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Tales From The Homeplace 2


We won't dwell on the dining room except to say that, at times "It" aggravated people who slept in there, especially if they were overnight guests. There were other minor things that happened over the years, such as hearing a baby cry when there were no babies around. At night you could hear someone ascend the staircase, walk across the upstairs floor and sit down on a bed. When you turned on the light there would be no one there. This happened many times and each time it happened it would scare the fire out of us.

In the summertime you could hear children laughing and playing, when there were no children present or all the children were accounted for. These things I have experienced my own self.

In 1963 or 64 we tore the kitchen, dining room and back porch down and replaced them with a new kitchen, dining room and two bedrooms and a bathroom. An attic type upstairs sit on top the dining and bedrooms. The bedrooms were put where the old dining room was. One on each end with the bath in the middle. The dining room now is where the kitchen used to be and a new kitchen was added to the side. The new upstairs was divided into two bedrooms. The new upstairs was now the girl side and the old upstairs was the boys side. Now that I've got everyone thoroughly confused, I'll continue with the story.

Moving along in time to 1967 or 68 and I'm between thirteen and fourteen years old. I'm sitting in an old armchair we have on the front porch enjoying the sunshine. I'm looking off towards the woodland, not thinking about anything really when I noticed the the air was crackling and my skin felt like low voltage electricity was flowing through me. I shifted my weight and started working my shoulders, hands and fingers trying to get the tingling to stop.

I then heard the sounds of drums and chanting. I look back toward the woodland, which was like a hundred yards away, and saw a black mass coming toward me. As it got closer the drums and chanting got louder. I could now see that the mass looked like five monks side by side, with the tallest one in the center. They seemed to glide on the air in a straight line. As they got closer, the drums and chanting reached an almost deafening level. My eyes were glued to them and I couldn't look away. The closer they got the louder they became and I became terrified but I was literally frozen in fear. My inner voice was telling me to run or die but I couldn't bring myself to move.

When they got within 15 to 20 feet of me, I found myself on my feet with Momma shaking the fool out of me. In a few minutes everything was back to normal. In the few minutes it took, I could see the figures retreating backwards to the woods.

Momma took me in the house to "tend to" me. When I had fully regained my composure she told me, that when she came on the porch I was sitting on the edge of the chair shaking like a leaf. She said I was sweating profusely, with a terrified look on my face. When she grabbed me, I was cold to the touch.

I still don't know what to make of this. Why did I see Monks in Tennessee? Why did I feel like I was close to dying? What would have happened if Momma hadn't of come to my rescue?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, FRAWIN, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Trischa_D (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-18)
Monks in Tennessee... That IS strange. Maybe they weren't monks. Maybe they were native Americans. That would explain the drums...
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-07-23)
Hello troyarn. Thank you for your comment and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought it was kind of weird too, especially with them being monks. Maybe they were something else but my young mind took them to be monks-it does make you wonder. Take Care.

troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-23)
Excellent and VERY strange tale here, Frawin. I have never heard of such a thing (especially, as you mentioned, in Tennassee).
As for monks, like you... I wanted to be one when younger (too bad sin got in the way).
Thanks for this very weird tale.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-05-14)
A very thought provoking interpretation. I will most certainly ponder on this for a good long while. Thank you for your insight, as it mkes a whole lot of sense.

racemustang (guest)
17 years ago (2008-05-13)
The Old People used to march their love of the land. Groups of the elders would walk a path and ask for forgiveness or strength along the lines, and in a circle around their land. When white men moved in and stole the land from their rightful respecters (we can not own the land. It is not ours to possess) the worship walks were forced to end. In accompaniment of the chants of forgiveness, strength of battle, and wisdom, the speakers (ones that speak to the tribe, or others through their drums) would beat out the message so that all would understand the need for the walk. If they were headed into battle, the drums would reflect that. Perhaps with the structures that are now on that land, the spirits of the elders feel it is time again to donn the war paint and take up their shields.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-03-18)
Hello Harperllen82, thank you very much for your comment.I,too find the old home place quite enchanting, despite the activity that has gone on there, past and present, there is no place I would rather be. I manage to go "home" at least twice a month{it's only a ten minute drive}and when I'm there I'm "at home" and comfortable.

Hello Chris. I will be sending in another story pretty soon-I'm working on it as we speak. Sometimes I will write my stories over four or five times. I figure if they don't make sense to me then they won't make sense to anyone else. I have rectified my oversight and added mrsfrawin to my favorite poster list-now if you don't tell her I forgot she'll never find out πŸ˜‰.Talk to you later my friend.

