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Another Of My Father's Stories - We Named Her Victoria


Yes, once again, this is about my father.

Brief back-story for those who have not read the previous of my father's encounters: my father lives in a small town in Indiana in a cute, two story, 150 year old house. It is in a state of renovation currently. My dad has a history of being followed by a darker being that seems to enjoy terrifying him every now and again since he was young. A few months ago, a woman starting appearing in his house. She was very transparent at that time and seems to be harmless - seems to be wearing turn-of-the-century clothing.

My father was lying in bed around three weeks ago, reading. My step-mother was in Scotland visiting her family, and the cats were curled up with my father. He hears footsteps on the stairs (which are becoming a daily thing) and decided to keep reading and just ignore them. The footsteps continue the few feet to his bedroom door and he sees a shape in the corner of his eye. He looks up and sees a full figure of a woman, nearly solid. She is wearing a dark, turn-of-the-century style dress and has brown hair, in a bun. She looks to be middle aged. Other than her clothing, she looked quite normal. What he found to be strange is that she was looking in the room, but she was not looking at him. She seemed to be focused behind him.

After about ten seconds, she just dissipates. The cats heard her walk up and were staring at her as well, though they did not seem to react with any sort of fear. Other than being surprised, my dad was not frightened of her. She does not give off any sort of menacing vibe.

This is the first time my father was able to see color and her face.

Fast forward to when my stepmother returns from Scotland, about a week later. They are laying in bed with the cats around 11 at night. They are both reading and relaxing when footsteps start coming up the stairs. The steps, like last time, walk to the door and stop, but there was no apparition involved this time. My stepmother, who previously thought my dad was a bit loony for thinking the house had a visitor, looks at my dad and asks if he heard it too. I believe the direct quote from my father was, "I told you so."

The activity definitely seems to be building in my father's house, but it is not disruptive and apparently the large bangs that used to happen frequently do not happen often anymore.

My sister named her Victoria, mostly because of how her clothing style was described.

I believe that I have convinced by father that next time she comes to visit, he should attempt to have a conversation with her since the activity seems to be centered around where he happens to be. He is also a talented amateur photographer and I may be able convince him to take some pictures, as long as it seems safe to do so. She seems to be very peaceful, despite the early fears of her being somehow connected to the other entity my father has dealt with. We cannot currently figure out if she is residual or intelligent, because both seem to fit. She does seem to purposefully wander around where my father happens to be.

I will continue to give updates on my father's new housemate as I receive them. I am quite happy that my stepmother was able to validate my father's experiences this time. I am looking forward to my next trip to my father's house.

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elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-22)

Your brain while hallucinating is indeed strange. It will pick up what it's processing and act as if it's completely normal, which is usually a good thing- the ability to store what is out of place is a good way to create a valid diagnosis. The visual areas of the brain will generate the hallucination on it's own, which is why those lobes are so active during a hallucination. This is the same with auditory hallucinations- the temporal lobes will be generating the same sound that they are processing. It's pretty redundant. What makes them so tricky is the brain thinks it is experiencing these things instead of generating them- which is why hallucinations are often believed to be real.
They have been trying to precisely map it for a few decades. This study: is really interesting. Their comparison of the schizophrenic brain to a "normal" brain is actually very intriguing. The structural differences are very interesting to read up on, as well as the chemical differences.
This one has a few good studies:

What is also sort of funny is that an MRI can generate hallucinations in people with no history because of the high magnetic fields (if you combine that with rapid movement). It's rare, but it can cause that "frying bacon" effect.

Now onto the paranormal: I am not sure that I believe that the two share any sort of connection with each other, but the idea is interesting. There is a pretty common paranormal theory that children are able to see spirits because of how their brain is still forming and their view of the world is therefore much different than a mature brain. If this theory is actually true, then those with severe mental illnesses could possibly be more in-tune with a world that is just outside of our normal perceptions. This would be even more interesting to think about in functional schizophrenic disorders. Before modern medicine, it was widely believed that illnesses like schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorders were the work of demonic activity (hence the popularity of exorcisms and some very famous deaths because of them).

Back on topic, again, if you combine a belief in the paranormal when looking at mental illness, the two can combine themselves fairly easily. In the Mr. Adam's case, having a sort of spirit guide fighting off the "bad" delusions could really be more symbolic of the good part of the patient fighting off the part that it perceives as bad, manifesting itself as a hallucination of someone that the patient trusted. Or, it could literally be a spirit trying to help someone through one of the most difficult mental illness. Personally, I really like the last idea. Professionally, the first one is the most likely. The fact that multiple people profess to have witnessed the same thing gives the spirit idea a little more credit, seeming how shared delusions are incredibly rare - and generally unproven- and usually occur only in times of intense stress, which is not the case in that story.

