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Screams In The Old Hospital


Last summer, my friends and I went ghost hunting at an old former hospital in our town that is said to be haunted. When I was in a "paranormal research team" a few years ago, this location was one of our favorites and we have had so many experiences at this place, but the one I'm writing about now was by far the scariest.

The way the old hospital is set up, people are allowed to walk up and investigate the first three floors but the fourth floor and up are off limits and you can get into serious trouble for trespassing. The first three floors have been fixed up so that they are presentable but all the higher floors are completely and totally abandoned. There are still wheel chairs and hospital equipment just laying around up there.

When I was there with my friends last summer, there were five of us in a group. It was me, and my friends, who I will call, Zane, Rose, Edward, and Michael. We were all on the third floor, the highest floor we were allowed to go up on, and Zane decided to run up onto the fourth floor. We were all telling him not to go up there, that he would get arrested and we would all be guilty by association, but he didn't listen because he wanted to see if he could capture any evidence of ghosts on the creepiest floors. Rose and Edward decided to stay at the bottom of the stairs and wait for Zane to come back down, while me and Michael walked away through the door and down the hall, not wanting to be involved.

As Michael and I were walking, we continued on our ghost hunt. We were filming things and listening closely. After several minutes of silence, we suddenly heard a muffled, horrific scream on the floor above us which was the floor where Zane was. And it sounded like Zane. This scream sounded so tortured, like someone was in seriously intense pain. I instantly was chilled to the bone. Michael and I started freaking out. My first thought was that Zane had fallen down and gotten hurt up there. We ran back down the hall and through the door in a panic, asking Rose and Edward where Zane was and if he was okay. They had no clue why we were freaking out.

Michael and I told them what we had heard, but they said they didn't hear a scream at all. We spent the next few minutes calling up the stairs to Zane, texting Zane, messaging him on every social media, but getting no response. (We later found out that his phone had died.) Just when we were about to go up there ourselves, Zane came down the stairs saying it was creepy up there. Michael and I said he scared us to death, and asked if he was okay. He was confused as to why we were so freaked out and we told him what had happened. He got really creeped out and said that he didn't scream and that he didn't even hear a scream. Zane is a pretty chill guy. None of us had any reason to believe he would've been lying. Also, Rose and Edward didn't hear a scream either and I think the fact that Michael and I were the only ones who heard the scream could mean something.

Michael and I went back to the spot we heard the scream and tried recording to see if we would hear anything else but it was completely silent. We all continued on our ghost hunt, even though we were pretty shaken up. That day we only had two other minor paranormal experiences. We heard singing when no one was there and we saw a door shake by itself. But the scream was by far the creepiest thing that happened.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, EveryHour, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

EveryHour (8 stories) (30 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-06)
I can definitely see the experience having been a warning. We both instantly were very worried about Zane.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-21)
Hi Everyhour,

One possibility about the scream you heard was that it was representing Zane, or your concern for his safety. As you both wandered away from the group perhaps you experienced some kind of shared psychic 'representation' of your own opinions of what Zane was doing. Not really a ghost, more like a shared manifestation of an outcome of his recklessness. Not the outcome that happened, but one that could have happened.

Another possibility is maybe this location lends to telepathic events like this. I don't know. But I think it would be wise NOT to venture up that far again. Maybe the reason you both received the scream is because you were the only ones to demonstrate commonsense to an entity who was observing you all. For that reason I think the scream you heard was likely a well intended warning. Maybe don't impart this to Zane, or he might try to recreate the scenario. Not wise in my opinion.

Thanks for sharing. 😊
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-18)
EveryHour, Melda is right. Don't cringe. We've all been there.

Like I said, stick around! You will learn a lot here. I certainly have. When I came here, I had no idea about anything related to the odd occurrences I was experiencing.

BTW, I figure I've done enough cringing in my life for all the active members of this site!;)
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-18)
EveryHour - Don't cringe.

When I was 13/14 and I had decided to submit my experiences on a site such as YGS (which of course I couldn't because internet didn't exist) I can just imagine what kind of reception I would have received! Put it down to immaturity at that stage of your life.

