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The Leaning Shadow Man


I've been reading these stories for quite some time now with no intention of ever posting something. I grew up in a Pentecostal household, my grandfather, his father, and subsequently my mother (which is highly abnormal) were and are preachers. My first memory of going to church was of my mother speaking in tongues and singing "I am the lord's soldier".

I have been present during a mans exorcism (not the Catholic exorcism). I'm trying to say I have seen things. But I can't get over how these hauntings are actually scaring people so I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I practice something like witchcraft.

It started in about 2010 when I moved out after high school. I was extremely angry at my mother and I was always very logical about things and at that point I decided that I didn't believe in God so I had to disprove that "Satan" existed as well so I could snuff out the whole idea. So I began searching. I read the necronomicon, the satanic bible, and about 64gb of other books I scoured the Internet for.

I eventually stumbled upon a book called The Book Of the Witchmoon by Michael Ford. It became my favorite book and I showed my roommate who was also interested in the idea of finding a way to disprove God and Satan. We read and joked about the idea for quite a while.

So we were living in a new house, just me and him no distractions. In early 2011 neither of us had jobs and we were living off my student allowance for my scholarship. One day we were sitting around and remembered the book so we looked through it again. We found this ritual in which you construct a black mirror and it is a direct portal to the underworld. When we found all the supplies we needed we made this mirror and on the floor of our house in salt we drew out The sigil of Abraxas. We were looking for answers so it was fitting we try to find this demon specifically.

In order for the ritual to work we had to have the candles and whatever (I think that stuff is completely useless) and also this specific ritual requires a blood sacrifice to open the portal towards the end of the ritual. So after we said all our words and our intent we both took our knives from the kitchen and cut ourselves pretty deep on the left palm. (The left hand is very significant as it is claiming your are not a sheep as it says in the bible.)

We waited and and waited and waited. We did everything right and we did not see anything. We decided we were stupid for believing it would do anything so in our general disregard for everything normal we hung this black mirror directly over our couch.

For the next year this mirror hung over us everyday. It started to feel kind of weird in the house but we aren't the kind of people to be scared of weird feelings. Prior to us doing this my roommate has experienced night terrors his entire life. He would walk into my room in the middle of the night sometimes and I had been used to it. It was only scary when he would start screaming a bloodcurdling yell and decide you should be up at 4am or so. But surprisingly his sleepwalking was doing a lot better after the ritual.

Tonight as I'm typing this that mirror is behind two doors in my art room. I no longer live with him. It's me and my girlfriend now (she doesn't have night terrors). But I'm going to say about 3 months ago I started having weird dreams where I would be eaten by a little girl in my dream. Her head would fall apart like it was made of octopus tentacles and start spewing blood out and then I would wake up. It always felt extremely real.

Then more recently I woke up really late to an extremely dark shadowy man shape leaning on my girlfriend's side of the bed staring at me. Not like leaning like a casual lean. It was more like he was leaning with both hands trying to get over to me. That was probably the most startling one. I don't really get scared because if there is something out there in another realm I've already made reservations for my soul in case of my missing that God was real but that's a completely different story.

I hope you people don't delete this. This is an actual account of my life up until this point. Just trying to get my story out there like everyone else on here.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Anonymoustx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

jerryhend1 (3 stories) (136 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-30)

Your reasoning does not really sound right. Is there something your not telling us?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-28)
Anonymoustx - if you don't like our forum, please feel free to find one that fits you better 😐 We've gone through many rounds of arguments and battles in the past; we're not doing that anymore. If that's what you want, and are looking for, you're not going to get it here.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-28)
My curiosity is piqued. If one wanted to read these releases, where would they be found?
Anonymoustx (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-28)
I'm not attempting to gain fans.
I only wanted to share my story. And I have seen instances of people preaching in the comments and stories. That is where I make my assumptions. No that is not a quote I was referring to. I am referring to the recently released statements from the Catholic Church where they explain and in detail give the way they invented Jesus.

