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Ghostly Dream


This actually happened to a friend of mine; she said I could share it on here. It is not really scary but it is a little creepy. She is going to school to be an x-ray technician and this fall she just started doing her clinical at a different hospital than she was the semester before. That becomes kind of important later.

One night she has a weird dream, when she woke up she did not really think much of it -just that it was weird. So she went about her day. During her clinics, she said that she felt really inclined to tell the x-ray tech in charge and helping out with their clinics, about her weird dream. So she walked up to the x-ray tech and said, "Hey, I had this really weird dream last night and for some reason I really feel like I should tell you about it." The x-ray tech agreed to listen to her dream. The dream was that the students were at the hospital for their clinics, but a ghost named Ruth was messing with them. They would position things one way, and when they went to take the x-ray everything would be moved around. When they would try to straighten the x-ray machine to take the x-ray something would be pulling it in other directions. Nothing serious really, just little things like that.

Once my friend was through telling the story, the x-ray tech smiled and said, "It's funny you had that dream because there was actually another x-ray tech who used to work here a few years ago. While she was working here she died, and for a while especially right after her death things -like what you described in your dream- happened a lot. They still do happen occasionally." When my friend was telling me about this, she pointed out that if she'd had the dream last semester when she was at the other hospital, it would not have been significant. But that she had it after starting clinics at this new hospital makes you think it was not just coincidence.

Just some other interesting things; she and I both work at a retirement home and we've both heard at various times, what sounds like people talking but when we turn to reply no one is there. She has been standing at the elevator and felt a hand on her shoulder, but no one was around. We've both gotten those chills like someone lightly tickled the back of your neck. And several times, I've actually had dreams about residents before they died or right after they died. I know it's nothing really creepy but I hope you find it interesting!

Thanks for reading!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, luckkyme, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
I don't know about working in a place like a nursing home. There tends to be a lot of history to it and I probably would be a coward and cry. What you and your friend experienced were probably past residents who didn't want to leave yet.
Kalli_psy90 (1 stories) (55 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-30)
That was really interesting thanks for sharing. My Mom and Aunt used to work in an old hospital wing and they used to hear things like that all the time. That's cool that she had such a significant dream.
Best wishes, ❤Kalli
hagi (1 stories) (53 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
From my knowledge, there are three types of dreams. 1. Normal dreams you see based on what you have done in your day or on what you are thinking about. 2. A dream given by God on something to come or as a warning to things to come. 3. A bad dream given by a jinn to mess with your head. It is advised not tell your bad dreams to others as this is what the jinn wants, for you to go and scare others as well. What you are experience with the people talking and cold chills and hand on the shoulder is also surely jinn living in the retirement home. You can try to interpret dreams and get some meaning out of them, but for the most part don't pay too much attention to them.
JarMan (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
Dreams can just be dreams and I usually dismiss anything paranormal about dreams. It is almost impossible to properly properly interpret dreams. It could have been simply a large coincidence, it might not have been. No real way of telling.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
Luckkyme...Thank you for allowing me to say more... A couple of times in my life I had dream t my own death... This one time, I knew where, when and how... It was in a car accident... And by the grace of fate or God... I was shown this vision in my dreams because it wasn't my time to die... I avoided that road on that day and risked being fined a 1000 dollars for using a load limit street to take another way home in my, when I got home I had heard on the radio that a fatal car crashed occurred exactly where and when I had previously dream t it... So how is this possible?...We loose our physical senses when we die right? what replaces them... There has to be something really complexed and not yet explored about the way we function in the next life... I believe throughout my life and I'm referring to 100's of spiritual experiences that won't see pen to paper here... Has given me an insight into how it does work... We gain the ability from our subconscious to live in what I call projected reality fields... Call it heaven if you like... It is like a permanent conscious dream... For those that find peace in there heart and mind they will find eternal bliss and live with there loved ones in these fields... We can also astral project back to this world and sometimes we are drawn here by emotions of those we leave... And some lost souls don't find this plane and stay here because of reasons like unfinished business and perhaps for some of them its payback for bad Karma... There the ones that are trapped in a lucid state of consciousness (nightmares included)...Feelings?...yes these emotional senses are extraordinarily powerful in the spiritual realm... I have felt some of them too... You know that feeling of being in love... Times that by a 1000... It is just one of the emotions that are connected and magnitude by our soul... Our spiritual conscious also has the ability to can see into the future as well (premonitions) or sometimes past and past lives... Like your friend in your story... Who somehow was shown this perhaps for a reason of its own... There is plenty more to go into so I hope this much I have said may give you something to think about for now! Thank you for your interest...cheers.

Daz 😁
luckkyme (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
Rook, this may sound weird, but I've read some of your other comments and they are very interesting, I'm begining to learn about energy work in school actually -could you tell me a little more about it?

If that's too personal, I apologize, I just find it very interesting.:)
luckkyme (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
hey thanks for all the comments! After I read some of the comments I went back and re-read the story, when writting I did not realize that I never said it but yeah the lady who worked at the hospital and died was named Ruth, like the ghost my friend dreamed about. Sorry about that.

