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Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-10)
Thank you, Red. I really like that idea. I am always open to new protection methods. I am definitely a Gaia girl! 😊
Hecate ❤
Hecate ❤
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-10)
I am part Native American on my mothers side. My daughter did some research and she found out we are a part of the Lenepe tribe. As you know N.A. Tribes believe among others in Gaia (mother earth). If you and E are willing to try this it might work with his feeling touching. In the morning have him close his eyes and say Gaia please surround me and picture a light cicling his feet, then say Gaia please protect me and picture a white bubble around then say Gaia please push the black away. Black being demons and everything else bad. At bed time he can ask Gaia to surround his bed and repeat the rest. He can ask her too protect himself also
I am part Native American on my mothers side. My daughter did some research and she found out we are a part of the Lenepe tribe. As you know N.A. Tribes believe among others in Gaia (mother earth). If you and E are willing to try this it might work with his feeling touching. In the morning have him close his eyes and say Gaia please surround me and picture a light cicling his feet, then say Gaia please protect me and picture a white bubble around then say Gaia please push the black away. Black being demons and everything else bad. At bed time he can ask Gaia to surround his bed and repeat the rest. He can ask her too protect himself also
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-09)
Zander, thank you for your kind words. I am hoping with the confirmation we got with Rook's OBE checking on the entity, that I have successfully (at least for now) removed it from our home and property. Even with Rook's impressions that this will dissipate, I am vigilant that in my son's state, he might still be attracting more things.
This has been such a great team effort! Rook still gets top billing.
Red, I get it, about her acting strangely... Lol. Hey, take the royal treatment. Haha
Hecate ❤
This has been such a great team effort! Rook still gets top billing.
Red, I get it, about her acting strangely... Lol. Hey, take the royal treatment. Haha
Hecate ❤
Zander (7 stories) (147 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-09)
Dear Hecate, I'm enjoying reading your story and am looking forward to reading more. You are very thorough, knowledgeable and open to others' input. When you described the sounds which your son made when he tried to rest, like those of an animal, my first thought really was that some degree of possession may be at work. The young lady may not be as she appears as negative entities can appear to be other than they truly are. Have you and your son considered an exorcism in line with your belief system? Wishing you all the very best. God bless.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-09)
I wasn't scared I would love space travel. It was because of her manner in which she was speaking to me. Holding my hands and acting as if I was royalty. It made me uncomfortable.
I wasn't scared I would love space travel. It was because of her manner in which she was speaking to me. Holding my hands and acting as if I was royalty. It made me uncomfortable.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-09)
Tweed, it is cool because it is our various abilities and knowledge together that solved this. Power in numbers - sort of thing.
E is afraid to tune into anything right now. And I am completely supporting him taking his time to heal. He has been through a lot. I do think these abilities are part of his gaming. He has yet to discover his unique mix of skills/abilities. I think he is at the beginning of a journey. I don't think he is at peace with this possible direction. Baby steps - another movie reference for BM fans.
E is afraid to tune into anything right now. And I am completely supporting him taking his time to heal. He has been through a lot. I do think these abilities are part of his gaming. He has yet to discover his unique mix of skills/abilities. I think he is at the beginning of a journey. I don't think he is at peace with this possible direction. Baby steps - another movie reference for BM fans.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-09)
You're welcome Hecate! It was a thrilling experience following this. So rare when ghost stories have outcomes and *actual answers*!
As for binding, if in doubt leave it out. That's my motto.
Is E comfortable with his medium abilities? I was wondering if it had something to do with his extreme gaming.
As for binding, if in doubt leave it out. That's my motto.
Is E comfortable with his medium abilities? I was wondering if it had something to do with his extreme gaming.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-09)
Thank you, Rook. I have considered this for a long time. I have tried to help contain her negativity because in some ways she does do it on purpose. I use rocks in my imagery, as you know. I enclose her in a loving rose quartz egg that let's love through, as you mention, only the positives. No negatives in, no negatives out. This protects her and others from her. But what it does is leaves her to stew in her own negative stuff, which is huge and toxic. She does not grow. So, I didn't maintain the egg.
Thank you Rook! And thank you all for ALL of your help with this. My life feels so much more peaceful. I have wrapped my son in snow (metaphorically) because he struggles with the feelings of hands on him still, even though I don't feel that energy around anymore. So, we will watch him. He and I need some new habits, too.
You guys have no idea how grateful I am. The picnic is all on Tomasina Route8.
❤ ❤ ❤
Thank you Rook! And thank you all for ALL of your help with this. My life feels so much more peaceful. I have wrapped my son in snow (metaphorically) because he struggles with the feelings of hands on him still, even though I don't feel that energy around anymore. So, we will watch him. He and I need some new habits, too.
You guys have no idea how grateful I am. The picnic is all on Tomasina Route8.
❤ ❤ ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-09)
Hecate, Val, red;
It is such a fine, fine line. If this individual is generating these entirely unconciously then any binding WOULD NOT interfere with their free will...BUT: If they have an idea its happening OR choose to attempt such a feat in the future THEN the binding DOES interfere with their free will.
I once did a binding on an individual that placed the binding around them... It allowed for spells and projection of good intent to 'get out' and effect the world and anything 'self-serving' or of a harmful nature to others to be contained and have no effect. It was a pain to craft and even though my 'intent' was good I believe I did suffer a bit of a Karma Kickback for it. Despite this individual choosing to walk a very dark path.
Now despite Faith and Good Intetions something like this WILL ALWAYS fall into a GREY area. It must be discussed and I myself will pray about what is best to be done. Any feedback is welcome.
It is such a fine, fine line. If this individual is generating these entirely unconciously then any binding WOULD NOT interfere with their free will...BUT: If they have an idea its happening OR choose to attempt such a feat in the future THEN the binding DOES interfere with their free will.
I once did a binding on an individual that placed the binding around them... It allowed for spells and projection of good intent to 'get out' and effect the world and anything 'self-serving' or of a harmful nature to others to be contained and have no effect. It was a pain to craft and even though my 'intent' was good I believe I did suffer a bit of a Karma Kickback for it. Despite this individual choosing to walk a very dark path.
Now despite Faith and Good Intetions something like this WILL ALWAYS fall into a GREY area. It must be discussed and I myself will pray about what is best to be done. Any feedback is welcome.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Red, you say you made a joke so you could laugh. But was that also to cover up that it maybe frightened you a bit. She seemed to get you. It was going well, up to the point that she brought up the alien part. AnneV, the creator of these sites has a strong belief in early alien seeding of DNA on this planet. Look it up and think about it. Have you always had odd illnesses? I think this is something to ponder... Wish I had read this last night. I would have sat on my patio and discussed it into the night with my friend.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Val, I agree with your thinking. She is likely already generating others unknowingly and possibly with intent. She is like a powder keg. It certainly is complicated. I have always been careful what I send to her because of this. I am interested to see what Rook finds.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-08)
Rook & Hecate
Maybe you can help me with this because it seems to be "out there". I was at a retirement party for the school Special Ed. Guidance Counselor. I was having a conversation with a lady who was a semi-retired Kindergarten teacher from another S.D. Even though she lived in my S.D. (pay was better). I told her about having one lower back surgery and needed to have another surgery to fuse the same disks. I told her I have an extra vertebrae in my lower back. All of a sudden she was telling me it was an honor to know me. I asked her why. She told me that I am a Star Child. She then
Asked if ever went out to just look at the stars and wonder about the Universe and if there was life on other planets. I told her yes and she told me that I have the extra vertebrae because I inherited a latent gene that was alien. All I could do to keep from laughing at her was to make a joke asking where my spaceship was.
