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Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-06)
I loved your story, it was very scary to me and well written, I understood every part of it. That thing you saw, and the way you described it put an image in my heads can't forget, I'm not sure if the image is what it really looked like but it is scary. Do you think you could sketch out what it looked like, even indoor not good at drawing, you think you could? Let me know if you can, I'm interested.
Oh and hey thanks for your service.
And bye the way are you the same poster as Troyarn did like make aNew account or Something?
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-06)
Hi Avenger, thanks for sharing this experience. You wrote it so well I felt as if I was right there, very scary!
As I was reading I felt as if this being was some kind of 'otherworldly' gnome, troll etc. I agree with what Winipu said about there being so much we don't know or understand about these things.

It's great your skeptical it's important to keep a good balance and it keeps the mind sharp.

I'm getting the sense from your story and from your replies that you've been thinking about things of this nature for a while. Now that you've found an outlet it's like the flood gates have opened. It's lovely to see.

Looking forward to reading more of your accounts!
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)

Unfortunately I have not shared this with anyone other than those who have read it here. My platoon sergeant seemed to know, yet we never discussed it again. I'm glad you asked that, because that is something I wish I included in the story. I do regret not speaking with him about it, I would have liked to hear what he might have said or thought. To be truthful, I think deep down he was watching me, or maybe was spoken to that one of his men was in some sort of trouble, and he had something to do with my protection. I also know for a fact, had he brought it up, he knows I would have denied it on account trying to act tough. He saw right through my false bravado I had a lot of the time then, yet still cared for me like a father. I know he loved Jesus so much, he was ridiculed for it, sometimes by me. I was too afraid to share the experience with anyone else, admittedly, because I don't want to be labelled 'crazy' or 'weird' or want anyone to think I made it up. Being in the Army, in a combat arms MOS, its hard sharing things like that. We're supposed to be macho. Having faced combat, there was a lot of times the majority of us were afraid, but still had the courage to face those fears and cone out on top. Most of us can admit to family and close friends that we were afraid, but in front of eachother, we made ourselves seem invincible to fear, even though we all knew. It was unspoken. Sharing it here, is a little easier I think, because I don't know anyone and can take their opinion with a grain of salt. I still have a small fear that someone will comment and try to make me look like I'm embellishing. But I shared this knowing that, and want to meet those types of comments head on. Your comment touched me, and I appreciate that. Maybe sharing it is Gods way of pulling me back to him? I'm not sure. The way you described how I saw evil, gave me a little scare inside, but I know that wasn't your intention. When I was saved, I was told to stay away from the book of Revelation, mainly because I was told that its too much and too scary for a new Christian to take in. Being hard headed, I read it anyway, and didn't like what I read. I know that had a little to do with my turning away from God. Not knowing enough about the other scripture of the New Testament, and reading Revelation, terrified me, and I felt if I turn away, I won't have to fear it if I don't believe. I probably sound confusing, its just I have a slightly weird thought process lol. I thank you very much for taking the time to read my experience and for your feedback. Somewhere inside me, something told me you're right. I wish I wasn't so hard headed and could just accept it. I hope you take time to read my other experience, if its published. I just submitted it today. I look forward to any feedback you may have on it.

avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)
I wasn't expecting to have anyone read or enjoy my experience, so I just want to say I appreciate the feedback.


Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for the kind and positive feedback, and thank you to you and your husband for your service. I wouldn't say I have much courage, I only have a hand full of experiences, this one being the most frightening and troubling. I think you may have just helped me a little. I usually follow my gut, and good or bad, it usually tells me I'm right. That being said, I still for some reason use the skeptic way of rationalizing and try to find a scientific or technical answer for everything. Maybe I'm just afraid of what I might believe if I choose to follow my gut? I will try and find some time to read the links you provided and possibly find what I'm looking for. Then again, I may not be sure what it is I am looking for, other than wanting to know what that thing was that I saw. I do think it would be really cool if it was my platoon sergeant looking out for me. Growing up, I don't recall many people who looked out for me much, but thinking about him putting a hedge of protection around me, even if it turns out I imagined it, is a really awesome feeling. He was a really great man, and he looked out for all of his soldiers, especially me, and I'll carry that with me 'til I die. I've lost touch with him after I left the Army, and wish I hadn't. Anyway, I truly appreciate your response, and hope maybe one day you dig deep and share some of your experiences. I was afraid to share mine, on account of what people think, but thought what the heck. I've submitted my story on Bosnia earlier, and hope its published, I really had fun writing it out today. It brought back a pretty good memory and I had a little touch of nostalgia just remembering that day and the people involved. I hope you're able to give it a read.

