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Haunted Ft. Bliss


My story starts a few months after marrying my ex-wife. She was in Texas and I was stationed in Ft. Eustis, Virginia. My 1st Sergeant had secured a position for me at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, but sat on the orders too long. Less than 30 days before I was going to leave, the orders were changed to Ft Bliss, Texas. I was still excited to be closer to my wife and her son.

We decided to live on Post for convenience purposes. The housing was okay. It was old but not run down. Our neighbors were really quiet. Our first night there was our first experience. We laid her son down to bed at his normal time. He was a very heavy sleeper and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Well we stayed up for a while, and when it was time to go to sleep, as soon as I laid my head down, we heard a thud and a child's footsteps run across the hallway floor. Fast. I got up and looked in the hallway and living room. Nothing. I quietly opened his door, and hes fast asleep in bed. I looked at my wife and she was scared, so I checked the house in detail. Empty. We laughed it off and had a good night sleep.

About a month later, our marriage was already strained. I had to work odd hours, and she stopped cleaning, and we were constantly arguing. One night specifically, I worked late, and we had a huge argument because she believed I was cheating, which I wasn't. I went to bed angry. The next morning I was awoken by a feeling of a presence over me. I felt what appeared to be an elderly ladies hand touch my face. At first gently, then it pressed my head into the pillow. I could even see the shadow of a finger over my left eyebrow. I was paralyzed and my breath suddenly stopped. I was scared but more angry that I couldn't move. After about a minute, I was able to move, and I bolted up gasping for breath. This happened to my wife a few times while we lived there.

The weirdest thing by far was our last week together. We argued all the time, and she would even hit me and throw things at me. She would tell her son he didn't have to listen to me, and would accuse me of checking any chick out that entered my line of sight. We argued cussing each other out very badly. We heard something thud on our roof, and we heard what sounded like giant wings flapping. She said there was a legend about a creature with the face of a man, the body of a lion and huge wings. If you look it in the face, you die, and it comes during heated arguments. We listened to it for about 10 minutes. Then she opened the back door and cussed at it in Spanish, and it stopped.

After she went home I had to go back there to clean up all the nastiness they left. I experienced noises like things rustling through our stuff, and a feeling of being watched, but that's it. It took me 2 weeks to clean it out. I am happy we are divorced and I have a new family now, but do you think whatever happened at the house caused her to be crazy?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, taiji973, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-29)

Flags are indeed supposed to be well maintained, but have you ever seen a flag outside someones home or some business and wanted to take it down for the owner because of the horrid condition the flag they are displaying is in?

So, no attic, no bats... What about birds like owls or vultures... If either had grabbed more food than they could fly with there is a chance they landed/hit your roof and then flew off. This has happened to me...

The footsteps may have been residual in nature OR maybe... If no one had been in the home for some time before you moved in the boards could have been 'shifting' because of the traffic caused by 'new occupants'.

Just some theories...


taiji973 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-26)
Thank you Rook.:)

Honestly I do want to debunk everything that happened, as I want to let all that go, and wasn't sure what was going on there.

The EMF thing does make sense. So does sleep paralysis. The only two that isn't debunked for me yet is the wing sounds and footsteps.

The housing we lived in did not have attics. They had semi flat roofs with with swamp coolers on top. The wing sounds were loud and rythmic, and sounded like a slow flapping. I liked the flag idea, but didn't seem logical as flags are supposed to be well maintained. If it was bats, it had to be many at the same time or a HUGE bat.

Our neighbors housing on that side was connected, as it was a duplex, but no one lived there until we were about to move out. Voices were not heard unless they were screaming and it was still muddled, so no way the foorsteps came from next door. These were isolated incidents so I'm sure there's an explanation. I'm just looking for something logical for myself that may be able to be proven?...
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-26)
Dear taiji973,
I am so sorry that your relationship broke down so soon. I am also happy to know that you are happy with your own family now.
As for the paranormal being the reason, I am going with rookdygin's theory.


PS- Hi rook & Jav 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-26)

I didn't comment earlier as there didn't seem to be a need to, but you have asked this...