Unfortunately the written word is often taken to be "written in stone", as opposed to an oral explanation.

Don't let it bother you, move on from there 😊

Regards, Melda
EveryHour (8 stories) (30 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-18)
[at] lady-glow I haven't gone back to any of the places I wrote about years ago. I actually haven't talked to a lot of the people in my old "group" in a pretty long time, it was so long ago. I do still live in the same house though. I actually was gone for about a year because my family moved to Tallahassee for a short time for my dads work before moving back, but my older brother and his wife stayed in the house while we (my parents, my little brother and i) were gone, and had some pretty creepy stuff happen to them. For some reason though, the activity hasn't been as severe since we moved back. Some weird things happen here and there, but nothing too crazy.
Again, I apologize for confusion because of my previous stories. I really do cringe at my 13/14 year old self.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
lady-glow - Well put! I was a lurker for a few years before I joined YGS because I wanted to get to know the site and the regular posters.

Talib being called a "lurker cat" is really not a very nice description. For example calling a lady a cat is extremely derogatory where I come from 😲

Regards, Melda
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)

In my opinion, blanced skepticism goes hand in hand with logical, rational thought. Constructive criticism of what is deemed to be a fairly obvious work of fiction is the best approach. And the skeptic should be able to explain their line of thought / doubt to show respect to the author.

The author, ideally, can then respond to clarify the doubts or questions.

Skeptism, or critical thinking is good skill to develop, not only for general existence but particularly on this website when we are dealing with ghosts.

Being skeptical here doesn't mean you are not a believer in spirits, ghosts etc but it means you have the ability to attempt to sort the genuine experiences from the attention seeking time-wasters.


lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
Talib: I consider myself more of a regular poster than a lurker.

A person who lurks, in particular a user of an Internet message board or chat room who does not participate.

Though, I have to agree with you, there are some cats lurking on this website that only show up once in a while and only to steer the contents in the septic tank. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
EveryHour: thanks for your reply and your understanding. It is very brave from you to accept that your previous stories are questionable.
I apologize for being so harsh but, unfortunately, there're many posters that have used the site to submit works of fiction and taking every story with a pinch of skepticism doesn't hurt.

It is obvious that now you are doing paranormal investigations in a more informed and responsible way than you're four years ago and it is time to start with a clean slate.

Have you gone to the places of your previous experiences? I'm particularly curious about the house were a woman hung herself.
Of course, I'm not suggesting for you to go if you consider to be exposed to any danger.

Do you still live in the same haunted house? Have you made contact with any entity/es in there?

I'm looking forward to read more of your experiences.
EveryHour (8 stories) (30 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
I fully understand the skepticism especially since I was very young when I started posting on this site and said some immature things. But the name and location of the hospital is the Old Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, FL. The original hospital, not the one that is running now.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
Hi Everyhour

If possible, would you please provide the name and location if this hospital?

That would help give your experience more authenticity.


Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
Skepticism is healthy!

But I can see why it might bother the OP, especially a younger OP.

Everhour, just look at it as a means of honing your storytelling skills! Stick around, and you'll see what I mean.

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EveryHour (8 stories) (30 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
[at] lady-glow When I wrote those stories, I was probably about 14. Young and stupid. I thought just because I could go to haunted places with my friends with digital recorders and other equipment, it made me a paranormal investigator, but as I grew up, I realized it was pretty dumb. I was always very fascinated by the paranormal because I grew up in a haunted house, and wanted to be a ghost hunter, so back then, I was trying to be one, but I was way too young and immature to understand that I didn't have what it took to be professional at that age. I got back on this website so that I could share experiences from a different perspective. My old stories from years ago make me cringe, but I can't change what I published or have them deleted. I don't claim to be a professional paranormal investigator by any means, or even claim to be one at all. Like I said, this story was a ghost hunt, yes, but by no means professional. We were just trying to explore and see if we could capture any paranormal activity, and had a creepy experience.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
Oops! Sorry, your comment was posted while I was typing mine.

