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The Little Girl's Scream


In England 2012, I was in Cornwall and staying in a old house. The street was an old cobble street with just stores, food and shopping stores. The house was the only one and the rest were stores. One night we were all asleep. Me, my bother and my little sister were sleeping in the attic. My Nanna had her own room and my parents were in their own next to my Nanna's.

The next morning we were having breakfast in this small house and my Nanna asked us why my little sister (Francesca) was crying at midnight. I was very surprised she heard her cry because I was in the bed next to Francesca and she was asleep the whole night. Nobody heard this crying but my Nanna. She was sure it came from upstairs where we were sleeping. It could not have been coming from another house because we were the only house on the street.

On the staircase there are scary photographs of the people who lived there when it was first built I believe. There was three little girls in the photo. We believe she heard one of those. My Nanna explained the scream as a the girl was having a nightmare, like she was waling. It was very loud and went on for a bit.

I know this isn't much at all but I just wanted to share it. Could it be one of those girls?

In my house I live in, which is in Australia, when I'm home alone I feel like I can hear someone walking up stairs, but I know no one is there, but nothing else has happened ghost-like so I don't worry. It is a very old house and we dug up the backyard and found heaps of old bottles buried. We kept them and used them.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cluff, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

SmokenMirrors (6 stories) (78 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-23)
Cluff, do you happen to remember where in Cornwall you were stopping?
Andreaa11 (54 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-23)
You found old bottles and used them? Was this before or after she heard the scream? Disturbing old objects can stir up energy, and if they were sentimental to the deceased spirit it can be that they are upset to see their precious items used by strangers. Or they may have no connection at all. I agree with the other posters, it could have been residual also. Thanks for the submission, England is a very old and haunted land! If there is once place where there is a plentiful history, it is England. The older, the more deaths, more unresolved conflicts, equals more ghosties to me:) Check the local histroy, maybe you can find more out about those old photos.
LochKalten (1 stories) (17 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-23)
Good Afternoon Cluff
One thing that interested me was the fact that Nana heard the noise but not you. Have you ever considered going back and researching the house a little more? Also where are you located in Australia? Some areas are said to be more prone to activity than others.
Cheers Muchly

Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-22)
Forgot to mention, there is a possibility that Nanna could be light sleeper, reason she was the only one to hear it or she could be dreaming, there are times people see dreams which seems very realistic.
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-22)
Hey there! I agree to people below stating it could've been an animal but you can always dig up some information with the help of the previous owners if they experienced anything as such. About your home in Australia, you could be imagining things, not trying to offend you but it can be possible since you're home alone and maybe you take too much interest in the paranormal OR it could be a spirit dwelling at your place but I bet it doesn't mean any harm, ghosts do love attention. Keep us updated if you find anything. Thank you.
VSAngels (2 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-22)
Hi lovey! I believe it's either residual or it's part of a dream. Sometimes we hear stuff out of our dream when were just waking up. This is something to think about. I am leaning towards residual though if it was a very loud crying or screaming. Good luck either way and don't be scared! ❤
SmokenMirrors (6 stories) (78 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-22)
We have a den of foxes behind my current house and they constantly call out over the night. When the young ones call it can be quiet chilling how like a hurt distressed child they can sound.

Anyway on many occasion I've heard them but my partner hasn't and vica versa.

But SDS and Val I agree without a bit more information i'm going to remain open minded on this.
Was Nanna's room nearer to one end of the house then the other bedrooms?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-22)
Dear Val, I agree with you. If an animal made a sound, others must have definitely heard it. But I wanted more information and that's why asked.

Thanks for your response.

Regards and respects to you.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-22)
SDS, not to answer for the OP, but according to his account, the cry/scream took place in Cornwell, England, but his home is in Australia. Different houses.
If an animal made the sound, wouldn't others have heard?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-22)
Hello cluff, I go with Val in this. With only your Nana hearing it and no one else, it is quite difficult to comment anything about it. It could be residual. But how long did you stay there or are you residing in the same house even now? Because you said that in your house in Australia, you had heard some footsteps, when you were home alone. That is the reason.

If you had stayed there continuously for over a period and if your Nana or anybody happened to stay in the room, where your Nana stayed and heard the cry or scream, did it recur? And do you know anything about the history of the house or did you happen to investigate like who were in the photographs you narrated in the story.

Please do answer. Perhaps with those inputs, we would be in a better position to give our suggestions.

Welcome to YGS.

Regards and respects to you.

SmokenMirrors (6 stories) (78 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-22)
TalonWalt makes a fair point. Have you ever heard a fox call out? They can make a sound like a high pitched cryscream.
TalonWalt (3 stories) (69 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
I wonder if it could have been an animal. I've heard what I thought was a child screaming only to look outside, and see cats fighting.
Christine_Pandora (1 stories) (80 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
I agree with Valkricry, I wonder why she didn't go check it out when she didn't hear your parents get up... I understand there isn't much you can do with nightmares anyway but it seems real odd that only she heard the scream, I wonder why?

Do you know any history of the original family?
I would love to hear more about that 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
Hi, cluff, welcome to YGS!
It is possible that it was a residual 'scream', but since no one else heard it, it's very difficult to either confirm or deny it. Did your Nanna not wonder why she didn't hear your parents go to check on your sister?

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