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Predicting Dreams


Though I have never really seen or heard a ghost consciously, I think I might have had some ghostly experiences. Every once in a while I happen to dream strangely realistic, which you would probably consider to be quite normal. The strange part is that those dreams came true a number of times, but then in a different context.

The first time it happened I was about 7 or 8 years old. At the time I would go iceskating every Saturday and along with other neighbourhood children we would be picked up by a bus. I once had a dream, which was not frightening at all, about missing the bus. A few weeks later I indeed missed the bus. This could be seen as coincidence, but it happened more than just once.

When I was about 8 or 9 years old, my mom got a new boyfriend and we were going to move into his place. He had a 4 year old daughter, who is now my stepsister. Though I had never met her before I dreamt about a blond-haired little girl with some kind of eczema. A couple of years went by and I had almost forgotten about the dream, when my stepsister developed a kind of eczema.

A couple of years later when I was about 12 years old I dreamt about arriving at school too late. The teacher whose class I missed was my geography teacher. Some time later, when my geography teacher had become my mentor, I really ended up being late, for his class. I had been ill for a period of three days and in that time my schedule had changed. Usually school would start at 9.30 on Monday morning, but the new schedule started an hour earlier.

About a year later I had a dream of which I can only remember one sentence. It was 'This is Romy, Tiger's replacement.' Tiger was the cat we currently had and I had a sports coach named Romy. At the time this sentence didn't make sense at all, until Tiger passed away a year later and we bought a new cat. We did not name her ourselves, the animal shelter where we got her had already given her a name. Her name was Romy.

The descriptions of dreams listed above are all of the most clear examples of my predictive dreams. I do not know what caused me to have these dreams, though I have considered the option that a spiritual being might have influenced my dreams.

I would like some comments that could explain why I am having these predictive dreams, because it scares me sometimes, when I have a realistic nightmare, because then I think it might come true.

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Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-23)
LittleWriter - the thing about journals, especially if you type them, is you can go back and add things that you may have forgotten.

I know with mine I began in 2002. But the more I typed, the more I remembered. I ended up remembering the first thing that happened to me (ghost-wise) when I was 13. I now (at almost 49) have over 100 single-spaced typed pages. But my Journal includes my ghosts, premonitions, visions, etc as well as my kids' experiences.

As val recommended, write down the date. Most of mine have the date (if I forget the exact day, I at least get the month). At the time you may not realize it, but later on it may become important. You may forget a month or two down the road that you had the dream, until it happens. Then, when you look back in your journal, you realize...OMG! I dreamed that on this date!

Anyway, you're welcome and best of luck to you 😊
LittleWriter (4 stories) (10 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-23)
I'd like to thank all of you for responding to my post. To answer the question of redthunder: I have never gotten my IQ tested, but I got the highest score for a test that I had to take at the end of primary school in order to determine to which secondary school I had to go. My grades have always been quite high, but they are average now, because the difficulty of the subjects at school increased a lot and I do not always study as hard anymore.
LittleWriter (4 stories) (10 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-23)
Thank you very much for your advice Miracles and lady-glow! I've been thinking about keeping a journal a while ago, but never managed to actually do it. I now plan to start from this day onwards. Your advice is very helpful and it makes me happy to know that I am not the only one with this gift. I feel more understood now. 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-23)
allesgute - believe it or not, we've all had stories rejected (yep, even me LOL).

I don't want to take away from this story any further, because I can't even remember for sure if I was the one who returned yours, so I can't offer any reasoning for the differences between the two stories. But you always have the option of resubmitting😊
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-23)
Hello everybody. I'm not trying to sound mean or rude or even a spoilsport. I don't intend to hurt the poster one bit. However, I wonder why my article about a dream was rejected while this one was published. Mine was about my dead grandma sending some sort of signal/warning through my dream. I was told this site doesn't publish dreams in a response to my article submission. Sorry for spamming the comments thread again. But I just want to know why one common rule doesn't apply to everybody on this forum.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-22)
I agree with Miracles, you should be able to tell the difference between a regular dream and one that pertains to the future. For myself, they just 'feel' different. I would suggest to jot the dream down as soon as possible, with as much detail as you can. You may even wish to enter the date they come to pass. It may help you establish a time line.
As Miracles says, sometimes even family can have a hard time accepting this part of your life. My daughter refers to them as my 'freaky dreams'πŸ˜† and well, it scared my now ex. But, it's just part of you. I don't know why either, but I have noticed that many of us on this site seem to share this gift. So, you aren't alone.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-22)
Miracles: LOL, I'm talking about my own journals... They amount to many notebooks taking some of the space in my closet that could be used by more clothes.
I guess is time for me to walk into the XXI century! πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
redthunder_80 (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-22)
I know the feeling! Just want to know something... I have this theory, what is tour IQ... Or what were your grades in school? I believe that most of us that experience pre-cog... Or predictive dreams are using more than the 10% of our brains unlocked by the average person! Think of how atheletes are able to do extraordinary things, that we "normal" people can't do! I too experience predictive dreams, but there is no timeline, only a feeling of deja-vu.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-21)
lady-glow - thank you for the compliment 😊 I guess I could have been more specific and said my journal isn't handwritten πŸ˜‰ Lord, I'd never be able to read what I'd written LOL I type everything and not only is it kept on my computer, but I also keep a backup on a memory stick.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-21)
LittleWriter: welcome to YGS.

It is hard to add anything of value to the good advice given by Miracles.

I know how it feels to have prophetic dreams, I have had them for as long as I remember, though they spiked by my teen years and became less frequent as I got older. 😒
My worst predicting dreams were for the boxing day tsunami in 2004, and the one for the earthquake in Haiti in 2013. -It was terrible to wake up feeling the need to run for my life!

It's a good idea to record your dreams in a journal or, even better, in a memory stick, -this would take less space in your house! -and then compare which ones become true and the time it took for them to happen.

Good luck and thanks for sharing your story with us.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-06-21)
LittleWriter - ah, something I am very familiar with 😊 Prophetic dreams... Some of them can be very frightening, can't they? I remember one I had that woke me sobbing 😭

The best advice I can give you is, if you don't already, keep a journal/diary. By now you should be able to tell the difference between a regular dream and one that is prophetic. Even if it's just a word or two, or a "vision", record it.

Mine don't seem to have a timeline anymore. When they started out, it was 1 day or 7 days when they happened. Now it can be a year or longer before the event occurs. But it does.

I can't answer why, though, because I don't know. All I do know is if you allow your emotions to get out of control, like doubt, fear, and what other people think, this may influence you. Instead of trusting what you dream, you could start to doubt yourself. Been there, done that several times. Don't do that. It sucks. Believe in yourself and your gift. You were given this ability for a reason. Maybe you'll never know exactly why. Maybe you don't need to know why. Just accept the fact that you have it.

One thing I learned, and it was hard, just because people love you doesn't mean they can accept this. Learn who you can trust with this part of you before you share it them. Even family may have a hard time accepting this part of your life 😐

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