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Real Ghost Stories

Are You Scared?


After what I have learned to call The Lennox Haunting, a haunted house that I lived in terror in for 38 days total, we vacated the property and moved to a different home on the outskirts of Lennox.

I thought the hell was over, but I was dead wrong. Sometimes hell does not leave, it just lays dormant, waiting and watching for that exact slice in time when you're vulnerable. That's the moment it comes again and let's you know that you are human, and it is not. Here is part of my story.

I had walked upstairs to retrieve something from my bedroom, when I heard a commotion in the bathroom. It was impossible, I was home alone. I had left the bathroom door open with the light out, but the door was now closed and I could see light filtering out from beneath it. I slowly approached it.

I laid my hand on the door knob, not being sure if I had the guts to actually open it. My heart was beating so hard by then I could hear it echoing in my ears. I paused there a moment. I slowly took my hand back off of the door knob and crept back to the hall closet.

My ex husband had left his old set of golf clubs there for our son, Dominick to use. I opened the closet door slowly and as quietly as I could. I reached in and quietly pulled out the first one I felt. I was still watching the bathroom door, never taking my eyes off of it fearing it would suddenly open and some stranger would come charging at me.

I retrieved the club and quietly closed the door. I felt so much better from the feel of the cold metal of in my hand. I headed back down the hall to the bathroom door. I stood beside of it listening for any movement.

I could not hear anything in there, not so much as a breath. I was actually starting to get angry. I felt I had been through enough of this shiat. I took a deep breath and turned the handle, pushing hard, almost throwing the door with enough force that I knew the handle would dent the wall. The door banged loudly as it did precisely that, leaving a round imprint. The pressure was so great from the door that the shower curtain blew away from the tub; its movement startled me.

"Who's in here?" I asked in a very unfriendly tone, raising the golf club into the air, ready to strike if I had to.

My voice echoed loudly throughout the bathroom. I heard a bit of a sound, like wind escaping or maybe it seemed more like a long deep breath. I held mine. I wanted to hear everything. I was getting tired of the fear, of the seemingly endless games. I just knew in my heart that something was there, and whatever it was, it was definitely messing with me.

I saw the shower curtain flutter again, as though there was a breeze passing through it, even though there were no windows in the bathroom. I stood my ground even though my heart was thumping so hard I could feel it moving my chest with each beat.

I walked over to shower curtain. It was almost completely drawn closed. I slowly reached for it, grabbed the edge of it, and then quickly, I pulled it completely open. The tub was empty. I let out a long sigh of relief, and then took a couple more long deep breaths, exhaling very slowly. It helped to slow my heartbeat down to a more comfortable level.

I stepped in front of the vanity to look into the mirror. My eyes looked like those of a crazed maniac holding a golf club in the air. I stared at myself just shaking my head at myself.

"What is your deal today Jolene?" I said sternly to my reflection as if it could actually answer me.

Then I heard a raspy, very loud whisper directly into left my ear as though someone was standing very close, right next to me. "ARE YOU SCARED?"

The voice came from seemingly nowhere. I could see from my reflection in the mirror there was no one standing beside me. It startled me so much my knees buckled, had I not grabbed the edge of the vanity to steady myself, I would certainly have fallen to the floor.

The voice I heard had such a mean tone that it had chilled me to the bone. I felt a cold rush of air on the side of my head as though someone was breathing icy breaths on my cheek. I could even feel the pause between breaths. The suddenness of it had startled me so much I had dropped my golf club. I quickly bent down to retrieve my precious weapon even though I could not see anyone to use it on, it still felt very good in my hand.

I straightened back up and saw myself in the mirror. I knew my reflection was telling me that I was standing there by myself but I still couldn't help glancing directly beside me and all around the room. I was alone in the room. I laid my hand to my cheek where I had felt the breaths. My cheek was very cold to the touch.

I glanced back at my reflection one more time and for a moment, just for a thousandth of a second I thought I saw another face looking back at me. It was not a face of a normal person. It was distorted, as if I were looking into one of those weird mirrors in the fun house at a carnival, and then it was gone again.

