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Real Ghost Stories

My Sweet Friend Della


I wanted to share this story for a while but I'm not sure if it is necessarily a ghost story, but I feel like this site would still appreciate it.

For those who have not read some of my other posts, I work at a retirement home and have for eight years now. I love the residents there, I feel like they become part of my family. Anyway, there was this one lady there, Della, who I absolutely loved. When I first met Della it wasn't love at first sight. She was timid and almost untrustworthy it seemed like. Had a tendency to come across as ornery, snappy, and particular. One other thing about her, she had osteoporosis and she was very hunched over with her neck turned almost completely one direction. So eating was difficult for her. She wouldn't eat just anything, and it would take her forever. That was how we bonded though, she would always be the last resident in the dining room while we were cleaning up and re-setting for the next meal. So I'd ask her how her meal was, or her day, etc. I grew to really like Della, and I noticed she was not nearly as snappy with me as she was with most people.

Of course, she became one of my absolute favorite people there. She could make me laugh and feel very appreciated and loved. Whenever I was going through a rough time or even just having a rough day, I'd go see her and she could almost always say something to make me feel a million times better, even if she did not know it. I probably should mention, she was 94 when I met her (and that was at least two years before this story) but what I loved about her was how determined she was to do things for herself. She pushed around a wheelchair, like it was a walker, and she would not ever let anyone push her in it. And she would not go anywhere without it, because she knew how bad it could be if she were to fall.

Anyway, I'll get to the story. This happened last December, I was at work when my manager came up to me and told me Della had fallen and had been taken to the hospital. I was absolutely shocked and nervous, but my manager told me "not to worry, Della is a fighter." That gave me some relief and I finished what I was doing and went on break. All through my break I found myself on edge, and said a small prayer for Della. As I was going back to work I stopped off in the locker room to put my phone in my locker. I ran into a lady I work with who was just coming into work, she said that my manager was looking for me. So I said I'd be right there. I opened my locker and put my phone up when for no reason I whispered, "Della passed." I have no idea why I said that. I didn't have any type of funny feeling about her, or anytime of vision or empathic pain. I just nonchalantly said it.

Even stranger still, when I came out of the locker room, my manager approached me and told me that Della had indeed passed. I was upset, but I'm glad she didn't suffer. I miss her still to this day. I still wonder about why I said that she had passed, right before I found out she had actually passed. I really don't. I suppose it could be explained away, but I guess I like to think she told me herself in some way.

Anyway, thank you for bearing with me and my tendency to be wordy. I have one other story, that is similar but since this one is rather long I'll post it separately. I hope you enjoy it and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!:)


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, luckkyme, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

LemonDrop_Pop (guest)
10 years ago (2015-07-10)
Rea,What a nice story. I think it was because you were close to her that you said that. God bless
Arwen1957 (7 stories) (47 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-15)
Hi Rea,

I work at a nursing home in IL I have been there for almost 20 years so sadly I have seen many beloved friends pass. In some cases I just know when someone is going to pass. There is just something intangible in the air This one Lady was a bit aloof and kept to herself and was just unhappy, but Betty liked me and I liked Betty. When Betty went in the hospital I just knew she would not be coming back. She passed away that night... There have been many odd things where I work I have a few of them posted here. In fact all of my stories except The Evil Road are about events at the home

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