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Real Ghost Stories

And Suddenly The Room Was Cold


Before I come to the actual story or incident, I would like to share something about myself.

It was back in 1992, when I was just a 14 year old girl, single child of a single parent.

I was never the typical teenager, always a bit withdrawn, serious and very quiet, and drawn to religion and spirituality. (And to be honest, that's what I am like to this day.)

A series of incidents, had brought me to accept Islam as my religion and my way of life a couple of months earlier, the best decision I had ever made in my life.

I had already learnt some simple prayers and the shorter chapters of the Holy Qur'an by heart, but I was not as serious about practicing my newly found religion as I ought to have been.

Back then, I lived with my mother in a small suburb like bungalow in Germany. The house itself always had a slightly sad and weird feel about it. It was maybe built in the late 50's, a quick, emergency kind of construction, and definitely not very well planned. There were odd sounds coming from all nooks and crooks, and though most of them could safely be identified, there was often something that would simply send shivers down my spine.

My room was situated in the basement, with no proper door, just a heavy curtain was hung to safeguard some privacy, and yes, to make sure that the room was always cozy and warm. The room and windows, but they opened merely into 'lightshafts' and were hardly ever opened.

So, in this room I was lying one night, my bed next to the heating and all ready to sleep with my favourite cat curled up on the lower end of the bed. After a bit of reading, I turned off the light and fell asleep.

A chilly air in the room awoke me. It seemed as though a heavy gust of cold air had blown the curtains apart and chilled out the whole room. The cat that had until then slept with me peacefully, had run away, utterly terrified. I myself, was scared. Too scared to move, too scared to think, and definitely too scared to turn on the light.

I felt someone stand right next to the headside of my bed - my fright prevented me from looking around and having a full glance. I merely perceived that it was a huge, black figure, with piercing reddish eyes. It somehow communicated to me that it has come to get me. The evil radiated by this 'thing' had left me paralysed with fear. I began to recite the prayers I had learned, the testimony of faith, but that thing would just repeat it viciously after me, and laugh in the most wicked manner I could imagine. I had almost lost hope, when the words "A'oodhu billahi minash-shaytan-ir-rajeem" (translated that means: I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan) passed my lips. I had hardly spoken those words, when the thing was gone, and the room had a normal feel again.

I was still lying on my bed, but the terrible fear had gone. I quickly turned on the light, made arrangements to offer the night prayer which I had not offered yet. As I went to the washroom, I still felt that evil presence lurking outside my room, but now it was anything but huge. It was dwarfed and whimping. Still having a quite childish mind, I lolled out my tongue to where I thought it was, then I prayed and went to sleep, without any further disruptions.

That was my first experience of this kind. It lies back 20 years or so, but still gives me goosebumps. There were many other incidents, too, and I hope to write about them one day.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, azhar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
I would agree with you that CERTAIN stories are like that I have seen one or two here on this site and else where. People are entitled to their religion and they can preach about it, and even teach it but to only those who want to learn and ask for it. As for this story by azhar, I don't think it falls into that category because she only mentions her religion because it was part of her experience and she only mentioned it to show how she dealt with it. I don't think she tried to push the Muslim faith on anyone on this site.

What you experienced would have been frightening for a young girl but you dealt with perfectly. I agree with Rook that it was a test of some sorts. There was a mention of God (however you may call him) sent the evil. Personally, I don't think He would have sent evil but He would have used that to test you somehow. I was taught that the Lord works in mysterious ways and we don't always know the reason for it but he never let's His children go array, especially those who truly believe Him.

Good luck and God Bless. I would love to hear more of your stories.
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-02)
hey axhar, cool account man. Peace to you.
Me 😊
Ps can you teach me something too? Please do a dua for me. Thanks
Rev-Holmes (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-23)
brit chic believe me this story is real. Though azhar does go a little over board with the religion thing
Amy-Boo (1 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-19)
azhar- you must be really strong in faith to have actually experience such things in a young age. 😊
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-11)
Very interesting story here, azhar. This would've been truly frightening, and I find myself having to agree with Rook on this one. And no, God doesn't send Evil into your home, he merely watches them fall.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-11)
I am always suspicious of stories which seem planted to promote a particular religion. Perhaps I am too cynical, or perhaps I am just observant.
bizzjoe (1 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-09)
im guessing there was very (if any) little insulation in the attic over the room... This would explain the loss of heating issue...
azhar (3 stories) (20 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
Some more points about Jinn:

