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Unwanted Requests


This is my first story on this site, or any site for that matter. I have been a fan of this site for a couple of years and have finally summoned the courage to tell my tale and ask my questions. I am not a writer or author by any means but I will try to give you some background as best I can.

I did not have a good relationship with my biological father at all. He did things to me that I will not mention on here. I did have a great relationship with my grandmother, his mother. My grandmother passed in August of 1998 under what my family considers suspicious circumstances and the same with my father. My step-mom was entirely in charge of her care and we didn't trust her. We, unfortunately lived 1400 miles away from them and we were only able to get filtered information that she would "allow" us to have. All of that being said, here is my problem, for lack of a better word.

In the 10 years that passed between my grandma and dad passed I would have dreams about her telling me this one statement: "The proof is in the basement" or, "You need to get to the basement and find the proof". I would wake up in cold sweats and tears. I talked to my sisters and they said there really wasn't anything we could do about it because there was no way my step-mom was going to allow us in the house that she now moved into with my dad and their kids.

I still continued to have them but they started changing in nature. They went from being a request for help to more of a warning that it was going to happen again. Well sure enough I got the call that my father's spleen had ruptured and they were keeping him on life support until my sister and I could make the journey from Texas to Michigan. I had no intention of going but my husband insisted telling me I would never have closure if I didn't go. So off we went. He was never conscious when we were there but I did sit next to him and told him that I forgave him for all the abuse that he had put me through and that I wished him to pass in peace. We turned off the machines and he slowly passed but the only person that I could focus on was my step mom. When he finally passed she had the most un-nerving grin on her face that gives me chills to this day. His body was donated for research and finally cremated.

Two weeks after he passed I started having dreams again. This time it was both of them insisting that I needed to get in the house and get to the basement to get the proof. Then I noticed things being moved in my room. Pictures of my grandma would be moved or jewelry would be just sitting out when I know it was put away. I have seen my father on a couple of occasions asking me to help. I have had more events happening in my home. Only in my bedroom. Nothing that has ever affected my daughters or any other part of the house only where I have the things that my grandma gave.

So here is my question. Could this really be them telling me that what we have feared is true and that I can find the proof if I can make my way into the basement? I have never been in my grandma's basement, I was always told it was too dangerous but my father told me in one of my dreams to be careful of the bottom step because it's broken and he didn't want me to injure my knee again. He never knew I had knee surgery and he told me about a crawl space where what I needed would be found. When I described this to my mom she turned white as a sheet. I apparently had described the basement in great detail even though I have never been in it.

I don't know what to do. The activity in the house doesn't bother me. I have always been fascinated with spirits or the such, whatever word you prefer, but if my family is truly trying to send me a message I am afraid of what might happen if I ignore it.

Sorry this was so long. I knew you would need some background. I am open for suggestions and any questions you may have.

Thank you

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Curiosity13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

WinterSnow20 (2 posts)
7 years ago (2017-01-27)
Let me tell you one thing, when you dreams about someone in your family trying to send a message to you, just do it. Like for me, my mother was cruel, and well, I did have a similar dream like that where I have to go down to the basement. My mother wouldn't let me but you know what? It's all about strategy. It's like a game. First you practice the strategy that you have and see how it goes. Always remember that there's many possibilities of what could happen. Good luck.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-07)
I thought I had commented on this story, guess not. I did read it a while back. Hope everything is going well Curiosity... Keep us posted! It must be something very important and I can't wait until you settle it. Best wishes.
Revajane (1 stories) (71 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-07)
Wow! Just Wow! I just read this post and all the comments and would like to know if there is an update since it is 6 months or more later.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-17)
Good luck, Curiosity!

Best wishes and stay positive. My thoughts will be with you and I hope you get the answers you need.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-17)
Curiosity13- Good luck. Proud of you for working on this. Let us know the results. Even if they are not the one you are expecting.
Curiosity13 (2 stories) (7 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-17)
I would just like to post an update. I am gaining access to the house. I reached out to a lawyer and they are assisting me. We have made sure that they will not be aware of this so that they do not get time to destroy any evidence. In response to some of the comments, seeing my half-siblings is not an option. We can not tolerate each other to any extent. It would more than likely turn into a brawl. I will be accompanied by the police and a forensic investigator. Autopsies were not done on either of them. My dad was cremated after she turned his body over to science care and she never ordered one for my grandma. I will let you know what we find. I have a whole range of emotiions going on right now.
rynne (69 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-20)
Curiosity13, wish you well as you work through this. (Have you considered visiting your step-mom, then ask her yourself, that you want to go to 'your gandma's house' basement that you think there is bag of toys/books/mementos (?) from childhood that you think you'd left there? Just thinking out loud.)
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-18)
That's great curiosity:) congratulations on the progress! And all the best:) so happy for you:)
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-18)
I am very happy to hear that!

Good luck with all of it. Hopefully, this will be something you are able to put behind you soon!
Curiosity13 (2 stories) (7 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-18)
I am happy to say that as of this morning I called the county clerks office and spoke to a Supervisor. I explained the whole situation. I advised them that I know that there was a Will placed on file because my sister saw and watched it being notarized and then saw the county seal copy of the Will. I have also been able to make contact with the Hospice organization that also required her to have a will on file and they are looking through their archives to see if they still have any of her records.

I had another dream last night and I did try to talk to them and tell them what I was doing. This morning the stuffed Raggedy Ann doll that she gave me was laying over on the shelf that she sits on.

I told my husband about what has been going on again and what I had written and he said he will support me in whatever I decide to do and we are planning a 2 week trip in the very near future to try and get this put to rest.

I can't thank you enough for all of your help and support.
FalseProphet (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
That dream would be the answer for all your questions. It will also give you a peace of mind.