You guys get way too offended way too fast. Elf stone good plan that sounds like a pretty cool god to worship:
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-28)
Just a little bit of advice before the comments get headed down a path we don't want/need them to go. Comments can, and will, get deleted if they become out of control. Discussions are good. In fact, we welcome them because they teach us many things. But when people get up on their "high horses" and attitudes/tempers start to flare, that's when you'll see your comments...well, I guess that's when you WON'T see your comments 😆

This will be the only warning.
RoMaNzQ (4 stories) (36 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-28)
Anonymoustx: Who are we to judge? I am a staunch Hindu btw! You have your opinion and we have our own.

In MY opinion, God/Creator is omnipresent and I believe that your faith lies within you.

No disrespect to your beliefs or in this case your non beliefs... But the idea of slashing your palms to prove you are not a sheep is quite absurd to say the least.

I highly doubt this site is the right kind of platform for someone to be proclaiming such atrocities like blood sacrifices and so forth.

Seriously now... Grow up and maybe then you will see that what you are dappling with is not such a good idea especially with someone of your mindset. No offence to you. To each their own...
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-28)
I think you must be referring to the quote that goes, more or less, "all these profits we receive from the fable of Christ," that's attributed to Pope Leo X. Actually, that quote is a paraphrase of a passage from a satirical work by a 16th century British ex-priest who left the Carmelite order and became a Protestant.

And, just for the record, I'm agnostic. Or maybe a deist. Or maybe even pagan. I toyed with the idea of worshipping Apollo. An acquaintance of mine warned against it on the grounds that he sometimes expected his followers to sleep with him. I was like, "so a Greek GOD, who is the father of medicine and therefore knows all about the human body AND who is the patron of the arts and therefore highly creative might show up in my bedroom wanting sex?... I think I'm good with that." 😜
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-28)
Anonymoustx: I don't know where you get the idea that most of our posters are Christians. I think you need to be here longer and get to know us before you make assumptions.

I don't think making comments like the one below is going to win you any fans. We don't allow Bible thumping, preaching and obvious attempts at conversion, so we won't allow the opposite either. If this is your belief, then fine. Don't put others down because they believe differently.
Anonymoustx (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-28)
Lady-glo. Woah you're coming way hard at me. I was simply trying to put out the most known book simply because as far as I can tell most posters on here are Christian. That would mean that they are not familiar with other works. The bible is just as much a "book" as twilight. Lovecraft may have been telling "lie" but I'm pretty sure the catholics came out with the story of Jesus. The fact that they invented Jesus.

Look for it you'll find it. It was a disclosed confession of a pope at that time.

Furthermore, do you not see that have symbolically sacrificed yourself to Christ. You have given "him" time, money, and I'm sure there are other thing Christians do. Why is it silly to think hey god doesn't exist. I have given it my all and have not found anything. I will just do what the other religion says and see if that side speaks back. Then nothing. So now I practice no religion. I explored all the options and I found the one that most efficient for me. That's what people should do and they don't. So both the bible and the other books are fake. They are works of fiction. So Christians and vampires, both are just as silly as the other.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-27)
Why is it you had "decided that I didn't believe in God " but had to 'disprove' Satan's existence?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-27)
Soooo lem'me get this straight. In order to disprove the existence of God, you chose to disprove the existence of Satan by summoning a demon. Well, that's an interesting twist. Oh, and in the process you've made reservations with Satan just in case you got it all wrong. *sigh*
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-27)
Oh, Halloween!...the yellowed leaves falling from the trees, the chilly mornings and the aroma of burning wood... And people sharing dubious ghost stories in YGS! 😜
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-27)
I suppose it would be the height of foolishness to point out that the Necronomicon is a work of fiction. You may as well try to prove or disprove Yahweh or Satan with Twilight. /shrug
I'm also struggling with the idea of slashing yourself to prove you're not a sheep... Because some silly book told you to. Yep. That'll prove you're an independent thinker. Ah well, I looked up this Book of the Witchmoon on Amazon. "Vampire" was used in the description. Maybe you weren't so far off from Twilight after all.
Maybe the little octopus girl represents Cthulu. Another work of fiction BTW, from the same guy who wrote the Necronomicon.
You can't prove or disprove Yahweh or Satan. You either believe or you don't, faith can't be put in a petri dish. If ever the existence of deities can be proved or disproved, it will be by scientists, not angsty kids playing with knives.

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