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Succubussed (guest)
15 years ago (2008-11-02) say, "a general pattern of behavior is better to expect than is a carbon copy of myths about these spirits found online."

What do you mean? A "general pattern of behavior?"

Your comments read like fortune cookies.

There is NO GENERAL PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR with these beings, as they are all individuals, just as we humans are.

Some are loving and gentle, some are violent rapists, and everything in between.

I would hesitate to give anyone advice regarding these beings except to JUDGE FOR YOURSELF.

Keep in mind that if you engage in a relationship with these beings, that it is addicting to the extreme and can usurp all of your earthly interests.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-02)
As for the unexpected, xxmeganxx, keep in mind that erotic spirits are individuals as we are; a general pattern of behavior is better to expect than is a carbon copy of myths about these spirits found online.
If you feel comfortable go with the flow and try to communicate.

Remember too that since your visitor is a person with feelings and thinking ability, the "pervert" tag might not be its idea of a friendly reception!
Your visitor could see it as if you're an ice cream fan who, after enjoying the ice cream, proceeds to spit at the giver or call him names.

XXMeganXX (1 stories) (17 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-02)
Succubiluv- maybe its the sex part. Could be both the unexpected and the sex.

I find it all very interesting to say the least. ^-^
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-01)
To be sure, xxmeganxx, according to info on the subject, incubi and succubi very often if not most often visit one partner repeatedly, or they engage with more than one at a time repeatedly.

Are you calling the spirit perverted because it has sex with you, or because its dealings are not what you expect?

Welcome back... 😊
Hoochler (1 stories) (263 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-01)
No, incubi actually PREFER to have sex with the same person over and over. You are describing classic behavior of a typical incubus.

You are dealing with an incubus.
XXMeganXX (1 stories) (17 posts)
15 years ago (2008-11-01)
Hey, sorry for not being on in a while. I've been busy with studies for school. >.< I'll try my best to stay on target. ^-^

As for my perverted demon, the touchings have been more...well... Perverted to say the least. I think the ghost has been having sex with me. I'm not sure if it is though.
I feel vibrations sometimes down there. And one time I was being rocked back and forth.
But If it truly is having sex with me, doesn't that not make it an incubus? I thought Incubus didn't have sex with the same woman twice. Its been more than twice.
I'm confused. I think I'm being haunted by an extremely perverted ghost.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
15 years ago (2008-10-31)
To xxmeganxx:

Hi there. If you're still around, just want to say I'm all ears for an update from you 😊.

Also want to say I appreciate your posts.
Instead of pointlessly chattering about conjectures and your view of somebody else's disagreement as some do on here, you stick to the point.
Thanks a lot for that! 😊
Forbidden_Love (42 posts)
15 years ago (2008-10-24)
Hey megan, have you found any information on your perverted demon yet...
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
15 years ago (2008-10-24)
Hey xxmeganxx!

How are you? Doing any research on your experience?
Just to point out, if you should want to look it up--I now make a retraction of the post I put up on here dated 10/12/08 about the biblical accuracy of a statement made on the origin of erotic spirits.

There are various views on that, and so I don't wish to credit any particular belief on that subject.
If you care to, you may search and find the viewpoint that you're comfortable with.
Meantime, hope all's well with you 😊
XXMeganXX (1 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-15)
Last night I was in my bed and it felt like something was in between my legs... Not intercourse exactly but pretty close. And after about five minutes I felt someone hugging me. Then something unexpected, I herd him whisper my name in my ear. It scared me at first then I thought it was sweet.
Succubussed (guest)
16 years ago (2008-10-15)
Thanks for explaining your theory, Lisamaxw. I know that you wrote your comment, tongue-in-cheek, but you raise some valid points and I feel that those points merit discussion. In order to present my position I'm going to quote you.

You said, "Is it possible that, at one time, they may have had the "right equipment" to get the job done, so to speak? Maybe as a result of their actions, their "fully-functioning equipment" was taken away? (Seems like divine justice, to me.) Maybe that's why these things have an overtly sexual nature -- because they're nostalgic for the "good old days" when they had fully-functioning equipment?"

That's an interesting idea, but it doesn't hold up under the scrutiny of first-hand accounts of spirit-sex by those who have experienced it (including myself). According to every account of this experience that I have read of or heard of BY THE PERSON WHO EXPERIENCES IT, the spirit uses what certainly does feel like "fully functioning equipment". I don't want to get too graphic here, but there is the distinct sensation of unseen hands, mouth, and genitals caressing the body of the selected human; male genitals in the case of Incubi (including penetration), and female genitals in the case of Succubae (again not to get too graphic, but I've had a very experienced sex life and I know "that particular feeling" when it happens down there).

