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Real Ghost Stories

The Wendigo


There is no easy way to tell the tale of facing a wendigo. I won't give my name away so my name will be Alex due to the severity of this story. Before you read on know one detrimental detail, this story is 100 percent true without over-exaggeration. So please without further wait, let's begin my horrifying yet eye-opening experience.

On September 13th of 2016 I was driving up the Big Horn Mountains above Buffalo, Wyoming. Just like every trip, I packed accordingly: 2 bottles of water, 6 Nutrigrain Bars and my loaded handgun. I drove up 4 to 5 times per week never worrying on ghost stories or monsters. As far as I knew, these mountains were harmless besides predators seldomly seen and weather interference.

But something in me changed on September 13th. Instead of going to my usual neck of the woods, I went to a remote camp site known as Hettinger, 15 miles up from town. It's a beautiful place where, if you cross the fence, you can climb to a peak and oversee for days. As I was looking over the majestic snow covered landscape, I saw a tall slender figure marching through the blanket of powder.

Normally I would drop it as a hunter on the move but Hettinger was far from any known hunting locations. To this day I wish I would have packed up and left, I wish I didn't peek through my binoculars but sometimes securing curiosity is the only safe option.

I'll never let myself forget the moment I peered through the cold glass over the winter plateau. As I focused my lenses and the figure came to clarity, I dropped behind the rocks. It was looking back at me... As if it could see me. That would be impossible for a human, I was 1,000 feet away or more hidden by a rock and within the tree line.

I peeked back up, using only the top of my head to look again. It was just standing there sniffing the air looking at me. My heart sank and I couldn't move. I was frozen in fear. About 200 feet behind me was a small rock cave big enough to squeeze into and deep enough to hide in the dark. I slowly made my way, inching backwards. I took one last look and noticed it was sprinting towards me.

I moved as fast as possible to the hole and tucked in. The moment I made it, the creature was standing feet from where I was. Its skin was damp in appearance and gray. It also had long hands and fingers to match that turned to dagger-like nails. I cupped my mouth to hide my breathing which became a challenge due to the cold, but as I moved my hand a rock tumbled. I looked down at the rock just to look back up and see its cold eyes peering through the hole.

It was almost as if it couldn't see me but it knew something was there. I stood still as a statue. It reached in, almost grasping my pack. After 5 minutes of forever, it gave up and took back to sniffing. I waited there in shock and a daunting weight of fright casting over me every moment in passing.

It quickly got dark as night fell and it finally wondered off. I waited until I felt assured to poke my head out. I took a look around and saw nothing, not even a footprint.

I took time in watching my steps to stay quiet and made my way back down to my car. I used my key to unlock it rather than using the button lock. I got in and sank down and took a last look around. I finally found courage to crank my car and began to drive down the trail to the main highway. As I was just about turned around I saw it... It stood as tall as the trees and stared at me. I hit the gas and fishedtailed but I made it. As I reached the main road it was in pursuit and was keeping up. After a few miles I looked back and it was gone.

To this day I haven't been back, not even to that region of the mountains. Looking it up I found several myths about the creature and its origins, I believe you should to... It's quite unique. Stay safe and know the world is far more vast than we know.

Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Artesthesia, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

TravisCannabis (70 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-03)
Dude, I know what you are talking about... Went to the same place and saw a wendigo family, I even got a video with a drone but the bastard dad wendigo jumped and ate my friggin drone and video camera! 😭

This is 100 percent true without over-exaggeration. 😁 😁
stlthlvis (1 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-23)
Wow. Tuff room. I imagine something else close by distracted this thing or else we would have not heard this story. The whole point is that there are not many stories out there like this. I have not heard of many Big Foot sightings where the Big Foot Tracks humans effortlessly and is intent on eating them. I will say Windigo from all I have gathered. They probably come from the same place the criters at skinwalker ranch come from. There are portals out there where they just climb through. Who knows how many places like that there are and where? I just know people have actually witnessed them coming through these portals and just running off into the darkness. Freaks me out a little. πŸ€”
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-26)
Spockie - if one, it must have been the grandfather of all Bigfoot on steroids, because "It stood as tall as the trees", and, the trees on that forest aren't exactly bonsais.😐
Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-26)
I wouldn't discount this story just because it is well written. The creature described, however sounds more like something in the Bigfoot family than a Wendigo.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-25)
Well the wendigo is not supposed to be an actual animal. It's a spirit or entity of some sort that belongs to the algonquian culture. It's a Native American belief. I believe all nonhuman entities are possible and I respect other people's cultures. I'm just skeptical of this particular account because of the way that it is written.
Valkyrie_Thorn (1 stories) (3 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-25)
I don't mean to be unkind but this story doesn't seem particularly plausible. It seems rather exaggerated, and the Wendigo sounds a bit too much like a cross between the one from Supernatural and the ones from Until Dawn. I'm not saying I'm an expert or anything, but this story strikes me as a tiny bit fanciful. Sorry about that.
matrix899 (1 stories) (67 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-25)
I don't know if this story is true, but the writer's failure to address these comments may or may not mean something.

