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A Future Fall


I do believe it was a year ago when this event happened to me. It was an eventless summer. Days were hot, and long while the nights were short and cool.

Being an only child and spending the summer vacations usually alone until I came across this creek. That is where to this day I enjoy my days in the summer heat always trying but never succeeding in find the end of the creek's tail.

One day after enjoying the creek I decided to investigate to what my curiosity has been begging me to check out: the graveyard next to the creek.

This graveyard was on the land of a church built in the 1840s. It was destroyed by some fire in 1913, and was finished in being rebuilt in 1916. It was on a stone in front of the church.

I decided that I would come back and investigate the cemetery closer towards twilight.

Returning back to the church/cemetery, I noticed that there was an electrician doing something to a power line. Fixing it or checking something, I don't know; I'm not an expert.

So I rode my bike away from his eye sight and parked it behind the church. The church gave me a feeling of being forbidden to enter its ground. I found that feeling odd, especially at a church. I walked around to the resting places of so many before and began reading their stories. Some were mothers, daughters, brothers, fathers, sons, friends, and even... Civil War soldiers. Read one of my stories labeled Confederate Solider and you will know what I'm talking about.

And those were the oldest besides a man named Seth whose date of birth was unknown but death was 1849. Many of the graves were unmarked and the most recent was a Malian Lilly in 2008.

Finally after looking at all the headstones I left. The electrician was still working there now on the crane like thing to get to the top of the power line.

I stopped. It was 86 degrees when I left home for the graveyard, but right then the temperature felt like 50. I turned my head towards the cemetery (I do not know why but I wish I hadn't.) and saw a large, black, hooded figure. It was standing in front of the grave of the man named Seth.

From that large distance I felt the feeling of anger and pain. It terrified me when I came to realize it was a demon I was staring at.

It turned to me when I realized what it was in my mind. By that time I fell to the ground and began crawling away. My legs wouldn't allow me to stand up as I watched in horror the demon moved slowly towards me. I bumped into another gravestone that was across the street from the main one.

The demon stopped, bent and flew at me like... It was flying! Like truly flying not that levitating off the ground stuff but moving like a bullet towards me.

I couldn't scream but the electrician did it for me. The demon took a dramatic turn upwards headed for not me but the man working on the power line. I looked up and saw him flip over the little platform he was on and tumbled to the earth.

Before he hit the ground from a huge height... He disappeared right before my very eyes. The vehicle that electrician used to get to the top of power lines disappeared as well along with the shadow figure.

I learned that no one died there or gotten hurt. But what freaks me out is why I saw an image of a man falling to his doom. I may never know but I hope I do before I plunge from this world.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, EchoBay, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Barbie1637 (1 stories) (34 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-22)
Just a a thought... Maybe it was a premonition... It would be no record if it had not happened yet. 😊
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-21)
so... A demon attacks a residual haunting (or perhaps a demon attacks a premonition) in a graveyard?

What is the name of this church? It sounds like you've looked up some of the history. As well as looked up the history of electrician deaths in the area and the history of power line repair trucks, interestingly enough.

but if you provide a church name, the members here have great resources and could probably give you some more info.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-16)
[at] EchoBay,
Are there any other headstones across the road along with the one you bumped into? That would be interesting to investigate. I wonder if the church kept any records of them for historical purposes?
I never thought about that before, but it would be an interesting thing to research some of the older cemeteries. The long forgotten ones that had a separate area where they would bury the "undesirables".

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-12)
Be kind to the old folks hun. Some of us still have our own teeth.

