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Several years ago I bought a small house for my 8 year old son and myself. We were so happy to finally have a place of our own. The first evening we moved in we were both busy getting our bedrooms ready for us to go to bed. It had been a very long day and we were both tired.

I was just about finished with my bedroom. Just one more box and the room would be ready for my first nights sleep in our new home. Suddenly, I saw a man walk quickly past my door and down the hall. I ran to see who it was! He had come out of my little boys' bedroom! When I got to my bedrooms doorway I turned my head to look in the direction the man had gone. He was standing at the end of the hall and quickly turned onto the entry hall. I ran down the hall and by the time I got to the end of the hall he had disappeared. I didn't hear the door locks or the sound of the heavy front door open and close.

My son comes out of his bedroom and asks me, "Mom, who was that?" He had seen him too! I didn't want him to be afraid of our new home so I made up some story about us being tired and letting our imagination run wild. Lee was young and he went along with my explanation.

If, only that had been the end of it or the worst of it! We had settled in after a week or so and things were going great. Lee had made a couple of friends that lived across the street. He was happy, I was happy.

As a house warming present, Lee's Uncle Jay had bought him a puppy. She was a beautiful mixed breed pup. When Rosie, the pup, got a few months older she began to react weirdly. Rosie would refuse to walk down the hall where all the bedrooms were located. She would sit and look down that hall and bark. No amount of coaxing from Lee would make her go down that hall.

By this time, Lee and I were noticing other things that were happening around the house. We would hear strange noises, see movement from the corner of our eyes.

The big rage for kids was making cross necklaces out of plastic beads. Lee had made several and I was running out of places to hang them. So, I began to hang them on the doorknobs. At night I could hear someone or something playing with the cross necklace I had hung on my bedroom doorknob. I would jump out of bed and jerk the door open to try and catch who was messing with it. No one would be there! This happened constantly. Lee began to tell me that he could hear voices in his room at night.

I guess I should have mentioned that his bedroom walls had been painted black with brightly colored, strange symbols and figures by the previous owners. We had just painted over it in Lees favorite color.

I was beginning to wonder if the figures and symbols had meant something. Something evil and menacing. Lee started to have bad dreams and was very much afraid to sleep in his room. He had never behaved this way. Lee had always been very independent and loved having his own space.

I didn't know what to do! A mothers number one job is to keep her children safe. I have always been a believer in God and believe in prayer. I confided in a friend and she asked her minister to come and bless the house.

Things became ever so much worse after that! I would no longer allow my little boy to sleep in that bedroom. I had him sleeping with me. The noises continued. The beaded cross necklaces were being played with. You could hear the long fingernails scraping against the door as it toyed with the cross.

One beautiful summer night Lee and I are getting ready for bed. It's a beautiful night. I have the windows open in our bedroom. We say our prayers and I kiss my boy goodnight. I turn on my right side to fall asleep. After just a few minutes, I notice the room is filling with smoke or fog. I blink quickly to clear my vision. The fog fills the room. I feel my son's body stiffen.

I turn over on my left side to see what was going on with him. In the doorway, to the bedroom, is this tall, black figure that looks much like the grim ripper. I'm horrified! My son is literally scared stiff. The black figure is hooded, no face or hands. Just blackness. The fog swirls around it. This hooded figure glides around the side of the bed and around to the foot of the bed. It stops at my child's feet and begins to play with his feet.

My brain is stunned. I begin to pray the Lords Prayer. I pled the blood of Jesus. I'm praying all the prayers I can remember! This thing stops playing with my babies feet. It suddenly vanishes with a downward motion and behind it goes the fog. It was so surreal. Lee and I are both shaking uncontrollably. I call my mother and tell her the events of the night.

She insists we pack up some things and go stay with her. Thank goodness for moms! We never return to that house, ever! I hire movers to move everything out. The house sells in a few weeks. I won't even drive by it.

