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Taffy Is That You


Since April 2011 My cat taffy was very sick start to have stroke then after that she became blind, mom and I try everything for her but things got worse she wouldn't eat and she suffer, September same month that when we got her in 1997 weird that she passed away on September.

Forward to Eight months Every where In the house I thought I seen her and one night I was about to sleep Just like when she was alive jump in bed with me and walk all over me I get the feeling that it might be her to say goodbye she is only 14 when she died I always see and Feeling her in house She love to protect me in alive.

I do have a hard time to accept death of anything humans and animals. I been try to prepare and make her comfortable until her time come but won't died on her own so my mother took her to vet to put her sleep after we saying our goodbye. After her passing We refuse to replace her cause we don't feeling right cause she like my flesh and blood baby that I love her so much and yes very lonely with a company of pets. She very Special cat in our life I would never change that. When I came home from hospital she would hiss at my Step dad cause she don't want nobody touch me but her and my mom. Some of My friends say she is mean but I love her anyway no matter how mean she is. My mom call her Cat from hell when one friend's mom ask me is she from hell we laugh and I say no she just being mean. It was kind my fault that I been busy with my new phone not pay attention to her cause stupid new phone that I bought that when she got sick.

Sorry I'm not good at Spelling and I know I'm not good at writing.

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Ibelieveheshere (2 stories) (68 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-26)
Thank you Lady-Glow that true I do surely love her too and Never know maybe some day I might get another cat but just never know yet.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
12 years ago (2012-04-25)
I'm sorry for your loss.

Cats can be mean but so loving and they have a way to win your heart. I'm sure Taffy came to say good bye and to let you know that she is still around and taking care of you.

It is difficult to accept the death of a pet, but we have to learn to move forward. One day you might get another cat, not to replace Taffy, but to let some new happiness into your life.

And do not blame yourself for her passing, fourteen years is a long life for a cat, just be thankful for all those years and the love she shared with you.

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