Harperllen82 (1 stories) (33 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-18)
Frawin, I have to say and this might sound odd, but unpleasent paranormal events aside, your homeplace sounds enchanting. I too am from the south and your imagery of the farm and porches and the lovely sunlight streaming down on you as you gaze out into the woods of Tennesse gives me such a "homey" feeling. I love nothing more than summer afternoons in my hometown. I know that's way off subject but the more of your stories I read the better I can invision where your from. As far as the black mass... SCARY! I'm glad your mom got to you in time.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-11)
Hi Frank. Havent wrote anything to you for a while! I don't won't to be pushy but is there going to be another great story coming up soon? I just think there great but if it were to happen to me, they wouldn't be so great 😁.I'm very glad that your Wife has joined to the site. I hope she finds some time to share her story with us. And by the way you should let her be your favourite poster! If she finds out that you didn't post her, she might beat you 😜! I'm just kidding! I hope all is well and can't wait until you post an other story. I will share mine soon but I have to wait until Martin finds some time. So many new members and great stories to share. I hope to hear from you soon my friend and take care
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-20)
Hi deathcipris. To the best of my recollection there were no flags or banners that I could see. I didn't even see the drums, I only heard them-the same goes for the chanting, I didn't see the monks/whatever's? Mouths moving I only heard the chanting. This happened right at fourty years ago - part of me wants to forget about it and part of me is crying out for answers. Maybe one day I'll figure it out, if I don't go senile first 😊.Take care my friend.

deathcipris (2 stories) (21 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-20)
I don't know if soldier would chant, but my guess is that it would be closer to singing if it were soldiers and that is where the difference would lie. Can you remember any flags or anything of the like flying above them, maybe a pole in one of their arms? I know drummer groups like that usually carried the flag for the side they fought on with them. As I think harder and harder on this it seems less and less likely to be soldiers. Lol
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-19)
Hi WB. This is some interesting info. I wish you/your source could think of the name of this outfit. I know that from 1865 until about 1877 this area I live in was a dangerous area, with the KKK, Carpetbaggers and Scalawags running wild. My area supported the Union during the War and was treated like the enemy by the south and after the War we were treated like traitors by the Carpetbaggers and Scalawags because Tn. Was a part of the Confederacy.I'll try and find something out on this, it sounds real interesting-Thanks.

whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-19)
No, no, no. Not nearly as "big" as all of that. This was just a small group of people. They did not have rallies, they did not have sit-ins, they did not PUBLICALLY speak out for or to The People. They apparently slunk (is that a word?) around in the shadows to do their business and then just... Melted back into their society.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-19)
Autumn, I think what you're looking for is " The Black Panthers". I just hope I remember well.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-19)
Hello Bell. I don't think your theory is broken. The only thing that doesn't fit in place is the chanting. The chanting could have come from another source other than the "monks". Maybe some guides/guardians intercedeing on my behalf, who knows? I asked the wife and she agrees with you, she is glad that I'm a Baptist, so I must be doing something right 😊.

rhodes: Whatever it was that I saw, be it monks, wraiths or soldiers it scared the wax out of me. I now realize that I had a narrow escape. Even if I hadn't of died with a heart attack, I believe as Kim said that I wouldn't be the person I am today. I thank the Good Lord that he intervened no matter how he chose to do it.

deathcipris : I don't think that I said they were definetely monks. What I said was,'As it got closer the drums and chanting got louder. I could now see that the mass looked like five monks side by side',so your idea of them being soldiers is a valid theory. I am open to any and all suggestions on what I might have seen. I will definitely give your idea serious consideration, as it does make a lot of sense.

whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-19)
Some interesting info here.
I was talking to one of my sources today and guess what I found out? Ok, Ok, I will just tell you.
A long time ago there was a band of people quite similar to the KKK of today (say... 😨is THAT a possibility? That perhaps they have risen again in their death state to... OOOh, I shudder at that thought) who, during the "high time" of the KKK, went about reeking havoc everywhere they went.
They took out people who were WHITE though. They supposedly believed that Whites ALL claimed to be of the "perfect race". And that ALL thought themselves the originators of America and were out to get THEM. The outstanding thought here being, most of the people who formed this band were of all types of cultural backgrounds, even of the caucasian race.
My source said that he could not remember what they called themselves, or even if there was any documentation of their cause, but he said that people in small, out of the way communities would live in fear of the sound of their drums! They generally travelled in groups of six, as they thought that number would lend strength to their cause, and they sang an eerie sounding ballad about reclaiming the land or some such thing. They wore BLACK robes, to show that they were the OPPOSITE of the KKK, and were supposedly FOR the various groups of people who made America... America.
As I was granted this information by word of mouth, I tried to look up some information for you, but am not really sure where to start as he could not think of any kind of name that they may have gone by. There is nothing about this in the KKK information that I found, and to be completely honest with you, I have to shy away from reading too much about them. They DO still strike fear into my being, and, well, I am a chicken.
deathcipris (2 stories) (21 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-19)
What makes you definitively say they were monks? Before I read that you thought they were monks my mind jumped to soldiers. I am thinking maybe that you saw them in overcoats or something civil war era possibly? Just an idea :D
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-19)
πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† I MUST say Bellissima said it all! I would also like to add that, having asked around a bit about what it is that monks symbolize, everyone insisted on the following things:evil,deception,etc.Now, knowing,myself, that what you saw was not a "mere" symbol but a manifestation of some sort, that only scares the life out of me! Thank God for your mother's helping hand.