Maybe you can help me with this because it seems to be "out there". I was at a retirement party for the school Special Ed. Guidance Counselor. I was having a conversation with a lady who was a semi-retired Kindergarten teacher from another S.D. Even though she lived in my S.D. (pay was better). I told her about having one lower back surgery and needed to have another surgery to fuse the same disks. I told her I have an extra vertebrae in my lower back. All of a sudden she was telling me it was an honor to know me. I asked her why. She told me that I am a Star Child. She then
Asked if ever went out to just look at the stars and wonder about the Universe and if there was life on other planets. I told her yes and she told me that I have the extra vertebrae because I inherited a latent gene that was alien. All I could do to keep from laughing at her was to make a joke asking where my spaceship was.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
But isn't that just it, Hecate? "Only when that judgement involves risk to others do we step in an impose treatment." Is this 'thing' not a risk to others? And since this 'thing' is believed to be formed without her knowledge, is it not then outside of her 'free will', as in not of her choosing?
It's really very complex, and I'm not sure there's a right or wrong to it. Rook might find something that makes the 'borders' more distinct. But, I don't think there's a cut and dried way of calling this.
It's really very complex, and I'm not sure there's a right or wrong to it. Rook might find something that makes the 'borders' more distinct. But, I don't think there's a cut and dried way of calling this.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Red, you do not have to learn OBEs to do healing. One way, perhaps. Another recommendation for healing help is Barbara Brennan's "Hands of Light" among others. I have shelves of options, but this is my most concise favorite.
Hecate 😊
Hecate 😊
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Val, unless they are a danger to self or others, all treatment is by permission. Your logic is good. The thing is, with mental health issues, the behavior is still the free will of the individual, it just comes from an individual with impaired judgement, according to society, and the American Psychiatric Society. Only when that judgement involves risk to others do we step in an impose treatment.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
No idea where my mind went there, Rook. Of course it would be on the person and not the thought form - duhhhh. (Sometimes I worry about me.)
Perhaps breaking it down will help?
Conscious thought is the mental state that encompasses a person's rational awareness, whereas unconscious thought is an underlying influence that one is typically unaware of and which impacts a person's behavior. Unconscious thought is best defined as thought or reasoning that takes place when conscious attention is directed elsewhere (Bos, Baaren, Dijksterhuis, 2008).
Free will is the idea that we are able to have some choice in how we act and assumes that we are free to choose our behavior, in other words we are self determined. Mental illnesses appear to undermine the concept of freewill. For example, individuals with OCD lose control of their thoughts and actions and people with depression lose control over their emotions. (McLeod, S. A. (2013). Freewill and Determinism in Psychology.)
Now what is done with folks mental illnesses? They're given treatment (thankfully no longer lobotomies) therapy, and drugs. Are those not forms of 'binding'? For their own good?
Perhaps breaking it down will help?
Conscious thought is the mental state that encompasses a person's rational awareness, whereas unconscious thought is an underlying influence that one is typically unaware of and which impacts a person's behavior. Unconscious thought is best defined as thought or reasoning that takes place when conscious attention is directed elsewhere (Bos, Baaren, Dijksterhuis, 2008).
Free will is the idea that we are able to have some choice in how we act and assumes that we are free to choose our behavior, in other words we are self determined. Mental illnesses appear to undermine the concept of freewill. For example, individuals with OCD lose control of their thoughts and actions and people with depression lose control over their emotions. (McLeod, S. A. (2013). Freewill and Determinism in Psychology.)
Now what is done with folks mental illnesses? They're given treatment (thankfully no longer lobotomies) therapy, and drugs. Are those not forms of 'binding'? For their own good?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
While I cannot be there to teach you, and teaching Projection via the internet would be a BEEP!
I offer this:
The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection: The Out-of -Body Experience By Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips
This is the book that allowed me to 'break through' and have my first 'projection'.
Just remember if you use the techniques it provides you keep your shileds... Your defenses in place.
While I cannot be there to teach you, and teaching Projection via the internet would be a BEEP!
I offer this:
The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection: The Out-of -Body Experience By Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips
This is the book that allowed me to 'break through' and have my first 'projection'.
Just remember if you use the techniques it provides you keep your shileds... Your defenses in place.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Right now everything is okay. I have 4 siblings, an older brother and sister and two younger sisters. The one of the 4 that has anything to do with me is my older sister. My husband got mad at me for being upset over this and told me they weren't worth it. I've more or less moved on because I don't even get invited to family get togethers. Thank you for the support. I've been keeping my shields up. If I need your help in the future I will e-mail you. Although I would love to know how to astral project and do healing on myself especially after I do have my surgery (ies) or heal my daughter of her "aches and pains".
Right now everything is okay. I have 4 siblings, an older brother and sister and two younger sisters. The one of the 4 that has anything to do with me is my older sister. My husband got mad at me for being upset over this and told me they weren't worth it. I've more or less moved on because I don't even get invited to family get togethers. Thank you for the support. I've been keeping my shields up. If I need your help in the future I will e-mail you. Although I would love to know how to astral project and do healing on myself especially after I do have my surgery (ies) or heal my daughter of her "aches and pains".
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Yes, Rook it makes sense. I really am interested to see what you find. She is a complicated young woman. That is a more kind way to put it. Binding this energy generation could help her control herself better. When she loses it, well, let's just say I would love to hear that this can be at least toned down. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
I do not think it's the 'thought form' that needs binding. I believe that will fade over the next 48-72 hours becasue it has lost its 'grip' on the energy source that was helping to sustain it. It was formed, subconsiously, for a specific source (ie: 'E') and now that it is no longer attached it should fade away.
The binding I am looking into involves the unconsious ablity of the person who managed to generate it subconsiously. I am researching to see if that truly 'effects' the individuals 'free will' or not. (Does that make sense?)
I do not think it's the 'thought form' that needs binding. I believe that will fade over the next 48-72 hours becasue it has lost its 'grip' on the energy source that was helping to sustain it. It was formed, subconsiously, for a specific source (ie: 'E') and now that it is no longer attached it should fade away.
The binding I am looking into involves the unconsious ablity of the person who managed to generate it subconsiously. I am researching to see if that truly 'effects' the individuals 'free will' or not. (Does that make sense?)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Martin is revamping the format so the site is more user friendly for those who have to use their phones. He's still working out the kinks, so bear with him through this and I think everyone will approve of the changes.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
I SEE! Humungous, ginormous, how many can I make up to reach 50. Am I there?
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Yep -shrinking comment box and when you refresh -BOOM hunormous everything!
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Val, thank you! I completely get the "bad" part in taking away someone's free will. I am even careful about sending someone's negative energy back to them as I do not want to enhance their negativity nor hurt them. So, I like that you are investigating binding the white thought-form entity. I just did a little healing on my niece for the first time in several years. I surrounded her in green obsidian, a rock with no crystalline structure as it is fast cooled lava. What it does is sucks energy away and sends it out in all directions. I left the intention that it pull her negativity and dissipate it in all directions, not one focused one. A hopeful start.
