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Suddenly My Niece Talked Like My Grandma


Just to keep it simple, I will narrate the story in chronology.

During their final years, my grandparents were forced to vacate their own home and live with us (home owned by my dad). Actually all of sudden my uncle staying in a village came up with his entire belongings and his family to my grandparents' home. They eventually started torturing my grandparents mentally, who finally had to come and live with us.

My dad used to take care of grandparents as if they are this kids, like changing their diapers, bathing them, feeding them. My mom used to cook food for them and I and my siblings used to clean their room. Both of my grandparents were very much satisfied with our love and care. Indeed this is what all parents expect in their final days. Days went on and one day, my grandpa expired when he was 95+.

Couple of years after my grandpa's demise, my elder brother got married, now along with us my sister-in-law also used to take care of my grandma. After few months my grandma also passed away due to old age.

My dad used to miss his parents like anything. Maybe it was his secret desire to have them back in our lives.

Few years later, my elder brother and sister-in-law were blessed with twins (a girl and a boy). It is very common in India to name kids after grandparents or ancestors. In memory of my grandma, we named the girl by picking first 3 letters of my grandma's name.

The kids grew happily and the fact of the matter is they both never knew anything about my grandparents as we didn't speak much about them. But don't know why, my niece used to sit in same way my grandma used to sit on floor. My grandma used to kill the ants with her bare fingers and my niece also got that habit. Like this, she inherited few more attributes from my grandma.

The main incidence happened when the kids were 5 years old. That day, my dad was upset for reasons unknown and refused to eat. We all requested and insisted him to eat but to no avail.

All of sudden, miraculously, my niece came to him and talked same words like my grandma but in her own voice. She said "hey Ashok, eat!" All of us were shocked. It was the feeling of grandma's soul into my niece body. It was exactly how my grandma used to say. Hearing this my dad's mood lit up. He said my mom came back to care for me and then he had dinner happily. After this incidence, my niece never talked like that or imitated my grandma. Till now not sure what made my niece talk something beyond her way, addressing her grandpa with his name (in India out of respect, young one's never address elders by their name). She used to address my dad as "Baba" always.

To make the point clear, we all heard it and I clearly know my niece never ever knew how my grandma used to talk and that incidence never happened again in our lives.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Akkikad, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Akkikad (4 stories) (9 posts)
3 months ago (2024-11-21)
[at] lady-glow, I also think the same. Thanks for reading my story 😊

[at] Rajine
Yes my uncle did wrong and earned bad karma. As ancestors they want to always look after the family and also want us to keep them in thoughts. Thanks for reading my story 😊
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
3 months ago (2024-11-20)
Maybe in some way or another your grandparents are looking out for you and your family, it's sad what your uncle did but perhaps it was fate that brought your grandparents to your'll.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
3 months ago (2024-11-13)
Interesting story. I'm guessing your grandmother used her great grandchild (your niece), as a medium to let the family know that she's still around and aware of what is going on in the lives of her loved ones.

Thanks for sharing.

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