It was so quick, I could not be absolutely sure if it had actually been there at all. I continued staring into the mirror; I was in too much shock to move right at that moment.

It finally dawned on me to move my feet and get myself away from the mirror. I really did not want to see anymore if I could prevent it. I was shook up enough.

I ran out of the bathroom pulling the door shut behind me. I headed for the stairs. I didn't know where I was running to at that moment; all I remember was that I needed to get some distance between myself and that bathroom.

If you would like to read more, check out the "look inside" of Beyond The Lennox Haunting, the haunting of me, vol 2 on Amazon. This is based on a true story that began in a home I had lived in a few years beforehand in the town of Lennox.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, JulesVNess, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-19)
The correct usage is "lies" dormant, not "lays."

I missed this originally. Very inappropriate to sell here unless you pay the owner, Martin, for the space.
rockangel13 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-19)
And by the way, I saw your book "The Lennox Haunting" for sale in Barnes and Nobles and And once again, scary and fantastic story 😊 😨

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-14)
Okay, here's what we're not going to do. We're not going to derail this story, or any other, into a category that is no longer being accepted on this site. Especially when neither of the two parties involved in that "discussion" are the o/p. Understand?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-14)

I freely admit that something paranormal may have happened to you. It's not really the books themselves, I think, that are bothering me but the fact they are billed then placed... Either by you or the Publisher as...

'BASED on a True Story' and in the Fiction listings.

The events you have shared with us sound, quite frankly, nerve wracking as Hades its just the 'book stuff' has 'put me off'.

Now for the 64 dollar question... Are you still experiencing anything or has it all come to and end?


JulesVNess (3 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-14)
Rock_angel 13, He came back several years later, that is why you caught the similarity, that is why there is a second story, he had found me again. Thank you so much for your comment,Jules
JulesVNess (3 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-14)
Jesus_soldier, Thank you so much for your reply and believing. If I had made these up they would be much more brutal, bloody, and sinister. These hauntings are subtle, mentally exhausting, scaring the wits out of me. I so appreciate your reply, Jules
JulesVNess (3 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-14)
Thank you for your complement and time, I truly appreciate, hugs, Jules
JulesVNess (3 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-14)
Rook, I will check the comment that my books are in the fictional section. If they are it is truly the mistake of Amazon, and I will have it corrected. I have yet to write a fictional book. Thank you for the heads up and the compliments, my books are true stories, and that is the way it is.
Sorry Rook, this time you are wrong. Jules
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-14)

Thank you for your recent comments. I am sorry I did not see them last night but I had an unexpected day off and did not sign in to see what may be happening. Now that I have I see you have made some good points concerning your 'story' over all... And then I came to this statement by you...

"The reason for "the based on a true story" was only based on the fact that I changed Nick's name. All else is true. As for my second story, are you scared, my youngest sister was with me throughout the experience. The story is completely true also, except I also changed her name. I read stories on this site, and love them. I am a believer and find them quite fascinating. Next time, I will leave the names the same and publish as true."

I'm not a 'Published Author' not by any means but I considered attempting it and I have to say this...

'Based on a True Story' give the Author 'poetic license' to make up or embellish details concerning the 'event in question'. Kinda like this...

The Event: (just the true facts)

'Stella had just gotten out of the shower and as she was drying herself off she wiped the steam from the mirror, screaming in terror as she saw what appeared to be someone standing behind her, but when she turned no one was there.'

'Stella had just gotten out of the shower and as she was drying herself off a chill entered the room and as she looked towards the mirror she thought she saw something move behind her. She looked around the bathroom but saw nothing and went back to drying herself off, once again she felt a chill pass through her body and again caught movement behind her in the mirror, this time she reached out towards the mirror and wiped the condensation off the surface of the mirror. As the towel in her hand cleared the surface of the mirror she saw man standing behind her, he was nothing but a shadow, but clearly standing behind her. As a blood curdling scream burst from her lips Stella spun around to face an empty room.'

The difference is obvious. As far as changing names... This is done all the time in 'True Stories' many Non-Fiction books have a simple disclaimer on them... It simply says something along the lines of...

