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I am casting my mind back to 2009, when my husband and I were given a pair of dogs. They were brother and sister, about a year old. We were told that Zeus and Cleo were Labrador x Rottweiler, although their appearance was of black Labrador. One could see that they had been well cared for as their coats were glossy with health. The owners were moving to a location where pets weren't permitted, so they had to regretfully abandon these two black beauties.

We already had a female Boerboel [pronounced boorbull] (a mastiff bred in South Africa for the purpose of guarding the homestead), so we decided to let Sasha have the run of the back yard; the "new" dogs could rule the front. We didn't want any conflict between the females, as we knew there would be bloodshed.

Everything went well for about a year. The dogs adapted well.

Shenay (our granddaughter) was spending time with us, while her mother made preparations for a birthday party for her daughter. One black day, on 17 August, we woke up to a horrendous sight. All three of our dogs had been poisoned. The two females were dead; Zeus was hanging on by a thread. We kept Shenay indoors to shield her from the agonizing sight, while I anxiously called the vet. Dr Willie was here within minutes. With feverish haste, he set to work, all the while, cursing the "f***ing bastards that had done this". Three days and five visits later, Dr Willie pronounced that there was hope: Zeus was over the worst. According to Dr Willie, the current method of poisoning was to spray oven cleaner onto raw meat, then toss it over the wall for the dogs.

It was a long, slow recovery for Zeus. We installed him in our lounge, giving him a couch of his own to sleep on. After a few months of nursing, Zeus could once again eat solid food; his chemically burnt insides had healed.

Due to the ongoing pet poisonings, Zeus still occupies his couch in the lounge every night. He has become a "spoilt brat", expecting a big bone every night which he waits for in front of the fridge, providing that there is no one "else" in the kitchen. According to Zeus' actions, we have come to the conclusion that we have an occasional "visitor" in the kitchen. He will skid to a halt on the passage tiles just outside the kitchen door, seemingly not wanting to put a foot over the threshold. He will sit there, shivering and shaking until I bring him his bone. On these nights, he will back up into the lounge, keeping his eyes on the kitchen door. It's as if he is scared that something will follow him. Whatever it is, is no "friend" of his.

Now with this kind of reaction from Zeus in mind, I would like to tell you another tale.

Normally, when we return from shopping, or when someone Zeus knows well comes to visit, he let's out an excited "Eeoowww" sound... Very distinctive, pretty loud!

Around midnight of 24 - 25 October last year, my hubby Ray and I were awakened by the infernal sound of somebody "gunning" their motorbike in the street, almost right outside of our bedroom window. I cursed long curses, reaching for my phone to squint at the time; it read 00:57. Before Ray could reach the window to scream abuse, the perpetrator drove off. We settled back in bed to resume our repose. I was battling to fall asleep again, when I heard noises coming from the lounge. I lifted myself on one elbow, cocking my head in an effort to hear more clearly. A loud "Eeooww!" greeted my ears. I was instantly wide awake again. As I listened, I heard Zeus prancing around on the lounge carpet, just as he would, had someone been having a game with him. I stiffened in disbelief, rousing Ray to go have a look.

I lay quietly, not daring to switch on my bedside lamp. Ray, with torch in hand, gamely trudged through the house. I listened intently hearing Ray's low rumble as he inquired of Zeus. "What's up boy?" A few seconds later, I heard the front door and security gates being opened... Then silence. Minutes later I heard Zeus bounding back into the house and Ray locking up. As Ray climbed wearily into bed, I asked "So, what was that all about?" Ray's reply, "I don't know; nobody that 'I' could see! He didn't even need to relieve himself."

In conclusion, the only "person" that Zeus could have been playing with was our daughter Angel. Angel had passed on 4 ½ months earlier; she always had a game with Zeus on her arrival at our house. Would it be any different now?

Well, that's what we would like to believe... What is your opinion?

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Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-11)
Krys, it just couldn't be anyone else but Angel that Zeus played with - everyone 'else' seems to scare the crap out of him.

