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The Spirit Of Jeffrey Dahmer?


My name is Camille. I am thirteen going on fourteen, and I live in Iron, Minnesota. Let me start at the very beginning.

A couple years back, (maybe just a year ago), I was very obsessed with these online games, specifically MovieStarPlanet, which at the time, took up a great portion of my summer. On this online platform, there was a "forum" room, where people could rant or just enjoy each other's company. I remember this one topic being everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE all over the forums. "Hey, how do you feel about My Friend Dahmer?" I thought it was just another foolish internet fad and would die away eventually, but soon my curiosity piqued and I read a forum.

Before I even read it, I had a weird sense that "Dahmer" was the friend of this guy in high-school, and "Dahmer" had grown to be this terrible person in real life (or at least do terrible things.). I even pictured this guy having longer blond hair and blue eyes, without ANY indication on whom the actual Jeffrey Dahmer was. Since a lot of things were censored on the website, there wasn't a lot to talk about in regards to the movie, other than people asking each "other," do you think My Friend Dahmer is controversially bad?" So that already gave me weird vibes because they were saying it was controversial when I knew that the guy had done something morally inhumane, when I have had never in my life, swear on my grandfather's grave, ever heard the name Jeffrey Dahmer. I remember telling myself I'd look up what it actually was later on but never did and naturally forgot.

Fast forward about a year later. I was watching Youtube when I suddenly, it almost felt as though this had been pushed into my head, I thought of it again. My Friend Dahmer. My curiosity was still very much active so I typed it into the search-bar and was welcomed by half a dozen movie trailers. I picked the most "promising" and was instantly greeted by teen angst and 70's inspired cars, outfits, and hair. I quickly took notice of Ross Lynch's role as Dahmer (which I admit was kind of a shocker itself.) The trailer in fact showed the movie was on the darker side and was also in fact based on true events. (Both in which I had originally thought, again, with no knowledge at all of Jeffrey Dahmer.) I remember falling in love with Lynch's portrayal. I was happy for the guy, who seemed to be doing fairly well after Disney and all. I believe the name "Jeffrey Dahmer" was only mentioned once at the very end of the trailer, so that's when I pulled it up on google.

"Jeffrey Dahmer, American serial killer and sex offender." That fazed me for some reason, and I felt dread, pure dread. I went into images and the dread worsened, along with this odd side note of nostalgia. It felt like my soul, not me, my soul or my subconscious KNEW him. Something inside of me was happy that I had found this guy, but it wasn't, well... Me.

Something inside of me knew this guy. I hadn't ever seen this man's face but for some reason it looked so familiar, like I had casually chatted with him over tea at morning brunch. This guy looked pretty bad in appearance, unshaven, tired, with a distant stare. My first initial reaction was "gross", but I couldn't help but feel bad as instantly as I had said it. All of it felt so unusual something I have never felt before, like this instinctive wave, like this flood of emotion, which despite seeming so foreign made perfect sense to that thing inside of me. It made sense to my subconscious, higher self, but not to my conscious, who was oblivious to this emotional blow that had struck me when I had laid eyes on his face for the first time. I felt so connected to this man, and it scared me. I tried to get rid of the feeling of connection by ignoring it but eventually decided to try and understand it instead. I researched him and soon became hooked. I knew this guy. I really did. It felt like the whole time I was being so foolish in ignoring all of this because deep down some part of me must have known him.

I noticed that I didn't see him as a serial killer at all. Yes, he did horrible things, but he was in no way evil. He didn't get power over killing his victims. He just hated the idea of loneliness. In fact, he was more of a miserable, sappy, depressing person than anything else. Just a totally sad person with little self control. He didn't enjoy killing anyone. The goal was to have complete dominance over someone (sexually). Killing was never his first option, he went through many ways to try and get rid of his dark fantasies, he wasn't a careless person. He cared, and that's why he tried to stop himself and find ways to stop. But he was also battling himself. He could never kill someone unless he was drunk himself, which says a lot about how he felt about it. I do not support him. What he did was unforgivably wrong, but he was in no way a Richard Ramirez. People have told me I understand him better than anyone else could, which makes me proud but afraid as well.

I noticed that I had been experiencing abnormal things. At first it started out with cold spots and just random breezes of freezing air. (I know it wasn't my breath because, I would breath again and see if I felt any cold air. I am also in the basement so there are no windows that can open willingly.) Then it progressed into somebody stroking my cheek whilst I was writing my novel on my laptop. (My hair was pulled back completely.)