So, if you're 18 YO last summer, that means you were 13 YO when you joined the previous team?! πŸ€”
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
No self-respected paranormal researcher would freak out like a school girl after hearing some screams without previously investigating all the possible natural/logical explanations.

EveryHour: with the due respect but, after reading all of your previous stories I feel really curious about how old were you the first time you joined a "Paranormal Research Team".

From one of your previous experiences submitted 2013-04-09:
"... Last year, we started a ghost hunting group and we go to the most haunted places in our town..."

And considering you are still a teenager, should I assume that you were 14 years old or younger when you joined this PRT?!

Furthermore and 'borrowing' some comments from a thread to one of your stories:

Valkricry (34 stories) (2596 posts) mod+3... 4 years ago (2013-04-26)
I am confused as I've read all 3 of your stories. In
Crazy Paranormal Investigation you state, "Last year, we started a ghost hunting group". Judging by the date on your story (4/9/13) that would have been 2012. Yet your first line here is that you have been a member of a paranormal research team for several years? Could you clarify that for me?
Is it possible for you to upload that film for our veiwing? It would be cool to see it.

EveryHour (8 stories) (25 posts)... 4 years ago (2013-04-29)
Valkricry, I'm sorry. Let me clarify. I've been a part of a paranormal group for several years, but last year, I started my own with my own friends as lead investigator. I'm sorry about any confusion. And as for the evidence, it is on the camera of one of the members. I'm trying to get him to send it to me. Once he does, hopefully I will be able to post it.

Could you please clarify the span of 'several years"? I don't want to think that your first team mates were your Barbie dolls.πŸ˜†

I have too many doubts about the credibility of your stories, though I'm open to change my mind if you can share the 'evidence' you gathered in your previous investigations four years ago.
EveryHour (8 stories) (30 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
The group we went with was a mix of 17- 19 year olds. Zane was the youngest, the rest of us are 19, with the exception of me at the time. I was 18. As for experiene, this wasn't a professional investigation, although Rose, Edward and I used to use actual equipment and do investigations pretty regularly at one point in our lives. We were careful about not taunting spirits or doing anything disrespectful, because we know that spiritual attachments and attacks can happen, especially given my case, as I grew up in a very haunted house my whole life and have had some encounters with demonic entities as well. During this "ghost hunt", we werent really going in with the intention of communicating with spirits, although we did ask the general "is anyone there?" questions. This time we were just exploring and seeing if we had any ghost experiences, because we have had several there before. The history of the building is that it used to be a hospital until it was abandoned so that they could rebuild the hospital at a different location. I can't find much about specific hauntings aside from the usual footsteps, voices etc, and the fact that a ghost of a nun is said to wander the halls and tap people on the shoulder. (It was a catholic hospital).
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-17)
[at] Azrael, well, the heading to this story does indicate the poster is a teen, so you may be correct.

[at] EveryHour, I have a follow-on question to one of Azrael's questions.

What do you know of the construction of the building? The apartment building where I live is being remodeled, and I know where the work is being done. Yet, because of vents and plumbing and such things, the acoustics in this apartment building are odd. Even though the work is being done on the hotel lobby on my floor, I may hear it coming from the unit above me, or from outside my window where work could only be performed by the construction of scaffolding. And there is no scaffolding.

So it is possible the scream did not come from the floor above you but from somewhere else in the building, by way of vents.

Nice event, by the way. Thank you for sharing.
AzraelX (8 stories) (115 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-16)
A few questions.

1. By the kind od daredevilry your friend Zane was up to and a guess at his Maturity, you folks are teens by age. Am I right?
2. What were your preparations for Ghost Hunting?
A. Were you aware of the History of the Building? Were you aware of previous hauntings? Were you aware of the type of Entities that haunted the building/area?
B. Are/were any of you/your friends having previous experience in "Ghost hunting"?

My view is that most teens take such "Ghost Hunting" as a trip to "Disney Land' while the fact is that they simply don't know the dangers that they are getting into. Having an experienced Paranormal Investigator along with them, who has some kind of idea of what to expect and what to do in case of detecting the presence of an entity is always the safest bet.

It is just my opinion based on my assumption that you and your friends are teens.

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