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An Unwanted Visitor That Won't Leave


I have a major problem. It all started with a simple soft knock on my front door while I was rocking Lilly in the recliner. So I looked through the peep hole and didn't see anyone, opened the door still no one. I put Lilly in her bed and grabbed a book to read. I had read about two chapters when I heard a knock at the door again, thinking it was our neighbor's kid pulling a prank I opened the door looked down both directions of the hall and saw nobody nor did I hear running. So I went back inside and locked all the doors, as I was alone with Lilly, and started cleaning up a bit to take my mind off things.

I was cleaning the shower room when there was a shadow that passed the bathroom door leading into the shower room. So I quietly slipped out the back bathroom door, grabbed my dagger (I collect knives and daggers) from the master closet and snuck into the hallway. When I got to Lilly's door I heard her scream "No bad man stop!" I quickly opened her door to see a dark tall figure standing in her room. I grabbed her out of bed and told the spirit to go that it was not welcome in my house.

Got Lilly dressed and went to a woman I know who sells sage and things of that nature from her home. She has known me since I was little so we talked a bit, though I didn't mention anything about what was going on. I was about to leave when she took my hand and said "Keep a close eye on this one, she isn't much different from you." I told her I would and thanked her for the sage. I dropped Lilly off at a friend's house and went back to the apartment did a cleansing and brought her home.

For two days nothing happened and everything was peaceful. My brother and his family needed a place to stay for a little while so I said they could stay with Lilly and I for awhile until they got things straightened out. A month goes by and one night after Lilly and my sister-in-law laid down I was meditating trying to clear my head when I felt something behind me. I turned around thinking Shawn had come in and I didn't see anything. So I peeked in on Lilly and snuck back to my room where my sister-in-law and brother are currently sleeping to see they were both out cold. So I went on the porch to smoke a cigarette and I could feel something out there with me.

I told the spirit to show itself or get out, not really in the mood to play games tonight. I watched and listened and didn't hear anything so I went back inside wanting to read on my book some more until Shawn got home, to find it gone. I looked everywhere I would have put it but it wasn't there. So I put on a CD and listened to some music and lit an incense.

Shawn got home and we talked a little bit and he asked me if I was in the back bathroom the night before which I wasn't so I asked why. "I could hear someone walk in and it sounded like the door shut. I thought you were getting Lilly a pull up or something so I just went back to sleep." I told him I would take care of it and he went on to bed.

The next day I woke up with an unexplained rage that just wouldn't go away. I felt like I could fight anyone that stepped to me and win. Seeing violent scenes in my head of hurting my ex, adrenaline pumping through my veins and nothing could calm me down. So I asked Shawn to take Lilly to the park, that I just needed to get myself calm. He asked me what was wrong and I honestly just didn't know, so he left with her and told me if I needed him just to call.

The rage just kept getting worse by the second and turned to anxiety so severe I couldn't breath. This isn't me I kept telling myself, which it wasn't. Normally I am a very calm laid back person. Why was this happening to me? I then saw the tall dark shadow but this time he had a face. Long wavy hair eyes of solid black and a grin of curiosity, the rest of him looked hazy and out of sorts. The rage had slipped back in the place of anxiety and I began yelling at him to get out of my house and to stay away from my daughter. I felt his hands around my throat squeezing tighter by the second.

"It's you I want" gasping for air I did everything to get away. How do you fight off a spirit he couldn't feel my blows that passed right through him. He laughed and said "Please keep fighting me, you will only make me stronger." Even though I felt like I could pass out, I closed my eyes and did everything I could to try and create a light force inside of me and push it out. His grip loosened a little but not much. "Look at me!" He screamed "Look at me now!" I opened my eyes and and mustered up everything I could. Get out of my house I growled.