And to quote you further, "And if we follow through on the converse -- that they don't have equipment or any need of it, that all they crave is sexual energy -- then they are probably non-gender-specific beings. That would mean that your "she" succubus isn't necessarily a "she." "She'd" be an "it."

Again, this theory does not hold up in the light of first-hand accounts, including several of those accounts found here. To my knowledge, these beings are most definitely gender specific. I can communicate with mine and she has assured me that she has always been female, but to further my point, there are two stories found here on YGS that would indicate that not only do these beings have a set gender, but in some cases thay have homosexual tendencies and attach themselves to unwilling heterosexual human partners.

Here are two examples of this phenomena...

(the first is an Incubus harassing a male human)

(and this is a succubus harassing a female human)

So, I would like to ask you, if the sex-spirit could assume any gender that would be compatible with the human they select, then why would they choose the "wrong" gender?

My position on this is still the same. I do not believe that these beings are the "Grigori" or "Watchers" or "Nephilim" or any other name that has been assigned to the Beings who mated and reproduced with human women in ancient times. I believe that Incubi and Succubae are a distinctly different race of invisible immortal beings who have been having sex with humans for as long as humans have existed, and they do it for the simple sexual pleasure of it. And because they have been at it so long they are extremely good at it and the pleasure that they create for their human partners is indescribable.

I don't think that they are "evil" in the Biblical sense of the word, but they can be harmful in the same way as any other source of pleasure used to excess can be harmful to the person "using" it.

I do have a problem with these beings getting involved with teenagers, however. I'm 50 and have had a rich and fulfilling love-life and if this delightful creature is to be my last sex-partner I am very happy with that, but a 16 year-old girl should have a lifetime of boyfriends and a husband and children to look forward to if she so chooses. The addictive nature of the pleasure that these Beings cause can preclude and prevent that.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
You're welcome, xxmeganxx: Keep the chin up.

Hoochler, your comments show you actually have something to say; you don't ramble on and on.
And your comments are accurate through EXPERIENCE rather than just what you may have read somewhere. Good points about fear.
Well done, my friend, well done.

XXMeganXX (1 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
Hoochler, Succubiluv - Thanks for the input.-
The reason I'm not on often is because I'm in school all the time. Speaking of school, I have a boyfriend there. He was helping me with the homework, when he started to complain about pressure on his chest. Later on in the class I asked for help on the lesson, he made a joke out of it and we both laughed... Then he said it felt like someone just soccer punched him in the chest. And, in the class he kept complaining that something felt like it was squeezing his chest. That has never happened to him. I asked him if he had any recent injuries, he said his brother had once hit him in the chest with a sledgehammer (accidentally). It didn't break any bones, and it was months ago.
As to what made me cry... I really don't know
Probably imbalanced hormones maybe.
Lisamaxw (92 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
Hoochler, thanks for the input. I didn't say that homo sapiens mated with Neanderthals. I suggested that Grigori mated with Neanderthals to create homo sapiens. And if Neanderthals and homo sapiens share no mutual DNA, then why do scientists continue to search for a "missing link" between the two? Like I said, I'm NOT convinced that this happened. It's all a big "what-if," to me. I'm throwing out ideas. Brain-storming, if you will. (Trust me. If you're willing to believe that Earth is the result of a Big Bang Theory, this doesn't seem nearly so contrived!)

Also, thanks for the ideas about lilin/Lilith. What I find about her/it in Jewish lore post-dates Moses, which means that it came about AFTER "Genesis" was recorded. It's the result of syncretism -- that is, Jewish beliefs were melded with pagan (Persian, Akkadian, non-Israelite) myth due to interfaith marriage, cultural influence during the diaspora, etc.

The fact that the Lilith story was not incorporated into the older Genesis story tells me that it wasn't taken too seriously by the "elders" who assembled the Torah. As for the supposed Isaiah reference, it's iffy, at best. Doesn't even make sense, in the context of Isaiah. Could also be a scribal error because the word "Lilith" sounds like the word for "screech owl."