'The following story is true, the names have been changed to protect the innocent'.

Perhaps the O/P was being overly cautious and wanted to ensure the protection of the innocent people involved, I COULD buy that except for, well let me put it this way...

Just to be fair I went to Amazon and looked at both of the O/P's books... I have to say I find it interesting that they come up in the Literature and FICTION section...

Fiction = Made up/False

Non-Fiction = True/Factual

JulesVNess you are a very good writer. I have no doubt that something (s) paranormal have happened in your life. Coming here to share them was a great idea... Promoting two 'FICTIONAL' books... Not such a great idea... It makes it hard to believe that any of this actually happened. Sorry that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
Jules - thank you for setting me straight on your stories. Sometimes the "MOD" after my "screen name" makes me second guess myself. No excuses, I am who I am.

But I do enjoy reading your experiences and I apologize for not saying so to begin with.
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)

I just want you to know that I never said I don't believe you. My only problem was the advertisements. I actually like your writing skills and story. I'm sorry for offending you in my comment. I didn't attend to hurt your feelings. Thank you for sharing your stories.

JS aka Brandon 😊
JulesVNess (3 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
To Miracles and every one wondering, Get Out of My Room is a story that is completely true and is the book, The Lennox Haunting, Are you Scared is based on my book BEYOND The Lennox Haunting, they are two entirely seperate accounts. The entity that started my hell in Get Out of My Room, The Lennox Haunting revisited me years later to torment me again, thus Beyond The Lennox Haunting. I just now in the past two years have written both stories based on my past, explaining why they followed each other within a year or so. When the entity returned it really tried to raise havoc, moving things, shaking the bed and showing up as a dark figure, and after activity was increasing, it really wanted to know if I was scared yet.
In answer to the question of still owning the home, my then husband and I no longer own the house, we sold it at a discounted price. We have divorced since then, but remain on a friendly basis. He recently went with Dominic our son and sat outside of the yet vacant house and mentioned to our son that he hoped everyone would read the book before attempting to live in the home.
The reason for "the based on a true story" was only based on the fact that I changed Nick's name. All else is true. As for my second story, are you scared, my youngest sister was with me throughout the experience. The story is completely true also, except I also changed her name. I read stories on this site, and love them. I am a believer and find them quite fascinating. Next time, I will leave the names the same and publish as true. The only reason I hooked my books was in case any of you wanted to know the whole story, how would you know it was available if I did not let you know? I am an honest person in life as well as on the internet, my integrity does not distinguish one from the other. I would thank you for your comments. Hugs to you! All! Jules
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
And once an admission of guilt is forthcoming, a blind eye must be shared by all? I guess what I don't and will never get, is the willingness of those in power here, to forgive the disgressions of others on behalf of those who were wronged.

It is more than apparent there is a bond beyond what we see on the surface of this situation. It is becoming more obvious all the time.
Martin (602 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
LouSlips, yes that's the benefit of coming clean with errors of your past, you get a second chance as long as you demonstrate a genuine change of heart. If I catch you in the act, though, it's law & order style. Dun dun 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
granny (and Jules) - yep, lesson learned 😉 I, for one, will have to edit that part out of future submissions from anyone. It would have saved a lot of grief if I'd done it this time, but hindsight and all that. However, hindsight is a crock in my opinion. If I had hindsight, I wouldn't do half the stuff I've done! 😆

Jules, thanks for coming back and responding.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
Jules: One drawback of putting our accounts out in the public eye is that there will be some who don't believe us...But, we're all believers in the paranormal and all have had to deal with the nay-sayers, too 😆...I, personally, enjoy your accounts and I think we editors can chalk this up to a lesson learned...

As far as your story is concerned, I think sometimes our ghostie friends do/say things just to know that someone can actually hear them...I've had a few experiences like that, and twice someone has spoken the word "boo" to me while at work... I think they think they're being funny 😆...

Thank you for posting, and I hope we hear more from you!
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)

Appreciate you coming back to respond to comment on your account.

