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A Ghost I Can't Escape


Early this year, three friends and I decided to go on a late night adventure and explore a nearby abandoned house. The previous owner of the house was purportedly an abuser, and lived there with his wife and some children.

The house was brimming with stuff- the floors were covered in left-behind items. You could barely walk through all of the trash. Rosey's earrings fell out even though they had been tightly secured. We all separated and went off to explore the house.

I kept getting lost. It seemed so big, and the rooms seemed like they kept switching places. I found my way upstairs, with my friend Rem following close behind. It was an attic. The floor was coated in old photographs. Hundred of old photographs, still intact. I collect old portraits, so I rummaged through them and looked around- and one snapped my attention to it- it was a photo of a child- very old- black and white- it locked eyes with me- an intense presence filled the room- my friend and I both had a vision and felt the energy of a toddler running around the room.

We fled downstairs. Upon reaching the main floor, right at the bottom of the steps, tears started pouring down my face. I didn't know why- I wasn't emotional and I was barely scared. I moved away to find my friends again, and the tears actually evaporated from my face. I moved back into the spot I stood before, and tears poured from my eyes. Back and forth, back and forth... Tried and true, every time I would move back, I would inexplicably sob, and every time I moved away my tears vanished. The face of a woman flashed into my head. Dark hair, mournful. Her energy was tied to where I stood. Something horrible happened there.

I joined my three other friends, and set up a piece of paper with 'yes' and 'no' written on it, with the pencil set right in the center so we could talk to spirits and they could answer us by turning the pencil to whichever word they preferred. Lucas found an old lamp, filled the bowl with paper, and set it on fire. We tried engaging whatever spirits were in the house, but the pencil on the paper never moved.

Rosey and I saw a massive yellow orb by the basement door, and the most grimy presence choked the air. Out of nowhere the flame in the lamp went out. Mind you, there was no wind- the house was sealed. My legs went absolutely weak for no reason. Rem grabbed me and started yelling because he heard voices in his ear. The sounds of footsteps echoed behind us. Lucas grabbed the paper in the bowl- it was ice cold. Seconds before, it had been burning violently. We grabbed our stuff and ran for our lives.

I froze by the basement door. I couldn't move. I had another vision, and felt an awful, disgusting energy from the basement. Vision of the woman from before, in a chair, tied, her husband beating her. She was screaming. She told me to get out! Get out! I unfroze and ran. She appeared behind me as I ran, looking almost demonic, hair a mess and teeth bared. She was running after me. I jumped into the car and slammed the door shut. She slammed her hands on the door. She wanted in. She wanted in. We drove off into the night. She appeared in the car. She's been in the car ever since. It's my car. I still have items in there from the house.

I went back a month or two ago with Lucas, and all of the spiritual energy was gone from the house. It was entirely cleansed, or at least seemed that way. It had been cleaned up a bit by someone to prepare it for being sold. The house was so small. Smaller than before. Lucas thought so too. It had shrunk, and the spirits had left, and the rooms were exact and didn't trick you anymore. I took some more items home with me, but kept them in my car. The woman still appears sometimes. I have visions of her, I feel her energy. I cannot escape her. Rosey now believes in ghosts. She didn't before. Lucas loves the house and wants to live there. Rem never wants to go back. He knows it's evil. I am obsessed with the house. I think about it every day. The woman from the house haunts me, and the house itself haunts me. I'm tired.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, edvance37, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-01)
I can't judge if your clown is true or not, since I've only ever had a handful of experiences that I can't explain and that haunt my memory forever after. And each time there has really been only one thing odd that happened, not a whole passel of them all at once. But... Stranger things have happened. Probably.

Regards, and hoping you decide to trade in your clown car,
Candy Linda Vista
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-31)

In my opinion, the problem with your narrative is that the "vivid imagery" is leaning toward fantastic and, at some points, nonsensical.

I really will appreciate if you can clarify the part where:

"Lucas grabbed the paper in the bowl- it was ice cold. Seconds before, it had been burning violently"

I know I have already asked this but, didn't the paper burn under the fire?!?

