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Guidance From Beyond The Veil?


I am not sure if the events I am going to record were paranormally influenced or not, I will leave that decision to my readers.

It is not unusual for me to make clothes for our twelve-year-old granddaughter, Shenay, for Christmas presents. The usual 'menu' is shorts and tops. I had already completed six items for her before she came to spend her school holiday with us, having only a last pair of shorts still to sew up. I tried to do this secretly, so as not to spoil the surprise.

Shenay dropped a bombshell when she asked me to make her a dress for Christmas day (and not much time in hand) - she isn't usually a 'dress person'; more of a tom-boy. Naturally, I agreed and we set about rummaging through my patterns to find one she liked. Next came the task of selecting the material. Shenay was just so excited by the whole project and couldn't stop thanking me for assenting to make the dress.

Cutting and construction commenced. Shenay sat by my side, handing me pins, or withdrawing them as I sewed, showing great interest in every step. I was about 80% finished when disaster struck - the sewing machine jammed! The dress was securely pinned by the machine needle through the material. I tried switching off the machine, then switching it on again in the vain hope that it would right itself again. No such luck. Shenay and I battled for absolute ages, trying to free the dress. Finally, I took to Googling to see if I could find any helpful hints. With the help of Google, I did manage to free the dress, but the machine stayed firmly jammed, no matter what I tried. I broke down and cried, bitter tears of frustration and helplessness. The look of disappointment on Shen's face was evident, though she tried to comfort me. (Bless her heart.) I swore to finish the dress by hand if necessary, but Shenay WOULD get her dress for Christmas day. How could I let this child down?

That night, anticipating a sleepless night for myself, I spoke to Angel, asking for her guidance and help. Suddenly, a sense of calm came over me and I drifted off to sleep easily. At this point, I must add that I had inherited the Pfaff machine from Angel, my deceased daughter, Shenay's mother. Angel had been a qualified dressmaker/ seamstress.

The next morning I awoke before 6am. I practically leaped out of bed and raced to the machine. I grabbed hold of the wheel and turned it slowly, but firmly, in an anti-clockwise motion. It was as if my actions were being guided. VIOLA! The machine became un-jammed. I sent up a little prayer of thanks and gratitude. (Hmm... That was a slight understatement!)

By the time Shenay dragged herself out of bed, I was happily sewing again - much to her amazement.

The dress fitted Shenay perfectly and she wore it for Christmas day.

I must backtrack about a week or so to before the dress episode. I had discovered, among my pieces of material, a pretty pale apricot fabric along with a swatch of gauzy embroidered curtaining. I asked Shen if she would like a blouse made from these pieces, she said, "Yes, please". Together we worked out a design to incorporate these bits. The back would have a fancy panel, but the front would be plain - too plain for my liking.

Now in front of my sewing desk is a large open-fronted wooden cabinet. It serves as a storage place for my cottons, patterns and some material. On the left is an area for odds and sods which I rarely use. For some unfathomable reason I was inexorably drawn to this area. I knew I was supposed to be sewing, but I couldn't resist the urge to clean this area. I unpacked and dusted off plastic containers with lace and braid inside; reels of cotton long forgotten; hooks and press-studs. Right at the bottom, in a corner, I discovered the instruction manual for Angel's machine. For years I have been wishing that I had that manual. The machine has so many functions and stitches that I had no idea of how to use. I was so excited! In the manual it gave precise instructions of how to do appliqué work - exactly the type of thing needed to finish off a plain fronted top.

I made my first attempt at appliqué and it turned out pretty good. Shenay had an extra blouse in her 'Xmas stocking'.

Did I have guidance from beyond the veil? What do you think?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Fergie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-09)
Dear Seraphina,

Thank you for your beautiful comment. I am so happy that you felt uplifted after reading my account. 😊

Naturally, with these events, and it being the holiday time of the year, Angel has been on my mind a lot. Two other small reminders of her have happened in the past few days.
As I was dusting on Saturday, I lifted a box to dust underneath. I haven't dusted there in ages (shame on me) and discovered a small white feather trapped deep underneath it. To me, this was one more sign that Angel was around.
To crown it all, I had a dream of Angel that night. She looked the picture of health, with her halo of dark curls framing her face - as she looked back in the 'good old days'.

Thank you for reading and commenting, Seraphina. ❤
Seraphina (7 stories) (147 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-08)
I love your story, Fergie! It's a pleasure to read - carefully detailed and easy to follow. I also feel uplifted after reading it.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-06)
Dear BeagleMom,

Thank you for your confidence in me. I have been hoping against hope that it wasn't just some quirky coincidence.

Thank you too, for your lovely comment and the honour you have bestowed on me. 😳
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-06)
BGP, do you have a 'homing device' on my submissions? 😉 LOL, you rarely miss one.

Yes, it seems that Angel was working her magic still, even from "the other side".

Thanks for your nice comment (as always) BGP. Hope you are well.
BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-06)
Dear Fergie,

I'd say you DID have that "Beyond the Veil" guidance! I enjoyed this sweet tale of love pouring fourth from Angel's Pfaff! Only one conclusion to this delightful tale, I put it in my Favorites!