In the end, all that we have is conjecture. It all comes down to what we choose to believe. 😊
Hoochler (1 stories) (263 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
From what I have read, incubi and succubae visits are more common at night. I think there are probably two reasons for this. 1.) Most people lay down to sleep at night and when one is laying down in bed that is the prime time for incubi and succubae to seek out their company. 2.) I have heard of incubi and succubae described as lilin, children of Lilith. Lilith has many aspects, lilin are children of the aspect of Lilith that is the goddess of sexual desire and the moon. The moon's presence is most obvious to us at night and so it is with the lilin. In the Dark Ages, when sex for pleasure became looked upon by society as a bad, any spirits that were associated with sexual desire or pleasure were suddenly re-labeled as "evil" by the world's big religions.

As for whether you should be afraid or not, only you can answer that. I myself need a specific trigger, something frightening to happen to me, before I become afraid. Life for me is too short to spend it being afraid for no reason, if I want to be afraid "just for fun" I could turn on CNN and obsess about the state of the world anytime I needed a fear fix. I suggest you never choose to be afraid of anything, let something scare you on its own into being afraid of it. Unless it is helping you run from danger, fear tends to be a destructive emotion.

Keep in mind too that spirits, by definition, do not have physical bodies. That means they don't have the benefit of a brain. They can still reason, but not like someone with a brain. If a spirit is tricking you into thinking it is nice when its not, it will show its true colors over time, it can't help but wear its emotions on its sleeve because emotions are really all spirits have. If your spirit continues to comfort you and be nice to you, I would accept that at face value until given a reason (by it) not to.

The ancient jews believed that the first lilin were produced in the womb of Eve after Adam had sex with her during her period. Her period was supposedly the semen of the serpent, Samual (consort to Lilith), who is simply an aspect of Lilith. The lilin were produced in Eve's womb from the "mutated" seeds from Adam and Eve. This explanation holds little to value to me because it is so convoluted, biased and strange. It smacks more of fear mongering than a genuine explanation to me, but that is the only story I have heard of the origins of the lilin.

I do know that Homo Saipan humans are not from the same evolutionary branch as Neanderthal though we share a common ancestry. Homo Saipan and Neanderthal DNA is incompatible and has been proven that a hybrid could never be made between these two disparate species by simply mating. Homo Saipan humans have 0% Neanderthal DNA.
Lisamaxw (92 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
Succubussed, you are indeed one of my favorite posters! I really appreciate how well-thought-out your opinions are, as regards this subject. This isn't my forte, so I completely acknowledge that your understanding is probably superior to my own.

Now, if you will humor me for a moment, I'd like to throw out another idea, a corollary to my first: Just as man has changed --through evolution, if you're of Darwinian thought; or because he was thrown out of the Garden, in Christian thought -- is it not possible that succubi/incubi/Grigori were also "changed" since their creation? Is it possible that, at one time, they may have had the "right equipment" to get the job done, so to speak? Maybe as a result of their actions, their "fully-functioning equipment" was taken away? (Seems like divine justice, to me.) Maybe that's why these things have an overtly sexual nature -- because they're nostalgic for the "good old days" when they had fully-functioning equipment?

And if we follow through on the converse -- that they don't have equipment or any need of it, that all they crave is sexual energy -- then they are probably non-gender-specific beings. That would mean that your "she" succubus isn't necessarily a "she." "She'd" be an "it." (Although here I feel that I should note that all angels in the Bible are fellas.)

Just playin' wit ya. Thanks for letting me pull your leg for a while. 😊
Succubussed (guest)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
Thanks, Lisamaxw. Again, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.

However, a point I was and am still trying to make here is being lost.

Again, my point is that I do NOT believe that these invisible sexual entities that we call Incubi or Succubi are the same beings as the Grigori, or "Watchers". The reason I don't think they are the same is because while the Sons of God/Grigori/ Watchers WERE able to sire children through human females, these Incubi, do not, to the best of my knowledge, have that ability.

(If you know of even one case of a woman being impregnated by an Incubus, please, by all means, present it here.)

So, my point, to elaborate, is to once again say that as far as I know, NOBODY really knows what these beings are, or even what their intent is, other than their obvious desire to have sex with people, or even if they have any intent other than that.

And to elaborate further, although most people who claim that these beings are "Evil" use the Bible as their reference and source of authority, there is absolutely no reference to either Incubi or Succubi in the Bible that I know of. Again, if you find something that counters what I am saying I would welcome the reference.

So, again, nobody really knows. There are some common characteristics in the behavior of these beings, but even in that regard there can be enough differences to indicate individual personalities among them.

One thing I will say... I am 50 years old and have lived a fairly colorful life, some of which I regret, but it's brought me to this point so maybe it had to be. Some of the more interesting parts of my life have involved criminal activity (no crimes against people) as well as a stretch in a State Penitentiary. I have been up close to and very personal with evil in human form as well as the powdered evil that ruins people's lives through drug abuse.