I tried dismissing all of this but eventually I went on to have a dream of a place that was completely white with this glowing aura and Jeffrey Dahmer was there. I don't quite remember what he said, but he was really upset about something and I was concerned.

I explained it (Not using Dahmer's name because she is unaware of this.) to my mother, and she said that it might've been heaven. I was confused and didn't really believe it but kept it in mind.

Then I finally decided to get a spirit box app and when I asked who I was speaking to it replied with "Jeff." At this point I was very freaked out and kind of confused. I had also been seeing orbs moving around (which my best friend had pointed out one day, along with the cold spots, when she came over before I had told her anything about this, I had thought it was only eye "floaters") every once in a while.

Then the "light incident" occurred. I have these Christmas lights hanging in my bedroom (everything occurs in my bedroom.), and I have one of those foam tile ceilings so they often have gaps and such. My lights had fallen in front of my door, and it made it impossible to close the door. I was also too short (5'2") to put them in between the tiles, so they wouldn't get in the way. One day in particular I had gotten very angry and had cursed out about the lights when I had to use the bathroom very bad. My family was going grocery shopping so we all left the house. I came back and noticed my door shut. I was the last one out of the house and hadn't shut my door when I had left. The lights were neatly folded between the tiles, so they wouldn't get in my way. I tensed up. I felt this strange euphoric feeling of love radiating from someone watching me that I couldn't see, but they had done this just for ME. I went from afraid, to flattered and thanked whoever it was.

At this point I began thinking it was Jeffrey Dahmer. I had no known relatives who had died who were taller, Jeff Dahmer in fact was about 6' or 6'1". I used a Ouija board and asked if it truly was Jeffrey Dahmer and it said yes and he answered many difficult questions just for proof. I now believe it is his spirit with me, but am still unsure... The spirit box app I use even talks in that same distinguishing way he does, saying "folks" and "baloney."

A couple of nights ago I was in a very bad state. I was crying, and I had begun to think I was insane for believing all this for almost nine months. I asked for a sign, for a sign I wasn't wrong. I went to bed and had a dream of being in this place, it was all fuzzy, with two bouquets of roses, one this ugly orange peach color (I thought it was ugly but usually I love peach roses?) and these most beautiful pure white ones. I kept thinking "I have to get one for Jeff it has to be red though" it was this persistent thought. I would ask myself why but my brain would just insist on red ones but there were none. I sensed other people there with me but couldn't see them, which was weird. Everything faded out into black and faded in again and I was standing in front of Jeffrey Dahmer with these big beautiful, the prettiest deep red roses I had ever laid eyes on. We were in this place everything was faded but it was this white beautiful place. He was glowing, he looked so pure and lively. All I could see was him and focus on was him and me.

There was this intense feeling, almost telepathic, where I knew what he was feeling and vice versa. It was this feeling of love, this amazing, peaceful feeling. We were happy, HE was happy. Then suddenly all of it was ripped away, and it was cold and dark again. That's when I awoke and my dead roses that I keep by my bedside smelled so lively and beautiful like they had never smelled before. It was all so amazing to endure. May I also admit that I do love Dahmer, it's not something I admit due to controversy but those are my honest feelings. After just spending so much time actually getting inside his head, seeing him ways other's refuse and him being here, I've fallen for him, which I'm not thrilled about, I hate it so much because I feel as though I sound insane. But uh, I might as well clear that up. I'm not one of those creepy people who worship serial killers, I do not believe Jeffrey is god, nor anything else related to that. I am a firm believer in the lord, Jesus Christ, though I was not raised Christian. Do you think this could be Dahmer and please help explain this weird connection I feel with him, it's all awfully confusing.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ChamomileSpiIls, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-14)
Hello there Chamomille,

I am so happy to know that everything worked just fine for you! 😊 As Biblio said, it's a good thing that your seeing a therapist, that is the way to go.

Once again, we were presented with Biblio's wisdom, thank you! It's a shame that we are not presented more often. 😉

I couldn't agree more, just would like to add that serial killers are usually very inteligent, even though intellegence doesn't make them successful, it is obsession, meticulous planning and a cold-blooded personality instead. Many individual have a high IQ and do not commit those atrocious acts.

