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Comments for Gorgeous Day - Paralyzing Fear: Page 1

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Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-21)
Bokonon--In a response to BrokenTree you wrote, "I don't 'believe' in reincarnation, I know it's an absolute fact of human reality." You then state, "How I know this so absolutely is way too long a story to type." As a guy who absolutely doesn't believe in reincarnation I think you should take the extra time to explain your firm position.

There are many on YGS who share your conviction. Equally (myself included) there are many who do not. If you are going to make such a bold and assured statement you really have to back it up with SOMETHING.

To me the idea of reincarnation is an unpleasant one. I like to think, and believe from my years of research into paranormal phenomena, that the human spirit moves on to a realm we only have fleeting glimpses of in the form of what are termed as "ghosts" and other associated phenomena. What I have read, and personally experienced, suggests the human soul "moves on". I have had several encounters with the spirits of my Mom and Dad and others I was close to after their deaths and those interactions do not suggest reincarnation.

This is a long (ish) response but it shows I am more than willing to discuss this. Don't let typing a bit keep you from sharing your thoughts. That's what this great site is all about. I love considering new ideas. To end this comment, I would like to add that if there is such a thing as reincarnation, I hope there is a choice for the departed. Speaking for myself, I don't want to keep coming back to a planet that is growing more polluted and overpopulated by the hour. I'm up for REALLY moving on.
Bokonon (1 stories) (5 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-21)
BrokenTree, I don't 'believe' in reincarnation, I know it's an absolute fact of human reality.

How I know this so absolutely is way too long a story to type.

But, your idea that the entity in my story might have known me previously is not something I had considered. Worth pondering.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
Wish Not, I'm posting this to check if it shows up for you or not.

(Sorry for the randomness everyone)
BrokenTree (76 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-03)
Your story is very interesting and I am glad that it showed up now. Your description of the entity is one I have been searching for the last few years. It's the column of smoke that intrigues me. I saw the same thing in my house about 12 years ago. It went from floor to ceiling which is 7 feet. The smoke was a beautiful blue gray curling back into itself. It moved silently and I received no malevolent feelings from it. I did not follow it because it so frightened Little Bear (cat) that he ran past me into the bedroom and under the bed. I couldn't get him to come out so I went back to the front of the house to intercept this visitor. I was too late as it was gone.
I have always wondered who it was as no one has died in my house. It was also the first time I have ever seen an entity in that form. The closest description was when a fellow from England described a small cloud of smoke turning in on itself. He believed it was his cat that died.
Since I am always looking for descriptions like this, I will place your story in my favorites.
As far as who this person was and why they picked you to vent on, I can't say for sure. As an American Indian I would suggest reincarnation and the entity knew you. You probably don't believe in reincarnation and I don't want to foist my beliefs on anyone. As rook implied, it may have thought you were a Yankee soldier coming in to loot the house.
Ann4shadow (1 stories) (36 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-03)
Bokonon, I enjoyed reading your story. You were very articulate. Thank you for sharing its giving me courage to write my own. 😊
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-03)
KiKiGirl- There are quite a few examples of members of YGS being/feeling "electrocuted". I am one and described it in my story "A Complete Violation"

..." As I sat there, my fingers felt as if they were electrified. I could feel an intense current running through them. The whole experience left me worn and confused."

..."My fingers eventually stopped feeling the electric feeling and I was able to calm down, a bit."


Bokonon- I really enjoyed reading your account. Very well written and quite easy to follow. My experience, partly described above, mirrors yours in a lot of ways.

Thanks for sharing
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-03)

Great points, and if Bokonon was wearing a t-shirt, board shorts or swim trunks and flip flops your idea really 'strikes' a cord.


So you were born and raised in Mississippi, well crap, that rules out one of my ideas, that this 'spirit' took you for a 'damn Yankee', entering his Home. 😆

Anyway thanks for sharing...

Respectfully (still pondering),

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-02)
Greetings, Bokonon.

When you consider the nature of inexplicable events such as the negative presence in the historic home, the desire to be believed, or at least to be heard, is difficult to balance against the social pressure of conforming to accepted norms. This can be a very isolating experience; here, on YGS, you're lonesome no more.