I'm sure that the opinion of all the people who have read your story could change IF you answer our questions and can shed light on our doubts.

Thanks in advance.
edvance37 (1 stories) (1 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-31)
To all those who think my story is fake because it's too 'cinematic', should I have written it poorly so that you all would believe me? An experience being written with vivid imagery and formatting doesn't make it any less real. A knack for writing true experiences doesn't negate the experiences.
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-01)
I had a tortoiseshell cat the colours of a fruitcake and the loopy disposition of one.😜 She was "Fruity" for short. When I was born, we lived at Tanglin Halt Road. For the sake of brevity, I think "Fruity Tanglin" would suffice.

While Jon Santa's basking in the hot tub, Fruity Tanglin removes the toasted marshmallows from the fire and hands round mugs of hot chocolate spiced with cinnamon to everyone on the bus. It should go nicely with that chocolate silk pie all decked out on the blanket.

The haunting music of Procol Harum's "A Whiter Shade of Pale" drifts through the night:
"And so it was that later
As the miller told his tale
That her face, at first just ghostly
Turned a whiter shade of pale."
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-30)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! My first pet was Annie (as in "Little Orphan...), a perfectly respectable name. BUT the street I first lived on was Piez Avenue... Pronounced "pees"...So Annie Piez? Lol Forgive me if I bend the rules a touch on this one?
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-29)
Pretty Baby Gervas,

I am glad that my first cat was named "Pepper" because it could have as easily been "Ric Flair" as that was the name of my second cat. God bless the 1980's - and my Grandfather for his choice in evening fare.

Anyway, my name is "Pepper Annandale". Is it okay if I get on the bus?
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-29)

Take the name of your first pet & follow it with the name of the first street you lived on. That's your "Troll Patrol" nom-de-guerre. (Had I known this decades ago, I might have chosen a different name for my green & yellow budgie.)

When several members have expressed sufficient doubt about a narrative to call into question the nature of the O.P., we have a range of options. First is sitting on the fence: you suspect that the story is partially or completely fictional, but you'd like to wait for others who are in agreement with you before calling out the O.P.'s deceit.

The more sure you are of the fact that the story is not an honest experience, you may wish to toss a "B. S. Blankie" out in the comments. You're pretty certain it's B.S., so you don't mind showing other members your disdain for being lied to by the storyteller. I think I've been the first to toss a B.S. Blankie only twice in the five years I've been a member; typically, I like to choose the fence option as other members are more experienced in specific areas of the supernatural than I am, and I *may* have mis-read the O.P.'s intent.

If we're all pretty sure that the story is nothing but lies, Puff Bayram fires up the engine on the Troll Patrol's vehicle of choice, the Miss Demeanor. She's a psychedelic-painted double-decker bus with a hot tub on the upper deck, open bars on both, and -if we're lucky- Puff fires up his grill for a cookout. It's a good way to chill out as we deal with the troll in question, instead of everyone getting agitated.

It's worth pointing out that the Mods may suspect a story deserves a B.S. Blankie right from the outset, but that's not their judgment to make. They have to determine if the story contains a supernatural event and communicates the experience clearly; they are not permitted to reject a story on a "gut reaction" as it may be a true account. Regular contributors, however, are not actually bound by that restriction, but we do have to be polite in our discourse; the Miss Demeanor resolves this issue in an amiable manner.

Pretty Baby Gervas.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-29)
Okay, I filled in my name tag.
My name is:
"Pepper Annandale"
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-29)

Your name tag is made by using the name of your first pet and the name of the street you used to live in as a kid.

Once you get a name, you are welcome to join the Troll Patrol Unit that is always hunting for the trolls haunting the site with fake stories, drama and all sorts of crap.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-28)
I've seen the Miss Demeanor before. I've admired it parked outside of several locations in the past.