I think there's a tendency for media to depict serial killers as mentally ill, but actually they are not (what's make them scarier to me). In order for na individual to be considered legally insane he would have to be unable to understand law and that murder is wrong, and most serial killers are aware of the law, moral values, right and wrong and still commit horrendous acts.

Chamomille, keep on the right track and always believe in you. Take care. ❤
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-13)
Greetings. Camille.

I've been quiet over the last week or two, but I have been returning to this conversational thread to monitor your progress. Your last paragraph in the initial narrative contained the statement, "spending so much time actually getting inside his head," to which my instinctive response was: "no; that's the wrong way 'round; something's gotten inside of you." I have no doubt that *something* --either natural or supernatural-- was affecting your ability to process thoughts rationally.

Serial Killers have cold, calculating, narcissistic, self-indulgent, abyssal emptiness where their empathy for other human beings should be. This is why they turn to killing as a substitute for the emotional/psychological catharsis most people get from conversations with good friends or therapists. Serial Killers learn to mimic "acceptable" behavior and "normal" people in order to pass an ordinary person's evaluation; most people are incapable of recognizing the facial micro-expressions *before* the sociopathic or psychotic mind has decided which facial expression will appear normal to everyone else. [Note: serial killers are only one subset within these deviations from normal thought patterns.]

You are in therapy, which is good. You have been depressed (your honesty about this is good). For now, you are exactly the wrong sort of person to read true crime narratives. Depression can involve obsessive ideation, seeking a validation based upon some unobtainable goal as a way to measure self-worth; this is how your original narrative reads. If you enjoy reading non-fiction, you may want to try reading inspirational biographies & autobiographies of people you admire; this will increase your more positive personality traits.

While I was busy, I up-voted several people's karma points for their great advice, their concern, and their detailed suggestions to you over the last week; now that I have a few minutes, I'd like to contribute to the conversation with a note of caution: stay away from the forums that tempted you to research this monstrous deviant in the first place.

Take care,
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-13)
Hello ChamomileSpills,

You have finally made progress and you must be very proud of yourself and no doubt your parents are.

I'm happy for you.

Keep us updated and keep sharing your experiences with us.

All the best. 😘 ❤ 😘
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-13)
Chamomile - just imagine how much you will laugh at this when you are 30 years old! 😊

I'm glad to hear that everything went well for you.

Take care.
ChamomileSpiIls (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-13)
I'll be pleased to tell you that everything is back to normal again. I haven't been experiencing anything paranormal for a while now and I want to keep it that way.
The smudging went over well and ever since I can't really say that I have seen anything "crazy". I remember that right before the smudging there was a period where I literally felt like I was losing my mind. I fell into this horrible, and I mean HORRIBLE, depressive state, which seemingly came out of nowhere along with terrible anxiety. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced and I've dealt with anxiety and depression for almost four years now. I do think there was some kind of paranormal influence about that because it felt so unnatural and out of place, but after the smudging all was well. (On a side note, yes I do see a therapist for my depression and anxiety, been doing that for a while 😊) I have thought about becoming part of the law enforcement career, but I have a bad phobia of firearms and get nauseated around gory scenes, which I could happen to run into while on the job. I'm sorry if my story still doesn't add up haha, it's not exactly the most "understandable" thing to me either reading it over again. It was one of those bizarre things you have to go through to thoroughly understand it. Some parts of it are still totally oblivious to me, and honestly, I'm fine with that. As long as it's over with and I'm euphoric, confident, and safe again. I'm thinking of taking this down, it's a little embarrassing and makes me so regretful. I haven't thought about Dahmer in who knows how long. I've taken a break off of true crime for a while, maybe I'll get into it later again, but not now. Please excuse my late response, to be honest I was a little frightened that people were going to accuse me of more things again and such, which made me feel a little down. But I've gotten over that fear and just decided to give it a go. I've also been caught up with school and the flu virus that is going around (which is just lovely). I didn't mean any disrespect of any kind and I would like to take a moment to thank you all for everything, despite how utterly disturbed I sounded merely a few weeks ago.
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-09)
Camille, I now find myself on the fence with regards to this account. A niggle as the one I'm feeling has always meant something isn't adding up. Irrespective, I wish you the best on your journey forward and hope you remain true to yourself.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
I'm over the moon that you talked with your Mom, and you're well on your way to getting help with the paranormal side of this. (Be sure to let us know how that turns out ok?)
You're extremely lucky to have a mom who 'got it'. Many of us here, grew up hearing we were liars,crazy, over imaginative or worse. Kudos to her for stepping up and not just brushing you off.
If I may suggest, putting aside your researching the likes of Dahmer for awhile? I say this, because of what you said about the spirit box and the QB imitating him. It might try using that sort of thing to hook you in again. I'd wait until after everything seemed 'normal' again for oh, a month at least. That will also give you time to strengthen yourself, both emotionally and spiritually.
As I said before, the paranormal can be very tricky. I'll add persistent to that now, just as a warning. Use your 'time out' to learn to shield yourself (You could be sensitive to spirits), and educate yourself about the paranormal (there are no hard and fast 'rules' to it, just things that seem to work well). I guess what I'm saying is use this as a learning situation. It sounds like your Mom may have some helpful tips as well as your Grandfather. Why waste the opportunity?
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
Chamomile, I'm not sure if you read my comment to you, as I was trying to say that with your interest in people like Jeffrey Dahmer, and being able to understand their kind of mind, you might would like to look into the career of becoming a criminal profiler. They're the ones that find these types of criminals, by understanding them the way others are unable to. I'm not sure if you've watched the tv show, or even heard about it, called "Criminal Minds", but if you're interested, you should watch it, as it gives you an idea of what they do. I would imagine the FBI is always looking for people that are gifted in profiling criminals, to help find them etc. From what you've said, it seems like you would enjoy doing something like that, and I'm sure the pay is very generous as well 😉
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
Chamomile: I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in your interest of serial/mass murderers. Many of us on this site have the same interest, and at first, you may think there's something wrong with you ahaha. But let me assure you, without people like us and our interests, there would be a lot of criminals still wreaking havoc on society.

