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Real Ghost Stories

My Friends Haunted House


I was sleeping over with my friend. We were telling ghost stories. Little did we know that something was going to happen. It was 4 pm when we got to her house after school. Her sister wasn't home. We went upstairs and were telling ghost stories under her blankets with a flashlight. We heard footsteps right outside her bed like someone was there pacing around the bed. I looked out of the blankets and no one was there.

Later that night we were going to bed and we heard knocking on her bedroom door. She unlocked the door and opened it, no one was there.

I went outside and wandered around the house, no one was home. I went back upstairs and sitting in a chair looking at me was a man. He was wearing a blue suit and had a pale face and hands. He didn't have any eyes nor did he have a nose, instead there was black emptiness. I was scared to death. I went pale and felt this sense of dread and hatred like I wasn't supposed to be there or I wasn't welcome. I looked away to go tell my friend and when she and I looked back, he was gone. Since then I haven't gone back to that house. It was truly scary.

I thank you for reading. This happened back when I was 10 so back in 2013. I am now 15. I am ok now. I am not the only one who has experienced something in that house. My friend told me that her other friend came over and had felt unwelcome. Another time was when she was watching t.v and the magazines on the table went flying across the room. To this day she still has experiences in the house.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, arissa411, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

robmkivseries70 (1 stories) (37 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-31)
Hi arissa411,
The missing eyes are a common apparition report. Whilst sightings seem to run between misty shapes and full bodied appearances, I don't know if there is any theory on the how or why of such things. The hate you felt may have been due to the former resident wondering what you were doing in 'his' house. Anyhow, a well written report.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-17)
This is very maturely written and flows quite well! Arissa, you are a good writer! On the whole the event described is fairly simple and believable, I'd say. I wonder what caused the fellow to appear in such a way. There are natural causes of such facial afflictions - leprosy could've eaten away at his nose, as could syphilis which would've also attacked his eyes, an uncontrolled infection of the sinuses or decomposition could also cause just such an effect. Or perhaps, he was simply a nasty with the power to appear in as hideous a guise as he wished. Given the feelings of unwelcome - either sounds possible to me.

I would love to know whether there is any history to the house that might shed a little light on this fellow. It sounds like a disgruntled former resident to me.
Goggzy (2 stories) (62 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-16)
Lady Glow

No need to apologize simple mistake everyone makes them. I make more stupid mistakes (not that yours was) than probably everyone on this site. I had to read it a few times myself.

Anyway Adrissa. You mention still happening are you aware of what's happening now and able to divulge this information.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3157 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-16)
Goggzy - oops... I had a blonde moment! Sorry about that... 😕

Arissa - do you know if your friend is aware of the possible reason for these disturbances? Do you know if they have done anything to try to stop them? It has to be unnerving having to live in a house like that.

I apologize for my first comment.

Welcome to YGS.
Goggzy (2 stories) (62 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-16)
Lady Glow

2013-18 Is 5 years so is 10-15. Is your only issue with this story the Mathematics. Depending when the authors birthday is they could even be 16 now.

Hope your doing well though.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3157 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-16)
"This happened back when I was 10 so back in 2013. I am now 15"

If you can't get your age right, how can anyone be sure that the facts you are telling aren't wrong? 🤔

I know it is tempting to take off few years from one's age, but there is no need tto statr doing so so early inn life. 😜

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