"...hope we can move past tge personal parts and focus on the paranormal debunking..."

You want debunking... Alright let's debunk.

You first night in base housing...

"...as soon as I laid my head down, we heard a thud and a child's footsteps run across the hallway floor. Fast. I got up and looked in the hallway and living room. Nothing. I quietly opened his door, and hes fast asleep in bed. I looked at my wife and she was scared, so I checked the house in detail. Empty."

Like most 'base housing' Ft. Bliss has duplexes or fourplexes which means you have the potential for multiple neighbors... The fact it was your first night in the home there is a chance you heard noise from a neighbors home had only thought it was in your home. (I speak from experience I lived in enlisted housing while stationed at the Naval War College in Newport R.I.)


"At first gently, then it pressed my head into the pillow. I could even see the shadow of a finger over my left eyebrow. I was paralyzed and my breath suddenly stopped. I was scared but more angry that I couldn't move. After about a minute, I was able to move, and I bolted up gasping for breath. This happened to my wife a few times while we lived there."

While its interesting that this happened to both of you there is a chance that the strain in your relationship/stress in your life may have been causing both of you to experience sleep paralysis.


"We heard something thud on our roof, and we heard what sounded like giant wings flapping."

All legends aside... Depending on the time of day this was I think the chances that a bird dropped something onto your roof... Or maybe a branch broke as a bird landed and it hit your roof and you heard the bird fly off. There is a slight chance you heard 'bats' in your attic... You did say the home was "old but not run down".

As far as the feeling of being watched when you returned to 'clean the place up'. Old home, old wires possible high EMF levels (which may have caused 'unease' in the home and between you and your wife)...add that to all the 'negative energy' that 'filled the home' while you and your wife were there and there... Either of these things... Or a combination of the two may have caused this feeling for you.

There is nothing I can find in your experience that says any of it was caused by anything Paranormal.


taiji973 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-26)
I have more stories I will pos later, but due to the content of these comments, ill leave as much personal info out as possible. I really didn't think it would draw out personal comments and attacks on me and my ex.:) no I do not keep in contact and her son is doing great. The old womans hand was a feeling. And we were both part of the problem in fighting, for the record, she was the only one physically abusive, I would never hit a woman.:) hope we can move past tge personal parts and focus on the paranormal debunking as I felt I left some comments unanswered
taiji973 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-26)
Wow! I am extremely surprised with some of the posts on here. Let me clear the air. I am a male that was in an abusive relationship. I am not bashing her, but that information is I feel a part of the story. I have no guilt. When she was first sent home, the military actually gave me orders to do so due to signs of abuse, so I don't see why my post would offend anyone. I guess more detail couldve been used and I apologize for offending anyone. The point of the story though was not the relationship but the events that occured.

Now on to the other posts, her son never sleep walked before or since, but I guess it couldve been possible.:) that's crazy your daughter would dance in her sleep. But wouldn't we have heard footsteps going back to the room and his door open and close? Our room was right next to his.

That flag idea makes sense. So does sleep paralysis my concern though is how a flag would blow away when thier supposed to be well maintained on post? Definately possible...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Route 66? Nice! But you better hurry before it's all gone man. Seems like they try and more chunks of it away when they think no one's looking.
Your cat's name is Arizona? COOL! I feel all special now, even though I had nothing to do with it. 😊

Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
LOL, No Kitty this time, I did however look at your profile and must say I really dig your boy Rocky! Or should I say Clint Eastwoof! Lol...
And You live in Arizona (My Kitty's name is AROZONA!) which is by the way one of my fascinations... Always wanted to and probably will still get my kicks on the 66... Totally obsessed with it!

Thanks for the explanation Jav! Really appreciate the honesty and has and will definitely make me look at posters stories in a whole new way.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Don't you dare feel stupid! It was something I should have brought up from the very beginning, in my first post. Had I not been so upset, I would have. You weren't the first one to come to that conclusion anyway. No harm, no foul.
And no kitty to chuck in there just in case either. 😆

Jav 😊
Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Jav! You got me there partner! I was way ahead of myself! And reading your response, its actually unbelievable at how many other 'causes, things' it could be than the paranormal...