I suggest you channel that interest and pursue a career in criminal sciences. You seem like a very bright, intelligent person.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
Hi Chamomille,

It is good to know that you've opened up with your family and that you are getting help.

Please don't get me wrong but based on what I read from your account it made me believe you had some sort of admiration for a serial killer. It got me worried because, if that was true, it's not healthy and by seeking help you can overcome it.

I am sorry if you felt I was hard on you, but that was actually my intention. I was trying, like other members, to make you understand that getting help is the "key". Sometimes our point needs to be made in such way to capture attention. And I think we succeeded because you came back, what is a good thing. 😉

Fortunatly, with the help of your family you'll overcome this situation. Please take care. ❤
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
Hello again Chamomile,

You are a very mature 13 year old from what I can tell. You write like a person twice your age.

I'm glad you are reading these comments and keep coming back to see what everyone is saying.

All the advice you've been given is to help you get rid of the evil Jeffrey and make you understand there are so many more things in life to be interested in. Yes, 'hobbies', but not researching evil criminals. You're only 13 years old. You should be out with friends watching a movie, skateboarding, roller skating, surfing, or something fun like that.

No one here is angry with you. Everyone is concerned about your welfare that's all.

You say you don't have feelings for Jeffrey anymore? THAT'S AWESOME! Thats the first step to moving on. Now you need to find another interest.

Please keep us posted with how you're doing. We care and want you to be safe. 😘 ❤ 😘
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
Chamomile - I agree with the previous posters, no one is mad at you.

Please do not take offence to this words but, do you realize how different your story looks within a span of 11 hours and two comments?

ChamomileSpiIls (1 stories) (2 posts)... 15 hours ago (2018-09-07)

ChamomileSpiIls (1 stories) (2 posts)... 4 hours ago (2018-09-08)

In your first comment you seem to be frustrated to the way we reacted to your story questioning if it's true, but in the second comment you agree to:

"it is not Jeffrey Dahmer. I always sort of had a feeling that it wasn't. My best friend had first suggested the idea to me and I guess I just went with that because it felt safer to know what was happening than to not"

Please consider the possibility that some people 'sensed' your, not exactly well founded assumption, hence, felt the need to question the rest of your story.

It seems like you have spent long hours in the company of rather dark characters and their wrongdoings and, perhaps, that has affected your outlook on life.

I hope you're getting professional help for "social anxiety disorder and depression", and I'm glad you have talked to your family about the presence in your room and that they believed you and are willing to help. But the best part is to know that you are over your infatuation with JD... That show's you how mature your love for him was (not criticising, I still remember how it is to be a teenager).