What I am trying to say is that I know what evil feels like. I have a well-developed sixth sense for it that has stood me in good stead on more than one occasion, I am very sensitive to people's "vibes" and I can promise you that if someone has a black heart, it's tangible and can be felt and I will feel it.

I have felt the presence of evil spirits as well, but in NOT ONE instance of contact with my Succubus have I ever felt even the slightest trace of malice or evil.

She does project a feeling of love and happiness and calm to me when we have contact, and from reading all of the other accounts on this site, I think that it happens like that for a lot of us.

If it's a trick, it's a damned good one.

I'm betting that it isn't. Even though I really don't know what she is, I don't have to know everything about everything to accept it as a welcome part of my life.

Again, Lisa, thanks for explaining your position so eloquently.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
Say Hoochler,

Got anything for xxmeganxx on her last post?
If you have anything she might want to hear it 😊
Lisamaxw (92 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
Succubussed, first off, thanks for being so polite about disagreeing with me. Some people here get kind of nasty about differences of opinion, so I REALLY appreciate your respectful manner.

In response to your question about impregnation -- I fully admit that I don't know the hows or whys. Maybe WE are actually the product of the union of these beings and the "daughters of men?" Maybe WE ARE the "missing link" between Neanderthal man and who we are today? A mixture of Grigori DNA and Neanderthal DNA? I DON'T KNOW. It's beyond my comprehension. Kind of like the Genesis creation story. I can't account for it. But sometimes the bible (particularly the Old Testament) is a form of midrash -- that is, in Judaism, a story that is told to illustrate a divine Truth. (Kind of like a parable in the N.T.) The Truth that is imparted is the important thing. As regards the Genesis story: The message (the Truth) is that God created the world, and there is order behind it. The hows and whys are up to him. My little brain would probably EXPLODE if I tried to stuff all of God's knowledge into it. So I just kind of go along and trust that he has a plan; and that, to me, is all that matters.

succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
Hi xxmeganxx--you came back...

Do you feel threatened in any way?
No one but you can determine that.
Are you continuing to do research on the experience?
By doing that you'll get some answers of your own.

Often these experiences happen in the dark, though there's no universal rule on it.
Many spirits prefer to operate in the dark, others don't seem to care either way.
Likewise, not all incubi do exactly the same things or have exactly the same approach.

What made you so sad?
Yoy can email me if you like...
XXMeganXX (1 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
Succubiluv- Its all strange and new. I'm not scared or anything, should I be? I really don't know.
Last night I was really sad and started crying. After a while I felt someone hugging me. It was really comforting. Strange, but comforting. I'm starting to feel the presence more, especially in the dark. But I feel the presence less in the light. I wonder why?
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
XXMEGANXX---Hey Megan, where'd you go?

Got anything else for us?
Again, how do you feel about your experiences...?
Succubussed (guest)
16 years ago (2008-10-13)
Thanks, Lisamaxw. I appreciate you taking the time to refer your sources.

Even so, you still haven't addressed my main point. In the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees, do the "Watchers" impregnate the Daughters of Men?

In other words, do the Male Grigori/Female Humans have offspring through these unions?
Lisamaxw (92 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-13)
It's okay if you want to disagree with me. Everyone's got a right to his/her own opinion.

My info comes from the Book of Enoch and the book of Jubilees, two "apocryphal" books of the bible (that you won't find in the standard, protestant versions). These books were not accepted as "spiritually inspired" by the first council of Trent -- but they were accepted by Jews of the first century A.D. Additionally, Enoch (seventh from Adam) is referenced in the letter of Jude in the N.T., and it was also accepted as genuine by Origen, Tertullian, and Clement of Alexandria (early Church Fathers).

Just a thought, anyway. Like I said, you don't have to take my word for it. I just suspect it to be true.

Succubussed (guest)
16 years ago (2008-10-13)
I'm sorry, Lisamaxw, but I disagree with your idea that the bible mentions incubus contact with humans (or succubus for that matter).

You say, "If my hunch is right, these things that we call 'incubus' and 'succubus' are actually Grigori ('watchers'), biblically-recognized demons who were cast out of heaven because they were having sex with 'the daughters of men.'"

I believe that you are referring to Genesis 6; in particular, Verses 6:1,6:2 & 6:4. Here they are, as follows...

6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

(6:3 only talks about how long human lifespan will be)

6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

The reason I do not believe that Incubi are these so called "Sons of God" is that when these Sons of God had sex with human females, the women conceived and had children by them.