"I will be back, you cannot escape me." He backed up and walked out my side glass door. I crumbled to the floor no energy left in me to cry. I have to figure out how to stop this. If this could happen to me then what would stop him from getting to my daughter or my family? I have cleansed my apartment repetitively. Salted my doors and windows everything I know to do and he won't leave. Please anyone who has experienced something like this before tell me what I can do to get rid of him. I don't know what to do.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Silentwings, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
Tweed, Thank you very much 😊 yes I am highly starting to think that, whom I don't know but I found it and really helped in this situation, now I wonder if there isn't more behind finding the amethyst. I guess that only time will tell.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
This is BRILLIANT news, I'm so happy for you! 😁
Ah, amethyst, so majestic. Talk about perfect timing and a lucky find, yeah reckon someone was telling you something. That's really beautiful. 😊
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
Miracles, I have to agree, I do not believe it was by coincidence that I found it Considering that amythest is not only a healing stone but used for protection and mental balance among other things. Its like I found the missing part of my puzzle. 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
Silentwings - I would look at that as someone wanting you to find your amethyst 😊
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
UPDATE: Things have gotten a lot better as of today, and this is how. I was just about to open and cleanse the house again when something told me to go in my room, so I did to find my closet door wide open with my shoes and a few blankets strolled everywhere meaning sometime today Lilly had gotten in there and had some fun and was smart enough to shut the door behind her so I didn't find it because I don't go back there often during the day seeing that I set out our clothes the night before... Anyway as I was folding her blankets and picking up my shoes I saw one of my keep sake boxes in the bottom. After looking through it I went to put the box on the top shelf and heard something slide in the metal bottom, it was my amethyst crystal! Oh my godess if you could have saw my reaction you would have thought I found the holy grail, so after opening the house and pushing out all negative energy I sat down with my candle, my amethyst crystal in hand and purified the house focusing the energy of the crystal into the flame of the candle and pushing it through the apartment making sure to cover every room. After doing so I walked through checked and double checked and felt nothing in my apartment! I then reshielded my apartment from the living room all the way through to my porch, the stairs and walkway leading to it just to be safe. I want to thank everyone who has offered advice and sent positive energy my way.

Rook and Tweed, I owe you two my upmost gratitude for both of your time,help,advice and for sticking with me through this and I hope one day I can repay it back to you. Thank you very much! Now to go put a baby proof door knob cover over my bedroom door. 😁
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
Silent, this is great! Sounds like real progress is being made. 😊

Lol it does feel like a who dunnit. Just to clarify, I only saw one man in the hall. Not sure if it was the same Angry one in the wall or the other Dark Visitor guy. Pretty sure whoever I saw had normal fingers.
There are traces of a sender in thought forms, that's why I wondered about Mr Inquisitive and Mr Angry for a possible sender/thought form link. But only you would ultimately be able to answer that. Follow your gut.
Glad the cleanse has started making a difference!

Otteer, goodness wow! That's a crazy possibility, who knows!
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
Rook, Lol yes my thoughts exactly, if I continue the process of opening and cleansing my apartment he has nothing to feed off of. Knowing he was sent to me by someone who is angry with me which I can only think of one person that could be, It makes ALOT more sense of how he got attached so quickly and why he come on with such strength. But that's a long story in its self so we will skip the ugly details on that situation... I have a question for you and I'm not sure if this is completely off target or not but its something that just hit me. Since this was sent from someone,wouldn't there be traces of the sender in the form? This may sound completely bonkers but if so I think that I may know something I can do that would end this quickly and efficiently. Because if it is whom I think it's from then this form may not be just made of anger but also resentment and with resentment comes sorrow which would explain why since this thing has gotten weaker there has been a heavy sadness in the house and why some of the thoughts this thing was trying to put in my head last night in the form of a weird chant that I quickly pushed out... Though I don't think I should share it because most chants are spells and I don't want to release that... Because I don't want this to get worse.

Tweed, Wow, I didn't know that you saw two forms in my apartment and if Mr. Inquisitive was The dark visitor then that could explain a few things as we had a run in awhile back ago and it wasn't so lovely to say the least... Heck for all I know your right and it was sent by him. Oi this is starting to feel like a strange game of clue, except instead of who is the murderer its who sent the anger form... The dark visitor or a person who has been angry with me for awhile... But at least it is getting weaker slowly and definitely not without a fight but its happing. 😊

Otteer, It is a possibility that the book I was reading did help feed this form as the book did both sadden and anger me to a degree which in its self was slightly shocking Considering I have been studying slavery and the holocaust since the fifth grade as both points in history really grabbed my attention and I have always wanted a better understanding on how two cruel events could even occur yet alone be justified or allowed to go on as long as it did and why a nation would follow and participate in something so inhumane. So I started my own personal studies, After reading multiple accounts victims of both slavery and the holocaust followed by stories of people who were involved slave owners/S.S officers after so many years I grew numb to the feelings that
Went with them... Or so I thought so the book very well could have played a part in all this by providing the emotion the form needed to get strong enough to knock on the door. As for if my neighbors have experienced anything odd in their apartments I'm not sure because I don't really socialize with them often as I usually stay to myself except for one older lady who occasionly says Hi though I have wondered that myself a few times.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
Wow, what a read. 1st, I'm sorry Silent you are having to deal with this. 1st observation. The book you were reading. Intense, horrible happenings in this book, so emotional. If read by someone else, (used book) could their residual emotions of revulsion, anger, compassion whatever, combined with the op's have been catalyst, or an attraction for a passing spirit? Interesting about Rooks thoughts on pre civil war era, same as the book. You were reading the book when the 1st contact occurred.