I hope you can get rid of whatever it is at your place and share the outcome with us.
Amor (5 stories) (64 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
Hi Chamomile,

I agree with Melda. No one here is angry at you. Perhaps cringing and in horror may have said something that may have offended you but I think it's a normal reaction to such account. I also couldn't finish your piece, dear. I am really sad that the energy you have in adolescent years is poured out towards a criminal with unspeakable crimes.

I would urge you to get help. Maybe this shall pass, too, but when you believe it is paranormal, you open yourself up to negative energy that may influence your life choices. Also your subconscious are affected, for instance when you insist that the D killer did not 'enjoy' what he did? Who are we to say that. Some of us in this planet do not particularly enjoy this life, yet here we all are, ACCOUNTABLE for every breath, every deed we commit. We are not free of responsibility to ourselves and to one another.

Aside from professional help, I would suggest meditation. I am a writer. I do research those names you have mentioned in your last comments, of wars, etc. Heart-rending and it breaks your soul. But let us not dwell on that. Let us look into what good we can do for ourselves and to others given our limited time in this planet. Let us search for the light and try to be the light.

Which I believe this community is trying: to give you advice to what you are going through right now. I'm sorry if you feel you are being misunderstood and judged. But in the end, all of us are concerned of each other's welfare. Seek help. Professional. Also read how there are always helpers and doers of kindness and may they influence you better.


Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
Chamomile - I honestly don't think anybody is angry with you, simply in a state bordering on horror and disbelief.

Regards, Melda
ChamomileSpiIls (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
For those of you who are angry, I am not arguing, only clearing up a few things that caused a lot of commotion. I never said that it was a bad thing that people were offended over a Jeffrey Dahmer post, I said it was understandable. In which I understand why anyone would grow hesitant and frustrated with me. I submitted this story over two weeks ago and if I'm going to be honest, this whole "phase" or whatever else you'd like to call it has gone away. Yes, this did make me "breakdown" in a sense. I was frustrated with myself (also having social anxiety disorder and depression didn't help much), so I began to think I was losing my mind. I can't think of anything else someone might think at this age and all. I've studied Dahmer, Gein, Ramirez, Bundy, Fish, and even more with no conflicting activities except for when I began researching Dahmer. I blamed a lot of it on hormones if I am honest, but I still felt distressed. It wasn't his crimes that was "interesting" to me (because I know someone might try to use that against me), it was mostly just Dahmer himself and his whole thought process behind it all, just like with Bundy or Fish. I know I didn't grow up during the time of his crimes, but I have thoroughly researched him for almost ten months now. He was a selfish, greedy man, with no self control whatsoever. He claims he could not control himself, but I like to believe almost everyone can if they put in enough effort. Do I still "love" Jeffrey Dahmer? I'm going to go with no. (Meaning "no" so please don't twist my words again.) At this point I do believe what I have in my home is of the paranormal, but it is not Jeffrey Dahmer. I always sort of had a feeling that it wasn't. My best friend had first suggested the idea to me and I guess I just went with that because it felt safer to know what was happening than to not. I've told my mother about the paranormal things, (funny, my maternal side actually has a history with paranormal events), my grandfather will do a smudging for my bedroom and I'm assuming the rest of the house. If it really was Dahmer, I don't want him hanging around. Yes, I still enjoy researching him but I do it within limitations for now. Again, I'm not saying you all were choosing to be disrespectful or "immature", I was referring to the few who seemingly brushed it off or told me to "get a hobby". If you didn't mean to come off that way I apologize, I just found it unnecessary and unhelpful. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day, as I know I will since all of this Dahmer nonsense has been gone. (Not referring to this site, referring to my current life state.)
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
...another one I couldn't finish.

I waited a week before I came back online, hoping the "Goosebumps" authors would've gotten bored and moved on... Guess not.

I haven't read the comments, but I do not believe a thirteen year old wrote this.


lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
". I am a terrified young girl who wanted to know what this was from ADULTS"

Chamomile - have you asked for the help of the adults in your family?
In my opinion, they are better qualified to help you than the members of this forum, and by this I don't mean that the advice given to you is useless, what I mean is that you might be in need of several kinds of help including medical and spiritual.