Jav 😆
EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-12)
Thanks Jav. For those long two comments. You must have a lot of free time (just messing with haha), or you are on to something. A battle stuck in that motion? Hmmm... That is news to me. I'll check the headstone I bumped into soon. You have very good points and maybe I shouldn't have been quick to judge it as a demon. But I truly like those two comments. Makes you think you know.
Thanks by the way of explaining all that stuff about electricians, I wish I wrote it down like that.
Thanks for the insight I hope that answered the question as to why it happened but hey you never know for sure in the spirt world.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-12)
You see what I'm thinking is, all the weird feelings you picked up on in each area were their feelings. But they weren't directed at you, you just happened to act as a conduit between the two. Maybe that's the only way, or perhaps the only time, they ever had that strong of a connection.
I know that my version of it sounds a little out there, but sometimes things hit me like that. At least it did this time! 😊
Thanks for another great story, can't wait the next one.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-12)
There are so many things here, maybe too many, huh? The story is wonderful and frightening. Just the way I like them.
My father was an electrician, so I can answer a couple of those questions you had.
1) Nothing in the electrician's handbook says he can't work in a rural area. Often times that is where you end up working because a lot of those folks are barely on the grid and seem to experience more outages than those closer to town.
2) Yes, electricians will work into the evening hours, especially if it means not having to come back and work out there the next day.
3) Yes, they work on power lines. Sometimes finding the break in the connection that's causing the problem can take all day or longer.
Those could be some of the reasons the entity chose to present himself as an electrician in the first place, easier to blend in unnoticed. No one wants to mess with the guy who is repairing your problem. Best to let him finish. Besides, it's electricity, it's dangerous, you don't try and distract someone working on power lines, you just cut a wide berth and hope he knows what he's doing.
You stated~~
"So I rode my bike away from his eye sight and parked it behind the church. The church gave me a feeling of being forbidden to enter its ground. I found that feeling odd, especially at a church."

I find that odd myself, hmmm.
After visiting the grave sites and reading the headstones, you left. The electrician was now working from the bucket of the crane on his vehicle. That's when you noticed the air had chilled quite a bit. Against your own better judgement you turned to look back at the church (the church that had made you feel unwelcome when you first arrived), you see the dark hooded figure, feeling the anger and pain that you perceive as coming from him, he senses what you are thinking, looks in your direction, and takes flight toward you, you hit the ground and start crawling your butt out of there and bump into another headstone across the road and off the main grounds from the church/cemetery. The electrician screams, the hooded guy sails upward toward the electrician, you look upward to see the electrician flip off the platform, tumble toward earth, and before he hits the ground they all disappear, including the truck.

I have a wild idea. I think you caught these two trying to outmaneuver each other, like in a fight or a battle of some sort. People are usually robbed of their ability to scream if they are being electrocuted. They have no control over their own reactions and movements.
I have to wonder if they saw you at all. And if so, they weren't too bothered by it. It sounds like they were only concerned with each other.
You, on the other hand were just the observer,
I'm thinking battle, probably been at it for a long while too. I'm more inclined to believe the electrician was the worst of the two entities there that night. And I'm wondering if he is the one buried under that headstone you bumped into in your attempt to flee from the hooded fellow. After all, if you were trying to sneak onto the property you weren't even allowed to be buried on, wouldn't you wear a disguise?
Go check that headstone, see who's name, if any, is carved into that cold stone. That is the approximate area you were in when the air turned cold, right?
Inquiring minds want to know!


~~PS~~I realize the title is "Future Fall", but to me, the only future for these guys is their continuing battle. 😉
AnimalAngels (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
Yes, I know he disappeared, but what if in the past he fell and lived? Just a suggestion! Good Luck!


EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
No problem but in the process I got myself into a head scratcher. Talk about a fail
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
Wow, you do have an interesting dilemma here. And some great suggestions as to what this experience could have been.
I have to think on this one first. It is, as others have noted, a good head scratcher. And those are my favorite kind!
Thanks for another great story.
Jav 😁
EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
No the truck was actually a different type. It was clean brand new and had technology on it that I couldn't recognize. It moved faster and was quiet I do believe when it moved upwards like it was brand new. But I've never seen any truck like that today or in the past (I looked it up). And hmm same spirt that is a good theory there
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
AnimalAngels - At the end of the story it says that he dissappeared before he hit the ground and that the truck dissappeared also

AnimalAngels (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
I'm sorry if this was already said before! I was just thinking what if the electrician fell, and survived and that's why you couldn't find any deaths there? Just a thought!

champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
LouSlips-It could very well be exactly the way you said it. Good theory!
EchoBay- have you been back to write down some of the names from some more recent burials? Did the truck look modern or older? If it looked like an 80's model etc,etc, that's the dates I would look for on the grave markers and research those names.

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-11)
Here's an idea kids,
What if the dark figure and the electician were one and the same? The entity projected a credible, adult, everyday appearance so that it could keep its eye on the "kid" in the graveyard, without being completely out of place while allowing the O/P to know not to mess around. It made its appearance as the dark figure when it thought the coast was clear and the O/P had turned away, and mock charged when it thought it had to be forceful to ensure the O/P left...remember, both "entities" essentially disappeared together. Can a single entity present itself how it wants to, whenever it wants to, even at the same time?
I believe it was a single spirit protecting the property, as well.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-10)
Devious, I'm also going along the same lines for the electrician witnessed as being "Dimensional Shift's" perhaps.

