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BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
Certainly. So he's not deformed beyond recognition. He just has some injuries. The fire makes perfect sense. I think his hair is on the longer side. Nothing past the shoulder though.

It's sad how people can die and basically just be forgotten.;;
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
He survived the fire somehow and later died the same day from injuries caused in it.

If he was a smoker it is likely he was well of and may have lived in a city which helps me out a lot anything else you remember please can you post about it.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
Apparently he smokes. That's just a random little tidbit. My mom used to smell cigarettes in our apartment a lot even when no one around us smoked. I wonder if it was him that opened that curtain for her that time she got up. Anyway ^^

Hmm that's fascinating. I really wonder how he died.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

Yeah it was between him and Adam they both have a big reason to want help Charles died and buried away from home which could have confused him and you may remind him of someone from his hometown sadly they never found out anything about him just that he arrived the day before he died (possibly for work) and what he looked like how he died and his first name. No one claimed to know him when they put flyers up about who he was and they only investigated for one day and never questioned the woman and man he lived with.

He may be wanting to find any possible relatives I am going to look for records on missing persons in this time period.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
I agree. I think it is Charles. I don't think it's the guy burned beyond recognition as I've seen his facial features. But that night a while back, he did look a little beat up. You're really good at your job, sir. I haven't seen much of his hair but I assume it's fairer.

Do you think it's Charles?
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

Yes I do.

Doctor Thomas Ackerman died at 57

Andrew Ackerman who was 29 and the doctors Brother

Willam Akers who was 37 and a brunette with blue eyes (as this is rare they record this)

George Achenback who was 68 (German)

Robert Adams who was 27 and Blonde suffered numerous burns to face leaving him virtually unrecognizable

Charles AAB who was in his late 20s early 30s (they used AAB for out of towners before Doe they knew he was called Charles from Rosa being told by him that this was his name and is now the most likely to be your spirit) had blonde hair, blue eyes and a scar under his eye I believe this to be his Right (thats what's on his record anyway)
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
Do you have a list of those 6 names, Goggzy?

Yeah, he's white and lean. This confuses me a lot.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

Could be he is the wrong man easily could be one of the other 8 names we have that seem likely although if he is white it makes it 6 possible names and 32 less likely (these are Caucasians and Other ethnicities)
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
So he's a white guy from Somalia? Because he is as pale as a ghost with light eyes when I've seen him (no pun intended).
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

Adam came on a boat near Somalia so in that Region. We do know Rosa came on a boat from Eire (Ireland) which was the only passage to Canada from Europe.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
That's ironic because I'm studying French. Lol.

Also that's awesome:) Italian names are so cool.

This does make a little bit of sense. Do you know what Adam Benson was? Because I do have a boyfriend now (who is Irish/German descent) and when I'm skyping with him or mention him the energy in the room is different. Not scary different but... Different.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

I know she is from Europe wether it is Spain, Italy France etc. I don't know yet we do have a record of her in Canada before she worked in New Jersey so high chance she is French although Rosa tends to be associated with Spain. My family is also of Italian descent (Franchetti and Falcone my Cousin is Dario Franchetti)
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
That actually would make a little sense. Thank you for putting so much effort into this.

Was she mixed or simply white or do you not have this knowledge? People tend to think I'm just full Italian or a darker European because my hair is long, mostly fine, and wavy and my features are Italian-ish. So maybe that could be related? Maybe not.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

You maybe remind him of Rosa (his sons mother) I am looking for further records on Rosa but can't seem to find her New Jersey or New York.

Correction we know she had 4 children born 1894 1902 1908 and the one who died
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
Ah alright. He acts romantically so I doubt family unless it's something related to slavery. Man, I'd love to do some genealogy on my dad's side now. Too bad he's super awol.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

The man I'm telling you about is Adam Benson (Benson has been known to be a slave name)
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
I am Italian and African American making me skeptical he is a relative of some kind, although I suppose it is possible for either side to have (I suspect he is some kind of European descent) a possible relative like this. Here's where it gets complicated. My moms family comes straight from Italy and my dad's family is very secretive. They don't tell me anything and I don't talk to them. The last name they have is Muslim. It was changed and I have no idea what the real last name of my dad's side is. So I don't think it would be much help:/
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

If he has a fondness it's unlikely he will become aggressive.

