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Real Ghost Stories

Contacting Victoria Hellstrom


I live in Dubai, a very religious place except the main religion here is Muslim. Because of this, not many people talk about and experience the paranormal. It's still a fairly new city, not a lot of history, no wars or anything, so there would be no reason for there to be any lingering spirits unless they are from people who have recently passed on and are still clinging to something in our realm.

About a year ago, I bought a Ouija board. I got in in Australia when I went back to visit family and friends. I'm only 16, but the whole idea of speaking to a spirit is very interesting to me, so when I saw the board I jumped at the chance to own it. I took it back to Dubai and I used it with one of my closet friends and we had a very positive experience talking to a young woman from Essex.

I went without using the board for a very long time until the other day a boy in the year above asked me to bring it into school on the weekend, because we would both be there for an art class. I did as he asked and brought the board into school. We turned off the lights and closed all the blinds. My two best friends were there as well, Jack and Rachel. They both wanted to do the board, except Jack was a firm believer that the board worked due to our subconscious mind. Rachel was skeptical but was really excited to see it work. I take it very seriously and have done a tone of research, I know all the rules and what to watch out for.

Our first attempt was terrible as Adam, the boy in the year above, would mess around, move the planchette, spell out horrible words and laugh at the board. I told him he couldn't be a part of the session anymore because he doesn't understand how dangerous the boards can be. Instead he got a piece of paper and began to write down everything the board said. At this point jack was only watching as well.

Me and Rachel contacted a spirit by the name of Wetebee, a 6 year old girl from Russia. She was a good spirit with a twist. We asked her if there was anyone she would like to leave, and she spelled out Jack. We asked her if she liked Jack, and she said no. We then asked whether she was going to harm him and she said yes. When we asked how, she said gravity. We didn't know what this meant but me and Rachel thought possibly something may fall on him or he might fall off a balcony or something, because most houses in Dubai are at least 2 stories high. Jack, however, didn't believe that anything would happen, and nothing did, so far.

Then we asked what year she died in, and she said 1954 (or something like that, this will have relevance later on). When we asked how she died, she said no, and then said goodbye. I packed up the board and continued to work on my art coursework.

Then, after everyone left, me and Rachel decided to use the board again. This time was way different. Again, we contacted a good spirit, but the name of Victoria, but we didn't know her last name, where she was from or any other personal details, though we did ask about hair and eye color, simple things. She then kept going to the moon, which symbolizes bad spirits. I said that she told us she was a good spirit, and she said she was. Rachel then asked if there were other bad spirits in the room, and she said yes, 2. I asked if she meant that WE were the bad spirits, and she said yes. I asked why, and she said 'thoughts, envy'.

We later found out through asking more questions that she was murdered because someone wanted her money. We decided that she must have thought our thoughts were bad because somebody that was jealous of her killed her. It made perfect sense. Then when we asked when she died she said in the 1700s.

Throughout the session, she also kept trying to escape the board, by counting down the numbers, moving in figure eights, and going through the alphabet. Every time she tried I stopped her because of obvious reasons. Then we asked if she was in the room with us, and she said yes. We asked if she was next to us and she said 'no, table'. Then we asked if she was on the table, and she said no. Me and Rachel were terrified, and we couldn't see under the table... We asked if she was there, and she said yes. My heart was racing! I was so nervous. Then we asked if she had children, this is the part that made us say goodbye and leave the school as fast as we could. She said yes, 1, boy. So she had a son! Then when I asked his name, SHE SPELLED OUT SATAN. Rachel was a little slow realizing, but when I said it out loud, almost straight away, we both panicked. We hadn't realized she was spelling that at all, until she hit N. Then the feeling came, the worst feeling I have ever felt. It was panic, adrenaline, fright, dread, anger and terror. I don't know if that was my natural reaction or if Victoria somehow channeled her feeling into me, I don't really know. But I left shaking, straight after.

Then we got to the shopping center complex, it's small but it has internet cafes, I had my lap top with me and I was like "I'm going to research this Victoria." I did and what I found made chills go down my spine.

A Victoria Hellstrom, a nun from a convent who was sold by her parents into a satanic family to be a vessel for Satan's children to be born. I was so shocked and scared and absolutely amazed. Me and Rachel almost couldn't breathe. It said she died in 1954 (the same year that Wetabee had told us) but not the year that she had said when we were talking to her.

I've felt like somebody has been watching me ever since, and if anyone can tell me anything about this 'Victoria Hellstrom' I would really appreciate it, thank you!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lizbob, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-13)
awwww gutted I missed out on this one... Oh well I'm sure there's more
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-03)
The author probably wants us readers to get off ghost stories for a while and start reading Marvel comics. Looks like Marvel got a free publicity on here. 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
It spelled SATAN... OMG that means this story is true...Actually...NOT BUYING IT... Is the O/P trying to sell a 'what if' story line to Marvel?


(this one gets no respect)
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
I agree with Miracles. What a bunch of nonsense. Don't insult us by submitting more, please,
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
zzsgranny: I wouldn't cover this one with the BS blanket, Aladdin's flying carpet makes a better option. 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
Hmmm...Blankie time!

Also, something I found on a Google search:
"The earliest mention of Dubai is in 1095 AD, and the earliest recorded settlement in the region dates from 1799. Dubai was formally established on June 9, 1833, by Sheikh Maktoum bin Butti Al-Maktoum when he persuaded around 800 members of his tribe of the Bani Yas, living in what was then the Second Saudi State, to follow him to the Dubai Creek by the Abu Falasa clan of the Bani Yas"

I wouldn't call Dubai a "new" city 😆 😆
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
You might need two just in case you get him whilst he is knocking around with Thor, the Hulk and the rest of the avengers crew... You never know 😆
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
I was considering talking to Loki. Bet he'd have some great insight.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
OMG yes, there really have been. I try to be good, really I do. But sometimes... 😉

I'm thinking of buying a Ouija Board and seeing if I can contact Iron Man 😆
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
Ha, and I bet there has been a lot of straws over the years...😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
Griff - you know the straw that broke the camel's back? Think this might have been it 😆
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
Haha, a dreaded Ouija board story which has incurred the wrath of 2 mods... 😨 😨... You'll find me under the table again.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
The only information I can find on "Victoria Hellstrom" indicates she's a comic book character in the Marvel universe.
Either some ghost was yanking your chain, or you are attempting to yank ours. I won't bother saying which scenario I find more believable.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
Lizbob, you said you researched Victoria Hellstrom, so I am sure you came up with the same thing I did 😉 I'm not sure why you need anyone to tell you anything about her, but here you go:

The only Victoria Hellstrom I could find is a Marvel character and, yes, there is mention that she was "sold" to Satanists. I didn't bother going any further in the tale because after that, I realized your story was bunk.

And another thing, there are many stories on our site, as well as other sites, from people in Dubai who have had paranormal experiences. There are also paranormal groups in Dubai. Google is a wonderful thing 😉

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