Take care
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-19)
Hi FRAWIN. Hmmm. When I was looking up info about wraiths I didn't see anything about chanting or sounds. Now you've gone and bent my brain and broken my theory. I just kept thinking about drums and monks. I'm totally baffled now. The idea of it being monks just didn't seem right to me. I can't think of any reason for the chanting or connect the chants, drums and monks. I wish I had some better ideas for you. By the way, FRAWIN, I'll bet your wife is happy you are Baptist and not a monk! πŸ˜†
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-18)
Hello Bell. I think that your theory could be right. At least all the pieces fit into place. I never thought of them being wraiths and at that age I didn't know what a wraith was. This could be why I could never figure out why I was so terrified at the sight of monks. I liked monks and I wanted to be a monk until Momma told me I couldn't because I was a BAPTIST 😊.
The "drums" being my heart beating in fear makes sense too as I have not been able to place drums to monks at all. The only question that remains is, do wraiths chant as I definitely heard chanting or was the chanting coming from "someone" other than the wraiths? I always value your opinion on these matters. Take care and God Bless.

Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-18)
Hi FRAWIN. Thanks for another interesting and enjoyable story. Maybe they weren't monks at all but just the first thing your mind identified the image with? The drums don't seem to fit in with the theory that they were monks, a documentary titled 'Into Great Silence' claims monks don't use any type of music other than chants. It seems odd why, if they were monks, they appeared menacing and threatening. It seems against the nature of their life choice. I think you experienced some other type of spirit. I thought of a wraith or more than one wraith in this case. Wikipedia gives a loose description comparing wraiths to the Dementors in Harry Potter, sounds stupid, I know, but it was the picture that came to my mind almost to a 'T'. Wraiths supposedly drain emotion and happiness from the person, the article says the can suck your soul from your body. That could account for your 'run or die' feeling, extreme terror and explain your disconnected feeling. As your Mom shook you out of it, they retreated (as you saw) and lost their grip on you. I still don't know what the drums would be, unless it was the sound of your heart beating so hard in fear(?) That's my theory, what do you think?
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-17)
Hello Shelby. Hmmmm...? Thanks for pointing that out, in an attempt to study the "high profile" aspects maybe I overlooked the obivious. Maybe it wasn't the monks themselves that were dangerous but the fact that I was "plugged in" too strong. There were the feeling of low voltage electricity, maybe I was in danger of "short circuiting". This definitely requires serious consideration. Thank you for giving me another avenue to explore. Your insights are deeply appreciated. Take care my friend and God bless you.

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-17)
Hello FRAWIN. Looks like everyone has given some good "could be's" on this one. I don't really have much to add. It sounds like a nightmare! That must have been terrifying to you. I have noticed how before someone experiences something paranormal they hear this crackling noise. Almost like a channel being switched like it's tuning to another station. Another station another realm!? I know it doesn't happen in a lot of paranormal cases but it seems like when something extreme is going to happen, that crackling noise comes before it. Strange!
I really enjoyed reading that, thanks!

Shelby ❀ 😊
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-16)
No, no, you could be right. A kettle drum is one of those bigger ones that looks like a type of pot. Or a kettle. They usually are to big to carry. I was thinking more along the lines of someone sitting on the edge of the wood playing the "march" and the five monks separating from the group. I do not know why I did not envision the drums sound moving with them, too.
I guess I was thinking along the lines of a pow wow, and less on the thought of a line.
I found something for you! I do not know if you would be as happy as I was when it actually surfaced itself, but the marching ancestors that I was looking for were the "Night Marchers" of Hawaii. Mostly they are spotted in the Moanalua Gardens. If you look them (or even one of them) in the eye, it is said that you simply vanish.
There are a slew of links on that page to explain them in more detail.
Hope I helped. You have me looking up monks now, too. The different colors have me wondering at the meaning.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-16)
Hi WB. I'm not too "up" on the different kinds of drums. I said snare drums because the sound wasn't like that of a bass drum, nor like the stereotype drums of the Native American. They had a sharp, crisp monotonous tone to them.
I did however find out that the different religious orders wore different color of robes. The Benedictine monks were known as the 'Black Monks".
Talk to you later 😊.

whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-16)
I find it simply fascinating that everyone wants religious freedoms and great countries were formed because of that desire... And yet, people go about trying to force others to their way of thinking and worship.
I can see having a debate, I do that often on many subjects, but as far as intimidating someone to think the way I do, or forcing the issue, what is truly accomplished there? That is not THEIR belief and THEIR thoughts. All I would have done would be to have shackled them into a square of my understanding...
Sorry, got stuck on the "religious help" there. 😊
Hmmm, snare drums. I had envisioned kettle drums. Back to the research for me too! Very interesting...
Thanks again!
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-15)
Hello WB. Thanks for the extra work as if I didn't have enough to confuse my tiny brain with πŸ˜†. You are right,St. Francis was a friar and not a monk. Friars did wear robes like you described. The best that I can figure the difference between a friar and a monk was the friar was more sociable and intermingled with the people whereas a monk was more of a self exiled hermit who stayed in monasteries and studied and copied manuscripts. They both belonged to religious orders.
St. Columcille from what I found out was from Ireland and he "preached" to the Celtic people in the northern higlands of Scotland. He became a monk later on in his life. The Celtic people had their own religion and the priests and priestesses were called Druids. The Church felt it was their godly duty to convert these "pagan" people to their way of believing, much the same way "we" did to the Native Americans. It bears a stiking resemblance. The Druids wore robes also, so that is something else to look into
I have found that many religions had monks, the long hooded robes and all. I,for some reason do not think that "my" monks was of the Christian faith. I can find no references to drums being played and they were definitely beating the drums, sounded more like snare drums. I guess it will reqire quite a bit of researching. Talk to you later.

whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-15)
I have some questions, wasn't Saint Francis a friar, and not a monk? And didn't friars wear dark brown robes, almost looking black? What is the difference between the two?
What about the Celtic monk St. Columcille? Wasn't he adorned in black? Weren't Druids a type of monk (there were women druids too, though) who wore black robes?
Just a thought here, but druid sounds like a form fitted answer, but I do not think very plausible, as I think they were over in Europe. But the word itself would fit [Loosely translated Greek "dru" ("deru" meaning steadfast, and "weid" meaning second sight)].
I am afraid I may have just given you more to research, and not less, sorry. I was just trying to work through this with you.
Thank you, my friend.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-15)
Thanks to everyone's comments I have a lot of researching and thinking to do. I would like to address each one seperately.
ChrisB:If it wasn't the scariest experience I ever had it rates right up there next to the top. While they weren't dressed in brown (they were all in black w/hoods)your suggestion made me check nevertheless. Finding nothing under St. Francis I checked under Jesuit and were surprised to find that it also meant a sly and crafty person. Requires further study. Thank you for your suggestion.

Rhodes:I am glad you enjoy my stories, even though they are true it is not my intent to scare anyone. The info you gave me is very intriguing and I intend to look into it. I knew my inner voice was on high alert that day but until now I never realized how high. Thanks for the info and take care.

Whitebuffalo:I always look forward to your input for it seems you have the insight that so many crave for. My "inner voice" has served me well over these many years. I have learned to trust it and at times it seems like I consider it as a seperate being-I don't know why. I have always felt that if they had of gotten to me something bad would have happened.I'll have to look into that story you speak of because it seems to tie into what rhodes said.Yes,I understand what you are saying about the wealth of knowledge being there but it is like a unread book - if it remains closed it is useless-let's hope it isn't too late to take it off the shelf. Talk to you later my friend and my prayers are still with you ❀.

Kim:I can always count on you for good insight. The idea of monks being in the area in the past for seclusion never occured to be but is definitely worth looking into. The thought that they appeared in a form they thought I would recognise has me thinking for two reasons, one is that I seem to have a "feeling" towards monks and two, it ties in to what wb was saying about them coming to take their "own" home.
As far as what prompted Momma to check on me she never would say. There were more to her than met the eye and some things she never would talk about. I think I would like to know all she knew but I'm not sure.

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-15)
To ChrisB(sorry for taking up your space Frawin):I'm an Orthodox Chris. We study religion for 12 years since it's a compulsory school subject. I suppose there's got to a site related to that. Sorry I can't help more...
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-15)
Whew! That is definitely a spine tingler. I am not sure why in Tennesse, except there are some religious sectors who would settle into private areas, maybe have a very small place to live and stay in seclusion. There is no possible way anyone could know where all of these places where (and are) located). Just throwing out ideas here. Could have been some tyoe of long forgotten sector that had been in or around that wooded area.

As far as 'why monks' well I think most of us have heard that sometimes the other worldly beings can assume whatever form they choose. The form of monks may have been chosen because it was assumed you would recognize them.

Thank the good Lord your mother came out when she did, who knows what would have ended up, but I would venture to say that you may not be the person you are today.

I wonder, what was it that made your mother come to the porch looking for you? Had she felt a danger or that you needed her at that time? There may have been more than one force at work in this situation.

Another wonderful and thought provoking story.
Thanks for sharing!
God Bless!

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