I forgot to ask your surname as he maybe a distant relative could also explain him saying I love you.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
Thank you. That is helpful. I only ask because he seems to have a romantic fondness so I don't want to leave a situation untouched if they have different intentions.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

No it is quite easy to coexist with spirits, my house is haunted by 2 spirits one is a old soldier the other is what me my wife and 6 year old daughter call the yellow woman our house is 10 years old and built on top of a 1890s house and before that it was once a battlefield my daughter isn't scared of either spirits and tends to use my equipment to find them but once again I digress.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
He knows he's dead so at least that isn't a problem. ^^

Is it possible that one can just live their life like this? If he isn't a problem, is it bad to simply coexist?
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

Spirits can attach themselves to anything mirrors are a common example. If a spirit attaches it self to you and you don't want it there you can tell him in your case your name, (if he thinks your someone else he will leave) you can also tell them you don't want him here (this also works on houses with a 90% success rate) there's also a chance he doesn't know he is dead.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
That could be it. Though it is a little strange for them to get latched onto a woman that is living whether or not she reminds them of someone. Do they go away or latch on waiting for that person to pass or something? Or have they been pushed away in most cases? I saw a case like that where the girl moved into a new house and managed to push the male away. I don't remember how she did though.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

It could be you look like someone he loved as spirits don't tend to age.

It's even bern known for woman to be haunted by men 200 years after there death purely because they look like there first love, wife etc.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
I responded to another person in the comments upon hearing him say "love you'. Ugh I feel weird for admitting this. So I don't think he's leaving any time soon with this. He doesn't bother me in ways like hurting me so I've come to accept his presence up to this point. But as I accept his presence I still want to learn more about him.

Is it possible ghosts can feel affection for the living when they haven't known them in life? I feel stupid for mentioning this but I've read so many other stories on here of girls and guys with similar situations.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

I believe it's more likely he was one of the innocent people who died.

If he was a brawler there's a chance he would have been trying to scare you. As this spirit doesn't seem to want to scare you I don't think this us him.

You being able to hear and see him might have scared him more than it did you and now he just wants the help he craves.

Depending on how scared you are of him you have two ways to move him away from you. First one would be allow him to keep talking to you and see whst he wants. Second would be to tell him you don't want him near you anymore.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
Thank you so much. This is so terrifying because I have heard him talk about a fire when I'm in bed and I'm just like "interesting" and now it makes a lot more sense. Though he never mentioned being a brawler but maybe that's so I don't end up pushing him away. He's never asked for help about it which is strange.

Also agreed. Well done.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

Open, cost ten dollars (7.20 gpb) to view each record easily the cheapest rcords I have ever seen.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

Well done sir, well done.

Although I have one question... The New Jersey Archives you contacted... This was all 'open records' search correct? Or was there an actual someone there at 2300 hours (11pm Florida and New Jersey Time)?


Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

I have 9 possible names for you from the fire.

There is also another 54 names which seem less likely as there buried in a diffrent cemetery.

It could be he is wanting help, as the survivors of the fire couldn't agree on who caused the fire, everyone who died was blamed it is known to be a fight between 5 men and 12 innocent people who died, with the bar owner and his employees surviving.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
That's extremely fascinating. This makes me more interested in learning why a man has possibly latched onto me? Escaping whatever happened around that time?
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

The 17 dead in Bar Brawl are buried in Bloomfeild Cemetery
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)
Of course. I don't live there anymore anyway so it's not like you'll stalk me:P I kid.

The place was Bloomfield. Franklin Towers Apt. And that is so fascinating. Thank you so much for doing this.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-14)

Late Last Night (11pm Florida time 3AM UK time) I contacted the New Jersey Archives can I ask what town you stayed in as there is a few possibilities to how he died.

There was what we call a bar brawl in Essex which ended up causing a fire out of 17 people 12 innocent people lost there lifes.

Numerous Homicides.

Numerous other incidents.

All between 1894 and 1914
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
I suppose I could try to do that. I can try to contact the libraries there and see what happens.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)

Contact libraries in New Jersey or a goverment building.

We get records all the time so shouldn't be to hard, some places will ask for a fee if so I will get revords and pay fee for you my team is starting a consultation file for you which will be set to pay out for files etc.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
Thank you so much for still keeping up with this for me. There's not a lot of sources even online to talk about this to. Yes I'm 17. And yes it all started in New Jersey. The reason I used to not want to talk about it was because it wasn't malevolent. How would one go about looking for records?
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)

Joanne could also do Florida as she does country wide.

With you being a minor (didn't realise) would make you a priority if you could get your mum around having one.

I can get New Jersey to send me history records if you want me to maybe can find something out (did it start in New Jersey) as a investigator they tend to let us see books wether they email us the pages or we get hard copies.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
I don't live in New Jersey anymore. I moved out of there a few years ago. I was just wondering if there were paranormal investigators or anyone similar that I could talk to about this. I am not sure about getting an actual investigation atm as I am still a minor and my mother would not approve (she doesn't like to talk about ghost stuff even though she herself experiences paranormal stuff). But I will be legally an adult soon, so it would be nice to know in advance who I could contact in Florida? Also thank you.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)

I have got in contact with a woman called Joanne to see if she has any spots open for your investigation (if you want one that is)
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)

No it certainly won't be extreme to get a team in.