I have a beautiful and untouched chocolate silk pie from Thanksgiving Dinner if anyone wants a piece. πŸ₯§

I jumped off of the fence and have headed in the direction of the open bar. My name tag is blank. I don't know what to call myself yet.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-28)
Pretty Baby and Puff.

I'm afraid that there are too many new members who might not have heard about Miss Demeanor and the double decker bus.
Perhaps one of you gentlemen can explain what this is about?

In the meantime, Jon Santa is more than ready to go into the hot tub... A perfect way to forget the frigid Canadian weather for a while!πŸŒ«β›„
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-28)
Pretty Baby Gervas drops from the fence, headed up to the upper deck because he's pretty sure he's seen bottles of single-malt up near the hot tub. A grateful salute of the glass to Puff Bayram's agreement with his comment, and he settles into the relaxing heat of the tub.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-28)
(Large engine rumbles in the distance and soon a psychedelic double-decker bus rolls up to the abandoned house.)

No need to "Budge up on the fence" the Miss Demeanor is here! The Bar is open, the Hot Tub freshly scrubbed and the snacks plentiful.

My first question concerning this 'experience' occurred to me when I read the line..."Rosey's earrings fell out even though they had been tightly secured." This seemed like a very 'random fact' to place at the beginning of the narrative.

Then there is the way the OP paints the scene with words...

"...found an old lamp, filled the bowl with paper, and set it on fire (ummm what you did not take flashlights with you?). We tried engaging whatever spirits were in the house, but the pencil on the paper never moved.

Rosey and I saw a massive yellow orb by the basement door, and the most grimy presence choked the air. Out of nowhere the flame in the lamp went out..."

My first thought about this was, the paper had been consumed by the fire and it had gone out. As far a feeling 'hot' after just being 'on fire' if it was an old fashioned style lamp bowl, then it is designed in such a way it does not 'heat up' to much or else it would be a fire hazard.

Biblio is 110% correct... Either the spirit could NOT get in, because you closed the car door with the intention of keeping her out... Or she was able to get in because of the items you took and your intent when closing the door was not actually to keep her out.

Enough of that...if, IF, if this is a factual account of a real experience then TAKE THE PERSONAL BELONGINGS BACK to the house and leave them, ALL of them at that location. Say/think something along the lines of 'I return you and your belongings' remain here and bother me no more.


Rook (aka Puff Bayram, pilot of the Miss Demeaner)
Donald_Trumpet (18 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-26)
Oh these comments are priceless.
I think this story should be called "the ghost that can't escape" 😁 πŸ‘»
Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-26)
Biblio and Lealeigh,
Well here's another coincidence guys... Before I read Biblio's comment, I was just about to ask the girls to 'Budge up' LOL...
Now I'm trying to remember if I ever saw Columbo without that tatty old coat! Hmmmm...
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-25)

Do you believe in coincidences? My mother is sitting in her bedroom, eating a Toblerone and watching Columbo.

I can't believe that you just mentioned Columbo.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-25)
Greetings, edvance37.

The late, great Peter Falk played one of my favorite tv cops: Columbo. He looked scruffy, he spilled cigar ash over everything, his car should have been impounded as a menace to public health, and he rambled while talking to suspects & witnesses alike. However, he had a mind like a meat cleaver; when something didn't add up, he'd hack away at everything until the solution was revealed.

You stated, "She slammed her hands on the door. She wanted in. She wanted in. We drove off into the night. She appeared in the car. She's been in the car ever since." So 1) she couldn't get into the car, 2) she beat upon the side of the car as you drove away, 3) once you had gotten away she appeared inside the car, and 4) now she's haunting your car like you're her spectral Über ride.

Do you see what's bothering me about this? You locked the car door so she couldn't get in. You drove away so she couldn't get in. Inexplicably, she got in anyway and now she won't get out. The supernatural realm may seem twisted and bizarre, but it does seem to operate according to its own set of 'rules.' In this tale, the spectral presence is not consistent in her behavior, limitations, or intentions.

