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Real Ghost Stories

The Confederate Solider


This gives me chills, then again still living in the house and typing the exact same spot will give you chills. If I am to tell this story I will have to tell it right so bear with me.

It started 2 years ago. I was 15 and my ex-girlfriend (I'll name her Hannah so to keep her real name safe) was 14. She came over one night and it was a few days after Halloween. It was about 10 P.M. And she was about to leave for the night. In the basement (where I am typing this story from) Hannah forgot something upstairs in the kitchen.

We go upstairs and get the item she forgot to bring with her to the basement. As we walk down the steps, she cuts in front of me. You know being flirty and what not and making it a race to get to the basement. She gets to the door but doesn't open it just yet. She turns to say something to me and I look up to answer my mom's call for something I again do not remember.

I set my eyes in front of me instead of the ceiling. Hannah opens the door to the basement, reaches behind the wall for the light switch and turns it on.

When the lights came on in there, Hannah opened the door as wide as it would go. She took a few baby steps forward when she stopped. I looked up to see about 10 feet from where she stood on the wall, a shadow. This shadow was directly below a very bright lit light bulb on the low ceiling. It stayed there in that spot not having any form and flew right and vanished. From then Hannah refused to stay in the basement by herself.

The next incident was after me and Hannah broke up shortly after her losing a promise ring I gave her at the lake, a different incident happened.

I was standing up, playing the PS3 on the big screen in the basement. I was getting deep into the game I was playing. I turned around to walk to the table to get a drink of water when in the doorway, that led to the lounging room, stood a man in a grey uniform.

I know my history well and I've seen museum sealed Civil War coats both Confederate and Union. Saying this and living in Georgia near Atlanta the location of my house stood in the pathway of Sherman's men. This man had the entire Confederate uniform but his face was shadowed. He shifted his gun into a firing position, squatted down as if hiding behind a structure (maybe a huge dead log since it was in the woods where I live), but disappeared before he fired.

Ever since then I've been coming down to the basement most nights to maybe see that solider. No success sadly.

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EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-09)
Only once did a interaction between me and the solider but that I'll have to publish since it is a long one
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-04)
I think that playing the game could have acted like a trigger object that brought on the spirit revealing itself and aiming like it was going to shoot.

Have you had any other interactions with it since then?

EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-01)
Hmm thanks shu (sorry I do not know how to spell your name and scroll up). I did not think of it. So you think me playing the game caused this reaction of the spirt?
shuizensu (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-01)
It's called the memory fraction, as it is known to be the cause of the temporal haunting of a place. Usually during the real event happened, strong emotions were projected from the dead. That was the only emotion that might be remaining on the last spot the spirit was on. So it was locked there and maybe, just maybe a certain EMP triggered the unlocking mechs and released the figure. No solid proof of it yet but then that can be the only explanation that I can come up for now.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-01)
great story 😁 thanks for sharing.
Interesting idea of him passing by and seeing the game, anything is possible!
EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-01)
Yeah I still have dreams of this solider for some odd reason. Wish I could see it again though
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-01)
Great story! A soldier kneeling preparing to fire, that is intense! Maybe a connection to the game but I doubt it, as you stated in another post it was all forest until the last several years. Think of all the Vets today that suffer from PTS and think that back then you were fighting your own countrymen and had to worry about your family that was stuck right in the middle of it. I can't imagine. What you witnessed was a testament to true horror! I hope someday his spirit will be able to find peace. Thanks

EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-31)
[at] terrilewis123 thanks and you as well to happy hunting.

[at] justcurious hmm maybe it was just glad it wasn't a real gun he was about to fire haha.

Oh the next story will have pictures of the location since I do not enjoy in explanning backgrounds.

Enjoy the ghosts!
TerriLewis123 (1 stories) (93 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-31)
Thank you for your story. I believe you. I used to live in the south & experienced my own haunting, also posted on this site. I think the south is full of ghosts cause of the Civil War. Happy ghost hunting! 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-31)
Nice catch there JC! I never would have caught that about the shooting game. Interesting.

JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-31)
Alright. Well maybe the shooting game could have had a tie in it. Like for example, his spirit may have been passing by, and upon witnessing the shooting game, he thought that it was a battle for the war he took part in and made himself visible and positioned himself to attack?

I don't know for sure if that's what caused it but that's one thing I think that could have been a tie into what caused it. Just my two cents.

EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-31)
Yes I remember it was around 11ish at night. And I was playing some kind of shooting game but I don't remember what it's name is
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-31)
That was a really good story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. You happen to remember about what time you saw it? And what game were you playing? If it was a war game at all, it could have spiked something that caused him to show up.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-30)
I'll be reading all your stories as they come out! I love the way you tell them and they are always interesting. Thank you for bringing them here.

Jav ❤
EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-30)
Everyone should read my other story and the new one to come when were allowed to submit
EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-30)
[at] Otter that is a funny thought but no I do not think it was a renactor but I where I live used to be woods 7 years ago
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-30)
Loved the story, that would have really stopped me cold! I wonder if this shadow was the same fellow or a member of his group.
This story led me to Wikipedia to look up civil war enactors as I was thinking, how long has the civil war had enactors? They actually started before the end of the Civil war itself, as a way to honor fallen comrades, and the first big one was documented in 1913. Regular acting out of battles as we know them today started in the 1960's with several different catagories of enactors. Facinating. I looked this up because I was wondering, how long before we start seeing visions of "enactors" instead of the real thing?

Thanks again for the story! ❤
girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-30)
That is soo cool! I loved those types of hauting were they relive what happened to them. It's just soo cool to see them in action like that. You are very lucky sir. Enjoy your ghost 😁
aiafaith1 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-07-30)
That's so cool. I'm from South Carolina, so I know a lot about it. Cowpens was a revolutionary battle. She probably saw some Patirots or British soliders. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks for sharing.

AF1 ❤
EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-30)
Thanks to all who commented I will be posting another story probably today. But it being posted may take a while so yeah. Thanks for reading it and comment.

frumthasouf (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-30)
A five year old niece of mine has seen a group of soldiers in the backyard of my friend's house. At that time he lived in Cowpens, SC, which is just a couple miles from the Cowpens Battlfield from the Civil War. She ran in so excited, saying there were some soldiers in the backyard. Everyone went to go look and nothing was there. She barely remembers that night so we don't know if they were Confederate or Union soldiers. My friend's house had no neighbors at the time so it wasn't like someone was playing a joke on us. Although I've never seen anything there (but heard someone call my name from the woods near his house at night), that place just feels freakishly weird at night.
aiafaith1 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-07-30)
Woah! This story is soooo cool! It's going on my favorites!

In my opinion, seeing a confederate solider would just be the bomb. 😆 I think it's awesome that he went into a firing position, then just dissappeared!

I agree with Jav on the part about the shadow. He probably just didn't have enough energy to materialize completely yet.

So cool.

AF1 ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-30)
Very cool! I don't know what to say about the shadow, other than perhaps the spirit didn't have the energy to materialize completely.
It's the soldier that gave me the chills. Going down into a firing position? That had to have been amazing to witness.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I enjoyed it immensely.


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