Basically another time overlapping the current time it was witnessed by EchoBay. I know it is quite out there and a lot to comprehend, but hey we are on a ghost site! Lol 😁
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-10)
I hope that I did not seem hostile in my questions. I am just curious and trying to get as much information as possible. JustCurious put a bit more emphasis on one of my suggestions in regards to the nature of this entity. I think what you were feeling was the emotions of the spirit of someone laid to rest in the graveyard. What the dude on the power lines was all about, I really have no idea. Maybe that was an out-of-place time glitch or something, that is really the only explanation I can think of, unless you happened to see a projection of someone's dream or nightmare or something. But I would not be so quick to label something a demon or evil spirit just because it scared you and gave you negative emotions. Perhaps it was just a tormented soul seeking empathy. Either way, I am glad you were not harmed by it, and it did not seem to follow you or attach itself to you so that is good. Usually evil or negative entities will follow you around and continue trying to scare you because they feed off of the energy your fear creates.
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-10)
I have to wonder that maybe the electrician died in a accident by being electrocuted and falling from the bucket and the entity you saw may have been a reaper that came for him. The electrician could have died somewhere else and be attached to that place for some reason, buried there or attended church there.
EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-10)
Yeah I know [at] JustCurious thanks though:). And to Darkness I know. Nothing on the records of deaths there. So I must agree it is a head scratcher
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-10)
EchoBay: A very interesting account here I think what you may have witnessed could possibly be a keeper or guardian of the cemetary, or even perhaps the spirit of the person you mentioned in your story.
The thing I find strange is the electrician falling and then dissapearing, now you mention you have looked in to past deaths hisorty etc. So basically ruling out something residual unless it has been overlooked perhaps. Bit of a head scratcher this one, strange indeed. Thanks for sharing this with us.

JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-09)
your welcome EchoBay. I'm not trying to say its not a demonic entity I was just offering some advice as to another possibility.

Hexotericka (6 stories) (45 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-09)
EchoBay, a lot of people on this site have had a lot of experience with the paranormal. The majority of the regular posters are objective adults with quite a bit of knowledge in this field. I personally believe you will get more factual answers here than from a friend who might just tell you what you want to hear.
EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-09)
Ahh I see what you mean [at] JustCurious. I see but I honestly thought and still think it is a demon truly. But good theory there. I shall ask one of my friends who has experience in this area. Thanks

JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-09)
Just a comment on the emotions that you were feeling at the time of the appearance of this "demon" if that's what it was, I just wanted to say something.

When it comes to emotions that are felt with an apparition, its always possible that you are feeling the apparitions final emotions before death.

For example, say a little boy is killed when he is attacked by a dog. His final emotion would be fear, and therefore if you felt fear when seeing his apparition that's where that emotion could stem from cause that's the emotion his apparition would probably be projecting since it was the last emotion he felt.

I wouldn't be so quick to right it off as a demonic entity, but also possibly a person that felt those emotions in their final moments before death.

EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-09)
Yeah I checked and double checked and nothing has happened there no death nothing. I checked before I posted this and nothing then either. That's why the name is future fall
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-09)
Have you taken the time to contact the local power companies to check to see if any electrical technicians died at that spot?
Hexotericka (6 stories) (45 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-09)
DeviousAngel, good points there. It seems people love jumping at the chance to label things they do not understand as demonic. The electrician and his vehicle disappearing also puzzles me. Also, I do not think that the electrician was your guardian, EchoBay, since I do not believe that a guardian's reaction to a spirit attack would be a scream of terror. This is merely my own theory on this, and I could be completely wrong, of course.
EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-09)
And a updated question fir me. I cannot remember the exact time for when I was there but it was during sunset or past the sunset. My brain wasn't really focused on remembering that. And I never rode close to the electration when I got there with my bike. And he wasn't looking down when I was under him. I do not think he even noticed me to be honest.
EchoBay (3 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-09)
That's what I've been trying to figure out. That's why the title says future fall. Not past fall. And it must be in the future because I have never seen anyone pull up right there because it's a hill that's what's so odd.
And I asked many people and I figured it must be a demon or a dark person. Those emotions I have never felt before and scare me to death to this day. So the only logical explanation must be a demon. But maybe it's something else. I'm going to look deeper into this.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-09)
And another thing, why did you not find it strange that an electrician would be working on the power lines at night? Did he have a flashlight or something? Did he acknowledge you?

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