The 2nd spirit theory, I like it. I'm guessing he just finally showed up, with so many visitors, just had to check in? Maybe this was what he was trying to warn you about, and in "good time" was finally here, heck, he could have brought rook and tweed to you.

I'm curious about your neighbors though, I can't help but think that they may have something to do with his staying there. I would want to know if they are experiencing anything "off" but that's just me. I do so hope things get better, sending the universes good vibes to you. Xx
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
Just to clarify I said:
"But the last impression I had before I blacked out/left or whatever, was that Mr Inquisitive wasn't going to 'leave' the spot he was standing."
Wasn't going to leave the spot he was standing BECAUSE he was now guarding/blocking Mr Angry in the wall as the cat had been before. Cat ran to the other room, maybe because it was now left unattended IF Mr Inquisitive had come from this room, where Rook described being 'seen'.

Jeesh I hope this made sense!
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)

Bear with me here some details of this have been confusing me I may be onto something OR I could be totally, insanely wrong! Anyway some things to consider:

1) Rook felt 'seen' from the other end of the hall
2) Dude I saw had his hand on his hip at one stage and I'm SURE I would have noticed if his fingers were abnormally long.
3) Dude I saw 'saw' me, then turned his attention to the cat UNTIL the cat was in the end room. Then, and ONLY then, did he turn to face me again. He seemed 'relieved' the cat was in there.
4) Dude never looked to the window where I expected him to look, toward whoever had just left (Rook).
5) I never saw anyone step out of the wall, only ASSUMED this dude had because he was in the same area as the cat and where Rook described seeing Mr Angry in the wall.

What if there are TWO individuals. Rook saw one, I saw the other.

Silent, in your other story Dark Visitor this dude warned you about protecting your abilities. What if this is an elaborate lesson to do so. Think about the appearance similarities. What if Mr Angry in the wall is a thought form of Mr Inquisitive Dark Visitor from your other story. Maybe this is who I saw in the hall and he was keeping tabs on his 'creation' inside the wall.
Rook felt seen from up the hall. Maybe he wasn't 'seen' but 'sensed' by Mr Inquisitive. This brought Mr Inquisitive out from the room end of hall for further inspection. Upon which he sees, not Rook who'd left, but me. Satisfied with this, he watches me with curiosity. Maybe the 'irritation' I perceived from Mr Inquisitive was not at Rook so much, but at you and the whole situation. Maybe, just maybe, he's trying to teach you to protect yourself! Whether or not he intended to create Mr Angry or not is another thing. But the last impression I had before I blacked out/left or whatever, was that Mr Inquisitive wasn't going to 'leave' the spot he was standing.
Of course I may be SO WRONG and he could be glad the cat ran so he could get up to mischief but this is still something to consider.

I'll leave you with a quote from your story 'Dark Visitor'.

"A few nights later I had a dream that I was standing in a circle with what appeared to be me when I was about six or seven, the man and what I'm guessing was possibly him as a young boy because it resembled him so much except the skin tone and eyes were normal. In the dream we all took hands and a red candle appeared in the middle of the circle. He then told me to guard my soul and my gifts, for they were unique and desired by many and then I woke up.
I sat straight up afraid because it all seemed so real, to the point that I could feel the cold of his hand in mine and smell the musty scent of earth in the room we were in during the dream. I didn't recognize the room and there was nothing in it but us four and a candle. I felt his presence almost instantly and saw him standing in the corner of my room just smiling at me. Confused and frustrated because I didn't understand the dream, I demanded to know his name and what the dream meant, most importantly if he was trying to show me something. To which he laughed and whispered all in due time."
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)
For best results...wash, rinse, repeat. 😁 😉

Sorry had to...

Somehow this thing has developed an attachment to you... It did so very quickly... Again I feel this testifies to the nature and origins of this 'thing'.

