main house and raised families of their own. In the late fifties, my older brother built the blockhouse right beside the main house. He lived there several years before building a larger house further away. Being recently divorced and now single, I moved into the blockhouse in the late eighties or early nineties. The blockhouse consisted of three rooms. As you entered the front door you would be in the main room which was a living/dining room to the right of that you had a very small kitchen and further to the right was a small bedroom. Being right beside the main house there was no need for a bathroom and none of the interior doors had actual doors.

Now in most stories it takes a while before things start happening, right? WRONG! It started my first night there. Like I said I was single again and didn't need much furniture. All the furniture I had to start was a bed, table, one easy chair and a T.V. (you have to have a T.V.)

My first night there I watched T.V. until about midnight and then went to bed. From the angle my bed sat you could look out the bedroom door through the kitchen and into the living room. I lay there for a while trying to sleep and for whatever reason opened my eyes and looked toward the living room and saw a bright reddish orange glow. Thinking maybe the house was on fire I jumped up and ran to the living room. Now remember this was a very small house and it only took a few seconds to make it to the living room and when I got there, nothing. No fire, no glow, nothing. Well I lay back down and tried to sleep and I guess I dozed off for a while because when I woke up the glow was back. I got up and went into the living room and it was gone again. I sat down in my easy chair and stayed up the rest of the night.

I asked my brother about it the next day and all he said was to not be surprised at what you might see or hear in that house. Over the four or five years I lived in that house, I heard many things, too many to count, but I will tell two that stand out in my memory.

This first incident happened several times, but the most memorable was after my nephew Lee moved in with me. Lee had his bed set up in the far left hand corner of the living room. One night we were watching T.V., I, in my easy chair, and Lee stretched out on his bed. I got up to go to the kitchen for another cup of coffee (I have always been a big coffee drinker), as I took a step something underneath the floorboards pecked where my foot was, another step another peck, each step I took I got another peck. The pecks weren't very loud, you could barely hear them over the television but your could feel them on the bottom of your feet. Well I got my coffee and came and sat back down. The pecks followed me all the way to and from the kitchen. Just to see if it would happen again I told Lee that I had some cokes in the fridge and that he could have some if he wanted it. Lee started in the kitchen and the same thing happened to him. Step-peck step-peck. He looked at me all wild eyed and exclaimed "what in the hell in going on" I just grinned, Lee knew about the house too, but I think this was the first time he had experienced anything.

The second incident happened some time later. It was winter time and me and Lee was watching T.V. We had the door closed and a fire going in the old warm morning stove. Right in the middle of our show there was a rap on the front door followed by two or three more. It sounded like they were knocking on the glass of the inner door. Well, I jumped up and ran to the door thinking something had happened to momma in the main house and that they might need help getting her up out of the floor or something.

When I got to the door, no one was there. I went and sat back down and Lee asked who was at the door, I told him no one. He then asked if I had seen anyone running away and I said no one knocked on the door because the outside screen door was locked. We had a old fashioned screen door, not a storm door, and it was impossible to knock on the inside door without opening the screen door. Lee looked at me and grinned kind of sheepish like and said "We ain't going to get much sleep tonight are we?"

I moved out of the blockhouse in the mid nineties. It has sat empty for several years but has now been renovated and has had a bathroom added. My daughter is making plans to move into it. I wonder how long that will last.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, FRAWIN, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
Hello troyarn. I guess it would drive a body crazy if you let it get to you- the trick is not to dwell on it. All the paranormal is, the part of life that doesn't fit in our idea of normalcy-there is a lot that don't fit, accept or reject it and go on.
Thank you for your comments, I appreciate all of them. Take Care.

troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
16 years ago (2008-07-24)
I enjoy the stories I have read by you, Frawin, and this is no exception. Pecking? I would go crazy with that stuff!
I have to wonder about the light and of course the knocking. Man... This freaks me out.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-05-27)
As is it equally great to have a friend in him, Christy.
Welcome to the site.
I do believe that I look forward to the time when your own experiences are posted here. What a treat to have you all here.
Be safe.
lilfrawin (2 posts)
17 years ago (2008-05-24)
Well, it's good to know I'm somewhat of a "celebrity" on this website.:) I'm Christy, FraWin's daughter, if you didn't catch it by my name. This may be a bit of a long post, but it seems you all are interested in my side of things.
Have I moved into the house? No, not yet. Have I changed my mind about moving in there? In a word, yes. Like my dad said, I am my Daddy's daughter. I have had a few experiences regarding this house, one very similar to one of his, which I will eventually write about perhaps. I may move into it someday, maybe when I get married (and someone else will be there with me,:) ), but for now, I'm perfectly content where I am (the old homeplace Dad has written so much about).
And last but not least, I really enjoyed the comment about how he would have the house cleansed and framed with red cedar, even if he had to "sneak" and do it. He always protected me as much as humanly, and he wouldn't have to sneak to do it. It's great to have a dad like him.
racemustang (guest)
17 years ago (2008-05-17)
The answer to your questions are very long. I will send it by mail if that is to your liking.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-05-14)
Hello racemustang. The house was built in the fifties by an older brother who lived in it for many years, when he moved another brother lived in it for quite a few years too. When brother #2 built another house, which I helped him build I moved into the blockhouse. Brother #1 never experienced anything there (or at least he says he didn't) Brother #2 experienced a whole lot just like I did. The house was made out of cinder blocks, the flooring in it was oak and the insides were sheetrock. What few 2x4s they used on the inside were pine. It had a metal roof, the front door and two front windows faced the east, the back door faced west and it had one window on the south end and one window on the north end. I don't know who picked out the site for it to set on.
If my daughter does decide to move into it, the house will be cleansed and I will put red cedar at the doorways even if I have to sneak and do it.

racemustang (guest)
17 years ago (2008-05-13)
Please forgive. This was built by your brother, who experienced many things, and passed on to you. Did he chose the site of the house? If so, what did he take into consideration in the building of the home? To which direction do the doors and windows face? Where did he receive, and what materials did he use in the construction? Not only do the land and structures upon the land hold onto the past, but so do the things we take from and use from the land. The trees stood before man did, and point the way to happiness. Just as people, some trees do not get along with others. Ask any construction worker, they will tell you the same. Some man made materials do not get along with nature. Some of them can form gasses or other harmful abnormalities just by being in close proximity with each other. Most of the story talks of the males affected. Your daughter may not have any problems there. To be safe, have you placed any red cedar at the doorway to prevent the entrance of unwanted beings?
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-18)
Hi Harperllen82. The things that I experienced in the block house was almost playful or attention getting things. I have been on edge a few times but I never felt threatened or that something evil was there. My daughter hasn't moved in yet, I don't know if she's changed her mind or just waiting on warm weather to get here. We know some of the history but not a whole lot. Unfortunately the history I need would be extremely hard to get. I can get the paper history of who owned and when but the living history is much harder to get.

Harperllen82 (1 stories) (33 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-18)
That's very interesting. I like that whatever it is in the house isn't malicious. Its seems almost playful. I am very curious about how your daughter made out living in there. Do you know the history of your family property? It seems that its very active...
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-18)
Hello Angelyn. My daughter does know of my experiences in the block house. She is currently living in the homeplace which sits within a few feet of the house. She wants the independence of having her own place and the security of being home too. She has had a few experiences in the homeplace, so she is no stranger to the paranormal. I just know that she is her Daddy's daughter and like him, she has a lot of chicken in her. Take Care.

Angelyn (8 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-18)
Ok, so I just read the other posts and saw that your daughter does, indeed, know about the experiences! Sorry! I need to learn to see if my questions are answered before I post!
Angelyn (8 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-18)
Does your daughter know about the things that have happened in the house? If not, are you going to tell her or let her find out on her own? Or does she know and just not care? I am curious to know if she has the same experiences!
CenterCore (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-18)
Oh hey ChrisB, just for future reference all you have to do to access his other stories is click on his name to get to his profile, they're all there :)
CenterCore (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-18)
Wow... Now that's just plain strange. I'll bet somebody lost their life on the grounds upon which that house was constructed sometime in the years past, and the glow and other occurrences was their form of materialization. Some spirits don't form as a person, they appear as just random (and usually creepy) hallucinations, like how it usually is for me. Like just this week (which I'll be posting another story about tonight or tomorrow, whenever I feel like it) I've got more to tell about. Anyway have a good one and stay warm too. Good luck.
- Core
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-05)
Hi Frawin. Sorry about that. I didn't know a lot about Knoxville. Now that you gave me some input I understand you perfectly. Living in a place with hooligans is a very difficult. I couldn't agree with you more Frawin. I read your comment to Bellisma about your storys coming up soon. I hope I didn't miss them. But if I did could you give me the titles of them? I would be able to read them.Thanks. I hope to hear from you soon and take care my friend.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-04)
Wow, we got our start in this area in a block house too! (We came in from California and this nice older gentleman needed a housekeeper...) My daughter and I were the only ones living there at the time and the "T.V..." caught her watching something that she was not supposed to be watching and "dripped" a substance down the screen (like as if we had a burning candle on the top of the set and the wax dripped down onto it) and scared her so bad, she never watched that program again!
But... This is your experience, not ours. I hope your daughter is as calm about things as you if she chooses to live in that house. It sounds as if whatever is there is a playful, peaceful thing that only wanted you to know it existed. I love your form of writing, it puts us all there with you. Thank you for another wonderful story.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-12-01)
Hi Bellissima, thank you for your comments, it makes a body feel good when they are believed. Yes we have taken a lot of the activity in stride. We were taught to now your enemies and the vast majority of what has happened over the years we have not considered it as a enemy. I have another story ready, I am just waiting until Martin gets caught up. I am presently working on two more, one is about all the different things that has happened at the homeplace over the years and the other is about the ghosts of Prudential. I have to talk to a few more "old heads" about Prudential and I hope to have it done by at least Feb. My daughter is experiencing a few problems at the homeplace now, I`ll be checking on her tomorrow(Sun), I think it`s only the night terrors because I use to have them when I was young. I`ll keep you all updated.

