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Possible Apparition While On Guard?


In the summer of 1998, around June if my memory serves me correctly, I was a platoon leader's driver in an Avenger platoon at Ft. Hood, Texas, while serving with the 1st Cavalry Division. We had received an operations order to go to the field for a week, and began preparations, servicing the vehicles, assuring our packing list was up to standard etc.

The morning of our departure from the loading docks was an early one. Our platoon consisted of six M1097 Avenger Weapon Systems, with a team chief and gunner, and the platoon leader and platoon sergeants' vehicles making up the remainder, with a crew of two each. After our small accountability formation, the team chiefs and headquarters section drivers, myself included, were sent to the motor pool to retrieve the vehicles and return to the loading docks to begin our load up. After returning, we were to draw weapons, including the M3. 50 cal machine guns for the Avenger, and one training Stinger missile for the stinger pods and mount them. After all of this is completed, the team chiefs and drivers are briefed of the mission and we get the vehicles lined up and prepare to 'roll out'.

Our Area of Operations (AO) was West Fort Hood, at the time a fairly isolated area of Fort Hood. By isolated, I mean out in the boonies for a lack of another term. Anyhow, the first few days were rather uneventful, going over NBC training and other things pertaining to Air Defense operations.

I was 18 years old and a PFC, being prepped to take over as a team chief on one of the weapons systems, as I had already served as a gunner. I have always been the type that I have to see to believe, that's just the way I am.

Every night we did a guard rotation, one soldier, on two hour shifts. I had drawn guard duty I believe sometime after midnight. I carried an M16A2 at the time, so as required, I put my BDU top on, my boots, grabbed my weapon and stepped out of the vehicle to relieve the soldier on guard. The shift started out uneventful. The terrain in central Texas is mainly scrub vegetation and open space with sparing patches of small trees, I don't remember the type. Being an open range, it was not uncommon to see herds of Texas Steer passing through the training areas, but usually in different training areas throughout the base, not West Fort Hood.

As I patrolled the perimeter, I went through the motions as if really being in a combat zone to make the time go by and keep myself on my toes. Towards about midway to three quarters of my shift, I was walking the perimeter and happened to look towards the area of an old cemetery. The cemetery wasn't visible from our NDP, but we knew it existed due to one of our Avenger teams setting up near it during the day. I hadn't paid much attention to that general area during the shift at that point, meaning I had probably subconsciously glanced in the direction once or twice and hadn't thought anything about it. However, this particular pass I was drawn towards that direction, and for whatever reason, felt a chill run down my spine and I grew apprehensive as I continued on with my walk, still glancing in that direction as if being watched.

As I came around the last vehicle to make my way back to the aforementioned area, I froze up and leaned on the Avenger to try and collect myself. I don't believe in ghosts, but have had a few strange things happen in my life that I can't explain or put a finger on.

After convincing myself that my imagination was getting the best of me, I decided to continue my walk of the perimeter. As I drew near to said area, the chill I had before grew with an intensity and the hair on the back of my neck was at full attention. I admit, I was afraid at this point, and as much as I didn't want to, my eyes were slowly drawn to the general vicinity of the group of trees concealing the cemetery. It was as if I was being forced to look. To be honest, the atmosphere and the fear I had made me tear up a little, I was that afraid. Anyhow, feeling I was being forced by some unseen entity, I looked in that direction, and immediately froze, shaking uncontrollably.

I brought my M16A2 up to my shoulder, and felt so dumb because we didn't have any ammunition with us, as it was a platoon FTX, and we didn't carry any. What I saw, was dark figure standing between two trees looking away from me. It was about a foot or two taller than an average man, no clothing, its face was sort of elongated as I could see from a side view. Almost as if on cue, it noticed my presence and turned its head towards me. The moonlight was very bright and I could clearly make this thing out, as it was only about 50-60 meters away. There were no glowing red eyes, just two sunken depressions that looked pure evil to me. It had no hair, just a dark silhouette, long arms, long legs, the ears were slightly long and pointed and on the side of its head. I stared at this thing for what seemed an eternity but was probably only a few seconds. The whole time, it seemed to be telepathically taunting me, not having another way to describe it. Taunting me, how? I don't know, I just felt taunted and immensely terrified.

After what seemed like hours staring at this thing, it grinned a particularly disturbing grin, almost as if it was trying to tell me that it saw me, saw my fear, and was going to destroy every ounce of happiness I had in me. It took a few very peculiar steps towards me, very slowly, then seemed as if it were going to leap the rest of the distance to me. For whatever reason, I felt a sense of relief or calmness overcome me as I waited for the inevitable and I believe the figure sensed this as well, and it seemed to fly off to my left and out of sight.