As Val suggested, there's no simple way to determine why you were on the receiving end of this supernatural animosity. I would tentatively suggest that the answer may lie in a simple generation gap. If you attended college in the late 1960s (this is a hesitant guess, based upon the website listing you as a "Senior Adult" more than anything else), and you were dressed in comfortable garments for the pleasant weather (e.g.: jeans and a short-sleeved shirt), the relaxed fashions of that time period may have resembled the type of clothing worn by economically-disadvantaged people of the era that the entity considered 'normal.' An apparently-poor stranger walking in through the front door of the home while everyone else was behind the house would alert anyone's protective instincts, no matter how innocent the action may have been. This would account for the feeling of being rushed by the entity, but the entity's having returned to the house when you walked outside to the bench. Your being watched by the entity while you were outside would also be a result of its being protective of the home. Once you'd returned to your car, you were no longer a major concern, so it would leave you alone at that point.

As I stated, this is pure speculation on my part; I'm simply tying together narrative threads with basic human psychology to see if the pattern fits. If I've overlooked some detail, or you remember other data to reject or to support this theory, please let us know. And so it goes.

Bokonon (1 stories) (5 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-02)

Yes, I am originally from Mississippi. My family has been there for a very long time.

And yes - I've been a huge Vonnegut fan for years.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-02)
Bokonon, I can imagine that was a pretty wild experience! I have had a handful of experiences in my life, but, I have never been "electrocuted" or something like that by an entity. It's just so strange, I talk to my Dad about this kind of thing, every now and again, and he's told me one or two stories. What stands out for me is the how very, different paranormal experiences were in those days. It's almost like, the ghosts that we see are changing / transforming with each generation - maybe because of the way we view the world or ghosts, maybe because in those days nobody really investigated or examined this kind of phenomenon or maybe, because transformation is a natural part of life.
I, absolutely, believe my Dads story/ies, so, it was strange that this point came out while you were sharing yours.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-02)

Your screen name interests me... Are you a Kurt Vonnegut reader (fan)?

Based on the information you have provided many good possibilities have been suggested... I have a question...

You mentioned this happened while you were attending Mississippi State University (Junior Year) Is this your home state or are you from another state?


prashantkumar (17 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-02)
It was a very good story. Maybe that was a home conscious spirit. Of what I feel is that you are well and good after this horror, the paralysis one was bad, honestly I'm scared. Take care!
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-02)
Perhaps the column entity just didn't want its home to be toured, Val. You are probably right. You knowledge of such things far surpasses mine.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-02)
Ghosts were people at one point, and just like in life some just really dislike certain people for no apparent reason. Might be bigotry, might be gender based or some other prejudicial issue.
Then too, it's every bit as possible that Bokonon was just sensitive enough to feel what the entity felt towards everyone. I know if strangers showed up on my property and in my house I'd be all "get out!"
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-01)
If it was an historic house, it might be traceable.

Lady-Glow, you're right, this could be an entity that just doesn't like some people. But why some and not others?

I was originally thinking along the lines that Bokonon might have a connection there...
Bokonon (1 stories) (5 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-01)
I have not researched the house or the owners. I never knew the address, my girlfriend just directed me there. Remember, this was not my town I was familiar with, this was hers.

I'm pretty sure she told me the names of the owners (then), but I forgot that. This was many years ago when I was in college and I haven't lived in MS in many years.

I've told that story to three people in my life who I was pretty sure knew me well enough to know I was not crazy.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-01)
Welcome to YGS.

This is such an interesting and well narrated experience!

My guess is that one of the previous residents of the mansion wasn't happy to see you there. I wonder if it usually welcomes all, or only some, of its guests in the same scary fashion. Perhaps in life it (he?) didn't enjoy socializing.

It would be great to ask the current dwellers of the place if they have seen the column and, if so, if it makes its presence known only during the open house day or if it manifests at random times.

Thanks for sharing this fascinating experience.
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-01)
Bokonon, you tell a story well; thank you for sharing it with us.

It's obvious the malevolent presence you felt was very strong. Have you ever researched the house and its previous owners? Is it possible you have a connection with them?

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