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The 'don't Wash' Ghost


The events of what I consider to be my only real experience with what I could only describe as 'supernatural' took place in my parents home (and mine at the time), one Saturday afternoon during the summer of 2010.

My girlfriend and I had been out shopping that morning and had arrived back at my parents house with our purchases. During our shopping outing we had stopped by the local Value Village (VV) (a well-known thrift store in the US and Canada). I like going to VV to check-out their selection of books (mostly fiction) while my girlfriend likes searching for clothing to wear to the office.

It just so happens that on that particular trip to VV, my girlfriend really hit the jackpot with her clothing search. She found at least 7 or 8 different articles of clothing that she really liked and purchased them all. When we arrived home, she immediately went to the laundry room to put these clothes into the wash (as she normally does with the clothes she buys from VV). However, when she went to put the clothes into our top-loading washing machine, she found that there was already a load of clothing inside, soaking in water and detergent. For whatever reason, my mom put her clothes in the wash and left them there without running through the cycle. My mom was at work at this time so my girlfriend said that she'd just wait until she got home to ask her if it would be ok to cycle through her laundry. So she proceeded to take all the clothes she just bought and place them inside a laundry basket. She left the basket on the washing machine.

I told my girlfriend that I was going to do a bit of work on the computer (photo retouching) in my study (a medium-sized room on the main level of the house that I used as my workspace which housed my computer and desk, 2 large bookshelves, guitars and other random objects) and she said that she was going to go upstairs to lay down in bed and do a crossword puzzle.

This is where it gets weird. So I'm sitting at my computer desk in the small study room, retouching photos. The way the room is laid out, my desk faces a window to the outer, side-wall of the house. The doorway to the room is approximately 10 feet directly behind me as I'm sitting at my desk facing the computer (I know, bad Feng Shui) and the door is wide open.

Anyway, it was around 2pm on this beautiful mid-summer's day, the house was dead quiet (all the windows were shut. We had the A/C on but it's very quiet) and all of a sudden I hear a strange, distant sound coming from the hallway. It was such an alien sound that I immediately tensed up and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I think I sensed something was wrong immediately because I had never heard anything like this sound, let alone hearing anything like it in the house.

It's really hard to describe what I had heard, but it was like a pinging, tinny, metallic sound mixed with weird metallic static. It started out really faint but quickly swelled to the level of a slightly amplified human voice. And it did indeed have a voice: that which I can only describe as the voice of woman (maybe in her 60's-70's if I were to wager a guess) with a really thick eastern European accent (to me she sounded Polish or maybe Czech). She spoke two words that resonated in a metallic, microphone-y kind of way. It almost sounded like she was speaking in a large room that was made entirely out of some type of thin, resonant metal. From hallway just outside the door to the study, in my direction, this disembodied voice said, very clearly, "DOOON'T WASSSSH!" I kid you not. It seems kind of funny in hindsight, but I tell you, it wasn't at the time. I basically froze in place, facing the computer in front of me and said to myself "W...T...F was that!?" I refused to turn around for at least 30 seconds after the sounds receded into silence.

I refused to turn around for at least 20-30 seconds after the sounds receded into silence. I finally worked up the courage to turn around investigate. I kept silently asking myself, "Wtf was that?" I checked the front door to see if anyone walked into the house, nope, the door was locked. I checked the back and side doors, nope, locked as well. I checked all the rooms on the main floor and found nothing. I even went outside and walked around the perimeter of the house but found nothing.

So I figured I'd go upstairs and ask my girlfriend if she heard anything weird and as soon as I opened the door to the guest bedroom to ask her, before I said a single word, she looked right at me as she sat on the bed and said, "Yeah, I heard it too, what the F^%# was that?!?!" On the one, hand I was relieved that she heard it too (just in case I might be going crazy and hearing voices lol) but on the other I was pretty freaked-out. We immediately connected the voice and it's message with the clothing she bought at VV.