You don't have to plan by getting into the house or in the basement particularly. All things are well prepared for you just in time, well wait for that right time and everything follows since you have your grandma and dad's guidance.

Just be ready and very careful for this critical step if you follow your instinct.

I'll share you something related on this (just read on a news article before)...

"There is a family of 5 wherein all of them murdered except for their young son because he was not there at that time. Greiving about his family's tragic and sadly no trace who made that crime, he then begun to dream. His mother told him what happened that day in details. The next day, he investigate based on his dreams and he found out an evidence that will lead to his uncle as a prime suspect and then the case closed by justice."
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
Curiosity13- I should have suggested that you go to the County Clerk first. Follow the change of command. IF you don't get the results you are looking for THEN go to the County Judge. These are all elected officials so they actually work for you. The last thing they will want is to throw themselves in front of the bus for a family member.

I take my job as a Deputy Clerk very serious so this kind of thing has me riled up. But I know there is a way to find the will. IF it was recorded. One cannot have one vanish. There are check and minuses that prevent that from happening. For this very reason.
Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
If I were you, I would talk to my grandmother and my dad and just tell them that it is impossible for you to get into the basement. Tell them that they need to work on your step mom instead of you. It couldn't hurt.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
Curiosity13- I personally work in a county office that records wills in AR. A will DOES NOT, DOES NOT come up missing. We are the "Keeper" of records. That would be a breach that is a serious matter. That being said, I would encourage you not to give up on that search. In addition, the will is "Public Record". If you feel that someone has "misplaced" the will there are steps to find out what has happened to it.
In AR there will be paper trails that shows it was recorded. You can get a title searching company that can reveal ALL entries of it.
Lastly, if you know there was a "step family" keeping it from you, you can go to the County Judge with the problem. He/She should be able to help.

Good luck, if I can help in any other way please let me know.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
Curiosity, just be very careful in how you proceed.

Don't do anything illegal, please. Do not put yourself in danger.

I can only imagine how badly you want answers, but make sure that no matter what, you are safe.
Curiosity13 (2 stories) (7 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
Thank you for all of your suggestions and comments. The town that they live in is very small. One of those everyone knows everyone or has at least heard of you type towns. The thought of entering the house uninvited has crossed my mind on more than one ocassion. The only problem with that is there is my very large half-brother. He does not work and stays home pretty much all of the time and does whatever it is that he does. Not to mention the 6 large dogs that reside in the 716sq ft home. I/We do not have anytype of relationship with our half siblings, in fact we have nearly come to blows on more than one ocassion. That is just way too much to go into. So to try and go and "visit" them is not an option. I was just up there in may and did some checking, but was not able to come up with anything. The only thing that I do know for sure is that my grandma's will, which I know she had filed has come up missing and we have never been able to file it. That being said my step-mom has family that works in the county clerks office and we suspect that is why it was never found.

I had another dream last night and woke up this morning to my grandmas pic being on the floor.

Thanks for all the support and suggestions.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
Cristine - are you seriously advising someone to break and enter? Commit a crime? I realize you can say something along the lines of you didn't mean it or surely no one would take you seriously. But are you freaking kidding me!? People come here for advice, as you well know. Don't continue to give idiotic advice like this or it will get deleted.

I'm sure the o/p is smart enough to know not to break into someone's home, but there are other's who may not know not to take your asinine advice 😠
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-17)
Cristine, I hope I read your comment wrong. If you give advice, don't advise people to break the law.

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Argette (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
There has been some very good advice already offered here, and I am not certain I can add to it.

I think additional closure must be needed, since you continue to have these dreams. But I also think you should proceed with caution. I hope you find someone who can help you, whether it be some sort of sensitive or even a counselor.

I also hope you can find out what secrets the basements holds. It may set you free if you do, whether those secrets are literal or figurative.

Your pier was very well written. I thank you for sharing it with us.

Please take care, and let us know how this is resolved for you.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
You make reference to 'their kids', which would be your half-siblings. I was wondering if any of them still lived in the house? Could you not arrange entrance by going to 'visit' them?
Another thought had occurred to me: do you know if autopsies were done? I know it sounds indelicate, forgive me; but if they had been you might find some answers there. As a direct relation you are entitled to a copy of the report, and you should be able to obtain one through the County Coroner's office, where they passed.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
Woah! That was scary! I don't know if there is a way you can manage going down there to the basement curiosity13, because I doubt your stepmom will let you. But there is definitely something amiss. And your grandmom and dad both can't be wrong. You must go and find out, so they both can see the light and so you can stop having these dreams too. Besides, you know the exact location too. And I'm sure they will protect you, as somebodyme rightly said... Though I would recommend more protection than just that. Your stepmom sounds dangerous.
Also it wouldn't hurt to get some professional to look up her history before that, as elnor pointed out... All the best! Hoping you can crack this mystery:) take care!
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
I am very sorry about the trials with your family. Your stepmother sounds like she has some sociopathic tendencies and if she unnerves you, there is most likely a reason for it. People typically instinctively know what sort of people not to trust and to stay away from.

I think quite a bit of this could be subconscious. You know that something happened that was not right and your mind is creating dreams telling you what you already know. That does not, at all, explain how you got information that you did not previously know and why things are moving, just a theory on the dreams.

If you do decide to go to the house, just please be very careful. If the basement is dangerous and your stepmother unstable, it could be a bad idea. Then again, if your mind already knows that something is wrong, it could be worth doing some research on first. Have you looked into the house and your step mother? There are a few programs out there where you can run background checks on people and property- they typically cost a few dollars and it is perfectly legal to do so. Maybe there is a way to figure out what you want to without actually having to go to the property.

This was quite the account. I hope you are doing well.
somebodyme (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
you should surely go and find out what's there in basement! Your fathr will protect you

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