To this day, my now big and strong son, that is in law enforcement, refuses to even talk about our experience. We will never, ever forget what we saw and heard in that house, in that Spookville.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jeani, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Jeani (2 stories) (7 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-05)
Thanks for all the comments. Yes, this is a true story. Rosie was about a year old but, she would not go down the hallway even as a younger pup. The hooded figure raised an arm but, all you could see was the sleeve move up towards my little boys feet. We lived in the Texas panhandle and that particular night was breezy, unusual but, true. I was a teacher and teacher aren't exactly paid very well in Texas so when I found this house in a decent area at a price I could afford I bought it. I regretted it very quickly though!
I never thought about the figures painted on my son's bedroom walls as a repellent.
Everything I stated in my story is true. I wrote this story to finally get it off my chest not to gain approval from anyone. Sorry if some of you think it's "made-up."
Thank you,
Myst (63 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-24)
Melda- You're right, sort of. I see the comment was actually by AugustaM, but the weird part is, I double checked to make sure I was sending to the correct poster. Now I'm wondering what you posted, and where, to make me think of you.
bugbear808 (7 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-23)
Just a quick question, and no offense is intended by this, but you stated that the large dark figure in your bedroom was hooded with NO face or hands. If it had no hands, then what did you mean when you said it "played" with your son's feet?
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-23)
Hi Destinygirl

Good theory - I like your thinking, but still, would any one trying to sell that house just leave that kind of thing all over a blackened bedroom wall?

Symbols all over a room designed be it to worship or summon malevolent entities or to repell them; either way it's a BAD look in a house that's on the market. For both the seller AND any potential buyer 😆


DestinyGirl (5 stories) (13 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-23)
I am a crazy cat lady, and I call my cats (5 and almost 7) "kittens."

I am far from an expert and would never pretend to be, but one thing I thought of was could the symbols on the wall have been some type of protection? Instead of summoning something dark and evil, maybe the previous owners put them there to repel (and it didn't work.)
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-23)
Myst - Sorry but I'm a bit puzzled. I didn't comment on this account. I think your comment was meant for somebody else. Perhaps AugustaM? 😕

Regards, Melda
Myst (63 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-23)
Melda- No, you're not the only one. My 10 yo husky/shepard/dobie was still "puppy"- even at 125 lbs.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-23)
I agree with Mack, Azrael and L_Melb - there's something about the sum total of this account that simply doesn't fully settle with me. It reads very much like an episode of 'The Haunting'.

However, one thing I -as an animal nut- can say for sure, Mack, is that it is possible to tell when even a puppy is acting unusually- whether he/she is sad, anxious scared or not feeling well. Same with a cat. They all have very distinct emotions and ways of showing them if you know what to look for. And I wonder too just what age the OP meant by 'puppy' - whether a dog is 15 years old or 15 weeks old... I still tend to refer to them as 'puppies' and I can't be the only one... At least that's what I tell myself to justify my antics over my animals ❤
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-22)
Hi Jeani

Thanks for sharing this experience.

Are you able to please add some information? What did this "man" look like that disappeared down the hallway? Height, clothes style, ethnicity, build? It would have been great if you and your son had compared notes; that would have verified what you both think you saw. (As a side note; that part reminds me of, what I think is the one of best scenes of 'The Sixth Sense" when the young chap is in the toilet and that woman silently glides past him down the hallway... I was truly chilled by that scene... But I digress...)
You could also then (if you were interested enough) to do some research on the house, past owners etc, which may uncover "who" you saw.

Interesting about the puppy; I've never heard reports of puppies appearing to sense spirits. Usually when mature dogs "see" the "bad" ones, they growl and bark, but puppies don't really growl much do they? (Any puppy lovers / experts out there?) Probably because they are too busy tearing around, barking at everything, chewing stuff they shouldn't be and generally just full of energy, and seem to be random balls of chaos and play.

It's usually the older dogs who have more of a set routine, and the owners who understand that dog's particular behavior / nuances, also would recognize when the animal is not acting as it normally would. For example, not going into the part of the house that it USUALLY goes into, or barking / growling in a way that it USUALLY wouldn't. A dog behaving differently is MUCH easier to recognize when we are very familiar with it's standard behavior patterns. My rambling point is; that to me, that puppies behavior, by itself, doesn't really suggest anything supernatural going on. I mean, if we based a cat's reluctance / refusal to go into a particular part of a house, or was meowing all the time, you's just think that was a cat being a cat... Or "could someone feed that bloody thing!"

