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Real Ghost Stories

Chanting Lady


I've possessed the ability to see spirits for as long as I can remember. I have seen many ghosts and I've also been "possessed by a demon" but out of all the spirits that I have encountered so far in my life one stands out, her name is Amanda.

I fist saw her when I was eight. It was a chilly September night. I was getting ready to go to bed and was brushing my teeth in the hallway's bathroom. I left the door half way opened since I was terrified of mirrors. While brushing my teeth I heard my parents sing terribly from their room I laughed at their untalented selves until I felt a chill run down my spine. I could feel someone starting at me. I could feel a negative energy in the air as I slowly and reluctantly turned my head to my left where I found a pale lady staring at me from the bathroom's doorway no more than 6 inches away from me. At first I thought it was my mother since the lady resembled her quite a bit she had: wavy dark brown hair, pale skin, thin lips. I smiled at her but as I did I realized the lady was not my mother for she was too thin, taller than my mother, and her eyes were huge and charcoal black while my mother's were small and light brown. The lady did not smile back at me just stared at me with those hard unfriendly eyes.

A little panic rose in me and I wanted to run but was unable to move or even blink. I stared at her and noticed she was wearing a white lace dress (similar to that of the Victorian era) her hair was also very tangled and was up in a half pony tail style. When I returned my attention back to her face she reveled her tiny pearly white teeth, it was a type of unforgiving evil smile that petrified me. The lady then turned her back to me and began to gracefully walk down the hall.

I put down my toothbrush and followed right behind her, I could still hear my parents voices but they seemed to be very far away now. I followed the lady all the way to the kitchen where she took a sharp turn to the living room. I asked her who she was and when I entered the living room no one was to be found. I frantically searched the entire house and never found her. I was very perplexed and went to sleep.

About a week later, I heard my father's cell phone ringing in the living room (I'm a light sleeper). I looked at the clock, it was 3:26am. I decided to ignore the cell phone and tried to go back to sleep but the phone continued to ring persistently for about 10 minutes. Angry, I got up and walked to the living room where I found my dad's cell phone on the coffee table. I answered the phone and it was some weird singing some creepy chant. I hung up thinking it was a prank and suddenly I felt a presence there with me.

I looked up and there I found a woman wearing the same white gown sitting on the sofa staring directly at me. I was taken by surprise and just stood there motionlessly. She slowly rose from her seat and began to walk towards me with that same wicked smile as a the previous week. I tried to move but couldn't, it was as if I was glued to the ground. I tried to cry for help but no sound would escape my mouth. I tried to move once again and this time, I ran all the way to my room with the cell phone and closed the door shut.

I immediately began to pray and when I was done, I looked down at the cell phone to see the caller's number. To my horror all it said was 666. I threw the phone across the room, shut my eyes and went to sleep... Well I tried, I have insomnia so it was was impossible for me to go back to sleep that night.

Four years later, I experienced another encounter with her. I was 12 year old and I was laying in my bed trying to go to sleep while listening to my ipod. I changed the song from one to the next until I found one that was of my liking. When I put my ipod down I saw a white face with deep black eyes staring down at me. It was that lady again, but she looked angrier now! She took both my hands and pressed one hard against my chest. I wanted to fight her but was feeling really weak. I asked her what she wanted from me and she began to sing a chant (not sure if it's the same chant as the one I heard over the phone...) I asked her what her name was and she whispered in my ear in a deep, disgusting and hoarse voice "Amanda." Then she vanished in thin air. Both my wrists hurt and chest from Amanda's strong grip and I began to cry quietly. I covered my self with blankets and tried to go back to sleep. The following morning my wrists and chest still hurt. I checked myself and found a huge bruise on my chest and my wrists were reddened as well. I didn't know what to think, I was completely in shock.

Fortunately, I have not seen Amanda again. Last time I saw her was when I was 12 which was three and a half years ago. However, I did receive a creepy phone call again at was another chant (the caller's number was not 666 this time). I am no longer afraid of Amanda... But I have a a few questions. Is she a ghost or something else? What could she possibly want from me? Why did this happen to me? I am thinking about using a ouija board to communicate with her... Would you recommend it?

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, draculaura6, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

StrawtotheBerry (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
[at] LouSlips: Interesting observation about the 'insomnia' part. I would say it's only a mistranslation, or poor wording in this situation, because an 8 year old insomniac is kind of unusual.

[at] draculaura: Why did you answer your father's phone at 3 o'clock in the morning in the first place? How did you even know what the number '666' meant then? Hell, my brother is 8, and he barely knows what the Devil is. I'm not saying your story isn't true... I just reacted on these parts.

johntravis28 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
Good comment Lou. I am starting to think blankie time too. If it is a blankie situation, then I can't wait until the summer holidays are over and bored kids are back in school
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
Mission accomplished, draculaura.

Anyone who has ever entered this site knows how the participants feel about ouija boards... So I hope the well meaning posters paid you the attention you were seeking.
You say that you see spirits regularly. You have seen Amanda three times. From your description it would be memorable and frightening, and I can see why it would be worthy of a story; but have you not had any other equally intense experiences in the last 7+ years?
How do your parents feel about all of this? If they are understanding and supportive, I am happy for all of you. If they are not, what did they think of the bruises that were a result of your encounter? All children want support and acceptance from their parents, so there is no logical reason for not showing them the bruises... If that is your position. Insomnia at the age of eight seems serious and unusual... What medication were you taking for this condition?
Many intelligent and concerned posters have commented and inquired on your story... If you do not respond soon we will be sending you home with a blankie.

koalagirl (3 stories) (111 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
Hi thankyou for your story, I agree with the posters please don't use the board, it will only make things worse, hopefully this thing will leave you alone, keep up the prayers. Cheers di.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Since you say you have seen many ghosts, you will probably continue to do so. There are good spirits, and bad spirits. Focus on the good ones and shut out the bad, maybe you can use your talent to help others someday. Don't use the Ouji... We have a satanist saying not to... I would heed the warning.

