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The Disappearing Razai


I am Mayank and I live in Patna, India. This story which I am narrating is more stimulating than terrifying. This happened last year when I was in 12th grade.

As is common with many students in India, I was also pressurized to prepare for engineering. I joined one of the famous coaching institutes in Patna. The managing director of the institute was an old acquaintance of my father.

First, let me enlighten you on a few other details. In India, due to lack of proper vigilance it is considered quite unsafe for girls to be outdoors after dark and since we had our schools in the morning, we could afford to attend the coaching classes only in the evening shift. By the time the classes were dismissed, it was quite dark. So the institute hired private vehicles, mostly vans, to ensure the safety of girls while travelling. Meanwhile, the front seat beside the driver could be occupied by male students. Though I am a guy, my parents are anxious about my safety and asked me to travel only by one of the vans. So I was allotted the front seat in one of the vans. The van did school duty during the day and that school was situated in my locality and it would be kept during night in the school premises. So the final stoppage of the van would be that school and I would walk from there to reach my home.

One day, while returning from coaching classes, a strange thing happened. I was the only one in the van that day. Our driver who was a solemn guy said that he was asked to deliver some important papers to the van in-charge before he would drop me, so he would first go to his house. I agreed without reluctance. As soon as we reached that in-charge's house, my driver got down with the papers and suddenly he saw on the back seat (the small seat through the back door) a razai (I don't know what its called in English, its something like a blanket with immense amount of stuffing inside). Anyway, he saw this thing and was amazed as to how such a thing would have come there. He had no idea as to who did the razai belong. He suspected that someone might have committed some crime, say murder, using it and hid it in a weird place so as to dispense with the evidence. He was worried and hence called the man in the house (the in-charge whom he was going to meet) downstairs. Together they both took the razai and unfolded it. But there was no blood stain or stains of any other kind. The razai was perfectly clean.

After some discussion they decided to put the razai in the school for one night and then they would inquire about it the next day. I was a witness to their discussion. Then the driver gave him the papers and folded the razai and kept it under his own seat and drove back to the school (my stoppage) without stopping at any place.

When we reached, I got down from the van and I noticed that the razai was not under the driver's seat! Both I and the driver stood amazed for about 10 minutes and then my driver told me, "Never mind brother! We will talk about it tomorrow!"

There was no way the RAZAI could have been lost! I was fully awake all the time he drove me and I was not busy with my cell phone or something like that. When I recall this incident, I can deduce only one thing that there must be some unnatural force behind this! I could not get any logical conclusion despite discussing this with my friends. This memory freaks me out when I am alone. Please do comment friends.

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Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-03)
Hey Mayank:) Patna is a lovely city:) hehe and yes Indian parents and their obsession with engineers, doctors, lawyers and CAs right! Lol! Don't even get me started!
About the story, well it's pretty interesting. How the rajai can disappear is quite fascinating since you say the driver didn't even open the door in those 10 minutes, and that you were fully alert that entire time. And as the others have pointed out, it's possible the driver knows something more about it... Sad he wouldn't tell you! One question though, since it was dark and the car was in motion- is it possible the rajai slipped from under the seat backwards, and you missed spotting it? As in you know- where people sitting on the back seat would keep their feet. Don't know if the front seat had a way through but some cars have that, so it maybe a possibility. And since it was dark, maybe you didn't see it. And the next morning, the driver spotted it. Just a possibility. I once dropped my cell in my car when I was driving and I couldn't spot it for so long until my friend finally threw in his cell torch light and we found it below the back seat.
But I don't doubt the possibility of it being related to paranormal as well. Glad it didn't harm you in any way. Hope the driver isn't troubled either.
Also I must say- a well written story...:) take care
cutiepie11 (17 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-03)
Hi Mayank_holmes, as you have mentioned that you kept inquiring many times to the driver about the razai and he did not answer your question, I find him to be suspicious, maybe he just pretended in front of you that he did not know anything about the razai and actually must have some connection with the razai... Anyways thanks for sharing your experience and the story kept me interested in it from the beginning to the end.
Anushkasabre (15 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-11)
May be the driver later had a bad experience later because he neglected it that night and so refused to talk about it. Just my thoughts. By the way which area it was I will try to inquire as I am from patna too.
JeunaBella (3 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
Seriously I didn't know what a Razai really is before I asked Mr. Google about it (thanks mister). But I'm not surprised if it can dissappear just like that because I have seen a man who walked with me under my umbrella dissappearing into a locked, vacant apartment. The driver must have noticed the razai (bedquilt) if he has kicked it over unless he did it on purpose. I wonder why the driver has refused to discuss or talk about it?
mayank_holmes (5 stories) (32 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
even I couldn't believe what I saw...
I don't blame it on those whose didn't believe!
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-04)
Gotta agree with Miracles51031 on this. Nobody has ever had a rational explanation to describe the paranormal. This Razai just goes likewise. Besides, I don't see a reason as to why would anyone want to fake a story on a Razai? 😜
[at] mayank_holmes, I'm looking forward to it. 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-05-04)
Shibuya-Kazuya - I don't want to disagree with you, but it appears I'm going to. There are stories on this site when an entire car has disappeared, or even a house. So to say a razai, which is considerably smaller, cannot disappear would be just your opinion, correct? 😊
Shibuya-Kazuya (1 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-04)
A thing such as a Razai can't disappear in thin air, like you mentioned.
Sorry, but you story doesn't sound plausible.
mayank_holmes (5 stories) (32 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-04)
thank you shady4!... I shall soon post another experience of mine. I hope you guys found this story helpful! Thanks for reading 😳
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-03)
No rational explanation obviously, but I believe it could've been a spirit which was attached to the Razai and wanted its presence felt, or maybe just passing by. I don't see a reason as to why it would ever show up again so as far as I can conclude, there's nothing to be worried about. I liked your story, thank you.
mayank_holmes (5 stories) (32 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-03)
yes I am damn sure that the driver didn't kick off the razai! It was about 10 minutes drive from the in-charge's house to my stoppage! And I am sure that the door never opened during those 10 mins! And thank you sheetal for your advice. It has been a long time since this incident happened and I am happy that the thing didn't care to bother me anymore! But I am not sure about the driver... Despite repeatedly asking for many days he didn't care to tell me as to what became of the razai! May God protect that man!
JeunaBella (3 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-03)
Are you sure the driver didn't open the car's door while driving and accidentally kicked it out. If it was paranormal I think 'it' just want a lift so disguising as something else was an available option (although I'm not sure why it bother to have a lift). From where I come from, we have numerous story of 'it' trying to get a free ride during the night.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-03)
Hi Mayank_holmes,

It's really freaking that you didn't found the Rajai.

It is said that if someone is died due to some particular thing like Rajai or something else. Then the spirit go in that thing. I think you find the same rajai.

May be the unseen existence want to show something you.

Overall I enjoyed your story. 😁
mayank_holmes (5 stories) (32 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-02)
but hey! I am curious to know what was it! Can anybody please tell me! 😕 😕
mayank_holmes (5 stories) (32 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-02)
[at] prateek soni... Yeah! You are right! And i'm not at all disturbed!
prateek-soni (12 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-01)
Dont mind broo... Maybe some existance was there... And be happy cuzz... That existance doesn't disturbed you;')

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