The flags as the flapping sound is an excellent example! -Very impressed by that by the way.
I do apologise for the amateur-ish way I came off there! Feel slightly stoopid! 😉
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
You see, the only negative energy in the house was between the two of them. I don't see anything paranormal in this case at all. Just two people fighting. I have been reading about cases that are springing up in the newspapers and local TV stations where someone has blamed whatever they have done on the fact that they, or their partner, friend, wife, whatever, was either possessed or putting curses on them. Or the house was possessed so a guy burned it down. I'm sure his recent purchase of fire and casualty insurance had nothing to do with it... Right.
But the trend is growing because the interest is growing. All the TV shows and movies have sparked an interest and given the science of the paranormal a boost up into the mainstream culture. No longer is it something you don't speak about outside of the family. Everyone is into it now. We just have to watch for the ones trying to crash the gates.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
[at] ROZO,
Slow down there cowboy! 😆 To establish that conclusion the first thing you must do is eliminate any natural, or the possibility of any natural interference. First there were the footsteps in the hall. Even though he got up afterward to check, and found the the child asleep in his own bed, I can tell you from experience that children walk, run, jump, and twirl in their sleep. Oftentimes they are right back in bed before you know it. My eldest would get out of bed, start twirling in circles singing the A B C song, and be right back under the covers before you knew what happened. I had to actually catch her in the act before I was convinced she wasn't messing with me.
Next there were the instances we commonly refer to as sleep paralysis that began after they had begun fighting with each other. No other reports of unusual activity in between the footsteps and the SP.
Lastly, they were arguing loudly, things were thrown, suddenly there comes a thud on the roof and the sound of wings flapping. Being former military myself I can tell you there are flags flying daily on base. That was my first thought when I read this account. That a flag had come loose and was blown onto the roof of the house. The flags used on base can be quite large, the fabric is good, sturdy, and heavy. This could easily have made the sound of a thud. If it was then blown away in another gust, you would hear a sound like the flapping of wings. This is not such a far fetched theory when you consider the alternative. That of a being of some sort dropping down on their roof to warn them to shut up? Not likely.
Now, everybody can go the other direction on this one, but I stand firm in my original assessment. The poster is looking for excuses to show the break up of his first marriage was not his fault.
Sorry, I'm not falling for it. Not today.

Rozo (3 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
This is a case of negative energy attracting negative energy 101!

I do however feel that, whilst you were working odd hours and she stopped cleaning etc, that this evil presence had now taken over or found a gap if you will with her and homed in.
Personal question if I may?... Do you still keep in contact with her? Has she too found happiness now? Is she and her son alright?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Point taken hun. My response wasn't meant to be argumentative. Sorry if it came off that way.
Besides, you know I adore you Danny. ❤

Jav 😁
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Thats completely understandable you feel that way Jav but I purposely avoided not bringing up that issue and just concentrated on the paranormal aspects! 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Oh, I agree with that point. Karu voiced that same point before I even read the story. And you're right, there is many a time when that becomes confusing for some posters.
Good point DARKNESS.
However, this had to have taken place some time ago, being that the O/P is now remarried and has a new family. It wasn't the the cause that I was addressing, it was the tone he used when he talked about their marital problems. It gets under my skin when it comes off the way it does. Sorry Danny, I have a low tolerance for wife bashing. On the one hand he is asking if the negative presence may have been what caused her to go crazy (his words), but when he says this:
"After she went home I had to go back there to clean up all the nastiness they left."
It shows he is still blaming her for it. Her going home after... I thought she was home. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