I think that most of us do not allow for the fact that the average submitter to this site is probably not entirely competent at communicating an experience in writing. They probably struggle to convey their experience into the written word, and, when finished, the discerning mind may find problems with the story.

What I have discovered during my lifetime is that the world is a very strange place. Nevertheless, most of us still expect the world to make some sense and conform to our idea of logic. Ghost should act like what we have come to expect; vampires and werewolves should also do the same. If they don't act in accordance with what we have come to expect, then there is a problem.

I have heard and read stories that are just as strange as this one, and some that are much stranger.

The paranormal is strange and defies logic. Maybe the manner in which the submitter wrote his story, and the choice of language, caused some eyebrows to be raised.

Did he fabricate this story as some here are claiming? I don't know, but stranger stories have been told.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-25)
It could be true although I do think there are some questions in this story. For one thing, everyday I lock my car with the automatic lock as well but when I return to the car I always forget I did this and insert the key, well in my car, when this is done, the alarm rings off until you put the key in the ignition. So, does your car do this also? Did the alarm go off alerting this thing to your car?

I think it was a good story... Not sure if I believe it, but I liked it anyway. Good story. Nice to see some different topic ones. I do think it's reminiscent of "the fort" stories in style though.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-25)
Plus stories can't simply be rejected because you don't believe in them. As long as they meet guidelines, the mods put them through. I used to think dopplegangers were bull until it happened to my mom. Now I'm a little more open minded lol.

When a story has holes in it, the ygs community is full of enough critical people to decide for themselves. Plus, a story could sound 100% true and well written and still be a lie. You never know. That's the con of anonymity and lack of proof. πŸ˜•
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-04-24)
Dee-J and lady-glow:

Lady-glow first - thanks for the answer and support 😊

Dee-J - lady-glow is right when she said sometimes it is better to avoid the drama when someone's story is rejected. Other times there are reasons for letting a story like this one through rather than rejecting it 😊
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-24)

Oh ok! Gotcha;-)

Again, I didn't comment for the purpose of raining on someone's parade. I don't usually take part in that, but after reading this story I just finally compelled to say something. Lol
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-24)
Not meaning to answer for the moderators but, during the time I have been a member of the forum, I have witnessed some posters getting upset after one of their submissions has been rejected and starting more drama than necessary.

I too, have wondered more than once why some stories get published but think the best way to show support not only to the site, but to the moderators too, is by letting know to the authors of these phoney stories that we aren't naive and gullible enough as to believe their πŸƒπŸ’© (BS).
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-24)
Ummmmm...quick question.

In all honesty I initially wasn't going to say anything for the sake of keeping peace and I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful to the OP so please forgive me, but how do these type of stories manage to get on this site? I could be wrong but I thought read somewhere that the administrators made a policy against juvenile or fictional stories or something?

I haven't really been active on this site in a long time as far as commenting goes because a lot of newer stories that's been coming in seemed a little too... Far fetched. Not to discredit anyone's stories or anything but still.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-24)
I had to look up what a wendingo was. Uhm, not to make too fine a point of it, but couldn't a wendingo be a big bear just waking from a long winter's sleep? The OP mentions snow so meh, maybe a mamma bear? Eh maybe not. Just the claws and man eating brought bears to mind. September 13, 2016 in Buffalo Wyoming - Snow? Below the treeline? I call BS. There may be snow caps above the treeline, but the temperature in that area at that date and time was in the 60s and 70s. Please, if you must write fiction, check your facts FIRST. This reads like a 15 year old's attempt at re-writing a screenplay from a grade B movie. *sighs. If it really happened it did not happen in the time frame given. I've been all over that area and not run into a Wendingo, however there are spirits there that are better left alone. Perhaps you ran into one of those? They can manifest and bring COLD with them.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-23)
I hate when people say they will participate in the discussion when they obviously won't. I guess people write the worst stories to see how much they can get away with. It's like a game for people. πŸ˜•
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-23)
Hi. This kind of resembled a film I've watched. Weird cause the details in the film is the same in the story 😐 😐
PoliexterLy (2 stories) (92 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-23)
If it couldn't see you like you mentioned, how was it able to run after you while you drove away?
Also, when a story starts off with 'this is 100% true' then it makes me doubt it more
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-04-23)
detΒ·riΒ·menΒ·talˌdetrΙ™Λˆmen (t) l adjective tending to cause harm.
I don't understand how informing us that something is "100% true without over-exaggeration" would be detrimental.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-23)
Exaggeration exaggeration exaggeration and still no exaggeration, superlative story. 😭
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-23)
So Artesthesia was supposed to be some sort of pseudonym but it seems it wasn't enough to protect your identity and you still had to go for Alex πŸ™„ I am sorry, this is just me thinking...