Thank you for your description. I have one book on spells, but I renovated a few years ago and it is still in a box in my shed. 😊
Thank you for your description. I have one book on spells, but I renovated a few years ago and it is still in a box in my shed. 😊
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Yes, Red, celebration time! I wish you more peaceful vibes with your sister. My niece related to this story is my sister's daughter. They are very much alike. It is so hard when sisters clash. The energy exchange is intense. We had a big family blowout about a year before this thing attached to E. So, I hope yours gets better. Maybe Rook can provide some insights. 😊
P.s. What happened to the comments box? Mine shrunk.
P.s. What happened to the comments box? Mine shrunk.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Seriously? Your sister sounds awful. Does she not know that many Wiccans ARE Christians? ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sorry - folks like that always get me flustered. They just can't stand to see anyone doing better, or being happy. Oh, I bet if something's 'wrong' like you get sick, then she's 'sicker' too. Suffers from a prime case of upmanship does she? I say keep your shields up, and have as little to do with her as possible.
Seriously? Your sister sounds awful. Does she not know that many Wiccans ARE Christians? ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sorry - folks like that always get me flustered. They just can't stand to see anyone doing better, or being happy. Oh, I bet if something's 'wrong' like you get sick, then she's 'sicker' too. Suffers from a prime case of upmanship does she? I say keep your shields up, and have as little to do with her as possible.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Hence your proficiency! Now I understand. I would love to read the one where someone saw you. That would be cool. You have to know I wish there was some way I could repay you. I am so grateful for your efforts. I am sure it is risky when you are "out". Your generosity is uncommon. 😁
Hecate ❤
Hence your proficiency! Now I understand. I would love to read the one where someone saw you. That would be cool. You have to know I wish there was some way I could repay you. I am so grateful for your efforts. I am sure it is risky when you are "out". Your generosity is uncommon. 😁
Hecate ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
I'll try and explain; you know that tieing up a wound is often referred to as 'binding the wound', right? This is similar. Binding spells are a very serious matter. It's the most serious majik a witch can cast. Basically they are used to keep someone from hurting or bothering another's life. The binding can be either temporary or permanent. In general both are considered 'bad majik', because basically it takes away the targets free will, so it shouldn't be done lightly and reserved as a last resort. In your particular case it would be to bind (tie up) this 'thing' from attaching itself onto others - especially E. - which I'm not honestly sure can be done. Rook's gone to hit the books and see if one can bind a 'shape shifting thought form'. This isn't quite the same as a spirit, or as a person knowingly/physically going after someone. Nor is it a case of spell casting. Then the possible outcomes must be weighed and considered. Will the good be greater than the bad type thing. Like I said, it isn't anything that should be done lightly (IF it can be done in your case).
I'll try and explain; you know that tieing up a wound is often referred to as 'binding the wound', right? This is similar. Binding spells are a very serious matter. It's the most serious majik a witch can cast. Basically they are used to keep someone from hurting or bothering another's life. The binding can be either temporary or permanent. In general both are considered 'bad majik', because basically it takes away the targets free will, so it shouldn't be done lightly and reserved as a last resort. In your particular case it would be to bind (tie up) this 'thing' from attaching itself onto others - especially E. - which I'm not honestly sure can be done. Rook's gone to hit the books and see if one can bind a 'shape shifting thought form'. This isn't quite the same as a spirit, or as a person knowingly/physically going after someone. Nor is it a case of spell casting. Then the possible outcomes must be weighed and considered. Will the good be greater than the bad type thing. Like I said, it isn't anything that should be done lightly (IF it can be done in your case).
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
To answer your question... Lets see... Ummm I'm 48... My first successful attempt was when I was 15---no 16 I had just turned 16 so... 48 minus 16... 32 (ish) years.
To answer your question... Lets see... Ummm I'm 48... My first successful attempt was when I was 15---no 16 I had just turned 16 so... 48 minus 16... 32 (ish) years.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Is everything OK? You can e-mail me if you need to chat, my addie is on my profile.
I'm all embarassed now 😳...
Speaking of 'request' for aid... Does anyone rememeber the one where I 'got seen' as a shadow while projecting? I can not seem to find it or I'd post a link.
Is everything OK? You can e-mail me if you need to chat, my addie is on my profile.
I'm all embarassed now 😳...
Speaking of 'request' for aid... Does anyone rememeber the one where I 'got seen' as a shadow while projecting? I can not seem to find it or I'd post a link.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
I am so happy that you were able to remove this thing from E. Celebration time this weekend.
I have this sister that has done nothing with her life. She went to business school but had to quit the few jobs she had because she would get "panic attacks". She doesn't like me in part because my husband is successful. She feels that I don't deserve the things that I have. She also thinks she is wiccan and does not like that what she perceives as my integrating wiccan with christian beliefs. In actuality I've always been a nature lover and respect mother earth but I am interested in other religions.
There have been times that we've gone through tough times for absolutely no reason so I would just say out loud that I want to send back this bad luck to who ever wished it upon us by three. Guess who had their problems magnified, my sister. This hasn't happened for a long time because I do prayers of protection and have a way to shield my home and property that has worked so far. But why would she do this and what would this be called other than resentment. Because of her actions and those of her husbands her marriage fell apart. I don't know why they got married in the first place. They were living at my house and about a month after her husband made a move on me when I depressed and drunk. They moved back to my fathers house.
I am so happy that you were able to remove this thing from E. Celebration time this weekend.
I have this sister that has done nothing with her life. She went to business school but had to quit the few jobs she had because she would get "panic attacks". She doesn't like me in part because my husband is successful. She feels that I don't deserve the things that I have. She also thinks she is wiccan and does not like that what she perceives as my integrating wiccan with christian beliefs. In actuality I've always been a nature lover and respect mother earth but I am interested in other religions.
There have been times that we've gone through tough times for absolutely no reason so I would just say out loud that I want to send back this bad luck to who ever wished it upon us by three. Guess who had their problems magnified, my sister. This hasn't happened for a long time because I do prayers of protection and have a way to shield my home and property that has worked so far. But why would she do this and what would this be called other than resentment. Because of her actions and those of her husbands her marriage fell apart. I don't know why they got married in the first place. They were living at my house and about a month after her husband made a move on me when I depressed and drunk. They moved back to my fathers house.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
zzgranny, that is a great story.
Rook, how long have you been able to project?
Rook, how long have you been able to project?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Miracles and all: Not to toot my own horn, but here's another account of Rook's abilities:
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Actually a Binding may be just the thing... The individual in question is not aware that they are doing something that is harmful to others so an effort to 'contain' the situation would not be 'bad' per sey'. The 'down side' to this is if the individual in question 'subconcious' has addapted this method as a means of 'healing' themselves...then...well you can follow the thought.
Time to hit the books, I wonder if its possible to 'Bind' the ability of shapeing the 'thought form' even if its done unconsiously.
Actually a Binding may be just the thing... The individual in question is not aware that they are doing something that is harmful to others so an effort to 'contain' the situation would not be 'bad' per sey'. The 'down side' to this is if the individual in question 'subconcious' has addapted this method as a means of 'healing' themselves...then...well you can follow the thought.
Time to hit the books, I wonder if its possible to 'Bind' the ability of shapeing the 'thought form' even if its done unconsiously.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Okay, Val, your turn to teach me. What does a binding do?