Anger is what this thing thrives on... By not 'giving off' anger and simply cleansing the enviroment takes its power... Its energy away... At a certian point it will be unable to sustain itself and it will be gone. It will not go 'next door' nor 3 doors down... Not even across the street because it 'manifested' on anger directed towards you for what ever reason.

Thanks for the update... Please keep them coming.


Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)
Mimi, If it come down to it, yes my concern is that once we come back he will still be here or he will follow us...I'm honestly feeling a bit confused/stuck right now I'm not sure what would happen.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)
Silent, is there somewhere you and your daughter could go for the next few days? Maybe if the two of you left it would fade away.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)
So... After sheilding myself and opening the apartment including windows,doors,closets... Any place that was dark and enclosed making it known while doing so anything that wanted to leave had a free clearing to do so and anything in my home that was of a dark ill intent was not welcome and should take the chance to leave as well. Almost automatically it felt like a static filled the apartment, the air was thick and heavy and for a moment I felt almost surrounded, knowing that he was trying to scare me I took a deep breath forcing myself to stay focused and went on to purifying the apartment with light energy pushing negative and dark energy out and I can still feel him. I don't know what is holding him here or why he won't go, so I did not shield the house because I do not want to hold him here. Though Lilly and I are highly shielded and as for now the house will remain open. Well mainly windows because Lilly will attempt to run out the doors nor do I trust or know my neighbors as I stay to myself. So it seems that now I have a stubborn spirit that dosent want to let go... Though I will continue to do what I can to rid him of my home, there hasn't been much happen since. Mainly just a slight heaviness in my room and what sounded like an attempt to say something though it came out more as a faint whisper... At least he is getting weaker.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)

You make some wonderfuly valid points and until I was 'drawn in' you can see I was WAY out on the fence line looking in from the back 40 (taken from a comment I made 2 days ago "Now I mentioned a second 'guess' and that guess places me out on the fence in the back 40. I have enjoyed your 'experiences' but something about the 0-60 of this just isn't 'sitting right' with me... I may be wrong, kind of hope I am... But one thing is for sure I have always been honest and I will not stop being that...")

Then I got 'pulled in' Not only that but I was not the only one. What was it that Alice said... Oh yes..."Curiouser and curiouser!"

However...If we apply what was learned about the type of entity involved and we look back upon what it 'said'...

""It's you I want" gasping for air I did everything to get away. How do you fight off a spirit he couldn't feel my blows that passed right through him. He laughed and said "Please keep fighting me, you will only make me stronger.""

Very 'Hollywoody' granted but applied to a spirit who 'came into being' on a wave of anger? I can understand 'why' it said something like that... It was (is) completely focused on Silentwings... It 'NEEDS' her to fight back... And FIGHTING BACK sounds more like an ANGRY response... Struggling or screaming both 'seem' more like fear reactions... At least to me...

So we have this 'spirit' who's powering energy is ANGER... It seems to be aware of this and knows it needs more anger to sustain it... So being a very simple type it 'picks a fight'.

Anywho, that's how I thunk it out 😉.

Any other thoughts? Anyone?


valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-28)
Well, that's just the thing, abusers will go to great lengths to give lie to the truth. They'll twist 'facts' to make others doubt you, if you reach out for help. In Silent's case, that could be why he said something so cliche. Either that, or it was an attempt to instill fear. 😕 Maybe a combination of the two. But it kind of backfired on him, didn't it?
It's possible, that both you and Rook were mauling over this 'oddness' about Silent's account and it drew you over. I'm just going to say it, I'm a bit envious that you two can astral project, I can't. To be honest not real sure I want to, but that theatrical speech of what-ever it is had my mind churning. It just doesn't quite fit with the rest of the account (nor Silent's style of writing). Poetic justice for you: what to me, appears to be an attempt to cause us to doubt his 'victim', actually summoned the calvary!😆
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)
Ahh, that's the missing piece! Thanks Rook, there was something missing from my reasoning as to how this happened. I worked it out all but for the 'something inside us knew just what needed to be done' bit. Like a subconscious questions seeking answers kind of thing. Cool stuff.

Silent, I'm glad Rook brought up the stuff about doing the entire block of the apartment complex being potentially not the best idea. I thought of this when I went offline and went 'doh!'. While it's a good idea, it may be draining. I guess see how you feel, if it doesn't feel 'right', then stick to doing your apartment only. If it were me, I wouldn't try to talk to him. It may encourage him/give him more energy.
I'm glad this craziness has been positive for you. Please let us know how you get on!