Even if your family fights and argues - what family doesn't? - they surely love you and want the best for you.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
Might I add, in your account, you stressed at one point that you have broken down feeling utterly crazed by this. Please do not play with Ouija boards. I am not sure if I believe in them, regardless they could be fueling unnecessary paranoia and mental stress. You are giving me the impression that you may have ended up doing some research on him which would influence the feedback from the board.

With the assistance of religious counselors, please look into any free services at school or, if you have insurance, a therapist of some sort to discuss this long term event. Having support from in-person adults is important.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-08)
"May I also admit that I do love Dahmer, it's not something I would admit due to controversy... After just spending so much time actually getting inside his head, seeing him in ways other's refuse and him being here, I've fallen for him."

You need to understand that you are a coming to a site that is regularly plagued by people that have written insane accounts and been caught in their lie. People are naturally skeptical of anyone writing such a detailed and horrifying account. I see you are implying that the adults on this site must be immature for being so disgusted by someone conveying romantic feelings for a raping, murdering, cannibal.

For a man that teased others about his crimes in prison, I would believe he did enjoy his crimes. It does not matter if he did or did not enjoy his crimes. HE ATE PEOPLE. He was fit to stand trial as someone mentioned here but even if he was not, he was in some need of SERIOUS, SERIOUS, SERIOUS help.

You obviously understand that his crimes were bad. Therefore, since you are apart of an organized religion, you should seek immediate help with your religious counselor about dispelling these feelings. Do not invite something like this into your life. I personally do not believe the ghost of a homosexual man is trying to bed you but whether or not it is him or a demon, an alien, or freakin Alex Jones, you need to tell this thing it is not welcome.

I don't know about you but I would NEVER EVER EVER forgive a man who killed, raped, and feasted on any of my loved ones.

I understand if you cannot help your feelings and are confused. You are a young girl. Please surround yourself with the people you love the most. No one here is trying to shame you. The problem with written messages vs face-to-face is that they can seem much harsher than meant. I do not know what Christians perform to rid of evil things. I am sure Integrist (as he is a Christian) might have some advice for you wherever he is lurking.

Take Care
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Val said it best; I cannot compete with that.

There is a big difference between being a precocious young girl, eager to write fiction, & delving into something like this... Then arguing when presented facts. I was growing up during his killings, and like others have pointed out, he enjoyed it a little too much.

You asked for help with this matter. The members here have given you that... No need to argue.
ChamomileSpiIls (guest)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
When I wrote this my original intention was to get help and understanding with this. May I point out that anyone who has deeply studied Dahmer would know he did NOT enjoy the killing process. Yes, I am 13 years old but I do not think that my age should justify whether or not this story is factual or false. Yes, there may be in fact, plot holes, I wasn't planning on making it any longer for time's sake. The process itself took about three hours. I would also like to point out that never once did I worship or support Dahmer's "activities". I am well aware of what he did and how it was wrong, I am in no way supporting that. I feel that this should have been read more thoroughly, instead of people taking offense about a Jeffrey Dahmer post (which is totally understandable, I am not saying it's not.) I did not know of Jeffrey Dahmer at all, I have not the slightest idea why you all have this idea that I made this up. I am a terrified young girl who wanted to know what this was from ADULTS, handling the cause in an ADULT way. If I can be mature about a topic such as this, why can't you? I'm not implying all of you wonderful people were being hurtful, but I'm speaking for the ones who were. To all who read this thank you for your time. I am only a girl interested in true crime, I have no desire to become a serial killer and never even considered it. I want REAL a future, thanks. I'm actually studying to become an author of fiction for your information, that you apparently needed.
VermontVampyre (2 stories) (64 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
I seriously hope you wrote this as a shock piece to try and get a rise out of the community here.

If this ISN'T a shock piece? I would ask your mom/dad/guardian for some therapy. As for "Jeff"'s spirit? Some despicable human spirits... And even NON HUMAN spirits/entities will take the form of that which they know will please you. These spirits are 99.9% of the time in the "Demonic" range of spirits (aka hella evil.) Just as conversion therapy doesn't change homosexuals in real life I doubt death would change who they are attracted to. So highly doubt its Dahmer, a known Homosexual. I mean unless you're a dude with a chick name? Or a transgender male to female? (I mean those 2 are possibilities I guess)

Also even if it IS Dahmer? This just PROVES what a gross freak he is. Even when he was alive the age of consent was 16-18. You are 13? Means he was a murderer while alive... And a pedophile in death. I mean one could argue you haven't said anything about a sexual relationship with this spirit. However this isn't sounding like the typical non sexual relationship one would find between an adult and a child.