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Makes me wonder if there's a 'binding' that can be done? But if she's unconscious of even doing it, is a binding even feasible?
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Tweed, I am looking forward to my steak knives. 😆 And tying E to a chair is unnecessary. He is already glued. 😉 He does still have access to them on Face---. I completely deleted my account when family things got too crazy. So, this is her underlying, seething that she does. Perhaps I'll salt the perimeter of the property again tonight, just for grins. 😁
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Rook, We don't communicate anymore. She is somewhat unstable. So, I do not know about her current state of remission. She had been on a good stretch for many years. Do you think her remaining healthy gives her strength to maintain this entity? That seems logical. She would also be sending it to her brother, another person she likes to keep subordinate.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Hecate, about what Rook just said about 72hr reattachment and 12 free stake knives. Maybe tie E to a chair or something so he has zero contact with your niece on, it's your favourite and mine (not really), facetwit and the like.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Rook, yep, two birds...
I will be very vigilant over the next few days. I am glad you feel it will dissipate. Sadly, my niece is likely generating more. She has a huge amount of angst, has since she was born. There is no talking to her. She IS right. ALWAYS! So, I will just maintain my protective barrier. 😊
I will be very vigilant over the next few days. I am glad you feel it will dissipate. Sadly, my niece is likely generating more. She has a huge amount of angst, has since she was born. There is no talking to her. She IS right. ALWAYS! So, I will just maintain my protective barrier. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Here is a question for you... Was your neice 'in remission' during this attachment? If so it should not be long before you receive word that its 'active' again. I do not wish her harm, but I gots a funny feeling that is going to be te case. Unless you can not comfirm that she was doing better sense November.
Here is a question for you... Was your neice 'in remission' during this attachment? If so it should not be long before you receive word that its 'active' again. I do not wish her harm, but I gots a funny feeling that is going to be te case. Unless you can not comfirm that she was doing better sense November.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
"She was very lovely, albeit too white. Funny, my niece has Crone's Disease and is VERY pale, not albino, but pale."
Seeing as this is an 'extention' of herself... Albeit unconcious... Its not suprising it 'looks' like her.
To answer your question, now that this 'thing' is no longer attached it should fade away on its own... Unless (Hecate this is for you) UNLESS it reattaches soon... Like 72 hours soon... Maybe evven shorter than that. Without a source of energy... The type of energy the 'host' thrives around there is no need for it to exist, so it will fade away. No need for postage and handling... No 'shipping' required.
However someone needs to teach that girl how to close herself off or this CAN and WILL happen to others.
How's that... Did I get two birds with one stone.
"She was very lovely, albeit too white. Funny, my niece has Crone's Disease and is VERY pale, not albino, but pale."
Seeing as this is an 'extention' of herself... Albeit unconcious... Its not suprising it 'looks' like her.
To answer your question, now that this 'thing' is no longer attached it should fade away on its own... Unless (Hecate this is for you) UNLESS it reattaches soon... Like 72 hours soon... Maybe evven shorter than that. Without a source of energy... The type of energy the 'host' thrives around there is no need for it to exist, so it will fade away. No need for postage and handling... No 'shipping' required.
However someone needs to teach that girl how to close herself off or this CAN and WILL happen to others.
How's that... Did I get two birds with one stone.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Val, I can feel the whirly-dance! But I was just sitting on my patio thinking about increased protection around my house. Sadly, the person who generated this is my niece. So, I need to send this white thing all the way back to Florida, where she lives.
Rook, was she threatening to you? Did she know you were there? I liked your 'supermodel' thin description. She was very lovely, albeit too white. Funny, my niece has Crone's Disease and is VERY pale, not albino, but pale.
Rook, you have to feel all the positives coming your way! 😁
Rook, was she threatening to you? Did she know you were there? I liked your 'supermodel' thin description. She was very lovely, albeit too white. Funny, my niece has Crone's Disease and is VERY pale, not albino, but pale.
Rook, you have to feel all the positives coming your way! 😁
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Rook, I think it's 6 of 1 and a half dozen of the other. Like Tweed put it, it is very 'trippy' 😆, and I'm not sure 'they' know what to say about it. Me? I got gob-smacked when you described the house and Hecate was oh that's the friends. AND I was busy doing my jumpy weebly-wobbly happy dance for Hecate on the other story.
But now, I have a concern. Now that we know what it is, and think we know who generates it (no matter if they don't know they're doing it) what's to be done about it? How do we make sure it doesn't 'get' E again? Or did I miss something?
*Whirls Hecate around in jubilation as they snatch Miracles and Tweed up in the Happy Happy Joy Joy dance*
But now, I have a concern. Now that we know what it is, and think we know who generates it (no matter if they don't know they're doing it) what's to be done about it? How do we make sure it doesn't 'get' E again? Or did I miss something?
*Whirls Hecate around in jubilation as they snatch Miracles and Tweed up in the Happy Happy Joy Joy dance*
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Rook, Miracles, Tweed, others, I am giving huge validation to Rook for verifying so many details for me. And I am happy I detached it from my son. I am still in such a celebratory mood, even at 6:30AM my time. I am still so grateful to you all for all of your help and positive vibes. This has been a very terrific outcome. The Troll Patrol just does not understand what this is all really about, I think. I agree, Tweed, it is too trippy for some to consider real.
I am grateful to be in such a great community here! ❤
I am grateful to be in such a great community here! ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
I find this very strange. Perhaps it's too 'out there' for people to be 'seen with'.
"Wait, huh? What was that...Quick, got to check my face-tweet things for another hit of validation!"
Ho-hum. 😐
"Wait, huh? What was that...Quick, got to check my face-tweet things for another hit of validation!"
Ho-hum. 😐
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
rook - I find it amusing and at the same time annoying. Everyone (speaking generally here) is so quick to jump on the pile to out someone, but when something like this happens, there's no excitement (not the word I want to use but I'm sneaking here and don't have time to search my mind for the right one LOL).
Anyway, as for me, validation is always a wonderful thing. Without it all parties are left wondering. And having people willing to help others (strangers for the most part) says a lot about us.
Anyway, as for me, validation is always a wonderful thing. Without it all parties are left wondering. And having people willing to help others (strangers for the most part) says a lot about us.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-07)
Just an observation here... But does anyone else think its funny that there are more folks who 'chime in' when the Troll Patrol is running amok than when Astral Projection/OBE is validated? Or is it just me wondering about that?
Thank you for the chance to help, and I am very glad I was able to. If you have any more questions or needs concerning this issue, or others, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you for the chance to help, and I am very glad I was able to. If you have any more questions or needs concerning this issue, or others, please do not hesitate to ask.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Rook, I think I might know who this person is who generated this. She doesn't know she does it. You are right. She thrives on others' misfortune so she can pretend to help or know what is best. She is not in healthcare, but her mother is, and she lives with her mother as she is in the middle of a pretty nasty divorce. She is really not a very nice person.
I saw the white woman after he had invited it home. In fact, he was staying with those same friends. He would often awaken in the night when I was in the middle of a difficult time. He telephoned me at about 2AM that night and woke me up while the white woman was beckoning me. I went to get him in the middle of the night that night, too.
I am so much more peaceful about this now. You nailed it, my friend!
Hecate ❤
I saw the white woman after he had invited it home. In fact, he was staying with those same friends. He would often awaken in the night when I was in the middle of a difficult time. He telephoned me at about 2AM that night and woke me up while the white woman was beckoning me. I went to get him in the middle of the night that night, too.