Recently, I am sure my Dad paid me a visit. Zeus and my Dad never met; Zeus was terrified of the spirit, but calmed down after I asked Dad to not scare my dog. I will submit that experience soon.

❤ you girl!
KRYSTALLIA (64 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-11)
I too believe that Angel came to play a bit with Zeus that night... As for the presence in the kitchen, seems you and Ray dealed with it just fine.
❤ Krys
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-12)
Trix my friend, thank you for your kind words.

We agree, the scourge of pet poisoners in our country will never end - there are just too many hoodlums out there. 😠

We too are sure that Angel is still around, even if she has not played with Zeus lately. I have another tale to tell when submissions open again; if it is Angel or not, is another question! 😕

Ray and I send loads of love to you and Marius and family. ❤
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-12)
Hi Fergie, thanks for sharing another great experience. I'm very sorry for your lost. I agree to the fact that Angel is still around. Zeus reacts in the same way my dogs react when we return home after a day out. It is like he greets Angel like he used too so many times. By reading this really touched my heart.

Tell Ray Marius and I feel the same way dealing with these savages that walk our streets at night killing our beautiful animals. After our babies have been poisoned we decided that if we caught them they will be eating their own poisoned bait. I'm so glad Zeus is still with you my friend. Keep him save because the poisoning of our dogs will not stop here in this country.

Take care my friend and I'm sending lots of love and light to you and your family.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-13)
Blackmoonmage: I am so sorry to disappoint you - no Greek gods this time! We never named Zeus, his previous owners did. I have never bought a dog in my life. All our dogs have been 'second hand', either passed on by others, or rescued.

We too get the feeling that Angel came to visit that night. 😊

Thank you for reading, and your post. 😁
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-13)
Hi Vonboeckmann: Lol! I never even thought about the 'organic' part! Oh good, at least I had the right picture in my mind, when thinking about your dogs.

Yes, dogs are so intuitive, we should never ignore their 'strange' behavior. As for dreams, you will know; sometimes a mystery, sometimes a warning or prediction.

Zeus loved Angel with a passion. I can't think of any other midnight visitor that he would have welcomed with such enthusiasm.
Lol, don't worry about miss-spelling my daughter's name, it can happen to any of us, glasses or not! 😉

Wishing you all of the best! ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-13)
babygoatpuller: Thank you for the double compliment; I am honored to have made it to your favorite poster list. 😁

I am sorry for the loss of your beloved Jack, but happy that he still comes around to visit.

Most folks seem to agree that Angel came to visit, and that the bad deeds of that person will be dealt with accordingly. 😉

Thank you for your kind comment.
Blackmoonmage20 (1 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-13)
You know...I'm a Percy J. Fan and I love reading Greek gods... And when I saw your story title I was like. "OMG!" then quickly clicked. XD
So, anyways, I think maybe it IS Angel!:D:')
Vonboeckmann (guest)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
Sincere apology for mis spelling your daughter's name. On the Samsung not in my office... Miss old school needs her glasses. J ❤
Vonboeckmann (guest)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
HI Fergie. Your Ray has the right idea and organic too. Yes they are the bear like shaggy dogs on the dulux paint ads. We have had OESD since 82. GG was barking at the bedroom wall the night uncle John died and he was in my dreams saying is there anything you need me to do for you. He appeared to be the other side of a paddock fence. This was back in April 2013. There is something there with Angle and Zeus. This is a goog site. Take care J ❤
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
Fergie--You folks from SA have the best accounts! I'm so glad I checked my favorite posters list and found new ones from you. I'm sure it was your Angel that came to visit Zeus.
My Lab-X Jack got into some rat poison and my vet pulled him through but it really weakened his immune system and we lost him 8 mos. Later to pneumonia that he just couldn't fight off. He was such a special friend and we miss him dearly but he still comes around to visit occasionally. Karma will definitely get the one that poisoned those dogs! (with any justice it'll involve him and a pack of dogs)
Look forward to hearing more from you!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
Hi Vonboeckmann: What a ghastly scene You unfold! You are talking about one of those big, long-haired dogs? The ones that always look as if you should take the hair out of their eyes? Oh my gosh! To choke something so gorgeous! And for FUN! No wonder you felt like causing a 'little' mayhem of your own!