For what it is worth, I am quite glad that you wrote what you did on your comet about how you regret advertising the books. I believe you and thank you for responding.
JulesVNess (3 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
To you all, it is true I have written three books concerning my life, they are a continuation of one and another, so the resemblance is there, but if you are on this site, you are a believer. Why can you not believe me then? All have truly happened to me. I did not ask for it, it just happened to me. I thought I would find some people here that would believe in me. I am sorry if I put the books on the site, if it makes it all less believable, I regret that decision. I wrote about things that bothered me and truly wished for some back up. I am sorry I have not checked the site in over a week to tend to this problem. Is there at least a few of you that believe me? It was not a gimmick... Would love to hear from you personally julesvness4 [at] 😢
Desir3 (2 stories) (19 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-12)
From the comments below, I can't tell if this is a true story or not. But anyway this was very very creepy holy shiat
Scbsd (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-12)
Louslips--" Scbsd has spent years trolling, but what were the consequences?"

Wow, Lou, you just can't stop taking digs at me, can you? YOU have been accusing of me of being a sexual predator for years, but other than when I have felt a need to refute your scurrilous and unfounded accusations, I haven't engaged with you at all.

Why don't you do yourself a big old favor and keep me out of your comments? I would rather not have to deal with you. It makes me feel dirty somehow.

Seriously. Why don't you back off?
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-12)
Wow, Jules you sure do handle buisness, i'll give you that. I saw that you're selling books on multiple websites. I also saw that you used this same buisness technique on other paranormal websites:




Hey, i'm not hating at all. You have bills to pay too. I just wouldn't have went the route you did. I probably would have handed out flyers in the street or something like that, not feed the readers on paranormal sites with bits of meat, while hiding the whole 'steroid' turkey under the table, but it is what it is.
MizMiMi02 (8 stories) (56 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-12)
It seems a bit over the top, and I didn't enjoy the "Hey, read some of this. THEN go buy my book to read the rest" feel. Don't get me wrong, I like how the story evolved, I just didn't like the self promotion aspect of it.
Martin (602 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-12)
LouSlips, I ban people frequently, for spamming, being abusive, or admitting publishing false stories (which I of course delete afterward). Those are easy cases. Then there's the gray area that may take more time, where people are divided about the issue. Well sometimes it's the users who ended up overreacting, so I can't start shooting and ask questions later.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-11)
I guess that is where you lose me, and many others, Martin. Simply Ghost Nights spent years self-promoting, Scbsd has spent years trolling, but what were the consequences? The only people banned from the site are those willing to stand up to those you won't.
"Based on a true story" means that by the author's own admission, it is not entirely factual... Looks like the credibility meter needs to be recalibrated, again.

Martin (602 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-11)
My opinion is that as long as the story published stands on its own, I'm fine if it ends with a little self promo. Our problem is mainly with people mass submitting stories everywhere and not interacting with users, like Simply Ghost Nights, but JulesVNess seems responsive in her previous story. I know it may annoy some of you, but I don't have strict rules about that... For now. If it gets to be a problem, continue voicing your opinion to me or the mods. I do appreciate your interest with keeping the site clean of cheap marketing tricks.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-09)
Thank you for putting my mind at ease. I was worried that I might have over reacted a bit. I too hate the self promotion at the end of her "story".
I'm sorry it took me a few days to reply. I have had several back surgeries and can't always be on the computer.

bizzjoe (1 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-09)
i get frightened enough just seeing my own reflection...
polarage (1 stories) (9 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-09)
I appreciate everything the MODS have to do for this site. I can't even submit a story right now, its so backed up! Anyway, its bad enough when you got people making up "true" stories, (its hard to know who to trust on the internet, although most people on a website like this are telling legitimate stories) but its even worse when its false advertising to promote what you are selling. I'm going to avoid reading anything from this person from now on.
rockangel13 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-08)

I think it was very brave of you to approach the ghost in that manner. I feel this bathroom ghost is very similar to that described in your other experience "Get out of my room". Anyway, take care!

Rockangel13 ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
On a lighter note... We never let Simply Ghost Nights get away with self promotion... Anybody remember the 'banter' they used to generate?

Puff Bayram

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