They resemble human beings in a number of ways, for example:
They are creatures and hence mortal.
They are intelligent creatures, endowed with a free will.
They are accountable for their deeds.
They can be good and evil.
They eat drink, marry, have children, die.
They are bound to go to Heaven or Hell, just as humans.
They have some powers (like changing their appearance, travelling at mind-boggling speed, taking 'possession' of others, etc) that seem to be superior to ours, but the fact is that 'human' is the crown of creation (provided we try to prove that...)
They used to be scared of humans (not the other way round) but once they got that we are scared of them, they started to get bold...
They can follow any religion - Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, whatever
They can repeat prayers, heavenly words (even if they do not believe in them), just as the follower of one religion can repeat words that are sacred to the follower of another religion, without necessarily believing in them.

But there are some phrases beyond which they cannot go, if they are having evil tendencies. The words 'Aoodhu billah...' and the concluding words of the verse of the Throne (Holy Quran, Chapter 2, Verse 255) are among them.

That guy who came that night was definitely not 'good'. But he was meant as a test for me (all such kinds of events are a test, actually our whole life is a test - a huge kind of practical), and I hope that I have passed this part of the test.
regi375 (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
Funny thing is, I read this story in my bed with my cat lying on the foot of the bed.
Wiz (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
[at] Rook

You obviously put a lot of thought into your posts I think you got this one spot on bud.


This comment from umungu is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)

Its beautiful what you said... I mean about 'God never sent evil, he only watched it fall' not about the self assessment being accurate...:)

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
umungu: If you don't have any more comments to make about this account, move on...

This comment from umungu is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
umungu: You're not fooling anyone... Funny how you're grammar gets worse the more you post... Take a hike, or this new persona will be banned as well...
umungu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
You mean anything that is evil is evil? You better consult rook before makkn such broom statements. He say evil look good but good look tardy.
If god not made evil who did?
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
I think your self assessment may be accurate. But God has never sent evil, he just watched it fall.

umungu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
somethings continue nagging my no good nut. Not that I unbelieving your scripting. Butting when all prayer are godly names how can one goodly one scare a ghoist, whereas other goodly praying is malfunction?
Unde how can a evil radiator be not evil? Perhaps god send evil because he think world is going bad. Which is though wrong but right. How to know good people from bad? From there evil radiation? I think I'm mad in my nuts
umungu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
I believe it was a jinn. They are supposed to be well versed in the koran. He fled only when you recited a udhu billahi...
A good encouraging write up for me. Thanks brother
azhar (3 stories) (20 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
Dear Rook!
Thank you so much! 😁 I think you are fully right. May you be blessed now and always
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)

I have no doubt this experience was extremely frightening for you at such a young age. I do have a observation for you concerning it however...

You described this 'entity/spirit' like this...

"...perceived that it was a huge, black figure, with piercing reddish eyes. It somehow communicated to me that it has come to get me. The evil radiated by this 'thing' had left me paralysed with fear."

Frightening to be sure... You then did this...

"I began to recite the prayers I had learned, the testimony of faith, but that thing would just repeat it viciously after me, and laugh in the most wicked manner I could imagine."

I'm going out on a limb here and I'm going to say this was not anything truly 'evil'...Hear me out... If this was something truly evil then you must ask yourself this... How was it able to repeat the 'the testimony of faith'?

I think (feel) this was more of a 'test' of faith. You were new to the Muslim Faith, had just started learning the basics and your new Faith was put to the test. As you were on the edge of 'loosing hope' you made one final plea, In your own words...

"I had almost lost hope, when the words "A'oodhu billahi minash-shaytan-ir-rajeem" (translated that means: I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan) passed my lips. I had hardly spoken those words, when the thing was gone, and the room had a normal feel again."

You sought refuge in your new found Faith and I'll bet your Faith was strengthened because of this experience.

As we make our spiritual journey we will be Tried (by 'Evil') and Tested (by 'Good') the Challenge for us is to always Choose The Right. It seems you met this Test and passed the Challenge. Well Done.



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