Jarman, typically I tend to not dwell on dreams either for the same reasons you said. I suppose sometimes dreams can mean something, for example my friend and I read through these comments together and she said that she'd had not known anything about Ruth prior to the dream. Perhaps Ruth is justing letting people know she's still around? Who knows hah:)

Aussiedaz, you bring up some good points and very interesting thoughts. I agree with you on the productive debate, I'm pretty open minded and I'd love to hear more from you! Thanks also for the info you gave about lucid dreaming, my teacher has talked about it in class and I have tried it, but I don't fully understand it, so I'd love to learn more about that as well:)

Thanks again everyone!
Zorforler (1 stories) (55 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
Thanks for the info about the Lucid dreamer thing, I will look it up and see what I find. For an extra note I always see two beings in every dream I have one is a girl that seems to be 18ish years old and is in a white dress and with very long white hair and glows a very radiant and beautiful glow and I try to catch her or ask her questions but she just floats away and laughs. The other is a GIANT serpent that follows her as well but wishes to eat her whole and I try to fight it but I don't do very well and tend to get my butt kicked, plus I can't hit it very seeing as it is made of water and controls all water. Perhaps I'll put this in another story. Oh and I'm always in a different place, it gets very tiring.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
Zorforlor...Rook is correct you are a lucid dreamer... Which in this state of consciousness your are consciously observing your subconscious state of level... With near full prolific vision... But there is still one more level up... And I am here to testify I have been there... In that level you are fully conscious in your sub conscious if that makes sense... Basically with full prolific vision, it is ultimately the state of mind we have when we die... I believe those that don't know there dead and you read stories here of hauntings centuries old...don't reach this level and linger in a lucid state of consciousness...I'm not sure if others have reached this level... But those that have will know what I'm talking about...

Daz 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)

So you are a Lucid Dreamer?

That takes some practice and will power I bet.

It's not something I've ever attempted.

But if your in control of them why are they weird?


Did your friend ever tell you the name of the x-ray tech that passed... Was she ever told her name. It would be a nice validation if the name she pick up on in her dream (Ruth) was the same as the tech that had passed on.


Zorforler (1 stories) (55 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
My dreams are weird cause I am in control of myself like I was concious.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
That is true JarMan... Probably 97 percent of what we dream is shuffled data from our daily activities and lifestyle factors... But if you think about it... What is going on? Could there be a reason for that... I believe our spiritual consciousness has the ability to project reality fields or as we know them in our conscious state of mind dreams... Its a learning process one feeding the other, our spiritual consciousness is storing information (memories) to help identify who we are and who we will be in the next life... When we die there is no doubt our physical self perishes... So if there is a after life How is it possible? And what replaces the brain as a functioning device that gives us an intelligent source to continue as beings?...are we human beings living with spiritual experiences or are we spiritual beings living with human experiences? If we are spiritual beings then there has to be a purpose for our human ones... And in my opinion we live with two different sources of intelligence and experiences... That other 3 percent of experiences which is paranormal is the reality of what's to come in the next life... I believe your friend experiences something paranormal and that information had to come from somewhere and that somewhere is all over this website... Cheers mate all the best...

P.s...and you may notice all the way through I kept repeating "in my opinion"...there have been others before me who have made a lot of money and caused a lot of deaths, culturing the gullible into believing otherwise and no offense intended to what ever your beliefs are... But having some productive debate on this website may just help debunk some of this myths that are indirectly and directly causing death as we speak... I welcome your thoughts?

JarMan (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
For the most part, I usually dismiss dreams as anything paranormal. During the day you take in a lot of information. Places you've been, things you've done, people you've seen.

When you go to sleep at night, it's your brain's chance to shuffle data around, pack things away and toss other things out.

What you do during your waking hours or even your last thoughts before going to bed can effect your dreams.

Dream analysis is sketchy at best, my best advice to anyone is to simply enjoy the show. Some of the most interesting things I've witnessed were in dreams.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
When we dream, we are in a subconscious state of mind... And what I believe is, that our sub conscious is our spiritual conscious and sometimes communication with other spirits can happen through our dreams... Premonitions etc... I believe that this spirit was showing your girlfriend her past and how things were when she was alive... I believe her account was more than just a weird dream... When we think about it... How do we see our dreams? Thank you for sharing...

luckkyme (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
Yeah that's probably what she was doing but it is kind of eerie but also cool ina way!

I've heard that bells have been ringing in rooms of residents who've died too actually! The wardrobe thing is freaky, that would make me nervous! One lady I really liked a lot died and I was really upset about it for a while. Well one day I was in the dinning room getting ready to serve the meal and I distinctly heard a voice say "Okay." Just really calmly and I duno but I think that was the residents' way of telling me they were okay:)
cassyt89 (2 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
Very interesting! That would scare me too. Perhaps Ruth was giving your friend these dreams because she wanted to let people know she is still around?

I also work in a care home and spooky stuff has happened there. Bells ring in the rooms residents have just died in. Some say its an electric fault but about 9 times out of 10 it will be in a room some one has recently passed away in.
Also with one resident her friend who had also lived there had recently died and when I was doing her care I kept hearing knocking at the door and coming from her bathroom but no one was there! Also I remember one day I closed her wardrobe doors and turned around and they were open again. This kept happening, they would be closed but when I turned my back they would open. Nothing was in the way stopping the doors from closing either. I gave up in the end lol.
luckkyme (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
Hey stemah, yeah the lady who died was Ruth.

Yeah dreams are weird!I've heard that when you dream about something and you end up seeing/doing it later in real life it has something to do with laws of attraction... My teacher has talked about it in class before its interesting though I don't completely understand it but I'm with you, as long as its not nightmares haha:)

Thanks for the comments!:)
stemah (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-25)

Interesting story, did your friend find out if the woman who died was called Ruth?
23_Chantelle_23 (84 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-25)
hmmm that is strange, I mean dreams in general are strange lol I know I always think or dream of something and end up doing/seeing it, but a lot of people say that happens to them... As long as they arent nughtmares! 😨

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