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Ghost That Misleads


To begin with I've been an avid reader of YGS for more than 5 years now. And the YGS team seems to be doing an amazing job at maintaining this website for paranormal/ ghost story lovers like me!

Ok to begin with, this incident happened to me 3 years back when I was in the initial years of my engineering studies. I live in a pretty hustling locality in Mumbai.

So one day I had to visit an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) at a known hospital which was in the other part of the town. Now my mom had been a patient of this doctor but I had never been to this hospital earlier so I didn't know the way to it.

I had my best friend accompanying me (as I'm too scared of the eye examinations they do). We were following the directions based on the address mentioned in the prescription which my mom had.

So around 12. 30 in the afternoon we reached the locality where the hospital is. We were at a crossroad, and in India usually there are concrete circles built in the middle of almost all crossroads. So we stood by the circle and were trying to inspect the location. According to the address the hospital was supposed to be exactly in front of the place we were standing at. And it being a big hospital, there was no chance we would miss out the name sign or the hospital name board. But there was no sign of it. So we went ahead in what we thought was the straight direction only to end up at the exact same spot we were at earlier. Both of us were confused yet we din't give it any thought and decided to go straight ahead to the shop in front of us and ask that guy for the address. So we went ahead and again I don't know what happened but we were back at the same spot near the circle. It was as if we were just circling around that spot while we thought we were actually moving forward. This time we laughed it off thinking it was the afternoon heat (considering how hot it is in Mumbai all the time) that was playing tricks on our minds. Yet again we decided to go ahead and ask that shopkeeper. And this time not to much of our surprise, we were again back in the same spot.

So at this point both of us got worried about what was happening with us. And in the whole busy street no one seemed to notice the little scene that was happening here. I was about the take out my cell phone and call my mom to ask for help when a guy was crossing the street and passed right beside us. So we called him out and asked where this "abc" hospital was. The guy looked at us in disbelief as if we were some fools asking a very obvious question. He pointed out straight ahead and said "here it is".

To our utter shock the hospital was right in front of our eyes. And there was a huge name board hung right in front of us. There was no way a person in his right mind could have missed that standing there for almost 10 minutes.

Both of us were equally shocked confused and scared but we avoided discussing it at all the whole time later.

Later that night I got home and told my mom about the whole incident. She asked me at what time did it happen. I said it was about 12. 30 in the afternoon. That's when she explained that there is this ghost or an unknown entity whom we locally call 'Chakva' in marathi. They are said to haunt crossroads or railway crossings. They are people who must have died in that spot because of an accident or something but the exact cause is unknown. And they mislead people from their paths. My mom explained that it was 12. 30 in the afternoon and 12 noon is considered as an unholy time. We were at the center of the crossroad at that time and so we experienced this. The Chakva tried to keep us stuck in a vicious loop but to our luck that guy happened to pass us by and we got out of it.

If anyone has any knowledge about such entities then please do tell me. Your views and opinions are welcome. Thanks for reading.:)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SassySrush, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

prashantkumar (17 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-20)
I live in Mumbai, and too heard about Chakvas here. I usually travel in local trains, wherein people describe being paranoid at some areas of railway station. Usually the crossings and abandoned areas of station. We too observed a cold spot while illegally crossing the rail road.
itsdan4u (23 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-14)
Hi sassy, I have heard about chakva and I have been told misguiding is what it precisely does to people. There was a small intersection of three roads very close to my house in my hometown in Maharashtra where three roads come together to form a triangle. It's not too big, the triangle but people would often find themselves circling the same spot over and over again for a long time. The places ceased to be a chakva once it was broken down for widening of roads. My father told me he experienced chakva once at the very same spot.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-06)
Hi SassySrush! Thanks for writing this article, I found it quite fascinating! Thanks for including the info on the Chakva, this is something new for me and I love learning new info regarding cultures!
I can tell you that I often put down a piece of paper and pen, and later I can't seem to find it or see it, only to discover it exactly where I placed it originally. It happens with plenty of objects. However, I have never experienced it with such a large item.
ygaian (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-26)
ohh... Well that's very rare to hear of what you mentioned here... Anyway it was great reading
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-25)
RandyM - I didn't do anything except make that request, but you're welcome anyway πŸ˜† And Merry Christmas to you 😊
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-25)
Thank You Miracles!

And a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of the great members and mods here at YGS!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-25)
And a Merry Christmas to us all πŸ˜‰

SassySrush - hopefully now we can get the comments back to your experience 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-25)
Monty - apparently you are looking for a fight with anyone on our site. I've had my fill of your insinuations, veiled threats, attempts to stir up our site. I know our administrator reads all the comments, so he'll see this one as well as the others. But I'm going to let you know now that I am sending him a message requesting you be banned. You are not contributing anything positive to our site; in fact, you are being distracting to our members and causing some stories to be missed where there may be help and/or advice needed. This kind of negativity is not what we want on our site.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-24)
No, Monty, not a threat. Call it a warning, or a foretelling of what happens to folks who refuse to follow the sites guidelines. Those who either can't or won't follow those rules are shown the door. That simple.