So after rechecking every room in the house for intruders, we went through the clothes in the laundry basket to find the culprit. We weren't sure of what we were looking for but we did find one item, an nicely-made, off-white blouse with a strong scent of what I like to describe as 'old lady' perfume that my girlfriend swears she didn't smell before when she was trying on the clothes at VV. So, needless to say, my girlfriend eventually took back that blouse (without washing it.) Whether or not that ghostly, disembodied voice was linked to the blouse, I'll never know. But I can say that, so far, I haven't experienced anything like that in my parents house or anywhere else.

The memory of that incident still sticks with me and leaves me confused about the nature of the afterlife. If that was a "ghost" in the classic sense of the word, is that what happens after we die? We just float around making sure nobody wrecks our stuff? Seems pretty pointless to me. I would love to hear some theories as to why she didn't want her clothing washed if anyone has any insight.

Thanks for listening.

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oraclemache (2 stories) (11 posts)
5 years ago (2019-04-21)
Good story.
The metallic sound. Yes that's unnerving isn't it?
A couple thoughts on your experience comes to mind.
You said you were in your parents home? Did they live in a house, condo, duplex, apartment etc?
The reason I ask is maybe you heard a neighbor through the vents or something?
I doubt it though so I will say this much. I have had my heart stop and had an out of body experience. One thing I recall is how everything had a hallow metallic echo type sound to it. Much like your description of the voice. From that experience I have to say I do not share the opinion that after we die, we concern ourselves with the care of our cloths and follow it around.
In that place between here and there this isn't of any concern. All is known. No questions remain.
So what are ghosts then? Some are only recordings of the past. Not intelligent thinking beings, but their image of voice played over and over.
In this case I am leaning toward intelligent tho since what she said applied to the events currently going on.
Which I do think on occasion part of the essence of a certain part of their personality can imprint from strong emotion. It is confused and sometimes a twisted version of who they were. That's my theory based off of my own experience.
mon_cherie (2 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-12)
Random question, but do you remember what your g.f. Paid for the blouse? It could be that the 'lady' was just lookin out for your girlfriend (like someone else stated) and didn't want her to take a loss. If the blouse was the usual cheap thrift store find, maybe it just held sentimental value. Why she'd watch over it from beyond is pretty weird though. Maybe she was the victim of a crime that lead to her death & the blouse had unseen evidence! (Okay, maybe that's reaching just a little lol)

But I was also wondering... If you froze at the sound & were facing the computer, how can you be sure the voice was in fact disembodied? Maybe you missed out on a full-blown apparition bro!
mon_cherie (2 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-12)
lol at your username. I had to create an acct on this site (though I read the stories often) just to tell you that. It made me laugh even moreso bc I had my taser sitting next to me after hearing noises in the house. "Don't tase me bro". Lol
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-11)
Hahaha I'm only going to echo the other comments: 1) Your username is awesome. 2) I bet she just didn't want your girlfriend to ruin the shirt. 3) I can imagine the voice almost perfectly, I think. Well described!

I own a TON of second-hand items from Value Village, Goodwill, Salvation Army, yardsales, the church my father used to pastor at, etc. Honestly, I think over half my clothes are secondhand. I have a huge old mirror, at least a dozen sets of China, a bunch of silver spoons (I have a thing for silver spoons - keep one in my purse to keep faeries away). Jewelry. Old candle holders. Dozens of mismatched buttons. Placeholders. Chairs... Meep, I am a hoarder.

One of my favorite finds was a handmade glass necklace which reads "J'taim". Yes, without an e on the end. It makes me smile.

How come I've never been so fortunate or unfortunate to run into any ghosties? You guys have all the fun! 😉
Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-10)
Miracles51031- I am the same way, very picky about antiques etc.
Dontwashmebro- Very good story I agree with the blouse being of delicate fabric dry clean only lol. Your girlfriend did the right thing by taking the blouse back!
mayamie (12 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-08)
Wow, great article. Reads like a short story from the Twilight Zone. Perhaps you could change it up a bit to fit into science fiction.