Generally, what I am attempting to get at is the science and psychology cannot explain everything, even though it can explain a lot. It figured out sleep paralysis, psychosis and delusions and most people fall into certain categories of "sanity". I think there could be some sort of ties into brain development and an ability to see things that others typically cannot- real things. The problem becomes the lack of evidence to support that, which ties in with the fact that hallucinations already appear real- how can someone separate the two without some sort of external witness to the phenomenon? If a spirit was going to follow someone, it would make sense to follow someone who actually had the capacity to see them.

There are many ties between mental disorders and a paranormal belief, but most of the studies have been dismissed as pseudoscience with a bias for the paranormal (though those who dismiss it fully also have a bias for science, so really, everyone is biased). There have also been studies dismissing a paranormal belief by finding correlations between depressive disorders and the belief: (that one is really short, it's just a summary, for some reason I could not find the full version). About a quarter of Americans believe they have seen a ghost, while others surveys have only 60% believing that they have never seen a ghost. A complete dismissal of a possibility is not logical. While a lot of the evidence for the paranormal can be explained away, that many people having visual and even shared experiences in seeing something that should not be there should be an area that more people actually study instead of shrug off. After all, ancient monks got meditation correct without having any way to prove it:

It's obviously not sane to think that anyone who witnesses a paranormal event is hallucinating, because most people will go their entire lives without hallucinating fully (dream disturbances and reactions to medicines not being counted in this equation). By that very logic, it's not sane to believe that all hallucinations are created solely by the mind.

I guess all-in-all my only real reply would be: Anything is possible.

That got sort of rambly. I hope that sort of answered the question.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-20)
Sure, I will give it A read. That's no problem. I found what you are saying really interesting and when I wake up a little more, I'll respond to that a little.
ladydarke (115 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)

I hope it's not obnoxious to post here, but I was wondering if you'd had a chance to read this story, Mr Adams Vs Mental Health Professionals?


I think you would enjoy this story, and I would also be interested in your opinion due to your studies in psychology, though the story is rather old and I doubt the OP would be readily available for questions or clarifications. I, like many of the other commenters on that story, am curious about the connection between mental illness and the paranormal -- the line between hallucination and sighting, but also whether altered brain chemistry or physiology might in fact equal a "third eye" and render an individual more sensitive to the paranormal.

I've done some reading on various studies attempting to MRI shizophrenic patients while they are experiencing hallucinations. Except for perhaps increased activity in the hippocampus as memories are accessed, the visual and/or auditory cortex fires off just as if an actual visual or auditory event had occurred. Are you familiar with such studies? I have a theory I would like to hear your thoughts regarding, that paranormal sightings are actually processed elsewhere in the brain -- I have no clue what actual processes would make up a "sixth sense" -- but that under certain unknown conditions or in prone individuals, the brain feeds that information to the visual cortex such that an apparition is "seen" or I guess in essence hallucinated. Do you happen to know of any actual studies or papers done along that line?

I guess you're still in school and haven't graduated to actually work in the field yet in order to have had firsthand experience with patients like Mr. Adams from the story. As you get farther along, it will be increasingly interesting to see what someone of your mindset and training makes of it all.

I apologize if it is rude to post here. You had gone off-topic a little on this story of yours already so I was hoping you wouldn't mind.

elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-09)
Ah, I was only one state over!


New Mexico for me:) Green chile turkey enchiladas:D
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-22)

If your in Texas I will be cooking one up for Thanksgiving... Along with a Turkey...stuffing...mashed potatoes... Fresh green beans and of course any snacks that we prepare to nibble on before dinner is ready.



elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-16)
Miracles, exactly:) I am happy that the good apples far outnumber the bad:)

Rook, that brisket. I need that in my life. Ten hours? Oh my...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-15)
I have a 10 hour brisket I can cook up for the BBQ... Along with some wings with a made from scrach sauce.;)

I have been a member for... Well let's just say for a while and I am glad I found it. You folks are wonderful and I have been able to not only voice my opinions but refine or even change my mind about them because of all the different view points offered by so many people from all over the world. Thanks to everyone who makes this site great.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-15)
Looks like I'm late, but better late than never I say 😊 I think y'all have hit on every point I would have made. I just want to say I've tried many times over the years I've been a member to leave this site, but there is always something that makes me change my mind. Whether it's the stories, our members, my friends, I don't know. But I love this site, even when I want to scream and pull my hair out πŸ˜†.