Be Safe and God Bless... FRAWIN ❤
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-01)
Hi FRAWIN. What an interesting story. I enjoyed it. That does sound very active but not threatening. You seem to have really taken things in stride. I would be curious as to the history of the land, it seems there must be something that has happened there. I'd love to hear your other experiences and also what sort of events take place once your daughter moves in. Let us know. I'm looking forward to more from you. 😊
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-29)
Hey Chris,
By my reference to Knoxville, I meant that it was harder to live in Knoxville putting up with the thieves, punks, and other lowlife you run into there than it was with the spirits at the homeplace. At least with the spirits you knew how to handle them.

Be Safe and God Bless
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-29)
Hi Frawin. I don't think I read your story about Knoxville. But I will check. I can't wait to read your next story. I hope were not pushing you to much 😜.I hope to hear from you soon and take care
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-28)
Well ChrisB, to be honest with you, I found it harder to live in Knoxville than in that house, at least I knew what to expect 😊. If my daughter becomes afraid there then I will have the house blessed. You and a few others have asked for more. I am in the process of putting it together, so hopefully I will publish story #5 in the very near future.

Be Safe and God Bless
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-28)
Wow Frawin that place must have been hard to live in. I feel a little sorry for your daughter because it sounds like she will have some rough nights too 😜.I liked reading your story. Keep us in touch. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2007-11-26)
Thanks for the comments and I will try and answer your questions.
KimSouthO : Yes the place has been active, not to say that something happens all the time. It will act up for awhile and then lie dormant for months on end. We have some of the history, like who owned it before us but we have no idea about what may have happened there.
luvparanormal:Yes my daughter knows the stories of what happened. She now lives with my sister in the main house(where she was raised by my sister) and she has had a few experiences of her own. The fact remains that I know my daughter because she takes after me,she`s part chicken and part rabbit-she has chicken in her heart and rabbit in her feet.
mustang :Lke I told KimSouthO we know who the previous owners were but not the history of the land itself, we have our suspicions but no proof. My story of The Unseen Visitor happened in the main/my mom`s house. Maybe I should clarify that my sister that raised my daughter inherited the farm after Mom and Dad passed away. Whatever was in the blockhouse wouldn`t have hurt you, except maybe make you hurt yourself. Along time ago I did leave a tape recorder running while I was out, although I didn`t pick up any voices I did get a lot of knocking, banging and what sounded like footsteps. This was like fifteen years ago.

Be Safe and God Bless
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-26)
Hi FRAWIN. Do you or your brother have any clue as to what could be haunting that house? It sounds like it is attached to the property since your brother built that house new. Does anything ever happen in your mother's house? I'm assuming that your daughter does know of the paranormal activity? I guess she doesn't mind a roommate! Obviously this ghost is harmless so I guess it wouldn't be so bad to live with. Although, I would be creeped out by it and also very interested in the paranormal activity going on in the house. You should run an EVP in the house to see what you can capture. Thanks for sharing your story. ~Shelby ❤ 😊
luvparanormal (12 stories) (268 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-26)
Your so funny! I would wish her the best you never know she might not experience anything or worse experience more. Did you ever tell her the things that happened there?
Thanks for sharing
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-26)
That sounds like a very active place. Do you have any idea as to the history of the land?

Thank you for sharing your story,
God Bless!

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