So to summarize quickly what I suggest? Therapy, maybe some medicines (let the psychiatrist determine that), hobbies that do NOT involve serial killers (maybe read some Harry Potter books?), and lastly? Cleanse yourself and your home to rid yourself of whatever may be in there or attached to you as whatever it is does NOT care for you in the slightest!
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-05)

You are absolutely right. You truly are an asset to this community. I think (for me anyway), one hopes a 13 year old didn't write this, as the alternative is sad and to be honest, a wee bit scary. I stand by my first comment regarding the need for the op to steer clear of anything related to Dahmer. 😟

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-05)

I couldn't have said it better. It doesn't matter if the girl is 13, 23 or 30, if this is real she needs help. And it's serious.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
I know what I'm going to say won't be popular, and that's ok.
Yes, this doesn't read like the average 13/14 year old wrote it, but, when I was that age folks said the same about my writings. Based on this, I'm crawling out on the limb of 'what if it's true?'
Cham, I've mulled this over several times, pretty unbelievable stuff, however the paranormal is filled with unbelievable things. I asked myself, if you were my daughter, what would I tell you? (Not all of this will make you happy, but it's truth.)
When the movie, "My Friend Dahmer" was coming out, it was EVERYWHERE; internet, TV, printed material. It's feasible that it entered your subconscious, and the forums 'triggered' this information. Many, many ads for the movie included 'his' picture.
But, I really don't care if you had foreknowledge or not. It really is a very moot point.
You believe you've 'fallen' for him. Romanticizing a famous figure, especially in girls your age, is very normal. Albeit they are usually actors or singers/members of a band. Psychologists, and psychiatrists, seem to be of the mind that a celebrity crush is an emotionally safe outlet free of judgment. It's a way of help you decide what qualities and characteristics are important to you in a partner, and what your values are. Seriously? Is Dahmer, the type of guy you want to be around? Someone who kills and eats his victims? You're statement, " I understand him better than anyone else could, which makes me proud but afraid as well," is very telling. Just whom have you been talking to, that is qualified to tell you that? Unless they knew the man first hand, and were very close, like besties, or have done an in depth study of him, they really are not qualified to make that call.
"He didn't enjoy killing anyone." Fact: He would engage in sex acts with the corpses before dismembering them and disposing of them, often keeping their skulls or genitals as souvenirs. He frequently took photos of his victims at various stages of the murder process, so he could recollect each act afterward and relive the experience. ( Does this sound like someone who did not enjoy the act?
I know that counseling is available, for free, through most public schools. If you truly feel that he speaks to something in you, then you would do well to seek help, before it goes too far.

As to your paranormal events, there are malicious spirits, who seem to know everything we know. They are accomplished liars. They'll pretend to be our buddy, to love us, or anything else to play us into their trap. Including that they are someone they aren't. Ask yourself, why would a known homosexual want to be with a young girl? (He wouldn't.) Why would a serial killer seek out a vulnerable kid from beyond the grave? (Being creepy I'd say apprentis, maybe?)
Playing with the Ouija, especially alone, is NOT a good idea, especially when you don't know what you are doing. So, stop that.

Honestly, whether this is fiction or factual, whether you're 13 or 23, you really do need help and guidance. Start with your parents, school counselor, or a member of clergy, but don't stop until someone listens, and you get some help.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
I realized I had forgotten to point out two things in my previous comment: Don't mess around with a Ouija Board (thanks Twilight!) and that I doubted a 13 year old wrote this (thanks Haven and Miracles!). Once again, you guys are on point!

Good grief! This story is a major fail! 😕
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
The comments are worthier than the story. In my opinion it is just the work of a kid who is already bored of the summer break.

Girl, ask if there are any chores you could help with around the house. 🙄
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
Haven - I am so sorry! I didn't see your comment before posting mine. However, great minds apparently do think alike LOL
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
I finally broke down and read the entire story. I am having a very hard time believing any of this, especially that a 13-14 year old wrote it.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-04)
Chamomile - I wish I knew your parents, grandparents, siblings, anyone who could help you because you need help - seriously!

Regards, Melda

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