In no case that I have ever heard of (nor in any of the many first-hand accounts that I have read or had told to me by women who have experienced it) has any woman been made pregnant by having sex with an Incubus.


These beings are spirits, or at least they approach us on this plane in spirit form, and it is physically impossible for a spirit to get a woman pregnant.

Therefore, I believe that if the account in the Bible actually did happen, then the Sons of God are an entirely different species of being than are these things, male or female, that touch some of us sexually.

In fact there is no specific mention of Incubi or Succubi in the Bible (trust me, I looked very hard),. UNLESS you feel that sex itself is "Evil" and therefore any spiritual being that has a sexual nature is also evil. The Bible does mention Evil Spirits.

The idea that these beings are evil demons comes from the dark ages when the Church ruled by superstition and fear, and even the names "Incubus" (derived from the Latin preposition "in", which in this case means on top of, and "cubo", which is Latin for "I lie". The word incubo translates into "I lie on top") and "Succubus" (derived from the Latin preposition "sub" (under), and "cubo", which is Latin for "I lie". The word succubo translates as "I lie below") are Latin in origin, revealing their source as the Early Christian Church.

(although, even in this the Church was wrong, because in almost every case that I have heard of or read, the Succubus also likes to be on top, straddling her human. She doesn't "lie below".)

If you ask me, I don't know what they are, even though I have a very close relationship with a Succubus that has been going on for over 5 years.

I do know that they have personalities just as individual as humans do, and that they are capable of feeling and projecting strong emotions.

Being the object of attention for one of these beings fills a person with questions, and like so many others I too want to know more about them and why they have sex with us. This site has so far proven to be the best source of this sort of first-hand information that I have ever found on the net, and I would like to thank everyone who has shared their experiences here, and to urge all others who have not experienced this first-hand to be cautious when you make firm declarations as to what these beings are.

Where do you get your information? If it's not first hand, then please cite your sources. And if you say "The Bible", please cite the chapter and verse.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-13)
Lisamaxw---your info on origins is biblically accurate.

Forbidden_Love, I don't know what to tell you other than what's been said already about your situation.

XXMEGANXX, Hoochler answered your questions well.

Tonith, your points on the effects of child abuse and of teen hormones are well taken.
However, in Forbidden_Love's case there seems to be other issues non-related to biology or past abuse.

Belief in these beings escapes lots of people.
Yet the disbelief in itself has at least these 2 immediate attachments--one, it DOES prevent understanding of or sympathy for the phenomenon and 2, it does NOT prevent the phenomena from happening daily on a worldwide scale.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-12)
Hoochler; I appreciate your comment in my behalf which begins-- I can't speak for succubiluv...

I will let your reply stand in my behalf without further comment on that point.
Hoochler (1 stories) (263 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-12)
The only stupid question is the one that goes unasked. I am no expert, but if you want to ask questions about what little I do know privately you can e-mail me if you want.

What you say makes sense. There is probably more than one way for spirits to interact with us. I was specifically talking about the unique sensations that sex demons provide, but something like a poltergeist that crashes dishes would have a different way to express itself with its energy.

As to the origins of sex demons, I don't know much about that.
Lisamaxw (92 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-12)
Thanks, xxMeganxx, for sharing. You've started quite an interesting conversation...

[at] Hoochler - Your idea is quite compelling; however, I am left to wonder how this spiritual being would be able to "indwell" and manipulate a nervous system (a brain activity). Seems more plausible that, like spirits that move things (i.e., slam cupboard doors, hide keys, move dolls) or "scratch" people, these sexual beings are redirecting energy at certain parts of our bodies. Kind of like how you can sense someone looking at you. Like the incubus/succubus is manipulating that weird kind of sense-able energy. I don't know. But it could be possible, I suppose.

Also, in my opinion, you are correct that these beings have been interacting with humans since the beginning of time, as we know it. If my hunch is right, these things that we call "incubus" and "succubus" are actually Grigori ("watchers"), biblically-recognized demons who were cast out of heaven because they were having sex with "the daughters of men."

XXMeganXX (1 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-12)
Hoochler- that makes sense. Sorry, stupid question. ^-^
Forbidden_love- Thanks.
Forbidden_Love (42 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-12)
hoochler-i'm vietnamese and part chinese... Pretty much I just have grammer problems that's about it... And yeah it has a mind of it's own friend said probably did that knowing I'll tell it and yeah... I might repost it with this one scratch or rash whatever it is that appeared on my leg jXi whatever that is... I also had that same mark since I was 11 on my arm... Yeah I probably shouldn't have left some of the unbelieveable details out but I'm guessing demonic entities do have a mind of they're own I'm pretty sure of that... Just because something sounds unlikely doesn't mean it never happened...