Ray actually said that if he had caught the person that poisoned the dogs, he would have pumped a couple of rounds into their nether regions. Our shotgun shells aren't loaded with 'shot', but a mixture of coarse salt and sunflower seed. Just think of the consequences, eh? 😉

Good luck with the new pups. Look after yourself, and your four-legged friends, at your beautiful new home - I wish you joy! 😊 ❤
Vonboeckmann (guest)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
HI Fergie. I am so sorry to read about your beautiful pups. There is a special place in hell for people that torture animals. Karma will return the deed when they least expect it. We had one of our Old English Sheep Dogs Christopher Robin choked and killed by our drug sodden feral hippy neighbours. They thought it was fun. If it was not for the fact I was in uniform that night I honestly think I could have applied a little contact therapy with the assistance of Mr s Smith and Western. We have moved to a lovely home and I often feel Christy here with his sister Georgie Girl. We are having pups soon. Thankyou for your story. Animals always sense things we don't. They know. Cheers J ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
LillyPieLindsay: Thank you for reading, and deeming my tale worthy of being favorited! 😊
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
BattleScars, I had a peek at your profile. I hope you feel safer in your new country - not all can afford to move, or leave loved ones behind.

Yes, we did have a maid years ago, who was murdered in our back yard. I have, on occasions caught a whiff of Cobra polish, which could be associated with Joyce. I think I have mentioned it, in another account of mine on this site. "Sniff, Sniff...Who's There?" if you are interested?

Lol! Most of my accounts are set in South Africa! 😊

'Liefies en soentjies' to you too! ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
lady-glow. I am sorry for the loss of your friends. 😢 I know that there are mean people all over.

These dogs that died, were all pets or protectors of property. None were street-roamers; they lived in fenced-in, gated property, which was often locked. Here we don't have 'strays' running around, unless one accidentally gets out during the day. Then you see frantic people searching for their beloved pet, many in tears.

I too, am glad that Zeus is still with us - if only he could talk! 😉

Thank you for your comment.
LillyPieLindsay (35 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
This one is definitely going in my favorites! What a bitter sweet story!
BattleScars (3 stories) (44 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
It's nice to see fellow South Africans on this site. The story of the poisoning of the dogs or cats bring loads of memories. I hate those people who do that. But your story is so heart warming. Zeus will probably stay with you for life. Rest in peace the other 2 dogs. You wondered who was in the kitchen... Did you have a maid, or a person or maybe another animal that is always in the kitchen?

Love and hugs to both and Zeus

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-11)
There are mean, bad people everywhere! 😠
A long time ago many of the dogs in the neighborhood I grew up in Mexico were poisoned too, there was the rumor that this was a way to reduce the number of strays living on the streets, but many family pets were targeted too, even some that would never go outside.
I lost two of my childhood friends this way, I saw them die fast and painfully. It was terrible! 😭

I'm glad Zeus is still with you.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-11)
hmb2002: Lol, I hope Zeus was playing with my daughter! I hope he wouldn't be that friendly with anyone else that came along. 😆

Thank you for your comment, and the lovely compliment. 😁
hmb2002 (5 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-11)
poor dogs! I really agree with you and I think that your dog was playing with your daughter. She was probably trying to come back and see you. That was by far one of the best stories I've read on this site! 😊 ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-11)
Leslie81: thank you for your condolences. Believe me, when I say that our whole suburb wished that person to get caught, but no such luck.

I do keep a journal. I record not only dreams of Angel, (mine and hubby's) but of any 'unusual' occurrences in all of our families homes. Zzsgranny and Miracles instilled that in me, about a year ago.