No hard feelings hun. I simply feel very strongly that a commitment of marriage should have made him want to help her, not kick her back "home". I'm a little touchy about this stuff.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Like what Miracles touched on, that being the negativity, if there was anything paranormal going on depending what was present it could definitely escalate things.
Especially if it was something negative within the home and by negative I'm not referring to something demonic (negative and demonic is something a lot of people on this site get confused about in thinking they are the same)
It would thrive on seeing this sort of behaviour and encourage the negativity, this could explain someone who was a very bitter, depressed and emotionally angry and an upset person when they where alive. When they have passed on they have carried all these feelings and emotions along with them! There attitude is like "Well I'm not happy why the hell should you be happy?" Something to consider anyway! Thanks for sharing.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-24)
Excuse me? Now I realize that you are using your own standards when it comes to which comments you deem unnecessary or unhelpful, but the two you deleted here were hardly the type that would be considered way off track. Both Lou's and my own comments went to debunking the validity of the posters claim that whatever was "wrong" with his ex wife had to have come from being exposed to the paranormal goings on inside the home.
My saying the poster only wrote the story to somehow legitimize breaking his sacred union to his wife is not so far from another poster telling an author they only submitted their story to see if it would get published.
The comments that were removed went toward debunking his claim.

Meanwhile, I see the dive-bombing of the other story is still taking place...

Jav 😕
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
Okay - time to get this story back on track. Advice. If you don't have any, move on to another story.

And for the record, I do believe that negativity, be it an unhappy marriage or whatever the situation may be, can manifest into the situation the o/p mentioned in his story.
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-23)
I've gotta be with Jav on this one, the line "I had to work odd hours, and she stopped cleaning" actually really made me cross! Because obviously wives are just there to clean, and once they stop doing that they no longer serve a purpose and should just be sent to the glue factory! This to me just read as you venting about your ex's faults and just throwing in the merest hint of something that could possibly maybe perhaps almost be slightly paranormal just to make it relevant to the site. And yes, I am being aggressive and yes it may seem unfair, but seeing as you have given me rage and I don't even know you, I think we can rest assured that it wasn't something paranormal causing your ex wife to "act crazy". Grrrr!
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-22)
Heavens, Javelina! My brain did not even go there until I read your post. I'm not sure the story is totally one-sided as the poster does admit they cussed each other out very badly. However, you are entitled to you opinion. Taiji973, I take it the strain in your marriage did not begin until after you moved to that house. Was this your first long-term relationship? Were there other signs the relationship was in jeopardy prior to the move? Regarding the sleep paralysis incidents, I query how you ascertained it was an elderly lady's hand as you only saw the shadow of a finger. Was this more of a feeling than a visual evaluation? It would be interesting to hear more about your ex-wife's experiences with the sleep paralysis, although I suppose you aren't in contact with her anymore. Best of luck with your new family. It is certainly possible something in the house or about the house (the layout, energy patterns, etc.) could have made both of you crazy. That said, if you start feeling strain in your new situation, please seek help and try to work on your relationship. I'm sure the military offers support services for families.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-21)
I am not even going to get in to how insulting all of this sounds. If you are here to get justification for leaving your previous wife by giving us only your side of the story, and tossing in something that sounds slightly paranormal as more of an aside to the more general sort of 'moan and groan about your ex wife' story this really is, then you are just as bad or worse than how you are making her out to be.
You're divorced, remarried, it's over. Please don't use this forum for airing this sort of dirty laundry. It is unbecoming and smacks of a guilty conscience.
I will not apologize for any harshness in my tone, it was meant to sound that way.

Jav 😐
Karu (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-21)
I suppose you can't rule out that her temper was caused by such experiences, but to be fair some people are just like that. You can look for reasons and explanations to it, but people just change.
On the other hand though, you could just as well say the experiences in the house were caused by the stress, anger and resentment between you.
AUSTRIA (4 stories) (36 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-21)
Hi, your story was really interesting. I enjoyed it. Well the answer to your question is yes. Your ex-wife must be having troubles because of the experiences. And maybe that's the reason why she argued so much.
Take care.
AUSTRIA. 😊 😆 😊
Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-10-20)
I understand these old bases are full of hauntings. It is entirely possible that your ex-wife's troubles were caused by the experiences you both had there. I think it is also possible that manifestations occur with vulnerable people. They feed off each other. I will let other more knowledgable posters take it from here, as I am not experienced enough to comment further. I did find your story interesting, and I thank you for posting it here.

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