XXXmeganXXX-again you can't get that incubus to stick around with you forever... Sooner or later it will have to lay with you in bed... I really don't know much about demons I'm sorry if I find more I"ll tell you... I only know about ghost and stuff like that... All I know about demons is they can really fool you into thinking they either are on your side or making a total wackjob out of you or etc...
Hoochler (1 stories) (263 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-12)
Why would your incubus wish to communicate with you? Because that is his deal, that is what he does. All of his interactions with you are through manipulating energy in your central nervous system to give you the illusion that he is touching you, kissing you, that he even has a body or hands at all... Its all an elaborate illusion the spirit makes so that you can perceive him at all, much less in a way that makes sense to you.

Your mind is constantly constructing your reality as you know it through sensory input of your 5 senses (sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing). Any spirit, in order for you to see or feel them, needs to insert themselves into the reality you are constantly updating for yourself in your brain. This is done directly by manipulating your central nervous system into thinking you feel, hear or whatever it wants. From what I have read, it is tricky for the spirit to do, especially at first. Sometimes the spirit will get the interface a little wrong and as a consequence it might then appear too big, too small, or parts of its body may seem strange or distorted. The longer it is around you, the better it learns how to interface with your nervous system.

So besides this interfacing being the only we he can interact with you at all, it is also very possible the incubus might have things he wants to tell you or emotions he wants to share with you.

You are correct. The occult in general flourished under the yoke of moral oppression the Victorian age brought. Why stop with the Victorian age though, Incubi and Succubae were blamed for all manner of forbidden sex in the middle ages (unwanted pregnancies in particular).

Before the Dark Ages, sex spirits were considered holy and some people (kings and other monarchs) actually married them sometimes. The general beliefs of the time you are experiencing in history has a great bearing on how you create your own reality.

The truth is, these beings have been visiting the human race probably since its birth. Its OK that you don't believe in them. Although your lack of believing probably has some shielding effect for you from their ability to interact with your conscience mind (you not believing is kind of like a magic spell all by itself that unwittingly "protects" your reality from being pierced by their influence), it has no bearing on the experiences of others.

It makes perfect sense to me that a sex demon would be attracted to the copious amounts of undirected sexual energy that the average teenager creates and stores.
XXMeganXX (1 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-12)
Hoochler- Thanks for clearing that up. It didn't necessarily scare me, more or less I'm fascinated by it. And yeah I think there was a popping sound, or snapping sound. Why would my incubus want to communicate with me?
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-11)
I'm sorry. I have a bit of a problem with stories like this coming from teenagers. Teens are by nature coming to grips with their own sexuality and are frequently frustrated. Hormones are in over drive most of the time as well. Could you have a spirit trying to get your attention? Possibly. Is it a incubus? I don't know. I personally don't have any belief in them. It was considered a way for proper ladies of the Victorian era to explore their sexuality and not have to take responsibility for it. It was considered a kind of hysteria. It's also been known to be connected to childhood sexual abuse which can manifest itself during teen years. I am not saying these are the reasons in your case but these are viable explanations for a phenomenon that has been around for ages.
Hoochler (1 stories) (263 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-11)
I can't speak for succubiluv, but I bet the reason he responds to succubus / incubus stories is because that is what he knows about and what interests him.

The stroking you felt and image you saw were natural progressions of the growing bond with your incubus. The image you were made to see in your mind's eye is an often reported effect. The most plausible theory I have heard to explain this is that he is trying to interface more deeply with your nervous system/brain. Since he does not have a physical body like you, interacting directly with your nervous system is the only way he has to interact with you. This is a complicated effort for any spirit and the more he practices, the better he well get at it. The flash is harmless in any event. You might also expect to hear an accompanying electric pop with those types of flashes, if you have not already. This to is harmless, and like the flashes, is neither pleasant or unpleasant.

I did not get a chance to read your story before it was whacked. It sounds interesting! Please re-submit it. What is your native language? I must say that your English is quite good and I was surprised to read English is not your native language.

Wow, this is a busy thread.
COBzeppelin99 (2 stories) (32 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-11)
Why is it that succubiluv has to comment on all stories that involve an Incubus or a Succubus? And by the way XXXMeganXXX, it isn't a good thing no matter what these people on this site will tell you about sexual demons. They like it, but keep praying to Jesus and Mary and it'll go away.
Forbidden_Love (42 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-11)
Succubiluv-not much of a relief... I had JXI scratched on me on my leg...
Weird thing is if its a coincidence its creepy because J=Jessica=My name...