There is a free contest for sci-fi (under a 1000 words) that I found on the internet and you're a good writer, at least to me anyway. It is due by the 15 of January. Here is the link:

TinAA (1 stories) (84 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-08)
Hi Dontwashmebro... Your story was entertaining than scary. I enjoyed reading it.
Yes its true that dead person's soul never leaves his belongings. It follows us along with its belonging. So that is why its said that never pick or carry anything without knowing the history of it. I have come across many stories like this one. Nice that you instantly got the reason behind it, but did you get rid of that blouse? Or its with your girlfriend still?
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-08)
hi, Dontwashmebro... Your story is unique and creepy... This is the reason in our culture we don't use things of dead or unknown person specially clothes... I just want to ask what you did with that blouse?

Thanks for sharing it was amaze to read this.
4d (15 stories) (167 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Thank you for sharing your experience, dwmb!

Very interesting, and unique story... Awesome!
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
TheCrone, yeah, adds a whole new demention to passing doesn't it!? We could hang out in crouded thrift stores with other spirits recaping passed concerts. Fell over laughing over your comment.
TheCrone (4 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
New plan:

When I die I'm going to hang around and keep an eye on my stuff. If I catch anyone trying to wash my dryclean only stuff, they are in BIG trouble.😆

Actually, in all seriousness, it sounds like she was a nice woman. She wanted to prevent your girlfriend from ruining the clothes she just bought.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Dontwashmebro - I will definitely be thinking twice next time I go to the Salvation Army Thrift Store 😆 I don't buy antiques for that reason. Never considered clothing. I bought some skillets and sauce pans from there recently. Don't think anyone was too attached to them though 😉

Again, thank you for a thoroughly enjoyable read 😊
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Fave. New fave. I grew up in a northern Ohio area with lot's of older first generation women who sounded just like you described so I LMFAO absolutely. Maybe the old lady just thought "you galfrien' she don know nothin she ruin my besta blowz I wear to mass! You don' wash! Nyet! " LOL. Great story.
Dontwashmebro (1 stories) (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Hi again,

Thank you all for the comments.

Regarding the material of the blouse, I don't recall checking at the time and my girlfriend just informed me that she doesn't remember checking the tags but says that "it was a satin-type material" and that it was more of a "beige/warm-grey colour" than the off-white as I remembered it. Either way, it was probably a 'dry-clean only' material.

When I think about that incident, it still makes me laugh. It's almost ludicrous to think that ghosts are out there enforcing care-tag instructions. But if the voice was linked to the used clothing she brought back, then that would seem to be the most logical explanation.

The unearthly, metallic swell of sound that accompanied the voice was no laughing matter though. That was super-freaky and it's still burned into my memory.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
By the way I love your name dontwashmebro LOL... Had she said it in that form maybe you wouldn't have returned it. Just don't wash it bro 😆
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
WOnderfully chilly story! I enjoyed it very much. Super spooky and kept my hairs standing! I am an antique lover, but always bare in mind that something like this could happen.
BJJ has a good point, maybe she was more worried about you guys ruining it but either way I would have returned it too 😕
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Dontwashmebro- Wow, that must have been something. I can actually imagine what it sounded like by your description. Great job on that.

Imagine what the next person who got the blouse reaction would be. Assuming the lady is attached to it.

Cool stuff.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
LOL BJJ and Miracles are cracking me up today. You guys are too funny. 😆 😆 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Crap, I really have got to learn to proof my comments before submitting them 😆 Sometimes the omission of one word really changes the whole meaning LOL.

My sentence should have read, "...elderly woman didn't want the article of clothing washed, if..."

Maybe I should quit for today LOL
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
I gotta ask, after finding the blouse, did yall double check the care instructions? Some articles of clothing get trashed in a washing machine, maybe it was dry clean only?
It sounds a little kooky that a person can be that attached to a piece of clothing, but she may have worn it during a significant event. Seemingly random items can hold great sentimental value, so why not a shirt?
Interesting, and extremely unusual, experience. Thanks for sharing.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
Dontwashmebro - the only reason I can think of why the elderly woman didn't want the article of clothing, if that was what she meant, was because it was dry clean only or she only handwashed it.

Interesting experience and I want to thank you for sharing it with us 😊
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
I've never heard of this happening before and this intrigues me. It's hard to say, they can be attached to places, people, so why not a piece of clothing? If an item still has its energy from the previous owner it could have happened. Maybe she just didn't want your girlfriend to ruin the blouse! Lol

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