Budge up on the fence there, ladies; I'm climbing up my stepladder to join you.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-25)
Hello to you, Lady-glow,

I haven't roasted marshmallows in years! Maybe edvance will bring Graham Crackers and chocolate for the s'mores. ❀ Then we can consider hopping down from the fence.

I'm not sure how far we will get if the paper won't catch fire.

Please excuse me for my stale wit. 😜
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-25)
Lealeigh and Augusta.

Can I seat on the fence with you and roast some marshmallows over the fire of that burning, though cumbustion-free paper?
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-25)
Hello Augusta! 🎡

Do you mind if I sit with you on the fence?

I was standing by for a while talking about Daguerrotypes while I was waiting for the author of this story to return. This might take a while.

- Maria ❀
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-25)
I have to say, I am a bit skeptical of this account. It all seems a bit too cinematic. If it really did occur, I am glad all living parties made it out unscathed (and hope they learned a lesson about trespassing) and hope the spirits involved have found peace. Why keep the trophies of such a venture when the tormented soul of a woman is tied to them? I feel it would be kinder to perform a cleansing and set her free.

Meantime, I'll be over here sitting on the fence.
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-21)
yeah... This is way way way way beyond anything I've ever experienced. The recounting was interesting, and this particular spirit or group of spirits seem to be rather fond of theatrical entrances and manifestations. I am especially curious about the maddened fiend ghost woman who chased you. Scary stuff
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-20)

I'm with you on the photographs. I am extremely interested in old photographs. The older the better.

I would like to know more about the photographs in the house if that is at all possible. Although, I am quite sure that the author of this story wasn't able to analyze anything in that kind of environment.

Wouldn't it be cool if they were Daguerrotypes? I say that knowing it isn't possible as Daguerrotypes were produced on silver plated copper and I'm sure the author would have noticed. I would like to know how old they might have been.

Cherubim, I am just rambling because you mentioned the point in this story that really caught my attention. My Grandmother had a box in her possession that had Daguerrotypes that were made of people in our family long ago. My aunt has them now in New Orleans.

- Maria ❀
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-20)
Oh no! Maybe you shouldn't have removed anything from the house, can you take it back? How sad to see those photos laying around on the floor like that. 😒 I wonder what became of that family? I've heard that burning items can sometimes release negative energy, not sure about that? That IS strange how the paper was ice cold. 😨 I hope you can find help with this "haunting" so please keep us posted.
jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-19)
It seems you and your friends came to this house as a sort of ghostly exploration. The spot where you cried seems to be a natural spot where you would then have your friends experience and validate. Did they validate this spot? Did they try to experience the cry that affected you?
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-19)
Very clear and lucid writing style - I enjoyed reading it. The only thing that I cannot wrap my head around is the incident involving the burning paper that turned into ice. I am somewhat confused about how that actually happened. If it is possible to further clarify that incident, could you please?
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-19)
Hi edvance37,

What kind of items did you take from the house? Were they the photographs?

Was the woman that you saw in any of the photographs?

Also, it would seem to me that plain paper would not provide fuel for a lamp for a great amount of time. In my experience with flammable objects, paper burns up almost immediately.

Thank you for sharing your experience,
- Maria
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-19)
What a wonderful Halloween tale, but... Did it really happen?

"there was no wind- the house was sealed"
How did you manage to enter a sealed place?

Can you elaborate more on the history of the house and its inhabitants?
Do you know for how long it has been vacant? Are you aware of any information backing up that "The previous owner of the house was purportedly an abuser"?
Are you suggesting that the man killed his wife and, perhaps, one of his children or another kid at the premises?

Anyway, I'm glad to know that no one got hurt tripping over all the trash covering the floor, and that "Lucas found an old lamp" amongst all the mess.

In my opinion you guys entered a very haunted and evil location, I'm impressed with the fact that:

"Lucas grabbed the paper in the bowl- it was ice cold. Seconds before, it had been burning violently"!?!?

Imagine that... The paper didn't suffer from the effects of cumbustion! WOW!

Nice writing style, if not necessarily convincing story... Just my humble and honest opinion.

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