The bad apples don't spoil the bunch; we've got a great group of members here and I'm proud part of the group. And as long as everyone plays nice, I'll play nice too πŸ˜†
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-15)
BJJ, I bubbling over with happy feelings after reading that <3 I am very happy that you appreciate my viewpoints. Hopefully, the negative influx we have had here will pass soon. I was so proud and overjoyed to see the members of this site rally against those who were close minded or rude to others. It gives me such a faith in people when I see them stand up for others.

For that BBQ, we could have an amazing one. I bring the ribs (I do make some epic ones), you could bring burgers.:P

The unity of this place makes it very, very special.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-15)
Thank you as well. I think your perspectives on the experiences shared here have been a huge asset to the site.
I feel like there's room at the table for everyone. Believers and skeptics, atheists, monotheists, polytheists, agnostics, we can all learn so much from each other if we just slow down and listen. It's healthy to consider other points of view.
As a believer in the paranormal, I love skeptics. I try to maintain skepticism of my own, but sometimes my belief makes that difficult. Hearing a skeptical view can put things in a different perspective, give me an idea I didn't have before, and help me sort out the true cause of an event.
To all the respectful skeptics on this site, I love you guys. Keep doing what you do.
There has definitely been a recent influx of behavior that I find incomprehensible. Any and all views are welcomed, provided they are presented with respect. A believer's views, a skeptic's views, religious views, I will support the right of all views to be expressed here if they don't violate guidelines.
I'm at an absolute loss for what's happened in the last few days. The role-playing, the fan fiction, the closeminded attitude that we've seen from multiple users... Insisting that everything is paranormal and skeptics have no right to express an opinion is pretty durn closeminded, no matter how you slice it. Refusal to consider another view defines a closed mind.
I should probably stop now before I get too long winded.
Elnora, I'm glad the site has been good for you. Thank you for your kind words, and thanks for giving me an opportunity to rant a little myself. The occasional rant is good for the soul.
Big huge massive thanks to the majority of our members who make this site a great place. Yall have made this, imo, the best place on the webbernet to be. /hug to the lot of you.
Whatever wind of madness has hit our site will blow on by soon. We'll just batten down the hatches and maybe have a barbecue in the meantime.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-15)
I feel the need for a bit of a late night thank you and a rant at the same time, respectfully on my own story thread.

Lately, there has been a lot of nonbeliever hate on this site, from new and presumably young users. There have been posts that are anti skeptic and anti non believer. Many who have been on this site the last year or two know that I am an atheist and also a skeptic and I am not shy about it (it's been listed on my profile since day one).

The thank you fits in here. I would like to thank the mods, especially the ones I see most often: miracles and BJJ. They are beautifully capable of stopping and removing posts that promote any sort of negativity towards the beliefs of another person and I think that's wonderful. It promotes a safe place for all people- atheists, Christians, wiccans, pagans, Hindus, ect and that is a rare and fantastic thing to find.

I've battled anxiety and depression for years. My attacks with anxiety have worsened over the years. One night, desperate, I came to this site and started reading. My attack that night stopped as I laughed at the members joking with each other in the comments.

This site has changed me in a very good way. I've become more opened minded and soft hearted to the belief systems of others. I spent a lot of years expecting (and being) bullied by those who held beliefs in a deity that I did not and it left me with a prejudice of my own towards them. This site has reopened my eyes to the goodness of people and their kindness. The people on here are amazing and those who are unkind are even treated with respect.

This is just my thank you to the Mods and members of this site. You helped take a jaded girl and remind her to open her mind and heart. I love this place. It's kind, quirky, strange and amazing. In its own unique way, it may have saved me from a very angry life.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
I'm quite determined when I put my mind to it 😜

I tried to be all encompassing. Being on the skeptical side helps a bit when it comes to thinking of every possible side.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
elnora, do not worry over 'getting rambly'. You actually answered a great many questions, that I have no doubt would eventually be asked, when it comes to debunking the haunting.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
I like you; you think like I do.