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Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-23)
Greetings, SassySrush.

I find your time-loop/space-loop phenomenon fascinating. Traveling in an unfamiliar city, or in an unfamiliar part of your own city, can cause anxiety & stress.

I have had a similar -but scientifically explainable- type of event happen several times: Once (indirectly, as dad was driving) in Paris; once in Boston's China Town (again, my dad was driving); once to me & my wife as we tried to leave a conference at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island; once -for about 45 minutes- trying to find a historic bookstore (the old "Mysterious Press") near Columbus Circle in New York City. In each of these cases, though, either I was lost or the driver was lost; time passed quite clearly during these events. Did time pass while you were going through the events you describe (possibly making you late for your tests), or did no time elapse, despite the events seeming to take a while?

Monty did raise a good question, "Why were you and your friend mislead by that Chakva...?" However, like any individual who experiences these phenomena, you're unlikely to have a clear explanation of that. I'd like to point you that you stated, "I live... In Mumbai... I had to visit an ophthalmologist... In the other part of the town... I didn't know the way... I had my best friend accompanying me... We were following the directions based on the address mentioned in the prescription which my mom had." Therein lies the answer.

Who do pickpockets target in cities? Tourists. Who do conmen try to deceive in bustling areas? People who are lost, or -again- tourists. People who are uncertain of where they are going (such as those with written directions or with a GPS application on a mobile phone) are easy prey for criminals who are also locals.

In the same manner, anyone familiar with the environment near the hospital would be unlikely to fall for a visual/auditory/physical trap created with the intention to mislead people. It is more likely that they would ignore much of the surroundings out of habit, thereby wondering right through or past the trap. When your mother, "explained that there is this ghost or an unknown entity whom we locally call 'Chakva' in marathi. They are said to haunt crossroads or railway crossings... And they mislead people from their paths," she was absolutely right in pointing out that people who are easily mislead are those uncertain of which road to take at the crossroads.

Please let us know if time appeared to have stood still while you experienced this, or if there was a clear delay in getting to your appointment.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-23)
You have been warned before about threatening members. Here we do not take such threats lightly, not even vaguely veiled ones as you made to Temilicious. Obviously you have opted to ignore the warning Miracles gave you previously, or did not understand the implications, so I am going to break it down for you:
(taken from Terms of Use) By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree not to use the Services:
To abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate other users.
Now in case you're wondering how your comment was threatening (and I find it hard to believe you could be that dense) this part: "I can say a lot of other things and DO as well " smacks of being a threat and/or trying to intimidate Tem into silence. One can stand up for themselves without using threats, or intimidation tactics. My suggestion is if you find it impossible to respond to someone without using those tactics then simply ignore their comment, or I'll bet you dollars to Donuts you'll find yourself banned.

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RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
[at] Rook, [at] Monty, this is why my gut is telling me heat-induced hallucinations don't apply. One would need to be severely dehydrated. I speak from personal experience.

A trickster spirit seems on the surface to be the most viable explanation.
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
I'm sorry to interrupt but Monty why are you here? I've been a member here for almost 6years, I just hardly ever comment. This site is bookmarked on my phone. I have had a lot of experiences I never share, because they're 'normal' and nothing to go to town about. I have admired members like "Whitebuffalo" and have respected the rest.

I don't mean to sound rude but your energy is so negative, I feel you really need to cleanse yourselves inside and out.

Maybe all your dabbling has somehow tainted you, I don't know but your comments are not helpful at all. If you have nothing constructive to say or offer, how about, like me, you just read and keep certain opinions to yourself.

A lot of people dislike your comments and I was always taught that if a lot of people disagree with you, then you may be the problem, not them.

Maybe you have info and experiences to share with us, but the way you go about it needs to be checked... By you.

Sorry to the OP for doing this.

Thank you
AFieryCupcake (1 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
I found this extremely interesting. I have never heard of spirits doing anything like this, though I have heard of some pulling low-key pranks on people. I'm just wondering how they achieve such an affect on two people? Can they do it to more or does it depend on how powerful they are? A very interesting yet startling story! I would hate if this happened to me, thank you for sharing 😁!
ST1511 (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
There is such a spirit called chakava. My grandmother used to tell us an incidence happened in rural India. Some people where travelling by bullock cart and in the evening they took some rest and start again before night. They where crossing dry river. Whole night they were travelling.
In the morning they were shocked to found themselves in same dry river area from where they started their journey after having rest. They where misguided by spirit called Chakava. Then they again started their journey and reached safely. This spirit traps people and after some time it sets them free. We Indians always believe in our God Hanuman that he help us in such situation.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
Pardon the interruption,


I may have come across a wee bit strong... Nor did I mean (if it sounds that way) to imply the O/P and her friend were experiencing a Mirage.