I did an investigation with similar paranormal experience going on with a young child in Lochgilphead Scotland (in my only publish yet). Me and my team caught the first flight back from Madrid Spain to work the case as it was scaring both kid and mother but I digress.

Where in New Jersey do you stay as I know a few investigators who might do the investigation for you.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
I moved out of New Jersey a few years ago so I am not sure how I could check for that. This entity is still following me. Would be asking a paranormal team be a little extreme? I feel like they only deal with big situations like haunted houses and etc.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)

Maybe try looking throughout the towns history books.

You might fnd out who he is, and be able to figure out any possible connection there is between you and him.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-13)
No one has died around me ever. I know there are people who have died in my family but it has only been distant people who have never met me and live in different states. So why would a random ghost (possibly from the 1900s) latch onto me? I have heard many stories of ghosts doing all kinds of things beyond talking and flirting with the living.

Also thank you for responding to me.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-11)
It's not unusual for a ghost to latch onto someone or something (aka residual haunting), a ghost usually latches onto someone who is around when they die (mostly murder victims) when they feel wronged.

One of my investigators had this happen to her and it was her cousin who she went to see in hospital who died, while she was there.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-08)
Also he looked injured as if he had burn marks and bruises on his face. Half the time I don't even know what he is whispering because it's so inaudible and garbled. I have heard him distinctly speak which has terrified me. I have heard him say "I love you" one night in bed, however, it's entirely possible I thought I heard that as I was drifting off into sleep. I suppose that's not too helpful.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-07)
That is possible, Hideaway. I just can't think of what family member it is. It would have to be of someone I've never heard about. Maybe some kind of ghost just latched onto me for some reason. Is that possible? I was reading up on it on this website and it said that ghosts can latch onto people, such as if you moved into some old house. I don't understand why a ghost would do that... Maybe to fulfill something they missed out on in life opposed to just staying put or crossing over.
Hideaway (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-07)
I'm 14 and don't know much about hallucinating or anything, maybe it's a family member protecting you from other evil spirits? I watched a show where a guy had a member pass away recently and a cat showed up out of no where and when the cat went missing once evil spirits started to harm him and he thought the cat was his guardian. And this isn't really specific on what the ghost is saying, just hello. If you said what he was whispering or saying in your ear then it would be easier what it wants. And how injured did he look? Face beat up? 😕 😕 😕
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-07)
It seems to be intelligent and I do think he is not trying to scare you. Wether its a deceased family member or not I can not say but certainly seems like it is.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-05)
[at] Goggzy,

We don't have any antiques. The apartment that we lived in where this started happening was built around 1900. My new apartment was built in the 1970s but it seems to have followed me. The apartment that was built in the 1900s, strangely had a giant x carved into the door when we got there. My mother also experienced paranormal activity there as well, such as the hallway curtain opening for her. Not blowing open, but literally moved as if someone was being courteous.
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-05)
Can I ask if you have bought any antiques and how old your house is.
BlackCatAttack (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-04)
I didn't realize my story was posted yet. So sorry for not responding:)

I know what my maternal grandfather looks like and it's not him. Also my other grandfather is a heavyset black man who is still alive so it's not him. Haha. (I'm biracial).

The thing is, I still feel his presence around me. I don't think he ever really leaves, so I doubt it's a relative. That's an interesting theory to be money jingling:) It might be.

I don't believe it's a male relative. But I agree, they don't seem threatening in the slightest. However, if it's not a relative of some kind I've never met that is watching over me, I have no idea what would attach to me and why. Thank you for your comments.
Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-04)
BlackCatAttack- Miracles51031- I was thinking the same thing... This could possibly be a deceased relative who may just be passing through to say hello. Some spirits have a signature way of letting you know it's them. Maybe the jingling sound is one of them, Do you know of any relatives that have passed on that did this?
Crazydreams (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-04)
An interesting story. Don't be scared. I'm sure this apparition is kind one and I don't think he can harm you.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-03-04)
BlackCatAttack - I want to offer a possibility for the jingling sound you hear. It's a little less scary than a chain 😊 I work with a man who jingles the change in his pocket. There are times I'll be distracted and hear the sound. It takes a second or two to place it, but it's this gentleman jingling the coins.

As for who this man is that you have seen, first I don't get a sense of danger or even attempt to scare you. He seems very affectionate, in a not gross way. Maybe a deceased grandfather or even great? Uncle? Someone in your life that you may not even have known or remember.

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