Val I was exactly the same! In a strange twist I think what this ghost said to Silent, his wording, was probably the detail that hauled me over lol.
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)
Tweed, Thank you very much for such a clear explanation on the cleansing and for all of your help with this situation. It means a lot to me as I have faced difficult situations before but not quite like this one. I had considered that something could have followed me back or maybe I had possibly caught somethings attention in a bad way while being in an astral form. Maybe even crossed some turf unintentionally that I wasn't welcome on and angered something while doing so and that could be part of the problem I just can't be sure if he is a thought form that was sent. The idea of having a conversation with him to figure this out has crossed my mind and if he is willing then that will occur, I'm honestly not sure what he is but I plan to find out.

Valkricry, I can understand why it would seem as you said hollywoodish to a degree and why you just kind of sat back and watched a bit. There have been multiple times that I thought to myself this kind of seems like a bad horror film after it was posted and in ways thought that people were going to chop it up as fictional. One reason why I am very thankful that there are dedicated people on this site that were willing to look into it and see the facts. Also another reason as to why I was shocked|releaved in a sense when Rook and Tweed ended up as Rook said on an astral investigation so to speak in my apartment and saw this themselves. While I wouldn't wish this on situation on my worst enemy and definitely not people that I have only briefly converesed with online there was somehow relief in knowing that they knew it was truely happing. I do plan on making sure that I am the only one in the house when the opening and cleansing of my apartment is done, just in case it isn't just a thought form and things get rough.

Rook, I also owe you a big thank you as well for all your words of wisdom and for being patient and willing to invest your time on this. I completely understand and take no offense to You and Tweed ending up at my apartment, I know its the principal behind it but I can assure the both of you that as I told Valkricry it was actually a relief in a sense that someone besides me has saw what I am facing seeing that it could have been viewed as an overly exatarated story and not a true experience. I had thought that it would be rather difficult to shield the entire complex even just the building that I live in but darn it if it meant I could have peace in my home then I was willing to try so I am also thankful for you bringing up that very valid point as well. Again I thank you and Tweed for sticking with me and being willing to help me through this.

I am about to take Lilly to my friends house so I can take care of all this and after all is said and done I will let everyone know how things went.

With much gratitude and hope,

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)

You asked...

"Do you have any theories to how/why this happened to both of us?"

First: I am sure that thinking about Silents updates to her experience had something to do with both of us being 'drawn' towards her home.

Second: While 'astral help' was never 'directly requested'; advice was and we managed to 'project' as part of our research. Even though neither of us intended to 'project' something 'inside us' knew just what needed to be done in order to assist Silent, so it happened. (I am keeping things simply to avoid a 'releigious' flare up)

An intresting point has been brought up concerning the Cleansing. The issue here, AT LEAST in Silent's case, is the fact that her family lives in an apartment... While her personal space can be cleansed other individuals live very close... Even under or directly beside...Silent. The only space she can truly 'clear and shield' is her own... Do not get me wrong the entire area (property, land) 'could' be cleansed but that would 'tax' and drain Silent, not a good thing.

Please keep us updated Silent. Once again I offer my apologies for 'just showing up' (I know it has helped, but its the principle of the thing).


valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-28)
So, I've been sitting on the sidelines following this story and its comments. Mostly because (no offense, Silent) the last part of where the spirit is choking you and all 'it's you I want' sounded so Hollywoodish, yet the rest rang true, and I didn't get an embellishment vibe either. So, I was off pondering why a spirit would be so cliche, while apparently, Rook and Tweed were having a night time adventure. (Which had my mouth gaping, guys. Very impressive!)
Anyway, I think I figured that part out - it knew it would freak you out and you would 'feed' it what it really wants - your fear. Much like the zozo-itis we see coming from Ouija Board-land. Lesser spirits claiming to be bigger and badder than what they are in order to have more power over you. We know zozo is made-up, but many of the younger generation 'believe', so it uses that.
Just as a precaution, I'd send the family off somewhere while you cleanse the house proper and reseal.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)

