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Be Careful What You Invite Home


Over the last two weeks, my son and I have been removing a very negative entity attached to him. I'll call my son E. It is a long story, so I will hit the highlights.

E has struggled with depression for a long time. I had some stresses with some threatening students a few years ago, a stalker, and another who threatened me and shortly after murdered someone. He was released for over a year on self-defense. But they rearrested him. This led to lots of family stress.

I had the first of four mini-strokes in October 2013. When this happened, the bottom fell out for my son. E had a major depressive episode. Big description here, but suffice it to say, things were bad.

In November, he visited friends over night where they play the very politically incorrect game of Cards Against Humanity, and laugh all night long. Good therapy. Well, after everyone had gone to bed, he heard a girl laughing in the living room. He knew no one was up. Then, the laughing moved into his room. He did not feel threatened, and it stayed across the room. He had not realized how open he was, perhaps the depressive episode opened him more. But he could sense quite a bit about her. She was his age, shy.

Well, he invited her home. And she is not a shy little girl. I started to get little nudges that something was wrong. But for a while, he was so happy to have her to interact with. I know this sounds crazy, as usual for my stuff. Well, his depression worsened. He has been on a medication roller coaster, I cannot count the number of meds he had increased/decreased dosages. His poor liver. Anyway, he had to be hospitalized in early February of this year. We lovingly call it the loony bin. They balanced his meds, for a week... Grrrr. Six weeks of intensive therapy, and he still hears his girl, even though somewhat less so. He is now on a low dosage antipsychotic at this point. So, we figured she must be a real ghost and not psychosis. And we have been asking that question over and over.

He was suicidal again in April. She supposedly talked him out of stepping in front of the train. Must have wanted more of his energy. The depression and suicidal thoughts started to dip that way again in June. That is when I knew we had to get rid of her/it.

Rook's cleansing method to the rescue! I am well stocked with those tools as I have been doing these for years. I already have six selenite wands around my bedroom creating a protective vortex. So, when my son said he was going to visit his friend's again two weeks ago, I got to work. I bought salt and made blessed water. (Masaro Emoto studies the crystalline structure of frozen water after various treatments - blessing, thank you/I love you). While my son was away, I blessed the house. I was going to salt it in the early morning before going to get him. But he called at 1:30 AM very nervous that he was being watched. He asked, "I wonder why she can't see it?"

That was when I was able to tell him I thought the whole problem was "her". My worry was his reaction when I told him he was going to have to give her up. Thank the universe that he had started to think she was maybe not as good as she appeared. I hurriedly put salt around the perimeter of our property following that with sprinkles of holy water. Then, at 2AM, I drove 35 miles to get him.

When I picked him up and we started to overtly talk about her having to go, he heard a very nasty voice saying "So, this is how you repay me!" He knew then she was not a sweet little 'she'.

The plan was he would essentially push her away as we backed into the driveway lined with salt. He didn't sleep well that first night. By Monday, he felt he was still being touched. Again, we talked a lot about psychic/psychotic. He doesn't have other psychotic symptoms. He slept in my room, very afraid, feeling better inside the selenite. He scared me, moaning and making animal sounds all night. I don't think my salt was done well enough since I had to do it in the dark on Saturday.

So, Tuesday, the 21st, I am back at Home Depot for the big 40 pound bag of salt. This time, we did the whole process together, house cleansing, salt property perimeter, sprinkle blessed water. E then took a long salt bath and cleansed in rosemary. I went and purchased six more selenite wands for his room. I have had to do healing on him every day, partly to help relax him and to help heal the chakras this thing was draining. This has been terribly hard on him. He visited his friends again last night (Saturday) and we both feel he returned unscathed. The last two guys that had rented the room he stays in when he visits both had some sort of emotional breakdown. One had hidden in the closet for three days before they found him. This was a very nasty entity.

So, have I missed anything? You all have such great suggestions and I am so tired I am sure I have missed something. Do I need to re-salt the property perimeter regularly? We are still not out of the woods with my son's depression. But I hope with this thing gone, he will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel again. It has literally been sucking the life out of him. My take home message here is be careful what you invite home.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Hecate0, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-13)
Doh! I forgot to ask, is your email still valid?

Need more characters, blah blah.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-13)
Hi Hecate,

Hopefully jumping to conclusions here. Sent you an email last weekend, I think it was, haven't heard from you. Not pressuring you to write back or any of that nonsense. You know that's not what I'm about, though I'm concerned perhaps you're not doing so great.