I don't know the XI though... Perhaps I might want to take a picture of it before it fades away...
XXMeganXX (1 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-11)
succubiluv- last night something weird happened. I was drifting off into sleep, when I felt a light stroking to my chest that went down to my leg. At the time the stroking started my eyes were closed and I saw a blue light. The light faded pretty fast and the stroking stopped.
What does that mean?
TheUnknown (1 stories) (192 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-11)
Just be careful on where you put that cross,Megan,cause you might need it in other purposes to put spirits to rest.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-11)
Forbidden_Love---Glad you got relief.
Hope all goes well for you.
You can at least be glad you don't have to hold it in... 😊
Forbidden_Love (42 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
succubiluv-i kept asking the evil spirit or demon for it's name it never answered and lol I don't think I should I only posted it so I can get it off of my chest you have no idea how hard it is to keep that experience to myself...
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
XXMEGANXX---Still want to hear from you on your experience. Want to know how you feel about it all... 😊
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
Well, Forbidden_Love, if your dad saw it, that's part of the battle won in your favor, isn't it?

Whose name did you ask for several times? Exactly what you mean is not clear.

I admire the way you took the deleted stories; you didn't hold grudges. That's commendable of you.
I had a little fun with gamst over that last story you wrote, but I had suggested your stories stay on the site as part of an example to others as to respectful criticism and the need for better storywriting.

I think you should reconsider submitting your stories as one story that is logical, clearly written, and believable.
Maybe you can get one of your friends to help you write it out. Start from the beginning. Worry about what your audience might think when it comes to being clear, but don't try to impress them in any way.
Stick to the facts and tell your real feelings.
If it matters to you, you should try again.

Forbidden_Love (42 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
Succubiluv-Good point and parents think I'm crazy yesterday dad saw the dude in the kitchen he came back up and wet his pants big time he just thought it was his imagination. I acually asked for his name several of times, he never answered...
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
I didn't know you're learning English, Forbidden _Love.
Don't feel bad; there are many who already know it and have a harder time with it than you do.

I really think you should let Martin the webmaster know about your effort to learn the language. If you want help, tell him that you want help from others who will read your stories.
Then maybe you can take your time and re-write your story to have it re-published.

Maybe if you first add some of the details you included here in your posts, it would show a possible connection with some of the things you've experienced.

I believe something real is happening to you.
You just have a hard time putting it into words in a way that seems logical.

Do you think my suggestions will help any?
You might also want to try and convince your parents that you really are having these experiences.
They may be able to support you.

Keep your chin up.

Forbidden_Love (42 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
Succubiluv-The old house I used to live in was builted by my parents.

And Some strange occurance is still happening like in the early morning around 3 I could have sworn I felt someone patting my head like 6 times and someone was pulling on my leg...

And sorry I am still learning English...
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
Based on your info, Forbidden_Love, you have been in close enough contact with occult materials to attract attention from spirits. If you think harder you may recall other possibilities in that area of your past.

But, what about now? Any connections recently?

The paragraph style in your post before last adds readability to your post. Thanks. 😊
Forbidden_Love (42 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
as for the incubi problem megan I'm not in any religion or believe in spirits/demons but I'm starting to doubt, I heard many christians use holy water to ward them off or rebuke them... I really don't know...
Forbidden_Love (42 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
Succubiluv-Well when I was 10 I did try an ouija board but it never worked for me so I left it at my old house when I moved into an apartment...

A man sold me a necklace with that pentagon thingy but grandma threw it away because she hates evil looking things in the house...

My friends were doing a ritual trying to summon something at a party I don't know if it worked or not I didn't join in...

At the library at my old house downstairs my mom had many witch craft books...

As far as I know it could be any of these...
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
XXMeganXX--I was asking Forbidden_love a question in my last post, not you.

Read her posts and my own that follow.
If you read from the very first post up to this one, you'll see what I mean.

Never heard of drawing a spirit by passing it.
My question to you is, how do you feel about all this?
XXMeganXX (1 stories) (17 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
I'm sorry I forgot to put a time period. ^-^'
It started around 2 weeks ago. First with light touches to my legs when I was standing, then later (about 2 to 3 days) in my bed...
No, I'm not in any occult or anything like that... I did go to a new school. Can you pick up a spirit by walking by it?
I really have no idea.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
OKAY, but the question was--do you know of any occult connections that may be involved like Ouija boards, books, objects?
Let's stick with that, first.
Can you just give a direct answer?
Forbidden_Love (42 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
Succubiluv-Lol sorry but I kind of got grounded for that cup or bucket getting thrown at the computer thing. Yeah parents didn't believe when I said the bucket of water flew out of nowhere and hit the computer.