Nor do I think a couple of Mumbai locals were seeing things due to 'Heat Exhaustion' or other 'illness' induced vision after only being outside for a short while.

I feel the O/P had a very strange experience, one that CAN NOT be explained by any 'heat related' possibilities... It seems the two friends were mislead by a mischievous spirit and interacting with a third individual 'broke its hold' over them. I also think that they actually did not move at all... They got as far as the 'traffic circle' and that's when the mind games started. The O/P and her friend only thought they had left the circle, but they never took a step until the other individual spoke with them and they were able to go to the Hospital.


Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
SassySrush, the friend of mine that was with me in my "Eldon House Shoes" occurrence had a similar thing happen to him.

He was driving with his father and teenage son and coming to a country intersection. They saw a tractor coming from the left but had time enough to make their right turn. As they drove the scenery seemed wrong as he made this trip many times before and knew what it should look like. His son in the backseat then started saying, "Dad, dad, dad we just did this!"

Sure enough, they were pulling up to the same intersection they had just been at a few minutes earlier. The same tractor was coming from the left at the same spot as if no time had elapsed.

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roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
Nice story! And yes, I think I had a similar situation quiet recently.
Reading the comments... Well? Yes, the situation could be due to hallucination, same thing can go onto mine too, but I am guessing you might have some "psyco-affects" due to "fear" as well. Always do calm down and think, no, not too deeply that you want to go to a library or do a big research on... Think of if the situation could logically be explained, think of if you might know the spirit and the reason it came for you (trick you). You know those kinds of things. Most of the time science does solve most of our problems, but really, very rarely we might find something that is not right, and that is the moment you face the super natural. LOL
Sorry if I sound religious but that's how I started, cheers!

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
Many cultures around the world have stories/myths/legends concerning spirits that will 'mis-lead' unwary travelers... Here are some examples (most of these happen in the fog or after dark):

Wiil-O' the Wisp is the first one that comes to mind, it's a ball of light that leads people 'off track' in the dark or in the fog. Many times to their demise.

Aleya: (or marsh ghost-light) Asian, misleads fishermen.

Boi-tatΓ‘: South America

Of course modern science has an explanation they say covers 'All such type of experiences'.

In modern science, it is generally accepted that most ignis fatuus are caused by the oxidation of phosphine (PH3), diphosphane (P2H4), and methane (CH4). These compounds, produced by organic decay, can cause photon emissions. Since phosphine and diphosphane mixtures spontaneously ignite on contact with the oxygen in air, only small quantities of it would be needed to ignite the much more abundant methane to create ephemeral fires.

This may account for many experiences, but I do not believe it accounts for ALL such experiences... Each one is unique and needs to be studied by itself so that the cause can be learned.

Seeing as your experience happened in the Middle of the day I have just one question... How long had you been outside? In my opinion it would take being outside for a very long time in order for both of you to start 'seeing' things, much less experience a shared Hallucination.

Thank you for sharing, now if you will excuse me...


You say/ask this...

"Heat causes hallucination? That would be new."

Really, Really?!?

So a Mirage is caused by Spirits?

High Body Temperature due to Sun/Heat exposure causing visions is not a proven Fact?

Visions, Hallucinations caused by High Fevers when we are sick are not Medically Documented?

Science HAS explained some things... Not everything, not by a long shot, but EVERYTHING is not caused by interaction with the Spirit world or a SPIRIT/ENTITY/DEMON/FEY...insert term of your choice/culture here... There are some natural explanations that science has demonstrated to be TRUE.


Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
Hi Sassy,

Wow this is going straight to faves, loved it! Did you read Roylynx's recent experience about wandering around a small area? Similar thing happened to him and his friend. Here it is:

If this sort of thing happened to me I'd wonder if I experienced a time slip. When, for whatever reason, people experience things from a previous time, like before the building was there.
The trickster ghost and the unholy time from your culture certainly sounds intriguing too. It's interesting how the man who pointed to the building seemed to break the cycle.

Cool stuff, thanks for sharing! 😊

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RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
Monty, I don't know if Loki would be a good example of this. Coyote certainly would, and Reynard from folklore. Trickster spirits who enjoy pranking people for amusement. And this spirit was so busy pranking these two young friends out for a stroll that it didn't worry about the other man.

An alternate explanation is that the heat caused a mutual hallucination. While possible, my gut tells me this isn't what happened.

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