I didn't believe in God, I'm still not sure what I believe in to this day, but I think something or someone kept me from being harmed that night. My platoon sergeant, a big black man and very religious and deep Christian man, happened to be up when I made my way back to the middle of the perimeter, and asked if I was ok. I tried to play it off and act like nothing was wrong in the first place, but before he got back in his vehicle to go back to sleep, he said "You'll be ok, Murray."

I don't know what this was, I don't know if Staff Sergeant Leonard woke up and witnessed whatever it was I was seeing or what went down then, all I know is what I saw, and how I felt after. My platoon sergeant knew I didn't believe in God, knew I was just a normal kid who hadn't found himself at the time, and always looked out for me, as he saw I was a born soldier and a leader. I inducted him in to the Audie Murphy Hall of Fame a couple years later and became his driver after we returned from Bosnia.

If I think on it now, I think he put some type of protection around me and had something to do with this thing not getting to me. Then again, sometimes I think that it was just my imagination and it was just the fact that there was a spooky cemetery past that group of trees.

My great grandmother did pass away a few months later, and I remember not returning home for the funeral, as we were doing a rotation at the National Training Center, and I did not want to miss out. I've felt regret ever since. Maybe this had something to do with it? I'm not sure. I've never told anyone this event before, and this is my first time writing any kind of story that others could see and comment, criticize or critique, or maybe just have an opinion on what it was, or what was the meaning behind what happened.

I have a few more stories I will be posting soon, including one that took place in Bosnia. That place was just spooky all over. I hope that for whoever took the time to read my story, found it a decent read and I welcome any and all comments, opinions, critical analysis or whatever you feel like writing. I won't judge anyone for religious preferences or lack thereof.

Thank you, I hope you will take the time to read my future recollections.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, avenger_topdawg, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-27)
Hey Avenger, I came across this and thought maybe you could skim through it and see if any of these is what you saw that night.
ladymoira (3 stories) (30 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-11)
Wow very well written, I could almost feel your fear! But reading this I have two thoughts:the first was that the entity was some type of fae. And elemental and not the good kind but then I thought if it was protecting its territory if won't delight in your fear all it wants is for you to get out, that led to thought two. The one thing I know for sure enjoys tormenting and taunting, that feeds on fear...demons.I don't know for sure but it seemed more intent on scaring you as deep as fear can get.
All the same I'm glad you are ok. And have you noticed all the comments have tended towards supernatural conclusions not one skeptical explanation... That says something. All the best
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)

No worries. People get busy.
I never thought to put the two together in a google search. It would be neat if its actually him. Thank you:)
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)
Sorry for the late reply! I googled the place and the name. It may not actually be him, but it fit your description!
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)

Ahh ok, I see what you're saying now. No worries, was just a little confused.

Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)
No it wasn't something I witnessed, I saw the picture after I commented and it's just about the Sam thing I see in my head except for color.
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)

Right?! It took me about a second to scroll down in that link and see that thing and nearly have a heart attack (just kidding of course) lol. Close to a dead ringer what I saw and very frightening indeed.

avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)

No problem, I am able to get back with those who respond to me when I get son free time. Is that your description from what you picked up from the story or is it from something you witnessed? I'm a little confused. The link that I borrowed from winipu is the closest depiction of what I witnessed that night. The thing I saw didn't have any hair like in the link, and the ears weren't as long or pointy but the picture is the closest representation that I have seen, and its downright spooky the similarities. I'm not trying to degrade you, just not understanding the description you shared. What I described in the story is how I saw the being.

notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)
Oh my, thanks for the link. That is hideous and terrifying. I can't even imagine how one would feel if confronted by this in person...
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)
Aww crud, that was supposed to be "getting" not "retain" stupid auto correct hates me, its been so horrible since I updated to ios8. Sorry.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)
Okay that's fine, I understand you completely and your right, thanks for retain back to me. 😊
Notjustme, yes I get what your saying, but I mean it was worth a Try, I just wanted to see if what he drew (if he could) was like the image of the creature it out in my head. This is My description of the image in my head (you might think the description is Straight out of the story's it ain't its what used after the story). All tall, slender, figure almost stands straight, no clothing just skin, that is white and enhance from the moonlight, with a tiny tinge of pink in the skin, with a head that is not as tall as a humans but shorter, with round almost normal lokking eyes but bigger, a pointy nose, an evil smile like mentioned in the story, and long ears like described, but they are long like an elm or like a dwarf from Harry potter, and it scares me, I coukd probably draw it though I'm not going to,
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)