Best regards,
Femaelstrom (1 stories) (56 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)
Wow--what an intense experience! After reading that, and the feedback, I feel the compelling urge to ask if you've discussed this particular incident with any religious leader or confidant? Your platoon sergeant?

I am certain this had nothing to do with your gr-grandmother, and I'm sure she can see inside your heart to sense your angst, and would be touched.

Per the entity... Anything that can create THAT intense of a soul-wrenching, near-paralyzing fear such as you experienced cannot be anything less than a negative energy. Before anyone can think, "well, DUH" I want to add that I'm relieved to hear you were saved. As believers, we're facing some serious struggles. Bible prophecy tells us that Satan WILL have power in this world. If you've read the book, or had someone tell you the story, then you KNOW the ending. But the times will be worse than ANY of us can imagine. You, son, had a taste. But as horrifying as that was, the Glory of God can only be that much Sweeter. You saw evil. You felt it, tasted it, experienced it. Don't be angry with God. Be angry with man, at his weakness, his ability to be overcome by temptation. Be THANKFUL that God gives us a Second Chance at Happiness.

I'm not always as good as some may think; I'm as capable of temptation as anyone. So I work hard at keeping my faith. Here's a favorite scripture I'd like to share:

"Faith is being sure of what you hope for, and certain of what you cannot see." Hebrews, 11:1

What you experienced is REAL. As is the Love of God, which has Power over all evil. Blessings to you and all our readers.
WiniPu4 (207 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)

I am also former military & really enjoyed the account of your experience. I'm also glad that you have the courage that I lack to put these experiences out there in public.
One of my loved ones (someone I have great respect for) had an unusual experience a year or two ago which caused me to start researching little people, as in gnomes, elves, trolls, etc. I must admit that I always thought of them as the stuff of fairy tales and folklore before. I now feel differently. I think there are many things in this world that we do not yet understand. I also do not think they all fall so easily into a polarized "angel or demon" category.
Recently, I have been reading a blog by a healthy skeptic in which many like ourselves write in their experiences with the "wee folk". While some of them are kind, others leave the sense of dread you spoke of:


There are also many, many accounts here on YGS that mirror yours. It sort of sounds like a troll to me:


With many unusual experiences, there seems to be a recognition or a knowledge that inexplicably arrives into our consciousness. If you felt on a deep or soul level that it was your platoon sergeant's prayers protecting you, you are probably correct. Trust your gut.
Thank you for sharing your story and I really look forward to reading more from you. My husband spent some time flying in Macedonia and Bosnia some years back. I'm thinking one of the places was Camp Able Sentry in Skopje.
Kind Regards,
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my experience. I guess I was just looking for some form of clarification or closure I guess, in wondering if it might have been related to my grandmother's passing and not going home for the funeral. I could very well be answering my own questions, just not wanting to admit that God or some guardian angel was protecting me at the request of my platoon sergeant. Not having any other experience llike it since, I have a hard time making sense of what exactly happened. Thanks again.

avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)

Thanks for taking the time to read it and share your feedback. I do appreciate it! You could be right, I'm really not sure what to make of it. The fear I had was overwhelming, and I've been in my share of life and death situations and never felt that fearful as I did then. I'm thankful for the sense of calm that came over me. I'm such a skeptic its not even funny. I wish I could just say that my platoon sergeant protected me, instead of thinking it was just a coincidence that he was up. It baffles me to this day. I may never fully understand what it was or what the experience meant. Again, thank you for your feedback and, I will get working on my other experience soon:)

notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)
Great story and very well narrated. I agree with Miracles that I don't feel this was your great grandmother. I almost want to say it was some sort of angel guardian or spirit guide. The thing you saw felt very powerful and dark, so I would assume it would also take something with quite a higher power to swoop in and scare it off that quick. Glad you weren't hurt, and take care.
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)