I am so much more peaceful about this now. You nailed it, my friend!
Hecate ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Just glad I could help. One question... When you saw this figure, was it after 'E' had given his invitation...
Do you know the individual I described (not the White Lady but the individual who seems to thrive when others are in crisis?)
It has NEVER been about the Karma...I'm just glad I can help.
If I was to hazard a guess this figure, this 'thought form'...this 'lady' has no color becasue, as you put it, it is formed from the "individual's subconscious".
Becasue 'no thought' went into its formation it has no color, just a functioning shape... As a form from the subconscious instinct allowed it to learn how to manipulate individuals into generating the type of 'energy' its 'host...creator (no...not quite) Ah... Point of origin thrives on. Again the individual this 'came' from is unaware... They TRULY want to help people and have no clue as to why they are attacted to those who are depressed or under extream stress. They simply know that they feel good when they are around them trying to help.
Just glad I could help. One question... When you saw this figure, was it after 'E' had given his invitation...
Do you know the individual I described (not the White Lady but the individual who seems to thrive when others are in crisis?)
It has NEVER been about the Karma...I'm just glad I can help.
If I was to hazard a guess this figure, this 'thought form'...this 'lady' has no color becasue, as you put it, it is formed from the "individual's subconscious".
Becasue 'no thought' went into its formation it has no color, just a functioning shape... As a form from the subconscious instinct allowed it to learn how to manipulate individuals into generating the type of 'energy' its 'host...creator (no...not quite) Ah... Point of origin thrives on. Again the individual this 'came' from is unaware... They TRULY want to help people and have no clue as to why they are attacted to those who are depressed or under extream stress. They simply know that they feel good when they are around them trying to help.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
HAHAHA I have nothing to add other than I'm so HAPPY for you guys getting this sorted/identified and everything! Happy, happy, happy 😁 😁 😁
PS: Yay!
PS: Yay!
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Rook, you are very skilled/gifted (whatever you want to call it). E 'has' had some throat issues, and I think more so at their house.
Okay, ready? I saw the thing you describe. I know it is in my journal spmewhere. I had a series of mini-strokes a year and a a half ago. I was having crazy dreams, but many were OBEs. In one, this very white lady, white everything, and lean, as you mention, was acting very friendly trying to lure me somewhere. She looked at me through a series of mirrors. I AM AMAZED YOU SAW HER. Well, no I am not. I think you are AMAZING!
WOWOWOWOWOWOW! This has been amazing, Rook! I think your karma points just went up. Lol
Hecate ❤
Okay, ready? I saw the thing you describe. I know it is in my journal spmewhere. I had a series of mini-strokes a year and a a half ago. I was having crazy dreams, but many were OBEs. In one, this very white lady, white everything, and lean, as you mention, was acting very friendly trying to lure me somewhere. She looked at me through a series of mirrors. I AM AMAZED YOU SAW HER. Well, no I am not. I think you are AMAZING!
WOWOWOWOWOWOW! This has been amazing, Rook! I think your karma points just went up. Lol
Hecate ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
That's why I was asking if she knew anyone who fit the metal head description.
With the albino figure you saw, do you know what leads to that appearance? Is it the individual's subconscious? It's quite astonishing.
With the albino figure you saw, do you know what leads to that appearance? Is it the individual's subconscious? It's quite astonishing.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Ah yah, it possible. Can't believe we did not think of it on Lightbringers experience. Some things just make you go 'Duh'!
Ah yah, it possible. Can't believe we did not think of it on Lightbringers experience. Some things just make you go 'Duh'!
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Far out Rook!
This is what I was thinking about for LightBringer (I think is her screen name, the lady that saw a figure climbing through her window). A thought form from/of someone she knows. Do you think it's possible for someone who hadn't meditated/tuned in etc to see a thought form in the manner she saw whatever the heck was climbing through her window?
Sorry for the off topicness! On the topic of psychic vampires, (I really hate that term, it's so cheesey!), it struck a chord with me about some being drawn to therapy type occupations, wow!
This is what I was thinking about for LightBringer (I think is her screen name, the lady that saw a figure climbing through her window). A thought form from/of someone she knows. Do you think it's possible for someone who hadn't meditated/tuned in etc to see a thought form in the manner she saw whatever the heck was climbing through her window?
Sorry for the off topicness! On the topic of psychic vampires, (I really hate that term, it's so cheesey!), it struck a chord with me about some being drawn to therapy type occupations, wow!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
"And he would know if they complain of dry throats, etc. I'll check."
My orignal 'impression' while I was 'in' the dry house was that 'E' was having issues with the dry air... So ask him if the drier air at his friends bothers his throat or nose or both.
"And he would know if they complain of dry throats, etc. I'll check."
My orignal 'impression' while I was 'in' the dry house was that 'E' was having issues with the dry air... So ask him if the drier air at his friends bothers his throat or nose or both.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Not really the way I was looking to verify things but... (please have 'E' still ask his friends about any 'activity' they may have noticed last night...)
Well with that 'said' I wish to say something concerning this 'spirit' that attached itself to 'E'...
What I saw is albino white... With soild whit eyes... Not 'cloudy' nor 'milky' but soild white. Long White hair, pale white skin... Tall and thin (think super model thin NOT emaciated skeleton).
Female in form this is not so much an 'entity' or 'spirit' but 'FEELS' like a projection from a Psychic Vampire... The individual that 'generated' this 'form' DOES NOT know they are a Psychic Vampire... You may be able to figure out who they are though... They seem to be the individual who is 'on top of the world' when eeryone around them is experienceing 'hardship'. They are the individual who seems to show up and be all 'bubbly and bouncy' just after 'bad news' has been received. They do not mean to be so 'HAPPY' and their energy, their exuberence can 'spill over' and make those who are down feel a bit better.
In the case of 'E' his pre-existing condition was a becon for this individual, not that they knew it, AND a Psychic Thought Form (Astral Form) was generated and that is what was 'invited' by 'E'. The individual in question has not had to interact with so many people to get their 'fix' of 'negitive emotions' and has continued to be Upbeat and Energitic ever sense 'E' gave his invitation. Again I stress this individual does NOT know they do this... All they know is they seem to be 'at their best' whe they are around others 'at their worst'. So they like helping others, they may even work in the Therapy or Hostipal 'world'.
The more positive and 'upbeat' you and 'E' can be the easier this will be to get rid of. A good cleans and shield of (for?) 'E' will also help... A Salt and Rosemary bath with perhaps some Holy Water mixed in.
The Kittens are a great Idea... My Family has proven to be a 3 Cat Family, so I know it takes different animals in different amounts to complete and protect a Family.
Is there music 'E' likes? Something that makes him happy, stuff he will sing along with? Hobby (ies) that 'destract' him and make him happy?
Once removed this 'thought form... Astral form' should disapate on its own and then the individual who is the 'Psychic Vampire' will once again start 'bouncing' from 'emotional stressed individual' to 'emotional stressed individual'. (I do not mean that in a 'bad' way.)
Well with that 'said' I wish to say something concerning this 'spirit' that attached itself to 'E'...
What I saw is albino white... With soild whit eyes... Not 'cloudy' nor 'milky' but soild white. Long White hair, pale white skin... Tall and thin (think super model thin NOT emaciated skeleton).