The best action you can take now, and going forward, is to make sure you're properly cleansed and shielded. No matter if he's a thoughtform or something else. What Rook said to me earlier about protecting the entire block (not just house) is essential here. The fact Rook saw it inside the wall could mean it was 'hiding' from the cat or this could be a manifestation of him being 'trapped' in your home, or a combination of both. You mentioned you've been having bangs on walls and such. This could be his frustration as much as an attempt to scare you. My Mum has unintentionally trapped a few things in her home this way. It happens when people shield without proper cleansing first. Think of it like this;
You wouldn't apply make up without first washing your face. Otherwise you'd wind up with a pretty icky mess and blocked pores.
It's the same here, if you go straight ahead with the shield before cleansing any negative energy, you'll trap any negativity in and create the right conditions for it to thrive. One thing which bothered me about this story is the way it progressed so quickly. What concerns me is that there may be some pretty icky conditions in your home which is feeding his strength, giving him the ability to interact with the physical realm/environment (banging walls, smashing dishes etc), and (most importantly) influence/manipulate your moods on a psychic level, as you described waking in a rage one day. I think it's this mood manipulation which is his err 'favourite' pass time. You may have 'let him in' and then unintentionally 'trapped him in'.

I can't remember if this has ever come up on any of your stories or not but check out Rook's profile for a great cleansing/shielding method. I really believe the success of Rook's method is in the 'cleansing' process, there is a big emphasis on cleansing with his method. Powerful foundations create powerful shields.

It also occurred to me, if you're one to 'astral' yourself, you may have been followed by some 'lowlife' entity. It's so important to cleanse and shield yourself properly before any kind of astral experience. There are a lot of individuals out there with very shallow intentions. Whether people ghosts or other entities or people 'astralling', there are many individuals on a 'lower plane' operating on 'lower frequencies' with some very crappy motivations for being there. Don't mean to scare you, but thought it worth a mention just in case.

(Note to Mimi and Mods, I had a cool link on thought forms which I included here. But had to delete because I got a message saying the 'word was too long' citing the link as the culprit, it wasn't a very long link either. I wasn't able to preview the post until the link was removed. Never had trouble sharing links before 😕 weird. Do the Mods know why this would be?)

Ok, this one's for Rook,

Do you have any theories to how/why this happened to both of us? I can only imagine we were drawn in because we'd been thinking about Silent's story. It's just bizarre that it happened to us both at around the same time.

With Hecate's experience in mind, there's a physical resemblance to the 'sender' of a thought form. Mentioning this in case something about him 'clicks' into place. He may not be a thought form. But if he is there may be something you can do, a conversation you could have for example, to help any issues which he may have risen from.
Again, he may not be a thought form, but if he is, I feel this is an important approach to consider.

Hecate, I was going to email you about this: 'what the heck?!' 😲 lol
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-28)
Mimi, no problem if I can help anyone else then I am more than willing to.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Silent, thank you for the extra info. I hope your situation reaches a positive resolution very soon.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Congratulations to the YGS Astral Investigators! Rook, another nicely done. And this time with aid from Tweed. You guys will need t-shirts. Lol

Just popped in to see all the excitement. You guys had quite a night! I am still grateful for your help with my stuff, Rook.

Best to all here. Sounds like things are moving in a very positive direction, with the help of some very talented people!

Hecate 😊
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Mimi, Yes they can, this sport has slammed doors, throw toys, a book and knocked a plate off the table with enough force to shatter it

Rook, Yes he is starting to fade and weaken and I'm going to open and re-cleanse my apartment tommrow.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Good point. Dinner conversation is going to be rather interesting tonight.

Rook, thank you once again.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Given the experience we are commenting on I think I will let Silent answer that question. 😉

However I bet you can guess what I would say by that response.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)

Its a 'spirit' comprised of 'unfocused' anger... Well it had a otherwise UN-directed...

Have you ever been so angry your not sure what your going to do... You want to hit something, throw something... Grab something but nothing you seem to do seems to 'calm' you down? Its like that.

One other thing... It gotten weaker as time has gone by as well? Yes? No? It's fading... Better to Cleans and Shield rather than let it fade on its own... But if its really is fading it just adds more support to 'what' it may actually be.


Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Rook, thank you much for answering so quickly. Your explanation is very logical and gives me a lot to think about.

One more question if you don't mind. Is it possible for one of these spirits to have enough energy to flip light switches up and down, put a plug in a wall outlet, etc.?
Silentwings (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Rook, Thank you I appreciate it very much, hoping to have him out very soon. Again I appreciate all of your help and advice. Much thanks to You and Tweed both.

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