Right after Angel passed, many of our family were given signs, which we believe were from her. Ray even heard her voice! As time has gone by, we have got fewer signs, but that is to be expected, I suppose. 🤔

As far as the kitchen incidents go, they only happen maybe once or twice a month. At this point in time, we don't think it necessary to do a cleansing. If it is Sasha, I wouldn't like to get rid of her.

Thank you for commenting.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-11)
Swimsinfire; mamachong, pet poisoners seldom get caught. I think they are people with no feelings, and do it just for the heck of it! Like one autumn, in the middle of the night, someone set fire to the reeds in the valley. All the swallows had congregated there before migrating. The bird cries in the night were horrific! The swallows never congregated there again. 😢

Yes, all we can hope for, is that the dog poisoner is haunted every night by the doggie ghosts, and never gets a good rest. 😆

Thank you both for your comments. 😊
Leslie81 (1 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-10)
First off, so sorry for all your losses. I hope the sick monster who did that to your dogs got caught. It sounds to me like it could indeed be your daughter coming to visit when it sounds like Zeus having a game with someone. She if it is her, she proba visits with you two too. You just don't see or sense her like Zeus does. I feel the need to say this: Sometimes spirits visit us in our dreams. I know i've experienced it. Anyway, if you're not already doing so, it may be a good idea to keep a dream journal. Dreams usually fade over time, so keeping a journal helps keep them fresh. Could be she visits you or your husband in your dreams on occasion. As far as what's in the kitchen, it can't be good if Zeus is so scared of it. It would probably be a good idea to spiritually cleanse your home. Animals are smart. And if he's so afraid, then i'd pay attention.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-10)
Well, that's just aweful. I hope whoever did that to all those poor dogs gets what they deserve. Whoever did that id deranged. I hope all the doggies are haunting whoever did that.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-10)
Oh man, all together now, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww. That was bitter and sweet. I agree with Badjuju soon as I read that about the kitchen visiter, i'll bet it's Sasha. And yeah I wouldn't want to sling the expletives. I hope Sasha pays the poisoner a little visit. Good doggy ghost, good doggy ghost! And take some ghost dog friends with her.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-10)
Raftingirl and BadJuuJuu, there was a bad 'rash' of pet poisonings going on that week. In our street alone, something like 30 something dogs died that particular night. We had no clue who the culprit was, but we never heard of any break-ins directly after that. 😕

The 'presence' in the kitchen... Well in the beginning, Ray and I both 'felt' something that gave us goosebumps. Then we spoke to it, saying that it could stay, as long as it didn't harm, or interfere with us. After that, neither Ray nor I 'feel' anything any more... Only Zeus!

BJJ, Sasha and Zeus kind-of bonded through the iron railing gate that separated them. Zeus never showed any fear of her, and Sasha never showed any aggression towards Zeus, only to Cleo. It may be possible that it is Sasha that looks in at the kitchen... Who knows?

Thank you both for your comments.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-07-10)
Kind of wondering if whatever Zeus doesn't like in the kitchen could be Sasha checking in? Maybe since he was kept with Cleo he didn't bond with Sasha. Just the first thing that occurred to me while reading this. Ok, second. First thing was that I'd love to get my hands on the jackass who poisoned your dogs.
His happy noise and playing, seems more than reasonable that he saw Angel. If playing together was their tradition when she visited, I don't see any reason for that to have changed. It's sweet that she visits. ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-10)
Val, I got a big lump in my throat, while reading your touching story to Ray. Well, wasn't that just something! All I can say is WOW!

Our very first dog, as a family, was a black female lab X. She was so good with our girls, that is why we had little hesitation in taking in the most recent pair.

Thank you for your bitter/sweet story. ❤
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-10)
I am completely astounded by this. Who on earth would would ever want to poison an animal (or a human, for that matter) ? Yes, I wanted to send out some expletives as well. I'm sorry for your loss. Do you think whomever it was might have been trying to break in?

I'm glad you saved Zeus though, and that your sweet daughter visits him. I'd look out for whatever is in the kitchen though. If Zeus doesn't like it, it could be something malevolent.

In any case, take care!

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