Thank you for reading and, for the analysis of my writing technique. It means a lot coming from a teacher of literature to hear that I have done well in wording my story in a favorable style. To be honest, I wasn't sure how I would write it once I began, but it seemed to flow and I wanted to be as honest as my memory would allow. I've always been fairly decent with grammar, but never knew I could actually write as well as everyone here has given me praise for. Your speculation of the church I was saved in, is pretty close to accurate. It was non denominational, where they would speak in tongues, lay hands on those they prayed for. Everything short of using rattlesnakes to show their faith. I was raised and baptized at birth as a Presbyterian. You may possibly be on to something, and I appreciate your perspective. However, being where I'm at in my life, having attended a few different congregational settings if you will, I haven't quite decided what I believe yet. This may have something to do with things I've seen in these settings, or just plain bad things that I've witnessed through my time in the Army and life in general. As I stated in a previous comment, it may have to do with a touch of fear. Maybe a combination of all these things? I can honestly say I'm not sure. As of now, I'm happy in life, have a great job in law enforcement, but like we all know, that no one knows what the future holds, that isn't to say I won't change my mind in the near future. I do have a curious mind for things of this nature and at the same time, tend to be very stubborn at the same time so, I like to analyze as much as I can, sometimes over analyze too much, until I find a solution. You, along with everyone else who read my story have been very helpful with insights and such, and I enjoy hearing all of the perspectives pertaining to my experience. It is much appreciated.

avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)

Thank you for reading, and thank you for the reassurance. I believe now, that I know exactly what you mean.

avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-09)

Thank you for the feedback, and I'm glad you liked the story. I don't remember thinking of my grandmother then, but its possible. She hadn't passed yet, so after hearing some of the other feedback, I have come to terms with this event likely not having anything to do with that. I thought maybe I had this experience as maybe an unforseen forwarning that I shouldn't miss the funeral. I know that sounds like a crazy thought, I think I was just searching for some clarification and perhaps a little closure, as I had mentioned in the story that I felt regret for not flying back home and attending the funeral. As for asking my platoon sergeant, I unfortunately lost touch with him after leaving the Army and haven't been able to locate him. I do understand where you're coming from, though. Believe me, now more than ever, I would do give anything to know his thoughts of or what it was he witnessed that night. Thank you again, so much for taking the time to read my story.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-08)
Greetings, Troy.

First, I concur with the general praise of your narrative style and pacing. I was particularly impressed with your inclusion of both "Possible" and the question mark in the title, and with the caveat in your opening sentence, "if my memory serves..." Far too many writers claim a sense of certainty to convince readers on this site, whereas your experience highlights your own doubts and fears. Never forget that bravery has nothing to do with fearlessness; bravery is knowing & admitting your fears or doubts, but going ahead anyway.
Sorry, I teach literature and I tend to get carried away.)

Please take a moment to re-read your own narrative. While your healthy skepticism is apparent, your diction is indicative of a more religious turn of mind (or cultural context) than you state explicitly. The description of religion indicates to me that you attended a Pentecostal Church (possibly an Assemblies of God church -here I'm speculating). Faith and skepticism are not opposing ideologies; churches are made stronger by intelligent individual congregants who do not simply believe everything they hear. Critical thinking and skepticism are important facets in an honest religion with nothing to hide. I am agnostic, so I am not trying to convince you of anything in particular; your own words indicate a sense of spiritual questioning, a desire for enlightenment. I'd suggest that you may benefit from attending a variety of congregations which appeal to you but listen closely to the sermon of the minister/pastor; if the message is a logical conclusion about moral behavior based upon direct quotes, AND the ministerial staff are willing to respond to any questions after the service, you may have found a congregation where you could be a comfortable skeptic.

About the content of your narrative, and the image link, I was immediately reminded of Fae (the old legends, not the Victorian-era 'fairies' or the Disney-style TinkerBelles) and of Persian Ghouls. You were on patrol, You were alert to any potential threats, and instead of imagining a "War Games" raid to test your vigilance, or some loitering specter in the cemetery, you have a run-in with a 7'-8' tall, hostile elemental, and your only successful defense is being protected by your Sergeant? This does not sound like sleep deprivation, nor does it sound like an overactive imagination; you had an experience which has given you many questions. I recommend that you seek spiritual solace in an environment which provides intellectual comfort, not just emotional.

Vonboeckmann (guest)
9 years ago (2015-02-08)
YOU WERE PROTECTED-No doubt about it.
You know with in yourself the truth. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE PROTECTED.J
Gayatrishiva (3 stories) (121 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-08)
Hi your story is well written and infact very spooky. I am glad nothing happened. If you did remember your great grandmother that day during or immediately after the incident it might be she was guarding you and gave you the calmness and protection. You could also ask the sergeant if he was there really and said those words to you... I ask you this because guardians can come in known person's form to protect you as it did happen with me. When I spoke with the person later he was like I never came there. I really liked your write up style and your story too.
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-07)

Thank you for your feedback and your perspective on my experience. Truly appreciated and you have a very good take on things. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!