Mother of Beagles
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-05)
Aw Fergie- This is so sweet. I know well, that "sense of calm feeling" that suddenly comes over you. Of course it was your Angel looking after you and her baby. So happy it got taken care of with a little bonus on the side! 😊

Another "feather" in your cap, so to speak. ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-05)
Miracles - Thank you for your reassuring comment. ❤

Our three-way project turned out 'a bit of all-right'! 😁
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-05)
Okay, RC it is!

No, I didn't find your comment too preachy, though I am a bit of an agnostic theist myself. I do believe there is a Higher Power (whatever you like to call it), and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs - I would never knock anybody's religion or beliefs. I guess I just had religion rammed down my throat as a child, and rebelled as I grew older. 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
Aw, Fergie ❤ - you know Angel was there to help you make Shenay's dress. That is definitely a dress made with love ❤
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
Fergie, you may call me what you want, though I prefer RC. ❤

I do hope it wasn't too preachy.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
Hi Tweed,

Thank you for reading and commenting. At times, I tend to doubt myself, and hope my experiences were not just wishful thinking.

So glad to see your PC problems have been sorted out. I can imagine the GRRRR moments you had.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
Elfstone, thank you for your reassuring comment

What an interesting side note. I always assumed it was Isaac Singer that invented the sewing machine, only to realise that he was the one to patent the idea.
How crazy for an invention to be inspired by a dream.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-04)
Hi Fergie,

I agree your Angel was helping out. I don't have much to add, but wanted to thank you for sharing this beautiful experience. ❤
elfstone810 (227 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)
What a lovely story! I have no doubt it was Angel who guided you. 😊

Incidentally, did you know that a dream guided the invention of the sewing machine? The inventor, I want to say Eli Whitney but I could be wrong, had been at it for ages but he couldn't figure out how to make the needle pull the thread through the fabric. Finally he gave up and collapsed into bed. That night he dreamed he'd been captured by cannibals and they were threatening him with spears that had holes in the tips. When he woke up he realized that the key to making his machine work was putting the eye of the needle in the point rather than the end.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)
Manafon, thank you for your insightful response.

I liked the idea that your great-grandfather also got guidance from beyond.
I have had many loving reminders of Angel, but this was the first time that I had actually asked for her help - I think. My memory is rusty, LOL. But, it would have been just like her, had she been alive, to jump in and help. We had grown extremely close in the months prior to her death.
So yes, the project involving mother, daughter and granddaughter would have been very special to her.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)
Ruskin (may I call you that?)

Thank you for your comment. I loved your analogy, it made me smile.
It did seem like too much of a coincidence when two stumbling blocks, involving presents for Angel's daughter, were so efficiently removed.

Hah! 'Saint Angel' gave me a whole sandwich. 😁

Thank you for your thought provoking response.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)

Thank you for your kind words. Plus, I am truly honoured to be on your faves list. 😳

I was honestly frustrated when I couldn't concentrate on the sewing in hand; why I kept being drawn to that section of my cabinet - until I discovered the 'long lost' manual. I wish I could post a pic of that blouse, but there is nothing remotely ghostly about it, LOL.

I know that Angel still sends us loving reminders of her, every now and then.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)
Fergie--I definitely believe that Angel heard your plea for help and intervened to smooth out a frustrating situation. To have been a part of a project that involved her Mother and daughter almost certainly made it that much more special for her.

My great grandfather once told my now deceased Dad that when he was a seven year old boy growing up in Ireland (County Sligo) he became lost in the woods and had become confused and frightened. He sent out a plea for help in his head and at that moment he felt a firm tap on his left shoulder. Turning in that direction, a path he hadn't seen before revealed itself to him. Feeling he had nothing to lose he took this pathway and it soon led him back to familiar territory and safety.

Much like you asking Angel for help and guidance, my great grandfather, at least I like to think, had his plea heard by a family member on "the other side". In your case, Mother, daughter and granddaughter all completed a project together! Thanks for sharing.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)
The second point I want to make is that Spiritwaiting is correct. Family and friends continue loving us even from beyond the grave, beyond the veil, etc.

My first point is inspired by a retreat I attended in December 2015. My parish sponsors a day long retreat with our bishop, open to all, and in 2015 we discusses Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker, not the guy who delivers toys, though culturally he has morphed into that character.

Being a 'Wonderworker' is, I learned, the second easiest sort of saint to be. For martyrdom, all you need to do is bleed out.:P To be a wonderworker, all you need to do is offer someone hungry half your sandwich, and in so doing, you will have performed a work at least as mighty as, say, blotting out the sun. At least in the eyes of the hungry person.

So Saint Angel, the Wonderworker, looked down on you and your granddaughter, Angel's daughter, and offered the equivalent of a sandwich to you. She helped you unjam the sewing machine and also gave you the manual. ❤
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-03)

Its nice to see you on here again!

I like this story.
I believe it was from beyond the veil. Family tends to continue loving even from there.
It seems she put that there for you to find, and use just maybe for that particular blouse.

I know all to well from experience that family continues to help, assist and love when you relax, and just talk.

Love it, going into my favs!

Nice to see you again

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