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Real Ghost Stories

Hinthorn Chapel Chaos


My friends "Nathan," "Kayla" and I discussed going to a reportedly haunted graveyard close to my hometown of Hudson, Illinois one August night. When we finally decided to go for it, we met up at my house that evening, gathered everything we thought we needed and headed out in Nathan's car. On the way to the graveyard, Kayla was telling us that her father had an experience with the resident ghost when working on the church that sits on the property.

She told us that he was painting the church while on a ladder, and when he got off he saw a little boy standing a few feet away from him. Kayla's father tried to approach the child, and he disappeared. He was a bit unnerved by the experience, but he went back to work and finished on schedule.

Kayla told Nathan and me that if she was thinking of the right graveyard, we were heading for the same place where her dad saw the little boy. We got there, got out of the car with our flashlights and walked into the graveyard very slowly. We walked on the path to a stone bench in the middle of the graveyard, I set my recording device on it and we tried to do an EVP session. After the second session, we decided to head back to the church (which was named Hinthorn Chapel) and see if we could find anything around there. On the way back up, I thought I heard some voices whispering words I couldn't decipher among the gravestones. Once we realized the church was locked and we couldn't get inside, we started back to the car when Kayla said she wanted to go down a pathway next to the graveyard which led to a dead end to see if we could get anything there.

We started down the path and stopped when we thought we heard something rustling in the bushes to the left of us. We brushed it off as an animal and continued going down the path. I glanced over at a gravestone with my flashlight, and I swear to this day I saw the figure of a person running in front of the gravestone where my light was shining.

Nathan and Kayla said that it could have been my light moving across the gravestone that made it look like a running shadow, but I know what I saw... And it was the shadowy figure of what looked like a man.

Then, to our amazement, there was a light blue orb that just rose out of the ground a couple yards away from us. The three of us got a bit frightened and started walking quickly back to the car, but the walk quickly turned into a sprint when the orb started (I swear again) coming after us. Once in the car, we sped off and didn't look back.

We discussed the happening on the way back to my house, and Kayla said that the orb could have been the ghost of the little boy, who died when he was only ten years old. He was also said to be a prankster, so we think he was chasing us just to pull a joke. It's either that, or he wanted to scare us.

If his goal was the second one, he succeeded.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Benji, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-09)
Benji... I would like to hear the follow up that you made on this story, for those of you who doest know South Africa I would like to say that we have a similar ghost here, she is called the union dale ghost but for that you have to read ghost stories of south Africa. Benji I am standing on what I last said... Excise caution when going there again.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Benji: Somewhere in this mess somebody mentioned that you go back and figure out where the orb came from... I think that would be very interesting... There may be someone trying to draw your attention... Do it in daylight hours at first, if you can remember the exact place...

Good story, by the way!...Thank you for posting

😊 ❀
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
So sorry but I have to point out a 'line' that proves someone is 'pranking' the site...


I'll quote you first...
"Before this career though I was a young FBI agent with a redheaded partner. She was a sceptic though and I found it very hard to convince her of these things."

So I deduce that your real name is Fox Mulder... You do not know how to use spell check and your five year mission is being conducted with the aid of Vulcan's...

With that out of the way can we please let this thread get back on track...sheesh...

(Takes a bow, climbs off soap box and carries it around the corner...)


ScepticalSimon (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
JuJu:- I can't remember the name of the programme as I am not involved, its my friend who is taking part (I thought that was made clear in my initial post). I also am not peter, why anyone would argue with them selves is beyond me.

Should anyone wish to discus matters further my email is scepticalsimonthecockhawk [at]

Now I believe we have slightly hijacked this poor persons thread for which, I am sorry for my part in.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (203 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Hmm, I think the mods need to visit this page and clean it up...

On another note, I think the orbs could just be various ghosties chilling in their cemetary. I think that some ghosts simply get bored and want to prank people who think its wise to go to haunted sites. I know I would! πŸ˜†
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
what is even more disturbing... Simon and Peter being the same prankster, on two diff PC's, having a conversation with himself. I find this behavior, more disturbing than any story on this forum.
SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Benji... I would recommend caution when approaching that grave yard again. The way you described the orb coming to wards you can mean that you are not "welcome' in that section of the graveyard or it might be that the orb was trying to catch your attention that you must follow it. But still be cautious if going there again at night.
SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
I agree with pendragon, this dude is asking for help and you people go and write your personal messages on his page... Take it some where else please your messages bores me...
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
[at] Everyone being rude and using this for your own personal forum: This is NOT what this site is for. This site is for people to share paranormal experiences with thers that believe in ghosts and the like. It is not for people, like yourselves, to come here and laugh at people and try to make them feel bad. Please take your conversations to email. You're not impressing anyone, and if anything, you just wasted a page of this poor persons story.

[at] Benji: Sounds like quite a night! I will say I do/can believe this, merely for the fact that I've had similar experiences to yours. I also agree with Tatjana - go see whose grave it was. People like to believe that all spirits pass on, and are mortified to think that this is not the case. Some spirits can NOT pass on, and can not rest. It could be that the voices you heard and the orb that you saw were spirits of people who just wanted to rest. 😊

BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
What is the name of the show? It may be interesting to look it up.
ScepticalSimon (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
i am talking about a real show which is expected to air after Christmas on channel 5 in the UK. The striking similarities between the show I describe and scooby doo are the reason the show was commissioned.

Peter thinks he is a ghost buster though.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
They don't actually work with the paranormal. They are just spouting off about Scooby Doo.
ScepticalSimon (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
πŸ˜† at magic lad11 That would be a great name for a show.

Peter seems very vague when talking about his job. I love to hear about people lucky enough to work with the paranormal.
Nervous_Nev (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
In the town of kirkintilloch in Scotland, where I live a man named Joe Shivers hung himself at the Auld Isle Cemetery. To this day his ghost sighting is reported quite often, infact it's kind of became the norm for people to see him. The thing is he wasn't buried in the Auld Isle he was buried at Cadder which is about 4 miles away. So why do think Joe decides to frequent Auld Isle rather than his final resting place of Cadder? His own gravestone was toppled about 3 years ago and nobody even hated Old Joe infact he was a well liked character in the community. His nick name was Radio Man because he was never seen without his little Radio. His cousin put the radio in the coffin with him. I thought this was a nice touch. Rest in Peace Joseph, you are with God now.
Mystical_Lad_11 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Dog the ghost hunter?

Peter - please give more information on what you actually do πŸ˜•
ScepticalSimon (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
MysticalLad11- I never go with them on their travels, sadly I am allergic to their dog and they refuse to leave him behind as the show is named after him. 😭
Mystical_Lad_11 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Sceptical_Simon - I believe I may have seen a documentary about you and your friends
ScepticalSimon (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
Peter, might I enquire as to your line of work? It seems like you may have an extremely interesting career.
ScepticalSimon (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
psychokineticpeter, I think you will find that statement is libel. πŸ˜‰
ScepticalSimon (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-08)
I have a friend who drives across the country in his van with a group of fellow paranormal investigators, and their dog, investigating things just like this. He has been asked to do a tv series following his work. I think he would be very interested in this and have emailed him a link to this story.
Tatjana (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-07)
Sounds interesting. I don't experience anything like that in the cemetery that I often hangout in with my friend (its behind her house so we go there like all the time). Try going back during the day and try and find where the orb came out of the ground and find out who it could be.

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