Female in form this is not so much an 'entity' or 'spirit' but 'FEELS' like a projection from a Psychic Vampire... The individual that 'generated' this 'form' DOES NOT know they are a Psychic Vampire... You may be able to figure out who they are though... They seem to be the individual who is 'on top of the world' when eeryone around them is experienceing 'hardship'. They are the individual who seems to show up and be all 'bubbly and bouncy' just after 'bad news' has been received. They do not mean to be so 'HAPPY' and their energy, their exuberence can 'spill over' and make those who are down feel a bit better.
In the case of 'E' his pre-existing condition was a becon for this individual, not that they knew it, AND a Psychic Thought Form (Astral Form) was generated and that is what was 'invited' by 'E'. The individual in question has not had to interact with so many people to get their 'fix' of 'negitive emotions' and has continued to be Upbeat and Energitic ever sense 'E' gave his invitation. Again I stress this individual does NOT know they do this... All they know is they seem to be 'at their best' whe they are around others 'at their worst'. So they like helping others, they may even work in the Therapy or Hostipal 'world'.
The more positive and 'upbeat' you and 'E' can be the easier this will be to get rid of. A good cleans and shield of (for?) 'E' will also help... A Salt and Rosemary bath with perhaps some Holy Water mixed in.
The Kittens are a great Idea... My Family has proven to be a 3 Cat Family, so I know it takes different animals in different amounts to complete and protect a Family.
Is there music 'E' likes? Something that makes him happy, stuff he will sing along with? Hobby (ies) that 'destract' him and make him happy?
Once removed this 'thought form... Astral form' should disapate on its own and then the individual who is the 'Psychic Vampire' will once again start 'bouncing' from 'emotional stressed individual' to 'emotional stressed individual'. (I do not mean that in a 'bad' way.)
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Rook, I think that is my son's friends' house. Here, many houses are 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. Mine and theirs both fit this category. But theirs is off white with brown trim and a garage. Mine is light grey, with dark blue/grey trim, and a carport - used for the truck. I humidify, even using my blessed water. It is even considered drier where their house is located. I expect you do not have to try again. I think this is their house. I will have my son ask them about the kitchen. I did remodel mine 7 years ago. So that point is in question. And he would know if they complain of dry throats, etc. I'll check.
Thank you! Remember my healing offer. I mean it! ❤
We have other issues to deal with for my son but hopefully we can keep this thing at bay. I am still going to buy more salt.
Blessings on you, my friend!
Thank you! Remember my healing offer. I mean it! ❤
We have other issues to deal with for my son but hopefully we can keep this thing at bay. I am still going to buy more salt.
Blessings on you, my friend!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Purhaps your shileds are holding very well indeed and a 'foriegn spirit' cannot get past.
Having said that I was somewhere during last nights projection...
Single Level (Ranch Style) Home, 3 bedroom 1.5 Bath. Faded 'off white' exterior with dark brown trim (windows and roof line) Garage not used for cars but for storage... With just enough room for a card table that is used for games. Very dry inside the home, occupants complain of nose bleeds or sore throats once or twice a month and could do with a humidifier. Kitchen updated with-in the last 3-4 years.
If I 'missed' I get one more try... (3rd times a charm).
Purhaps your shileds are holding very well indeed and a 'foriegn spirit' cannot get past.
Having said that I was somewhere during last nights projection...
Single Level (Ranch Style) Home, 3 bedroom 1.5 Bath. Faded 'off white' exterior with dark brown trim (windows and roof line) Garage not used for cars but for storage... With just enough room for a card table that is used for games. Very dry inside the home, occupants complain of nose bleeds or sore throats once or twice a month and could do with a humidifier. Kitchen updated with-in the last 3-4 years.
If I 'missed' I get one more try... (3rd times a charm).
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Rook, I have not noticed anything other than my cats were a little more alert last evening. I had one more strange head feeling, as I had the day before at the doctor's office. Nothing else. How do you interpret this?
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Rook, the park where we walk has lots of green. But I bought my house because it has a 60 foot evergreen tree in front, very rare here. The original owners planted it back in the 1950s. All other large trees on my street have died. Mine has a very nice energy. I just go lean my back against it. I also like your energy exchange visualization. That is one of my usual grounding techniques. Getting my son to do it can be a challenge. I think he is getting better since we started this removal process, though. Today we need to talk about grief. I am sure he misses the things that drew him to it. So, conversations.
Miracles - we both love watching the cat's antics. One of them is his, and they have a very special relationship. She is manx, born without a tail. Her personality makes up for that. She is a character. So, she has been a source of support through it all. We lost her brother last August, which was tough. But I believe in 'back-up' pets. We are thinking of getting a couple of kittens. I think that might be very healing.
Miracles - we both love watching the cat's antics. One of them is his, and they have a very special relationship. She is manx, born without a tail. Her personality makes up for that. She is a character. So, she has been a source of support through it all. We lost her brother last August, which was tough. But I believe in 'back-up' pets. We are thinking of getting a couple of kittens. I think that might be very healing.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Hecate - does your son find solace in holding the cats, especially if they'll just cuddle and purr? I can't do that now because our Demon doesn't like to be held or cuddled, rarely even purrs (odd cat LOL), but I can remember how soothing this is.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Two Words
Next time you are out for a walk, kick off your shoes in a grassey area... Work them deep into the grass (check for ants and other 'bugs' first 😲) Then take a deep breath and visualize all the negitive energy and thoughts flowing out of your body through your feet so they can be dispursed by Mother Nature. Take a few deep breaths and when the are feels 'clear' Inhale DEEPLY and visualize the warm, peaceful POSITIVE ENERGY from Mother Nature filling you up from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Relax and take in the beauty that is around you. (If there is no grass due to Arid Conditions the same can be done with any of the natural ground covering from your area.
Next time you are out for a walk, kick off your shoes in a grassey area... Work them deep into the grass (check for ants and other 'bugs' first 😲) Then take a deep breath and visualize all the negitive energy and thoughts flowing out of your body through your feet so they can be dispursed by Mother Nature. Take a few deep breaths and when the are feels 'clear' Inhale DEEPLY and visualize the warm, peaceful POSITIVE ENERGY from Mother Nature filling you up from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Relax and take in the beauty that is around you. (If there is no grass due to Arid Conditions the same can be done with any of the natural ground covering from your area.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-06)
Red, thank you so much. It can be so complicated. Depression as well as bipolar, I think these attract entities that add to the imbalance, what happened with my son. He isn't a horse person, but we do like to walk in the park. We even drive north to the mountains at times. I think we should do that again soon. We have two pet cats, and they add much comic relief. I thank you for your positive thoughts. I truly believe they reach the people we send them to, so thank you!
Hecate ❤
Hecate ❤
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
I am sending as much positive energy that you need your way. Because you helped me tremendously with my problem in my last story I feel much better and lighter. Except when my daughter starts in, my husband and I think she is bi-polar but refuses to seek treatment. We can't force her to because she is 29.
WhiteWolf and I are very close. Several nights a week we just make each other laugh. May I suggest you try the same? Or as val said look foward to doing something special with him. Does he like to ride horses? Here on Long Island there are a couple of stables that run a horse therapy program for special needs children I think depression would fit into that category. Maybe they have a program like that where you live. I'm sorry I'm just trying to make suggestions that will make him happy because this entity is feeding off of his misery.