Thanks for sharing. ❤
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
On amazon, of course! I saw it, and it glowed in the dark, and I just had to have it. I sure love amazon. They have everything! But it's so teeny that you can't even really move the very teeny planchette around. And the glow in the dark stuff they put on it makes the surface rough. I couldn't conjur anything with it even if I wanted to!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
[at] bacchaegrl,
Alright, I'll bite. Where in the heck do you get a miniature Quija Board?

bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
I have a miniature ouija board! I've never played with it. It's kind of hard to, because it's so small. But if I do happen to conjure something with my mini board, would it be a tiny spirit?
PeaceLuvHappiness96 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
I agree with everyone else. Do not use a ouija board, or else you will just invite more demons, and spirits into your home a thousand times worse than this Amanda. My parents would never ever let me use a ouija board, even though they do not believe in the paranormal, and dark things, (we are a very religious family), but I am not so skeptical. And even though they don't believe in that sort of thing, they still believe that things like the ouija board are evil, and dark instruments. But it's okay, because I would never want to use a ouija board anyway. Using a ouija board would invite very bad things into your life, like the devil, and demons. So, that's all I really have to say is, please don't use it 😢. Good luck to you! 😁
moneyfirst (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Dude I'm a satanist and stuff like that still creeps me out that's a bad ghost no demon if you get a ouija board you'll put yourself in deep shiat a ouija board is like a door to our world don't you think about geting one you will only make your life miserable and you don't stand behind any power so you would only be putting yourself in great danger and open for any attacks.
johntravis28 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
I agree with Badjuju and redphx. I am not doubting that you may have had an experience, but when you start to add padding and exaggerations (like the 666 bit) then it makes it less believable. But it sounded like a good story and I'd be interested to hear an unembellished version
lynrinth (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
Please, listen to these comments. Do. Not. Try. To. Contact. Her. Leave this be. No good comes from these encounters. It seems like since it's been four years since you've seen it, maybe it's because you have grown stronger, and now it is attempting another contact with you. Since you are not afraid, do something, ANYTHING that would prevent it from coming! Prayer, a blessing in your room, or maybe salt around your bedroom door or windows, or cleanse your room with sage. Why would you even want to even consider contacting this thing?! Ghost encounters, good or bad, are thrilling... But this smacks of something you don't want to encourage more of! Next time your cell phone goes off in the wee hours of the morning, and you feel uneasy about it, it's time to just look at the phone, pick it up, and answer, but don't talk, and quickly close it. It's time to more on. You say, sorry not interested. It's time to move on. Good luck.
Shadows-Mime (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
I kind of get why you want to see her again. A similar experience happened to me too. But unlike you, the woman (or girl, couldn't tell how old she was) didn't tell me her name. She didn't really haunt me either. She appeared out of nowhere smiling at me. Unfortunately I couldn't hear anything she was saying before she just disappeared in the middle of my class. Me being the only one seeing her. Just like you, I want to see the lady in white again so she can answer some of my questions. Just hope nothing bad happens if either of us sees our spirit.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
You know, I think under the embellishments there may just be a real ghost story here. You say you will read comments and need help with what you've experienced. Problem is, how can we offer help when this story seems so exaggerated? What advice can we really offer when we can't even be sure if what we're reading happened as it is being reported?
Since I can't even begin to guess what sort of advice you actually need, I'll just say avoid ouija boards and leave it at that.
Happy hauntings.
Madyrina (68 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
Do NOT use the Ouija Board! Since you haven't seen her in years, leave well enough alone.
Kitt3nKat (1 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
Don't use a ouija board! They are dangerous and can open up things that can be very hard or can't be closed. I would recommend just leaving her alone, I would be to frightened to even want to see her again! D:
CYDNEY_xxWRONGxx (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
DONT US A OUIJA BOARD! Short and sweet LOL 😆

SINCE THE MINIMUM IS 50... Ojenrfiknjrgfhwfuog7yrgefb3j2bfyubf LOL
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
No I would not recommend using an Ouija Board. Honestly I don't see why you would want to risk using one since they have been known to open doors for malevolent and evil entities. You mentioned that you were possessed by a demon once before which means you are probably still vulnerable. Using the board could put you right back in that situation again.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
draculaura6 - why on earth would you even want to try and communicate with "Amanda?" Heaven help me, maybe I should do as redphx and say nothing at all, but good grief that doesn't even begin to make sense.

You claim that this "ghost" has, for lack of a better word, tormented you yet you are considering using a ouija board to attempt communication? I'm sorry if this comes across as mean or rude, but dear God that just doesn't even make sense. If this "Amanda" hasn't bothered you since you were 12 and you are now 15 1/2, why on earth would you want to do something to bring her back?

Leave things alone. Not only could you stir things back up with "Amanda," but you could really mess around with things you aren't prepared to deal with. Please, if you are serious here and aren't just goofing around, do not attempt to make contact with anyone. Let "Amanda" be. Leave her alone and hopefully she'll continue to leave you alone.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
Today I am going to go by this saying. If I can't say something nice I won't say nothing at all. 😆

Well see how far this gets me. LOL

But sorry girly I don't believe all of this. Some of it yes but not all of it.

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