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A couple of years ago I lived in a town called Carletonville in South-Africa with my parents, brothers, aunt and her son. We moved into this house and everything was perfectly fine for the first while.

My aunt was home alone with her little boy, sitting in the lounge, and across from her on a room divider was a pot plant that just lifted and came straight for them both. My aunt got very frightened, left the house and waited on a step for everyone to get home. No one believed her at first, we then went on as usual with our lives.

It was a while after that incident that after a long day we all got home to find the house a complete mess: the chairs were upside down there was sand from the plants everywhere and broken glass. We cleaned it up and tried to forget all about it, which didn't really work because the next day the same thing happened but this time the chairs were placed in a circle with pillows around the chairs and one of my mother's porcelain glass dogs in the centre.

My dog would bark and chunk at night outside like he was in pain. We would find scratch marks on our dogs stomach and after a while he was not the family dog anymore and went for my oldest brother. My dad did not want to believe these things were happening and we continued to stay there. The constant mess in the house and not being able to explain it got too much and my dad started to get a bit afraid. We then packed clothes and a few things and left the house with all our belongings there.

This was a frightening experience for me being at such a young age. It's something I will never forget no matter how many years pass.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MickyB, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Ainhoa (4 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-23)
Hi roylynx and Randy,
I just got to read all the explanations and I wanted to thank you guys.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
The aunt was the first witness/victim of the moving objects - was she or her child possibly the center of its attention? Did her child's father pass away or have anything to do with her or the child? Could the active be generated by him or his side of the family I mean, an upset deceased relative or something along those lines. I don't know, but I do get the feeling there are a few missing pieces here.

I wouldn't put much faith in the dog - I've had weird stuff happen RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DOG, and he just sat there. Not even a bark, I mean come on, ha!
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
Miracles51031; Oh I was going to add up! LOL
Yes, yes, some breeds need lots of space to move around, so, the possibility is not 0. That's what I meant. Cheers!

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
Roylynx - I have had dogs my entire life and all but one were outside dogs. Some breeds, like mine, will try to get free even though they love us. They are herders by nature and need to run.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
I deleted the last comment by lawitlnam because all of her comments were addressed to lady-glow in a tone intended to stir up unneeded and unnecessary drama.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
Randym; Wow, thanks for the information, ectoplasm, might be the theory you are onto (correct me if I am wrong), yes, Like many people around almost 70% of what I know of came from TV but maybe just 2% of them from Hollywood? 28% is actually shamanism from my grandmother's tribe. Therefore, they are not properly examined, so new information for me:)

Fergie; I thought since their dog was a "family dog" it would not have tried to escape even if it was not an "outside dog", but yes, possibility is no 0. Good question!

Cheers and peace on earth!

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
MickyB, as I read your submission, the first thing that popped into my mind was 'poltergeist'. But as I read further, I tend to agree roylynx; it seems more than that. 😕

I must ask, was it only at night when your dog tjanked and barked? Was your dog always an 'outside' dog, or was this a new thing for him? The scratches on his stomach may have been from efforts to escape.
As the strange goings on (according to you) happened only in the day time, I don't see the correlation with your dog at night. Please correct me if I am wrong.

BTW, welcome to YGS.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-21)

Thanks for your kind words

I remember what it was I meant to add after reading Roylynx's
Comment about humidity. Spirits do not effect humidity. But
When the humidity is high it can be a better time for them to
Interact with our side.
I think some investigation group members may have some data to
Confirm that they have better luck picking up more evidence when
The humidity is high or above normal for a given place.
If there are any members of investigation groups on YGS they may have some input on this if they recorded the humidity levels at
The time of their investigations. If not it is something they
May want to consider recording the next time on a investigation.

It may be because humidity is the amount of water in a column of air. With water being a good conductor of electricity it could then make sense as to why high humidity can bring about more
Spirit interaction. I have heard many many people say they felt an electrical sensation of
Sorts when being near a spirit. I think I have had it happen to myself.

So spirit giving off an electrical field that is well conducted by high humidity.

Dang, we need a mathematical formula for that. Like a E=Mc squared kind of thingy

Straight from YGS a formula for checking out the strength of a spirit

Randy 😆
DirtCreature (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-21)
[at] Randym, I wish I could upvote your comment a hundred times. Too much "information" on the paranormal that people absorb comes from Hollywood movies. I can't watch paranormal movies because they are generally just too silly and over the top.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-21)

Hello and I realize you ask Roylynx "how do spirits gain energy"

If I may

Spirits do NOT gain energy. They do not "drain batteries" for energy.
That is "Hollywood Paranormal" in other words massive misinformation
To get people to oooh and awe and hopefully get ratings.