And for the question you asked, No that's why I was just wondering. I was extremely depressed back then though...
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
You're right again, Hoochler, throughout your comment;

I used the touch method myself early on with Annabelle.
Only I asked her to pin one or the other arm tight to the mattress to signal a yes or a no answer to my dialogue.

Your details could only come from experience.
Email me to let me know how it's been goin'.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
Okay Forbidden_Love: I appreciate your persistence.

The way you described it all made it hard to figure out.
You can email the webmaster Martin and express your feelings about it to him.

Also, Forbidden_Love, your stories wIll be easier to follow if you add periods, commas, etc., in appropriate places. Just a suggestion.

Good question is--how do you get 1 following you in the first place? Is there some connection with occult items in the home, anything like that?
Forbidden_Love (42 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
well I had a ghost/demon w/e the hell it is following me for 3 years everywhere I go two of my stories got deleted because people think its fake and heres what my friend Amber said she believes me since she acually has one following her too and she has seen mine... But all I know is mine isn't an incubus so I'm not religious or anything or believe in paranormal activities so now I'm beginning to doubt that...

Amber:Perhaps he smacked into the door on purpose KNOWING that you would tell people that making people think your making things up or your just a nutcase...

Just wondering HOW do you get one following you in the first place...
Hoochler (1 stories) (263 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
I agree with what Succubiluv wrote, and I would even expand on it a bit. When he says that an incubus can become possessive, that means more precisely that incubi have a reputation for becoming jealous if their human lovers take another human into their bed.

Also, even though it hasn't happened yet, if you continue on the course you are on with your incubus, it is just a matter of time before he will have sex with you. That does not at all have to be a negative thing, but from the wording of your post ("I've, thankfully haven't had anything like that.") it sounds like you should be warned it is coming, sooner or later, so don't be surprised when it does.

The longer you associate with the incubus, the more contact you have with him, the stronger the bond will become between you. It should become easier for him to give you the illusion of manifesting corporeally over time, and your ability to hear communication from him should also improve over time. He can most likely hear things you say in his presence right now, so you can start to spell things out for him in a monologue format (you talking to him instead of a dialogue where he can respond). You could even ask him to touch your arm once for yes, twice for no if you want his input or agreement.

You can explain to him your limits and what you will and won't do (no touching in the car because you might get startled and die, at work because it might get you fired, whatever you want, just explain what and why). If you can make an agreement with him where the touching only happens when it works for you both, then you might have the makings of quite a fun time on your hands.

I don't think sex demons are able to do bad things to your soul. I think they simply enjoy the act of sex and the energy that is released in the process. They can offer a human a very pleasurable set of experiences that can not be experienced any other way.

If you do choose to get rid of him, the easiest way is to politely tell him to go away and then simply deprive him of sex, energy and companionship. If you do that long enough, he will most likely move along on his own.

Whatever you decide (keep contact with him or break it off) be sure to always treat him with respect and that will greatly increase the chances that he will reciprocate.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
One more thing--incubus and succubus spirits are not the typical "ghosts" many people believe in.
They are associated with demonic spirits.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)

About a million other cases under this theme scream out in answer to your question
You'll probably get some religious advice on this at YGS.
And some other trumpetlike warnings.
You can read the other experiences here and decide for yourself exactly how YOU feel about what you've experienced.

Be aware of the documented fact that not all incubi approach or lovemake in the same way and at a specific time of day.
A lot of myth is attached to these spirits also.
There is an overall pattern shown in paranormal literature as to the appearance, habits and motives of these spirits, but there are no clones among them, as is the case with humans.

You do well to research the topic FOR YOURSELF online and through other info sources. It appears that the focus of erotic spirits is simple--sexual pleasure.

Your experience seems a bit problematic in that the spirit doesn't care much about your personal space.
If you feel comfortable with the idea based on what you sense about the experience, you might try to communicate with it about your limits in this area.

Now, of course, you're going to be advised to not talk to "the devil", and that your visitor is a serial killer in disguise.
Expect that.
Ultimately, though, the decision is yours.
You can go either way.
Be aware, too, that these spirits can be prone to stick around for a long time and can become possessive, especially incubi.

Welcome to YGS, and hope to read more posts from you. 😊

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