Morticia, I really appreciate your feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed the story! Thank you for taking the time to read it and for your compliment. Makes me feel good to know everyone so far has enjoyed my writing. I never expected to get so much positive feedback. I wish I had more experiences to share 😲. If my Bosnia story is published, I think I may try and put together a few more unexplained things I have had happen, and share a story my great-grandfather used to tell us kids. If I can put enough material together, I wold love to share with y'all. Thanks again, everyone, truly made my day.

Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-07)
avenger thanks for sharing 😊 I think everyone else has covered anything I have thought of, you're also an excellent narrator I must say. I felt like I was there and could picture it in my mind.

Having looked at the picture of what it looked like, not very pleasant hey! 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-02-07)
Troy - even in the old Norse legends Trolls were fearsome looking creatures, and if that is what you saw, you'd have to be nuts not to be terrified! Mind you, I am aware you did not say it was a troll, but only that it looked like this picture.
However, let's say that it was a troll, that's the only way my suggestion will make sense. Even in the oldest accounts of trolls, they were never depicted as 'nice', but they were believed to be protectors of the land and sea. Much the way Sasquatch and Bigfoot are viewed by many modern day people. (Some claim they are related, as 'tojims' (spelling) or 'house-trolls', who protected a farmer's barn and animals were brought over by folks who came here.) Trolls are very aggressive in protecting what they perceive to be theirs, therefor man in general was a threat. What do you do with a threat? You obliterate it, when possible. Having large appetites, they had no qualms about eating what they killed, and if it were human, so be it.
So what does that have to do with your account? Again, going with the theory that it was a troll, which does sound outlandish - you were patrolling and " went through the motions as if really being in a combat zone". Loaded or not, you did have a weapon, you were emitting 'battle' signals. Is it no wonder, that the troll, who had probably watched this (it's said they can turn invisible and some even shape-shift) for sometime, saw YOU as a threat? That could be why you felt intimidated and threatened, his anger directed at you.
It's equally possible that your staff sergeant was aware and did protect you. (I can't speak for all military, but those I've known - especially those who have seen combat are notoriously light sleepers.)
Too bad no one will ever be able to say 100% for sure, "This is what you saw, and this is why you were ok." It was a very interesting read, though! 😊
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-07)
lol Yep, they ain't much what you'd expect them to look like and they can be extremely tall.
That picture is a little how I imagined him to look. 😊
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-06)
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-06)
After reading winipu's link

The third picture down, is exactly what it looked like! Wow, now I see what tweed and winipu meant. That's pretty creepy. I always pictured a troll like how I was taught they looked like when I was little. The ears on the thing I saw weren't as long, but overall, that third picture is a dead ringer:/
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-06)

Thank you so much for commenting and your feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed it:) I am not sure I would call it a gnome or troll, only because when I think of a gnome or troll, I think of something short and fat and ugly lol. That's just me. You could be correct, I was apprehensive about writing anything and was thinking I was content on just reading all of the wonderful and sometimes frightening experiences on here. However, seeing that I've had nothing but positive feedback, I'm glad I decided to share. Stay tuned, I submitted another yesterday so, I hope its published:)

avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-06)

I agree:)

And sam, no, I am not troyarn, although I have read his stories. His story about his experience in Bosnia is what led me to this site, and inspired me to share my experiences.
avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-06)

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the experience. If you can think of anything to ask, don't hesitate, I would be happy to answer.

I do have a question for you. How did you find my platoon sergeant? I have been able to locate him since I left the Army. A few of my buddies I served with as well as myself, would like to get in touch with him. Again, thanks for the comment:)

avenger_topdawg (2 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-06)

Thank you for your feedback, it is appreciated. I'm not much of an artist, and to be honest, even if I could, I'm not sure I'd want to try and recreate what I saw that night. Call me superstitious, but I don't want that thing to come back into my life haha.

notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-06)
...oops...Sorry, I meant to say "it is a *bit* much" wordswordswords
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
9 years ago (2015-02-06)
lol oh Sam I am. I don't mean to intrude, but if someone made a new account, most likely they don't want others to know they did, or they would say so. That is private. I can't speak for Avenger, but asking for a drawing is a but much for this site in my opinion. Uploading a photo is easier so some do that. I know you're interested, but perhaps use that wild imagination of your's because I know you have a good imagination 😊...just a suggestion. Who knows, maybe he will actually draw it out for you one day 😊
elnoraemily (guest)
9 years ago (2015-02-06)
This was so well written that I forgot any questions that I may have had.

I don't know if you changed names, but I looked up the Staff Sergeant and he is indeed exactly as you described.

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