Then, YGS is a website used to share/discuss true paranormal encounters but you still had to justify yourself by claiming "...this story is 100 percent true without over-exaggeration". When it should be obvious that it should be true, it made me wonder why such justification.

While I kept reading it I realised why... A creature like predator, let you safely get to your car, while it was still watching you! Now, this is a surprise!

Rex-T, definitlely a case for Dean and Sam Winchester... Or not.

Alex or Artesthesia, sorry if I'm being hard on you but it just doesn't add up for me.

God bless. ❀
Serenflipppity (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-23)
Bwaaaahahaha I'm so sorry for laughing, but it is earned.

I don't know about Wendigo's (guess I missed that Supernatural episode) but I can't wrap my mind around how a blood-thirsty creature would make such a mediocre effort to satisfy it's craving.

I'd have huffed and puffed and blown the mountain down.

Nice story though.

This above all else;
To thine own self, be true!
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-23)

The first time I heard of 'Wendigo' was from Sam and Dean Winchester. According to the brothers, trying to shoot one of these creatures is a waste of time because they move too quick.

I've conferred with 'Uncle Google' which indicates (according to the Algonquian people) that the Wendigo is native to the North Atlantic coast and Great Lakes areas (including Ontario). There are no reported sightings further west than Minnesota.

There is a similar creature called a 'Wechuge' which is native to the Pacific North West coast, so, your sighting seems to fall right in between.

Got to say I'm quite amazed that you're still here writing this story as the Wendigo craves human flesh and will not stop once a target has been established.

Perhaps you should be contacting Wikipedia and other related sites and tell them of your fantastic encounter.

Anyway, gotta get my toothbrush and get ready for bed.
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-23)
Absolutely nail-biting! What a relief you survived to tell of this spine-chilling story! 😨

I'm no wilderness survival expert but I've hiked through the prehistoric Huon pine forest in Tasmania during early spring, when frost was still in the air. But we carried more than 2 bottles of water and 6 Nutrigrain Bars to sustain us though. My goodness, you must be a truly hardy soul to not need much more in wintry conditions.

It's a real shame you didn't get the chance to get a photo of this incredible creature. But you certainly have a flair for dramatic storytelling. 😁

Kindly_refrain and lady-glow - for a horrifying moment, I thought I was back at the fort in Texas. I'm so chilled by the experience that I've brought along my Big Blanket and thermos of Bloody Marys to warm my poor aging bones. πŸ˜‰
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-22)
Kindly_refrain, it's not easy for me to say too much when using only the tiny keyboard of my phone...😐

Like you, I think the over-exaggeration part is a red flag... If Alex here is not over-exaggerating, then he must be only exaggerating his encounter with the Wendigo that, by the way, reminds me so much of the description of such creature in "Pet Cemetery" by Stephen King. I guess that gives some validation to his story? πŸ˜•

To tell you the truth, the cynical part of me finds some similarities between the writing style of this poster and another one experiencing multiple encounters in a certain fort in Texas.

My good side - I have one though, I bet, some people don't believe it - decided to give him the benefit of the doubt...πŸ˜‹

Alex: did you use your gun or did you realize the futility of the bullets against that humongous monster?
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-22)
I have to be honest, this felt quite fictional. Your writing style screams "horror novel". I know that's harsh, but take heart; I'm sure you could make a mint writing a book of short stories revolving around ghosts, goblins and the notorious Bigfoot.

Just make sure you triple check your details. Your story has a few components that don't add up and/or make zero sense.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-22)
Artesthesia, if exaggeration is over blowing details of a story what is over-exaggeration?

You also missed the parts about the lions and aliens and bigfoot and the military and your broken leg (and mysterious healing) and angels and finding Elvis in the back seat of your car.

Lady-glow, I have seen you pounce on stories of dubious veracity in the past. I can only suspect that this account was so far beyond the bounds of honesty that even your super powers were defeated.

Tiring Huh?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-22)
That's terrifying!
On the bright side, at least it didn't damage your car. 😱

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