Hope this finds you well. Sending lots of love your way.
BloodEman (2 stories) (59 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-09)
I know a great way to send away that nasty girl. But I want to know that are you reading comments still... Because you have lastly commented 3 months ago...
I will tell the quickest way of sending that girl away.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
Thanks (late), Red! I am barely keeping my head above water. But I have been calling on Gaia as you suggested, and this SO helps. Thank you for reminding me, and for keeping us in your positive thoughts. We need them right now.

Thank you ❤
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-29)
I do hope things get better for you and your son soon. Nobody should have to go through what your and your son are going through.
Sending you prayers and healing thoughts you're way.
I'm also sending BIG HUGS.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-20)
Thank you, Tweed! And Miracles! And Rook! And everybody for all of the help and support. I had mentioned to Rook that when my son was in the psychiatric hospital, he saw all sorts of things on the ceiling at night. His room mate had made a paper Ouija board. I really think so much mental illness is highly connected to psychic ability. And it attracts crazy energies.

E did not connect well with his psychic. But I thought that perhaps he might be difficult to read. I hadn't planned on a reading for myself, but a woman sold me by telling me my aura picture was the highest Buddha energy. Luckily, she had some really spot on insights so she was not a sham. But I am still chuckling about the whole Buddha idea. The weird thing about our pictures is they were nearly alike. I have had other ones done at this store, even two on the same day that were different. I am wondering if my intense healing on him lately moved a lot of negative out. Our pictures had white triangles above our heads, surrounded at shoulders by bright yellow that mellowed into gold around the outer edges to the top. We also filled the picture, out to the edges, also interesting. I had done one of Red's Gaia things that morning around both of us, and I think it helped.

I came away feeling more uplifted than E did. But it still looks like we have some physical/mental health things to work out for him, and that is daunting. I think I am going to try a high quality hypnotist for a possible past life regression. My psychic emphasized how much he is carrying from past lives. I can feel that.

So, my long update. Sorry for the delay. My fall classes started today. 😊

My gratitude is huge!

Hecate ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-19)
:O Oh em gee, thanks EVERYONE for doing your darndest to locate the story! Glad it was offsite and not my search skills needing a buff up!

Hecate, I'm really sorry that things are ongoing with E. I had a feeling things of a more physical nature would resurface after this. But didn't want to spoil the celebration, so kept quiet, sorry.😢 On the bright side you are wise, balanced and will always have help on the paranormal side of the spectrum. Most people can't claim that at all, most wouldn't believe a fraction of what's happened in this thread. You and E have far more power on your side through knowledge of BOTH physical and paranormal.😊 Imagine if you both were non-believers going through this. I'm sure white coats with buckled accessories would look great next season. But the same was once said about the fur trade.

Lexi, click on the submit your story, then it goes to review, then you'll get an email notification if it's suitable for the site and the whole process can take hours or years!
No, that's for giggles. But it can take days or weeks.
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
sorry to intrude or interupt the conversation but could someone please explain to me how I post a story? Much appreciated ❤
Goggzy (guest)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)

My way has helped people in the past, honestly it was young children so sometimes this does have a difference compared to adults for example.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Goggzy - you are right. I was just sharing a personal experience where it didn't work. Hecate is a very smart woman and will go to any lengths necessary to help her son. Everyone is offering their advice so there is no reason why you shouldn't as well. Who knows? Maybe it would work in his case.
Goggzy (guest)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)

I understand this but as you say it's still ongoing so I brought up another method which might work, it might not but trying to figure this case out without actually being the person going through it will be imposible. I believe your method will work through time, unless this is mental/physical and not a ghost but this is unlikely. There has been proof of placebo effect happening with physical illness so I brought this up due to this.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)

Me thinks Miracles hit it on the head... The conversation we are thinking about happened in the 'BIN' and not on YGS.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Rook: OOOPSY! I was wrong. I did search her screen name and her stories are coming up. Gimme a few hours... Or days... Or weeks Laugh Laugh Laugh

But anyway, it won't do me any good because I tried to repost about my boo-boo and didn't have enough time in between comments so it wouldn't let me post and now I just read Miracles reply soooo...

