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stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
I'll see what I can find. All I knew about the tunnels was that the city had an underground tunnel network that connected some of the older buildings. I'm not sure how I'm going to find more info on this. I'll try our library and see if they have anything. It may take me a while to get some stuff for everyone, I'm busy with projects at home, and planning parties for Halloween. But I promise I'll look into it and post anything I find.

Devious - If I weren't convinced I lived many past lives already, I'd be sad I wasn't born in the past too. Everything from 1950 and earlier is for me. 😁
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
Sometimes I think it would have been so cool to have been alive in the '50s. I was born 30 years too late.

Maybe the shack was a break room of sorts when it was still a press? I can imagine that they might have used the basement to store backup materials, or even as a storm cellar, maybe?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
stephy - I meant to comment on the missing silverware. This is probably one of my favorite parts of the story. Don't know why, can't explain it, it just cracks me up 😆 I'd be like "Look, we need the silverware! Stop stealing the freakin' silverware!" It's not like they can use it either. It's just a nuisance. Funny, but annoying at the same time. Just the typical show of "Pay attention to me! I'm here!"
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
stephy - see? Could be a blonde moment 😆 but the banging... Just won't let up on a coal bucket. When you investigate the building, see what the tunnels were used for, okay? I could be completely off on this one, but I don't know 😕

I will proudly wear the crown if the tunnels have nothing to do with coal 😉
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
Thanks Miracles! That's a good idea! It could possibly have been run by coal, though I have not ever seen any coal shoots, and there were never any large exhaust pipes from the building. I can look into it though, but I can say in the picture from the 50's, when it was the press, it did not have smokestacks.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
stephy - I've read this a couple of times and keep going back to the banging sound in the basement. Coal bucket is the impression I get each time. First time I read it, that's what I thought too. Coal tunnels, the shack, etc. 😕 Is the printing press old enough that it would have been run by coal? Is that even possible LOL. This could be a major blonde moment 😆

I have to admit, you are a lot braver than I am. In the dark, I'm more likely to imagine Jason or Freddy is after me 😆. However, I don't like jumping to "paranormal conclusions" so I'd like to think I'd grab a huge-ass flashlight and check things out.

I like the details you included in your story. Some people think a lot of information is going overboard. Me? Nope, you've read my stories LOL. I like the nitty-gritty stuff. Hopefully your friends will have more information to share with you and you can update us on the restaurant. Glad it finally made it, Steph.
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
Thanks everyone! Wow, its always on the day you're busy at work that your story posts huh? 😁

Jav: I haven't really had much time to do a lot of research on the building. Within the restaurant, we have an enlarged black and white aerial photo of the city, when the building used to be the press. It was from the 1050's and there were lots of cool old cars in the photo. I really like that picture. In honesty though, this town is quite old. So I'm sure there is more history than that. I just haven't had much time to research yet, sadly.
The building owner has owned the building for sometime now. He tried opening a wine store years ago, but it didn't take off. (This town is not good for wine snobs). The building used to be divided into what could be two store fronts, but when the restaurant came in, they demo'd the divider wall and opened it up into one large building. The restaurant owner is either buying part of the building owner's building, or he's renting. I'm not sure which he's doing, I guess next time I'm in, I'll see if I can ask him. He won't think too much of it, because we always talked about it (ghosts). However, if I look like I'm digging too much, I'm afraid he'll worry that I'm making it public, and I want to keep a good reference/reputation with him. I will try to look into the history of our town and I'll post updates on anything I find in the comment section of this story.

Devious: Thank you! If you're familiar with Grand Haven, I can tell you that this restaurant has a lot of similarities to the Kirby House. (In fact, some people have asked if we were owned by the Gilmore Collection, which we're not, we're privately owned). If you're ever in Michigan, let me know! I am situated on the west side, about an hour or so from Grand Haven. I love it there in the summer! My favorite beach!

Clever: I also love checking out places said to be haunted. There is a restaurant in Traverse City, The Bower's Harbor Inn which publically lists itself as haunted. There are lots of stories of that place, I really want to check it out someday.

Cosmo, haha I'm glad I made you laugh. That basement is definitely weird. That shack and hole are what make me the most curious. I really want to know what the heck those were for. At the time, the restaurant owner didn't know, but I wonder if I ask him again, if he will have found out. And are you kidding me? I loved what happened in the elevator! That's why I kept riding it, I wanted to see if it would happen again! Fascinating stuff, I love creepy things. For some reason they make me feel very comfortable. I know, I'm a weirdo. Haha.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
Hi Stephy, great story! That restaurant sounds like it was a very active place to work. I agree with clever, you are brave. I would never have walked down that hallway by myself or took that elevator. That basement was definitely weird, I wonder what it was used for before. I'm sure it has a pretty interesting history to it.

I have to say the way you responded to the sound of running behind you made me laugh a little. That was great! 😆 Thanks for sharing this with us, and I'm glad it finally made it up. 😊
clever210 (3 stories) (189 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
Awesome story! Thanks for the visuals, they help a lot when trying to picture it all in my mind. I have eaten at places that were reported to be haunted in the past, but have never experienced anything. It was very brave of you to go down that dark hallway. Not many people would do that.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
This is an excellently told story! I loved reading the description of the layout. It sounds like a spooky old building with a lot of history. Some of the noises you heard were probably residual energy from the Press that used to be there. It is really too bad that the owner does not want to list it as a haunted place... I can understand why, but that kind of thing usually attracts a lot of business. I have spent some time in Michigan too, and I love it there. My dad was born and raised there, and we have family in the Grand Haven area.

I remember visiting a restaurant in San Francisco and seeing an article on a ghost that haunts the restaurant and another about a ghost that haunts the old lighthouse nearby. I hope one day to go back and visit that place and find out for myself.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-10)
Oooooh... A haunted restaurent! And it's in an old Press Bldg... This is a treat for me. You know I love a haunted work place.
I, like you, would definitely have gone down that dark hallway. No question about that. I'm older now, and with age goes eyesight, so I now carry small flashlights with me everywhere I go, for just those type of opportunities.
Have you done any research into the bldg. Beyond it being an old Press House? Any criminal type goings on?
Perhaps a disgruntled employee from way back?
Nice description of the layout. I haven't actually looked at the floor plan you posted as I got a pretty good idea from what I read. Good job on that.
The owner is who I wonder about. How long has he owned the property? Did he know about the haunting before he purchased, or was it handed down through his family? It is interesting how, after what he experienced back when he had the wine shop, that he decided to keep (or purchase) the property at all.
I would love to know the source of this haunting.


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