Spirits ARE energy, they do things not to gain energy but because they have learned how to do something. Some spirits are better at talking and making themselves heard by the living. Some are better at using energy to move objects or make noises. Just as with us living people, those on the other side of death are better at some things than they are at other things. And some of them are better at manipulation energy than others. Everything they do when it comes to interacting with our world is about how they manipulate energy to accomplish a certain task.

Someone mentioned water. A lot of people think that electricity is attracted to water. It isn't. Water is just a very good conductor of electricity. I think that being near water can help, the living, to experience these ghostly manipulations.

Spirits were around doing there things and being experienced long before batteries, TV's and all sorts of electronics. The draining of batteries for example is just a by product effect of a spirit being nearby.

Have a great day

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-21)
Ainhoa; Good question, how do spirits gain more energy? Well, there are many believes since I am a "grandma's boy" I will explain by her culture, in her tribe people believe that everything is linked since most of our body is made of water (yes, science says so too), it is believed that we will return to be part of the mother of waters, from this, I have heard of a theory saying that when spirits are active, the humidity around too would be oddly high, therefore I believe that spirits gain their energy somehow from water. No one actually knows how really...

When my friend says "the spirit is lack of experience" the possibility is that it is a spirit from a dead person recently and not those century old famous spirits haunting in famous "haunted spots". Sorry for lack of explanation.

Ainhoa (4 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-21)
roylynx; How do spirits gain more energy? Plus what does "lack of experience" mean? Its an exciting topic actually. Could you give more details?
Hexotericka (6 stories) (45 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-21)
I completely agree, Tweed. With the amount of fictional stories popping up on here, people like lady-glow are rather essential to a site like this to get to the bottom of things. LawitInam, in this case it was simply a misunderstanding in language usage that seemed to lead to what seemed to be an inconsistency in the story.
No harm has been done here.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-21)
LawitInam, Lady Glow is one of the best BS detectors on this site. Unfortunately sometimes honest folk get caught up with the amount of hogwash that gets discredited around here.
I don't think Lady Glow was out of line with her questioning, if I was a newbie I wouldn't take offense to the way she worded her comment. Hexoter seems to have cleared up some language characteristics which were misunderstood. No harm done.
I know it's frustrating but the frustration should be directed more toward the time wasters which are the cause of cynicism. I had the same thoughts as Lady Glow when I read this. But after I read the comments I got more concerned it was a repeat offending intruder and not a ghost.😕
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-21)
Yikes! I can tell from your story that this is not just a simple Poltergeist case.
When spirits harm a living being, that spirit might have too much "energy" as yet, lack of experience, says one of my friend, whom was known to be "gifted".

I am not sure if I know of anyone around me have harmful spirits around, what I have information on right now is that if Poltergeist happens in a certain location it is either that if the area' s geographical magnetic field is high (I will doubt it since less people now believe in this theory) or it is known as Super-ESP Hypothesis, survival after death? Well, look it up and I am sure you will find useful information, I will do a research on harmful spirits and cases too then I might come back;) cheers!

RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-21)
To see chairs arranged in a circle around a porcelain dog yet still being able to deny something is up takes either a very strong will or a very stubborn one.
Hexotericka (6 stories) (45 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-20)
You're welcome, Lady-glow 😁
But I totally agree, it would be wonderful to skip those terribly awkward teen years hehehe
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-20)
Hexotericka: thanks for the lesson, now it makes sense to me.
Hexotericka (6 stories) (45 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-20)
It sounds like a very frightening experience indeed, MickyB.
It's also so very frustrating when you know that something is very wrong, but people close to you refuse to believe it. I'm just glad your father finally realised that something was up.
Thank you for sharing.

Lady-glow, 'a couple of years' meaning several years is a rather common usage here in South Africa. Though not grammatically correct, (couple meaning two, of course), it's something that's quite commonplace.
Also, 'My dog would bark and chunk...', the 'chunk' is from the Afrikaans 'tjank', which means whine. I hope that clears things up a bit.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-20)
WHAT? I don't get it.

"A couple of years ago I lived in a town called Carletonville in South-Africa..."

"This was a frightening experience for me being at such a young age. It's something I will never forget no matter how many years pass."

According to your profile you are a young adult... How old're you exactly when all of this happened? I mean, an experience like that would be scary at any age but you are making it sound like you were still a little boy and, somehow and in only two years, you became an adult.😕

It would be nice to be able to skip the terrible teens!

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