Gotta love run-on sentences LOL
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)

Good advise... But please read ALL of the comments... This is an 'on going' and developing experience. I for one am glad Hecate shared with us and that the members of this site have been able to and will continue to be able to help.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
granny - your memory is fine LOL that conversation occurred offsite.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Rook: Since Whitebuffalo is no longer a member we can't search the site by her screen name. We have to go back through the archives. But if it's any consolation, I do recall the comment thread, just not the story it's on LOL
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Goggzy - I meant to post this comment earlier but got distracted by work. Telling someone nothing is there anymore doesn't always work. I tried that with a 4-year-old. He knew better so we smudged again. When he was confident The Scary was gone, he was comfortable again.

If someone is sensitive, intuitive, whatever term you want to use, to ghosts, just telling them the ghosts are no longer there isn't going to change anything. They may agree just to make you feel better, or they know you're lying but are trying to help and they agree that it's gone. But they know.
Goggzy (guest)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Yeah I know but imagine doing it every week for 10 years say I do agree this may actually be mental and nothing to do with spirits. You maybe are getting a placebo effect with everything in or around the house if this is the case removing them will make your son worse, while telling him they are gone would possibly make him better.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Rook, I agree there is a strong chance that now we are dealing with the physical/mental health side of things. We have had two years of medication hell for the poor guy. And it is one of those crazy - cannot get in to see the new psychiatrist until mid-September - waiting games. Psychics today. If not better by Monday, the day his Doc is in, we may go camp out in the waiting room. He is compassionate and I am sure would spare a few minutes. Thanks for your thoughts and your kindness. 😊

Goggzy - we definitely told it to leave. Salt is cheap - 5 bucks for 40 pounds.

Thanks all,
Hecate ❤
Goggzy (guest)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Hi another way that I have used that has worked is just telling whatever spirit is haunting you do t want it there as buying all this salt etc. Does end up costing a lot quite quickly. You will need your sons help with this as the spirit is attracted to him.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)

Sorry to hear that things are still happening... The store may offer help... But is there anything medical or natural... Maybe something with meds.

This is just my 'gut' talking but I feel this has more to do with 'natural' causes.

Thanks for the update.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Hecate - sorry, work interrupted so I had to hurriedly end that comment. This morning I had intended to send you an email to see how E is doing now, but work 😉 Anyway, I'm sorry to hear he is no better, but good luck at the shop. I love our local one, so hopefully y'all will have something good happen during your visit to yours 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Hecate - actually no, not my Journal just memory bank LOL I'm waiting on Rook to let me know if that's what he's talking about. Let you know how that works out 😆
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Miracles, was it in your journal? You are amazing! Many of you are in how you remember even the comments from several years ago.

My update - E still feels too much touch. It has escalated to some auditory stuff. We are both concerned. We are going today to my favorite psychic bookstore that has an aura camera. They also have several psychics in house every day, so we are likely to get him a reading, too. Hopefully I might have some better things to report soon. Thanks for all of your support.

I am anxious to hear more about the Rook-sighting. 😊

Still here...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
rook - I sent you an email about the experience you and Tweed are talking about. Take a look when you get a second. 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Okay - think I might recall that conversation. Give me a bit to figure out if it's the right one.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Thanks Miracles, apart from the last couple comments here the only other mention of it was a page ago on this story with Rook mention of copy/pasted from previous comment:

"Speaking of 'request' for aid... Does anyone rememeber the one where I 'got seen' as a shadow while projecting? I can not seem to find it or I'd post a link.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Tweed and Rook - I guess I must have lost track of this conversation, so help me out and I'll see if I can remember/find what y'all are talking about.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)
Thanks Rook,

It would seem the assistance of a mod or any long standing member of YGS would go a long way here. Fortunately the search field finds absolutely everything including comments, dates, locations, screen names, story titles, anything. That's how I found the story about the lady using your cleansing method, searching keywords 'Africa, bank card, Rook' it came up straight away.

But so far this is proving very elusive. I've tried searching for what you suggested, found a story by Whitebuffalo about a pond but it didn't seem like the one, from reading the comments.
The toy related one with a little girl is a little more difficult to narrow down.
Actually could this experience be on the psychic site? Because there's a couple results coming up from the sister site, regarding toys.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-08-18)

If memory serves the O/P was whitebuffalo and the experience had to do with water in her yard... You would have to read all the comments to get the full experience.

For the record... I have had no luck with a search either.

If not that experience there is one where I apologized if I had 'been seen' it involved children's toy's and the spirit of a little girl... And most of that actually developed in the comments so I am not sure a search would help...MODS?



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