Sending you BIG HUGS.
Red ❤
I am sending as much positive energy that you need your way. Because you helped me tremendously with my problem in my last story I feel much better and lighter. Except when my daughter starts in, my husband and I think she is bi-polar but refuses to seek treatment. We can't force her to because she is 29.
WhiteWolf and I are very close. Several nights a week we just make each other laugh. May I suggest you try the same? Or as val said look foward to doing something special with him. Does he like to ride horses? Here on Long Island there are a couple of stables that run a horse therapy program for special needs children I think depression would fit into that category. Maybe they have a program like that where you live. I'm sorry I'm just trying to make suggestions that will make him happy because this entity is feeding off of his misery.
Sending you BIG HUGS.
Red ❤
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Thank you. I expect an early night myself. I'll be alert. 😊
Good luck!
Good luck!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
I will make another attempt tonight... Just a heads up... I will focus a wee bit more on the where I am going than on following the energy... Once I complete my 'validation tasks' I will follow the energy trail.
Once more into the breech.
Once more into the breech.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Thank you, Rook! I had e-mailed some of my peaceful experiences. I was not sure if that was part of it. If we should ask his friends questions, he is up now and able to do that. He still feels hands touching him. I grit my teeth as I write this. Poor kid.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Ok...I ca. Explain a wee bit without giving anything away... I projected... Call it OBE or Astral Projection and while 'out' I attempted to to effect the physical suroundings I found myself in... I attempted so very specific things hoping they would be noticed... I e-mailed the things I was attempting to Miracles BEFORE doing anything so she could validate any experiences had by Hecate or over at the friends house.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Tweed, your tiny print didn't work. 😆 You are probably right, though. And, I was about to grab my favorite crystal ball and wand team and have a meditation time. But I knew it would be made more difficult now with the pondering of the source from whence such a humorous, talented being emerged.
Thanks for your continued support. ❤
Thanks for your continued support. ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
(umm guys, if I could type this in tiny print I would, because I don't want to interrupt and obviously don't know the full scale of any methods being used etc.
But in case it helps, maybe having a computer on and surfing the net isn't really in the best interests of sensing/feeling/receiving confirmation/validation stuff etc. I know I couldn't be completely open with YGS in front of me. 😆
Well anyway just thought I'd make a suggestion. Now I shall scuttle off back whence I came.)
But in case it helps, maybe having a computer on and surfing the net isn't really in the best interests of sensing/feeling/receiving confirmation/validation stuff etc. I know I couldn't be completely open with YGS in front of me. 😆
Well anyway just thought I'd make a suggestion. Now I shall scuttle off back whence I came.)
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
And yes, I am still tuning in but really haven't felt anything here. My schedule has been somewhat light so stayed open since you so kindly offered to do this for me. And my cats have not acted out of the ordinary.
My son is pretty numb right now, sadly. So, I cannot ask for his extrasensory input.
My son is pretty numb right now, sadly. So, I cannot ask for his extrasensory input.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Rook, I have felt no odd activity at my home. Yesterday, while taking my son to the doctor, at 1:30 PST, my anxiety level went up. I tried to tune in sitting in the waiting room and couldn't locate the source, and thought it might be related to you. I then felt a little dizzy, head got weird. And then it want away. Nothing after that. But of course, this could be just me.
My son is still not active yet. Miracles is thinking of ways to help us ask them questions without giving away your method.
My son is still not active yet. Miracles is thinking of ways to help us ask them questions without giving away your method.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Yes, she has the information already. It seems you had no odd activity at your home... Or are you still gathering information?
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Rook, my son is going to start a Facebook chat with his friend in a while. His medicated sleep is very hard to disrupt. He is slowly coming to the surface.
Regardless of the outcome here, I still offer my healing services to you and your family if you EVER need them. Just let me know. ❤
Regardless of the outcome here, I still offer my healing services to you and your family if you EVER need them. Just let me know. ❤
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Does Miracles already have the details? I know their house. I might be able to answer questions about it.
Thank you...
Thank you...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
I am not saying one way or a other until after validation... I wish to make sure I was in the correct place before I relate any details.
When I project I do not always end up at my 'target' but where my help is most needed. Because of this I request validation.
Thanks in advance...
When I project I do not always end up at my 'target' but where my help is most needed. Because of this I request validation.
Thanks in advance...
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Of course, I meant "their" house. I am distracted trying to see if I can detect Rook's cues...
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
A_A, I think my son's friends are unaware of this entity in their house. They do not relate the strange behavior of their tenants to it since they do not sense it. I have asked my son to talk with them about it, but he says there is no easy way to bring up the topic. That is also why I hope this thing doesn't go back there to attach to the next tenant or guest in that room.
I think there house is on land that has had a lot of Native American activity. It is in the town of Maricopa, AZ, USA, historically the hub in Arizona before Phoenix became the capital. Lots of history there.
I think there house is on land that has had a lot of Native American activity. It is in the town of Maricopa, AZ, USA, historically the hub in Arizona before Phoenix became the capital. Lots of history there.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
The way you word that, Rook, I really hope it is back at their house, where he originally found it. But I had hoped we could somehow make it move on. I don't want them saddled with it again.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Thanks, Samtillie. I think we become more knowledgeable when a loved one struggles in an area. Luckily, I do have a background in psychology, but not the mental health side. I also studied paranormal things for over 30 years. So, we have lots of tools to try to sort this out. But even so, something can blindside you. This site and the very knowledgeable and generous people here have not only given me amazing information, but rejuvenated my spirit when, as Valkricry put it, my wings have been broken. You guys ROCK! 😊
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Rook, again thank you. The friends are unaware this is going on in their home. So he cannot ask them. Did you follow to my house or only to theirs? They are 35 miles south of us, as well. Is my house okay?
Do you like the moniker Saint Rook? 😆
And thank you Miracles. I may want to answer some more personally. We'll see. Thanks for helping.
Do you like the moniker Saint Rook? 😆
And thank you Miracles. I may want to answer some more personally. We'll see. Thanks for helping.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Hecate, its clear you are knowledgeable about mental health from your post. I feel your son will get better, the key is to be strong and resilient, as difficult as it may seem. He has the support from you too which is fantastic, (I don't want to sound patronising). I truly hope he feels better soon. Its amazing how many people offer their help on here.
I think we should rename ROOK, SAINT ROOK. 😉
I think we should rename ROOK, SAINT ROOK. 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Hecate - if you prefer not to divulge info in the comments section, you can always send it to me via email and I can confirm or deny.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
To all of our regular readers, lurkers and long time posters... Please stop feeding the Trolls... It seems they have gotten wet and were fed after midnight.
And now for something completely different...
An ON TOPIC comment made in the intrest of helping the O/P.
Before I post anything I saw I ask for a validation... You may need to ask E's friends (the home where he first met this entity) if they experienced anything in the past 36-48 hours. I provided our Miracles with a list of 5 physical things I would attempt so my presence could be validated while I 'projected'.
Validation is simple... Please post anything odd that you or those friends may have noticed in the past 36-48 hours and Mircales will let's us know if they match my list... The only thing is ALL of the events must be in the same house as I only followed the 'energies' to a single location.
Thanks for the chance to help.
And now for something completely different...
An ON TOPIC comment made in the intrest of helping the O/P.