The "strange symbols and figures" on Lee's bedroom walls. Are you able to please elaborate on what they looked like? I assume you would have had a good look at them if they were all over the walls, and you were potentially going to buy the house? You are intimating (I assume) that these symbols and patterns were some kind of devil-worship-type thing going on? And that therefore, the people who previously lived there were devil-worshippers? Therefore they were possibly responsible for the malevolent entity you and your son experienced? I'm just trying to join the dots here...

Following on from that, I've now bought, lived in and sold two houses and personally, in order to get the BEST price possible, I make sure the house is looking great. I'm surprised the previous owners didn't throw a lick of paint in there themselves to spruce up the room, and to allay any potential buyers thinking; "Oh oh Bob - it kind of looks like someone was praying to the Prince Of Darkness in THIS room...I'm not so sure about this house anymore..."

Maybe it's just me but if it WAS Satanic stuff all over blackened bedroom walls, then well done for them selling it AS IS, but shame on them for being so lazy, and potentially losing the sale. Ok, I'm rambling, I know... Please forgive my self-indulgent theorizing, but I've also just had a really GOOD coffee...

The "long fingernails". Were you 100% sure it was long fingernails, and that the sound was scraping on the door. It wasn't that puppy was it? I've had puppies before and they get into everything, ALL the time. They have claws and it may have been trying to get to those necklace thingies? Just a theory. I'm full of them. Have you noticed? 😆

The "Grim Reaper" fog scene. That certainly is a frightening image; and not that unusual, as many seemingly sober people attest they have witnessed a "tall' dark, hooded figure in their bedroom" but to me, it's also bordering on a typical horror movie scene, honestly no offence intended; it's just what I'M seeing in my mind's eye. And in all my years and years of studying hauntings and spiritualism and poltergeists etc, I've never heard or read of that kind of "fog" in a room, that rolls away (cue cheap special effects where they reverse the billowing fog machine) with the downward disappearing specter, except for in some horror / supernatural movies. Maybe other people have?

I'm NOT suggesting some of this didn't happen Jeani, but there are aspects, as I hope you can honestly appreciate, that DO resemble your standard horror flick. And that does need to be at least acknowledged... And this is just MY opinion. What do I know, right?

It's a shame you and your son don't ever, (or also haven't ever?) talk (ed) about those experiences, because they are VERY rare and I'm sure you both would have needed to try and make sense of what you saw and experienced, and only the pair of you would be able to fully understand what you had both been through. It would be like your own little support group, if you know what I mean?

Anyway, thanks for sharing. Your submission / experience really got my brain going, which really got my fingers going, and I LOVE writing.


L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-22)
Thanks for your thoughts Argette, I don't want to be unfair and having had only one situation I can't explain, personally, it helps to have the view of others 😁
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-22)
L_Melb, I had the same feeling.

Plus, the age thing seems off.

Sorry, Jeani. I could be way off.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-22)
One other question...

"I hire movers to move everything out. The house sells in a few weeks. I won't even drive by it."

Did the house sell years ago OR do you mean it was on the market for years and is about to sell?


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-22)
Question...which area of Texas did this occur in?

I live in Central Texas and its a rare summer night indeed when I'd open the windows...Spring/Fall and even nice days in the Winter... But summer, Ah, NO. That must have been a beautiful night indeed.


Elrond (3 stories) (38 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-22)
Really creepy, great story. I really enjoyed reading it. I don't get a made up vibe at all. The non-sensational aspect of the writing gives it an honest vibe in my opinion. Many have had the experience of the robed figure in the doorway. It's as common as the "Hat Man" shadow figure experiences.
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-22)
A little bit of everything here...
I would like the view of others who have had strange experiences first as I get a 'made up' vibe but don't want to be harsh 😕

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