The house is quite old, but footsteps are pretty apparent when they walk up to you and stop. All the piping and everything is new and nothing runs beneath the stairs (the only thing there is a gigantic closet). When he previously spotted her, my step mother not in Scotland. I have never heard wind mimic footsteps from the base of stairs, down the hall and to the entrance of a room, which the same increased sound as they grow closer as a human walking. They briefly had a mouse problem, but it would have to be at least a hundred pound mouse (in which case, it is a good thing my father owns a shotgun because that would be terrifying).

The previous entity was also witnessed by another, who was actually bruised by it (they had photos, but I have never seen them and seeming how his girlfriend at the time and him broke up 30 years ago, getting them would likely be a difficult adventure to undertake, if they have not been lost by now. Though after saying that, now I want to try).

The cats also react to everything heard/seen and projecting your own imagination that far is not likely- they typically notice something strange first and then then whatever is happening can be heard by people, sort of like how animals react to an earthquake before anyone feels it.

The house does make some very strange sounds, some of which has been debunked and others of which can be shrugged off as an older home. The furnace actually groans at times, which can be a bit chilling. Scared me near to death the first time I heard it until I realized what it was. I nearly jumped near out of my skin. There is also a door that does not close correctly and if you step on a certain floorboard, it opens the door- which, of course, creaks eerily.

I have tried explaining it every which way and usually come up empty handed, which does frustrate me quite a bit.

My step mother hearing it was a first and she has living in that house for over 20 years. The only experience she has is seeing her father after he died (which could very well be sleep paralysis with how it was described to me).

Last time I was there, I did try to take photos and everything of the house, but I didn't catch anything, sadly. She was just popping up when I was there but I never got to spot her.

They had an electrician come out a while back to take out wiring for a fan in their dining room and everything with their wiring checked out- which was my first theory that was bashed down that day. I was pretty convinced that my father was just sensitive to higher levels of electric fields until then.

The only real proof he will ever have, other than my step mother, would be to actually go through the county records and find all the previous owners of his home and see if anything matches up. I tried online, but I did not get very far, unfortunately.

Well, that got rambly.
Perfecttime687 (6 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-16)
Ok elanoraemily. I think your father has been imagining this ghost. Perhaps because he missed his wife? He may have created a mental picture and made it so real it appeared. Your mother may have heard the foot steps because of wind creaking the house. After all the house is 150 years old.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
Sadly I have not been able to find anything at all on the house. The only person I know to have passed in it as all would be my step-mom's first husband and that does not fit.

I do think you are right about her level of intelligence.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
elnora, have you been successful at researching the house at all? I think it's possible that Victoria does hover around your dad as he is doing most of the planning/renovations. Another possibility: he reminds her of someone she knew, possibly a relative or spouse. One of the indications on residual or intelligent, is if the pattern keeps repeating itself, with NO alterations at all. Since residual is a 'recording' for lack of a bitter term, it's unable to do anything but the same routine over and over. Apparently Victoria wanders all over the place, at least where ever your Dad might be.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
Her style seems too old to be a part of that family, since they were all still in Scotland at that point in time. I can't think of anyone who would be dropping in on my father.
Niksterrific (19 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
Love it! I cannot wait to hear the next story! I wonder if Victoria is a relative of yours, sounds like she's just keeping an eye out on things, maybe she will keep the dark entity at bay.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
I wonder if she wanders towards him just because he is the one doing a major part of the renovations and planning them.

A sort of curious: "What are you doing to my house?"

He used to work in an old theater as a kid and apparently used to have a follower whenever he was doing maintenance (I always forget about that experience, he told me about it a long time ago when I was little and it never seemed relevant before). The theater was built in 1906, I believe (it's quite pretty, as well). He never saw them, but felt them and they seemed to get annoyed when he was changing something. This is still the only friendly one so far he's ever really met.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
I like what you named it and this way the title also gives credit to your dad 😊
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
It makes much more sense this way:P

I was wondering what to name this one.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
elnoraemily - guilty πŸ˜‰ but I only changed it because it's one of the guidelines we try to go by LOL
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
I love whichever mod changed the title. *high five*

I quite enjoy when I get updates on her. I find this whole thing very fascinating.

I wonder how long she has been wandering around and no one noticed her.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-15)
There's a pretty well accepted theory that renovations stir up activity. Ghosts that were always there, but never made themselves known, suddenly become active. I think they just want to see what's being done to the home they knew. It seems like these renovation ghosts usually quiet back down after the renovation is complete.
Extremely interesting that she's appearing more solid now. I think entities can get more defined as they get better at manipulating energy. The more often they manifest, the more clear they become. Practice makes perfect and all that.
Looking forward to reading more about this lady.

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