Thank you so much. To answer your question, I do recall the entity being mostly humanoid in structure, as it walked upright on two legs and had two long arms. I could see the shape clearly, as the moon was very bright that night, yet as far as the texture of its skin, or whatever it was, I'm not so sure. To be honest, it seemed a slight bit transparent, like it was a ghost, instead of being solidly built like a human if that makes sense. I only describe it that way, for a lack of a better term or description. I don't know if it was a demon or not, as I've never had any experiences to go off of, other than descriptions that I've read about or seen in horror films lol. For a long time, I've written it off as it being late and with that cemetery near, chalked it up to being nerves and fairly tired and thinking my mind was playing tricks. That very well may be, but reading through other experiences on here, I started to think maybe it could have been something else. I'm glad you took the time to read and share your thoughts with me:)

avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)
Miracles, thank you for taking the time to respond to my experience and for your feedback. To answer your question about religion and the paranormal, I have an interest in the paranormal I think, because I like the adrenaline rush from being scared. I mean I love to read the stories, but I am still not sure where I stand on belief. I understand this may be confusing. I don't knock anyone who believes, nor do I think they're crazy for doing so. I don't believe I've been blessed or cursed, according to some, with a gift of experiencing the paranormal, as many members of this site have. I've only had very few instances that I can recall that may be related in my opinion. This story was the most severe in terms of making me feel like it may have been a paranormal experience and the most severe in terms of being afraid. I guess since I can't explain it, and not knowing what it was and not having a better understanding, it has me wondering whether or not things like this exist. If that makes sense? I know it happened, yet not understanding it, may be why I think the way I do. I've had an instance in my home a few years ago, where I was laying on the couch and I heard a voice whisper my name and had my hair pulled, but I haven't had any experience since. Another experience I plan to submit soon, happened in Bosnia, and is the only other experience I've had in my life with things that might be paranormal. I label them personally as things I can't explain. As far as religion, I was saved in 2004, yet I have strayed from my belief. I've had moments where I question God, and times where I am very angry at him. I don't go to church. At the same time, I don't fault anyone for being a believer. I respect people who believe in God, because I have a strong sense of what our country is about and that everyone is entitled to an opinion, and see no sense in belittling someone for their belief. As far as me though? I'm still not sure. Stumbling across this site, led me to share my experience that I'd put away for a long time. I wish I knew what it meant, or why I saw that 'thing' how I saw it. I think you're right about it not having anything to do with my great-grandmothers death, but at the time I thought maybe it may have had something to do with it. I do know that the sense of calm that I felt right before it seemed as if the entity was ready to attack me, and seeing my platoon sergeant up and outside his vehicle and reassuring me that everything was going to be ok, far outweighed the few moments of fear I had. Maybe I'm too hard headed to acknowledge that it was paranormal, maybe I'm just denying in my mind that it had something to do with Christian and demonic forces? I don't know. Maybe someone else has an explanation? Anyways, I really appreciate your response. And I am glad you enjoyed my experience.

Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)
avenger- holy cow! That freaked me out! I agree with Miracles. There are so many different possibilities, like the emotions tied to that area.

One question though, you stated that it had no clothes or hair. From what you could tell did it have all human type features? Or could you tell? I'm imagining/seeing just solid dark in appearance?

Well great story. I know that fear. Not a fan of it.
Looking forward to your next.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-05)
avenger_topdawg- It does seem as if you had some kind of protection around you with the sudden sense of calm and relief you felt. I doubt it had anything to do with your personal religious beliefs. Could have been your staff sergeant or a guardian.

Whatever this thing was couldn't feed off your fear once you became calm. Might be a good thing to remember should anything else like this happen again. 8)

Like Miracles, I really enjoyed this and look forward to more from you. Don't keep us waiting too long.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-02-05)
avenger_topdawg - I was seriously afraid this was going to be a sad story and wasn't sure I wanted to read it to be honest. But I am very glad I did. I found this to be truly intriguing and feel bad that I have nothing to offer you. I have no idea what that being could have been or why it threatened/intimidated you. My only thought/guess is that maybe all the emotion tied into Ft. Hood had manifested into this creature and its emotions.

I don't believe it had anything to do with your great-grandmother though. I've been trying to think of why something like that would show itself to you and it be in connection with a relative 😕

Personal question and you don't have to answer if you don't want. After this experience, and having had time to reflect on it, have you changed your opinion of the paranormal and/or religion?

Also, I do believe it is possible your staff sergeant could have put a protective bubble/shield around you.

Thank you for sharing this. I really did enjoy reading it and look forward to others.

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