Before I post anything I saw I ask for a validation... You may need to ask E's friends (the home where he first met this entity) if they experienced anything in the past 36-48 hours. I provided our Miracles with a list of 5 physical things I would attempt so my presence could be validated while I 'projected'.
Validation is simple... Please post anything odd that you or those friends may have noticed in the past 36-48 hours and Mircales will let's us know if they match my list... The only thing is ALL of the events must be in the same house as I only followed the 'energies' to a single location.
Thanks for the chance to help.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Nataschalo - this is a ghost stories site, not spiritual healing or help with pregnancy. Try asking your question to the members of our sister site and see if they can help you. Http:// Good luck 😊
I've deleted your comment to keep the comments on track with this story.
I've deleted your comment to keep the comments on track with this story.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
T-to-the-R-to-the-O-L-L! Why have all 3 of you chosen *this* story to ask your random questions on? 🤔 Why have you ALL done this on the same day? 🤔 Why after Hecate asked about what's his face? 🤔
CHUNKYB3AR (1 stories) (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
I'm sorry for writing in the comments section but I do have pets. My dog is always looking up and behind me. My cat also does the same what can this mean?
A_A (1 stories) (37 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Why does your son's friend have have unwanted "visitors" lurking about his house. And from my understanding this fiend is aware of this "activity" but seems to not care. And if he is aware of this "activity", why does he let people rent out the room?
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Respected_Member-YGS - are you really
Abhijeet Jayvant Patil
Is your village so boring you have nothing better to do? I used to do calculus when I was bored. You should try it. Come back to this when you have really had some experiences. I really hope you can see above your prior self. Be more, Abhijeet. Do not lower yourself.
Abhijeet Jayvant Patil
Is your village so boring you have nothing better to do? I used to do calculus when I was bored. You should try it. Come back to this when you have really had some experiences. I really hope you can see above your prior self. Be more, Abhijeet. Do not lower yourself.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
Thank you, Val. Your words are very uplifting. Regarding your question, I live in the desert. Lol But there is a park near us that has a waterway and trees, ducks and geese. I get great photos there. It is time we returned.
I like your ILAC. Thank heavens wings heal, especially with the help of friends. 😊
Thank you!
Hecate ❤
I like your ILAC. Thank heavens wings heal, especially with the help of friends. 😊
Thank you!
Hecate ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
I give to you words that were given me, when my wings were broken. We do not need to keep repeating patterns that cause us pain. Nor do we need to allow others to mandate how we feel. Always remember and tell yourself, ILAC - I Am Lovable And Capable.
Is there a lake or stream near you? Some woodsy area? Perhaps a picnic or if possible a bit of camping would help you and E. For me nature and running water always helps with renewal.
I give to you words that were given me, when my wings were broken. We do not need to keep repeating patterns that cause us pain. Nor do we need to allow others to mandate how we feel. Always remember and tell yourself, ILAC - I Am Lovable And Capable.
Is there a lake or stream near you? Some woodsy area? Perhaps a picnic or if possible a bit of camping would help you and E. For me nature and running water always helps with renewal.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
Thank you, Val, I feel your positive vibes. Your kind words struck a chord. I am tearing up, but certainly in a positive way. I have been working on more meditation. But as you can imagine, this has been very draining. So, you are SO right. And we do need things we do together. The other part is reminding me that I cannot fight this bully for him. Oh, man, I needed to hear that! 😳 Feel my gratitude coming back at you. I remember you sending me a big hug after reading my story about my Dad, if I remember correctly. You are good at sending your positive vibes. 😊
Thanks for all your input.
Hecate ❤
Thanks for all your input.
Hecate ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
Sounds like Tweed and Rook have pretty much covered all the bases, and you'll be getting a 3rd party assessment as well which is all very good. 😊
The only thing I can add (from personal experience) is to be sure you take care of yourself as well. It can be a vicious cycle. As parents, we hurt because our kid hurts. In turn they hurt even more in response to our hurt, which causes us more worry, which feeds their depression which - it can be endless, and in your case a energy supply for that 'entity'.However, if you can increase your positive energy flow, just the opposite can happen. Tweed smacked the nail on the head when she said E holds the key to banishing this presence. You can not fight this bully for him, only fight alongside of him. But you need to be healthy and strong yourself, so that E can draw from your positive energy. Try and find things that you can look forwards to doing together. Or treat yourselves to something *special*. It doesn't need to be extravagant, just something that makes you both happy.
Sending all the positive vibes I can muster.
Sounds like Tweed and Rook have pretty much covered all the bases, and you'll be getting a 3rd party assessment as well which is all very good. 😊
The only thing I can add (from personal experience) is to be sure you take care of yourself as well. It can be a vicious cycle. As parents, we hurt because our kid hurts. In turn they hurt even more in response to our hurt, which causes us more worry, which feeds their depression which - it can be endless, and in your case a energy supply for that 'entity'.However, if you can increase your positive energy flow, just the opposite can happen. Tweed smacked the nail on the head when she said E holds the key to banishing this presence. You can not fight this bully for him, only fight alongside of him. But you need to be healthy and strong yourself, so that E can draw from your positive energy. Try and find things that you can look forwards to doing together. Or treat yourselves to something *special*. It doesn't need to be extravagant, just something that makes you both happy.
Sending all the positive vibes I can muster.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
Tweed, that hit an old button. I had a psychiatrist years ago tell me I replaced my ex-husband with my graduate school mentor. But I had not met my mentor when I accepted the program. Interesting, though, here it would seem we attract it, right? Even unknowingly, and from the other side, too. I hear what you're saying... This is why the bullying counseling, re-empower him... Huge hug to you!
Hecate ❤
Hecate ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
You're welcome. Glad you've got a program in your area. Sometimes we replace old abusers with new ones. It *might* be linked with how this spirit found her way to him too.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
That is a really good point, Tweed. He had tons of standard, I call it Blah blah blah therapy. They cover grief, anger, co-dependence, things like that. Helpful, but not targeting each individual's needs. I have been thinking more in terms of serious behavioral therapy, helping with goal setting and life skills. But the dis-empowerment he experienced, both from the bullying in 6th grade and a very nasty 5th grade teacher left him with this depression. So, I think you are right. That is likely important. We have access to a program that will have someone who specializes in bullying, I'm sure. I'll check. Another - thank you!
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
Did he ever have counseling for the bullying? I know he's seen professionals for depression but specifically targeting what he went through with bullying could also help.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
Luckily he has done a lot of game design as well as play, and moderates a couple of forums. The design is what makes me happy because he is conceptualizing the big picture AND doing the gritty coding. So he hasn't stalled his brain completely. We home schooled due to bullying, before he had his growth spurt. By the time he was 15 and we had gotten him into the local community college, he was 6'1". No more bullying. But he has drifted away from school because of the depression. So, his programming has kept me optimistic. 'Cause he sure can marathon a game when he wants to... 😊
Your thoughts help. Literally. I am grateful for all of the positive energies. ❤
Your thoughts help. Literally. I am grateful for all of the positive energies. ❤
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Ever since I read that someone saw you while projecting I've been meaning to do a searchy-wearchy. Well I've now been doing just that and can't uncover the story. Bit disheartening as I'm usually a champ at finding things. Can you remember any detail about said encounter? Anything specific that may help refine the search-ammathing-results?
Or anyone else remember any details of this that could help?
Thank yous in advance!